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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest SjRyeoWookSj

Honestly, if Jay was a girl, he would not have faced such harsh criticisms because Asian society historically tends to criticize males more harshly. Unfortunately, this time, they seem to have gone a bit too far. -.-

As for the alleged girl who contributed to this debacle and is asking for forgiveness, she probably has some teenage issues that she needs to face herself. Raging hormones = rash decisions for both guys and girls. She probably had no intent to cause harm to Jay in this manner, but regardless it did. It is important, however, not to attack her. In the same manner, netizens should not have attacked Jay over a rash decision. Everyone makes rash decisions. Everyone makes mistakes. It's called life.

Jay Fighting! 2PM Fighting! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

I would have to disagree with your comment. Girls get more criticism. Male idols are forgiven more easily than girls. Korea is very conservative and patriarchal society. It is definitely harder for women singers as they get criticism for doing nothing at all. Also, I don't think this is really relevant to what's happened with Jay.

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Guest riastasis

I'm glad to hear he's back home safely. I wish I had some way to send him gifts, but I don't, so I'll just use God as a courier. All my prayers tonight will be for him and his family.

I sincerely hope JYP makes an official statement about this, and that netizens (not just Korean ones, but us too) rethink things before we hit "Send", "Submit", or "Post". Let's get the Sunfull Movement going strong, in Jay's honor.

Jay Park FTW.

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Guest GDbreaker97

Jaebeom, we give you all our love from here in Indiana. I support you no matter what (hwaiting!). Dont take what all those people say to heart, becuase remember, millions of fans love, suppot, and care about you and that means more than what the haters say. Even though you might not feel all that LOVE it's there! Your members, friends, and fans are all looking out for you every moment you might think their not. Don't lose hope or the light that draws everyone to you. Everything gets better it just takes time. Even if you never see this i send it to you with my heart, hopeing that it make you feel better even for the slightest second. Again all my love and support goes out to you, Jaebeom, the man who changes people, helps people, and who is a TRUE leader. Saranghae♥

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Guest litt0piggy

Like many users in here, I am a SONE but I like 2pm and their songs too. I was in a total depress mode when I saw the news about Jay yesterday. My prayer to God now is that Jay and JYP will come up with something good tis friday. I am devastated with Jay's leaving. Jay is a gifted singer and he does not deserve this type of future. 2PM needs him. Yes, each 2pm guys has their own charm but Jay is the one that makes 2PM stand out among other boy groups. His acrobatic skills make 2PM popularity. HIs b-boy skills is above all other male artists. I hope the JYP shareholders will change their minds because of yesterday reactions (nobody wants Jay to leave!!!) and allow Jay to be back with 2PM after his study (like how shinhwa's andy did back then).

Everyone deserve a second chance. Nobody is perfect. Jay's mistake was back in the day when he was just a little teenager boy. Everyone who has a teenager child would know that is the rebellion period of teenagers. Why are they (antis n those who against Jay) pick on mistake that a little boy made?

My hope now is for Jay to be happy again and have determination to be a singer high. I hope for him to recover soon and antis to get off his back. He can have a bright future. He deserves second chance!! Get off his back antis!!

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this is just so unreal

hello everybody I'm a long time reader and lover of 2pm I've followed them since hotblood days even before that i knew of them from the jyp traniee threads and jay was the first member that caught my interest and he was the whole reason i even watched hot blood and from there grew to love the other members.

i just don't know what to say, i just want to cry.. i'm not a person who expresses emotions easily but i really want to cry i just can't even believe this is really happening.

even as soon as the scandal surfaced i wanted to cry because I just kneww this wouldn't end well at all but i never

NEVER thought jay would actually leave i was scared it might happen but when that i guess 'fake' news came out that he wasn't leaving i was soo HAPPY but now.. i don't even know anymore.. i don't know if i can even follow kpop anymore in the kpop world my sole interest was 2pm everyday i would read up on 2pm

and i've been following this thread since day 1 and never posted and since the scandal broke i've been following and hoping everyday that it would just die down......... but no now jae is gone. I don't know what to say I don't know how to feel

I can honestly say that 2pm is the ONLY kpop group that i absolutely LOVED since the beginning they are the ONLY[/b ]group that can put such a smile on my face and make me laugh so much that my mom has to ask me if I'm ok while I'm on the computer. I've loved every single member and i can say that EVERY MEMBER is my favourite because at different times each has been my favourite member, but JAEBUM was my FIRST favourite and he turned me into a fan girl, I've never followed any kpop group as seriously as I've followed 2pm and i don't know if i even can

i will always love 2pm even as.. 6:( I don't know if they can even be 'beasts' anymore i think the boys are not gonna be able to show themselvs to us as casually as they've done in the past and for me i feel as though I can't watch a 2pm video the same way, no matter how funny the boys are I'm always gonna think of jay and think of what he would say, or what he would do.

* NOW i just saw the other messages that jay posted ALSO in 2005 THE SAME YEAR they didn't even care to look for anything else obviously he was having a hard time when he wrote the first ones...

if in the same year he can say he's proud of his race then obviously he was felling up and down like any other teenager.. but there's no point in