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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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another thought: maybe JYP is staying silent on this cuz he wants to see the fans reactions without any of his official statements interfering. he wants to see how the fans really feel about 2pm.

wasn't it the fans who decided at the end of hot blood who got to debut?

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Guest vi3tsweets
*sigh* I felt like crying yesterday before I went to sleep, I don't know if I can keep supporting 2pm when they're not "whole"

Sorry for cutting you short there. I'm sure Jay would still want us to keep supporting 2PM even when he's not there. What those boys need to know right now is that we will still continue to support them even if Jay has left. Afterall, we are 2PM's fans right? Continue supporting them no matter what happens right? I really don't wanna see them fall deeper with less support of fans. That would just tear me apart T.T

I hope Jay is getting some well deserved rest right now. Come back soon please... TT______TT

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Guest sweet-sugar
Hey, it's from a letter from Jay's high school friend in Korea.


" All those efforts he put were shattered in the blink of an eye. "

omg. just after reading that...

my tears are on the edge of my eyes

"He said how could he when so many people hate him this much... "

but does he knows there's many more people that LOVE him then hate him TT.TT

and just knowing about removing the post-it at the JYP office just shatter my heart, I hope the khottest won't give up and keep posting it....

I'm waiting for JYP himself to speak, the better, the worst, the future of the rest of the boys.

I just hope whatever the decision is going to made, all 7 of them is comfortable with it.

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This might have been neglected a few pages back but some of these events that everyone's been organising is not going to do much help at all.

1. Sticking post-its on JYPE building.

Of course they will remove it. Have fans thought of the litter that would be created when there's wind, etc.

It is inconvenient to the staff, to the passerbys and of course, the cleaners.

The time that could be used to work on 2PM, on Jay's issue has ended up removing post-its from the building.

The event has gained some publicity (of course) but repeatedly? I don't know if it'll do any good.

2. Mass twittering

How many times are we going to flood JYP's twitter?

Look, he has his fair share of worry for this issue as well.

For now, he's probably not checking his twitter, would you? If you knew of someone who will massive tweet you?

3. Petitions

Again and again, many have voiced out opinions that petitions most probably will not help. But sure, we can all do that to let JYPE know our intentions. But please word your petitions properly. We do not want to end up being nasty hottest who just want Jay back irregardless of what he truly feels and want.

What I'm trying to say is that let's wait.

Wait for JYPE to release an official statement.

Wait for Jay to say something.

Wait for 2PM to say something.



Many fans on forums are not saying that 2PM is not the same without Jay. I don't deny it, of course it will be different. But the rest of the 6 members are still 2PM. Will Jay be happy to know that 2PM is not receiving any more love and support because of him? Jay would be shattered to know that his mistake years ago has lead to the downhill of 2PM. Please remember that Jay left 2PM because he wants them to continue their dreams, he wants them to move forward and not be left behind. In an ever-changing Korean music industry, for 2PM to take a break and most probably delay their full album release, it is a stab at their popularity and a very costly one. If fans decide that without Jay, they will not support 2PM anymore, they should not call themselves Hottest. Hottest should support 2PM no matter what their decision is, we should support all of them. Should this unfortunate incident happen to another member, does this mean all the Jay fans will stay but the other unfortunate member's fans will stop to support?

/end of rant. sorry.

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Guest Do0mAid

Speaking of Twitter, Jaebum isn't just a trending topic of the minute but of the DAY now! Wow, it's NOT easy to get on that list haha! We <3 Park Jaebum!


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Guest jessicakth

Sorry for cut your post. You have many good points that i have to agree. THanks for posting them

#1. Please do not use the word "vacation" in the context of Jaebum's arrival back to the US.

Jaebum is NOT on vacation. He isn't there to rest and have a joyous time.

Sure he's with his family and friends whom he haven't seen since a month ago but considering the reason WHY Jaebum left- I don't think the word "vacation" is appropriate at all. Please use "break" "hiatus" etc.

.... "vacation" word is not exactly right. I agree... Like you said, he isn't going back for enjoying a joyous time :(( He's leaving in hurt n stress :((

#4. JYP has NOT released an official statement about Jaebum's status & the status of 2PM as a group.

Until JYP releases a official statement HIMSELF (most likely Twitter tbh) please do not assume that PARK JAEBUM has called QUITS. Jaebum DID say he left 2PM, but I believe that it might be a leave of absence for the time being.

as for their album, I do not know what the outcome will be. Please pray for our 2PM boys <3

#5. As much as we all miss Jay, we need to think about the other boys (ONEDAY+2PM+MANAGERS+JYP)

It may hurt for us fans and other non fans but please be considerate of the other 2PM/ONEDAY boys & their managers & JYP.

Yes we want Jay back. Yes we don't want Jay to leave 2PM

but arent the guys saying the same thing too?

2PM's hyung, their oldest more valuable leader has made the decision to leave.

ONEDAY not only lost a friend, they lost a brother, a best friend and a classmate.

The managers just let go of one of their friend's, roommate, partner etc.

#6. So what is JYP and JYPE doing now?

Noticing that there isnt a official JYP statement out yet, I believe they are staying on the DL when all this is over. That doesn't mean JYP & JYPE don't care about Jay & 2PM.

that means they are trying to figure out WHAT TO DO.. WHAT WILL BE BEST FOR BOTH FANS AND THE BOYS.

They aren't superhumans. they're regular people just like you and me who get hurt and angered and feels ashamed etc.

give them time to sort things out. With Jay leaving, its already complicated as it is.

#7. People on Twitter keep tweeting to JYP to make him bring Jay back.

but honestly, what can JYP do? It was Jay's decision.

As a artist, a CEO, a teacher, a brother and a friend, JYP is also probably hurt by all this.

Please don't bug JYP and beg him. Give the man some room to deal with this too.

Jay is not the only problem here. 2PM. ONEDAY. they're all in this together.

Please be considerate of all JYP's done for us. He wants us fans to be happy and he'll make the announcement when the time is right.

So Instead of tweeting "HELP BRING JAY BACK" etc.

Please tweet to him something like .. "Thank you JYP for all you've done. We'll continue to look after ONEDAY for the JYP family <3"

JYP is a intelligent man. He knows what he's doing.

For us to doubt his intentions or take his word the wrong way- that just isn't being an appreciative fan.

He won't release Jay just like that, Jay has too much potential for him to let go.

What we're doing isn't going to encourage him positively.

Please if worst comes to worst, don't blame JYP, his company or the netizens.

This is mostly about Jay's future, and Jay should be the one to make that decision.

Please respect everyone's wishes regardless if they are heartless, selfish, etc.

Totally agree. I still have faith in JYP. He's not a CEO to the boys. He's teacher/father/brother to the boys. He also hurt a lot through this time for letting his "son" leave in hurt n criticizing like that. Like i said before, at this situation, a CEO would say: "Yeah, we feel like Jay didn't do well his job as a Leader, and gave 2pm a bad image so we decided to band him!!!" But JYP still keeps quiet, he hasn't say anything.... He's just trying to solve this problem. Until the right time, he will give an official statement. He IS A SMART MAN and HE LOVES 2PM BOYS LIKE HIS SONS, so he won't let them go like a waste like that.... I would tweet JYP, saying THANKS to him and support him to solve this problems with netizens and also with "ppl" in the industry who are using this chance to take 2PM and JYPE down

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after reading the letter from the staff of WB i feel like crying abit.. jay is always the one lifting the mood of the team, remember..in one episode the pd of WB n in an interview they realized the team will be quiet if jay is not around..cause he's always the one fooling around with the members...ITS SO SAD!!

i wonder if someone could print out all the comment here in soompi n show it to PJY...

i remember watching infinity challenge when jay was eliminated junho look like a lost kid...junho said"hyung what am i going to do without you, it's you so i could survive till this level"

i really hope he come back to 2pm~~without him there's no 2pm...

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hey you guys. this is Muriel [i go by another username entermuriel] sorry moderator, but i just wanted to share good news, i promise i'll never spam again and go against the rules, i got excited, i learned my lesson D:

today's post-its trial was a success!

here are some pictures

this is how it ended up looking ^^

the real thing is happening this Saturday starting from 2PM.

for more information just follow this link -> http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=128815029412

oh and just so you know this is the actual JYP building

you can see JYP all the way up there... lol

some employees from JYP came out and took pictures of what we did.

the two employees are the one in red [which i think it's a photographer for JYP] and the girl that's covered by the same guy.

after they took pictures, they came to us and started asking us questions.

firsts we weren't sure if we'd say we actually did it, but they said we wouldn't get in trouble.

so then they started asking us some questions. like, how be feel about this? what are our opinions? etc etc.

then they filmed us as well. lol. they were really nice and thanked us for supporting Jay.

we asked them how was Jay doing, and the girl employee told us he was well and doing fine.

then they went back in, they didn't try to stop us or anything, so we kept adding more post-its

like i said, this was a trial in NYC, the real thing will happen this Saturday. is a "walk by" event.

for more information follow this link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=128815029412

if you're not from NYC, you can send msgs to the moderators and we can write them for you guys.

but before you send the message, please read the description. thank you.

Thats an awesome idea. Im glad u shared the pics. I was getting tired of reading bad news over and over the last few days. G'luck to all over there. Wish I could join. Its not something pointless, it will make a difference to some. Would love to be in NYC now as well :D

Jae+2pm FTW !!!!!!

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Guest Gr4c13KiM1214

Hey, it's from a letter from Jay's high school friend in Korea.


Oh my gosh i literally started crying like an idiot when i read that... especially the part when he said jay told him

"how can i when so many people hate me?" gosh that is so not true.... Leader Jae needs to stay strong because he has way more fans than antis 2pm is 7 forever and always

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im pretty new to 2pm, but my heart still hurts a little bit

i agree with simpledays...not only jae, but all the boys worked so hard to get to where they are today...i don't think jae would want hottest to give up on 2pm if jype decides for them to continue. jae has been punished enough...don't punish the rest of the group..

whatever the final outcome may be, i wish them all the best <3

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Guest lilangel966

another thought: maybe JYP is staying silent on this cuz he wants to see the fans reactions without any of his official statements interfering. he wants to see how the fans really feel about 2pm.

wasn't it the fans who decided at the end of hot blood who got to debut?

i agree. i have had this thought as well. i am wondering if the reason for jyp's silence after everything that has happened this weekend, or over the last 36 hours, is to see what the reaction would be. everyone was able to see the immediate reaction of all the antis and everything after the initial 'incident' happened, but it was harder to see the fans' support because negative news always gets more press. now that that dust has somewhat settled and jay's departure happened, people are finally seeing all the love and support that jay still has (which is still growing too). maybe this was what he was waiting for....to see if people were supporting jay's leave or if we would be begging for him to stay/come back, etc. i am hoping this is so. because, as many of you wrote, jyp loves these boys like his very own. 2pm is his protege, he handpicked jay, and jay has always been called his pearl and jewel. i cannot imagine that he would turn against someone he loved so dearly, especially since he knows jay's character better than anyone. and like everyone said, he is a businessman, and i think this would be a very wise strategic move.

let's pray this is so and jyp can see i-hottests', k-hottests', other fanclubs', jay supporters', 2PM supporters', etc. efforts. and let's hope jay feels the love too.

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not sure if this was posted. i'm sorry if it has been


It has become aware that JYP’s stance on the Jae Bum situation that was announced through ALLKPOP.com was incorrect.

Newsen reported that on September 7th ALLKPOP.com cited JYP as disclosing that 2PM would be stopping all television and musical promotions and be putting in all their effort into recording and practicing the dances for their new album.

But after confirming with JYP, it has been discovered that none of this was true.

Jung Wook, a spokesperson for JYP stated, "Allkpop’s article was based on Jae Bum’s apology letter and JYP’s twitter. We are going to ask that they retract their statements. We have not made any decisions on the course of action that will be taken for Jae Bum."

jookeullae @ Wordpress | Original source: Daum | article they're talking about on allkpop: here

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i saw this on a fan's comment on 2pm's youtube page, and had it stuck in my head all day:

I will be thinking of Only You, Again & Again, because you are my 10/10 Angel, and I know someday You Might Come Back.

amen. jay park we're rooting for you :)

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not sure if this was posted. i'm sorry if it has been


It has become aware that JYP’s stance on the Jae Bum situation that was announced through ALLKPOP.com was incorrect.

Newsen reported that on September 7th ALLKPOP.com cited JYP as disclosing that 2PM would be stopping all television and musical promotions and be putting in all their effort into recording and practicing the dances for their new album.

But after confirming with JYP, it has been discovered that none of this was true.

Jung Wook, a spokesperson for JYP stated, "Allkpop’s article was based on Jae Bum’s apology letter and JYP’s twitter. We are going to ask that they retract their statements. We have not made any decisions on the course of action that will be taken for Jae Bum."

jookeullae @ Wordpress | Original source: Daum | article they're talking about on allkpop: here

wait what does this means...2pm is still doing their activities..are their album is

still coming out next oct..now I'm confused..I never trusted akp with their

info..also false news to me <_< <_<

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I'm not a crazy fan of 2PM, but to hear what has happened to Jaebum is pretty shocking. Perhaps he didn't make the best decision in writing such things on blog sites, but what has come out as a consequence is way too harsh. Hope he can stand up and come back into the kpop scene with confidence.

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Guest iyeiluj

i want to sa something too...

I know how many people are hurting now, but i really think it'll be a good idea to move on. what doesnt kill you, will make you stronger and we can only hope that for Jay and 2PM.

I think it's smart of JYP to not say anything at the moment, because i feel he'd be talking through his emotional state, not quite having it thought through.

I also dont think it'd be smart to "hate" on anyone, because it makes you look as bad as them.

I also agree with that while 2PM will not be the same without Jay, Jay would want us to continue to support 2PM..

진짜 짠 하다.

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yep agree! i know jae would like us to support the 6 (gahh! i hate that number!!) remaining 2pm boys.

but i don't want them to have "2pm" as a group name.. cause "2pm" is meaningless w/o jaebeom or any 2pm members.

yep just read the allkpop article.

i never really like how they put "fallen leader park jaebeom"

"ex-member" blah blah blah...

right now.. i'm really anticipating jyp's statement.

please settle this..

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HOTTESTS,LET'S BRING LEADER BACK.Based on the latest news,it seems that he is truly heartbroken and truly felt like many have started abandoning him.Let's not let those 4 years go to waste.

HOTTESTS MUST DO 1)-MASSIVE TWEET PROJECT( tweet @followjyp & #jaebum)-Advertise it

2)The news of the apology made by that netizen is not very known to the public yet,let's try our best to make it Jay finds out about this.Through facebook,twitter,petition,blog comments etc.

3)Download the petition as you can able to put in our sincere thoughts.Again,let's try our best to advertise it.

4)Listen to you might come back-2pm,try to post up messages on his fancafe or something.

At times like this,we give our full spuport to Jay.But through his friends comments it seems his leave was DEF NOT the chocie he wanted.


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can we have a separate post for this situation or something? is that possible? just wonderring...:D

oh and does anyone know if there is any final interview with jay? cause so far all hes done is post stuff on the internet...has he actually said stuff? just wondering....thanks~~

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Guest stalkingfraud

I love everyones support here. I'm glad all you Hottest are getting better! Don't lose hope or don't stop supporting.

And guys, I know how much you guys are wanting Jay back... I'm pretty sure Jay KNOWS how sad and heartbroken we are. But it seems like no matter what we do, he won't come back but will only know how much we care about him.

I'm sure one day, he'll come back happier and fulfill his dream.

Righ now Jay needs some space and his own time. People that are trying to bring him back, it's just going to give him a harder time even though we're letting him know he can't leave.

We also need to think of the other 6 members that are as hurt as we are. I'm sure they want him back but it seems like they can't do anything about it.

The thing that'll make Jay better is for us to follow and support what he wants right now.

I love everyone's support though.

Hottest, hwaiting!

2PM, hwaiting!

Jay, hwaiting!

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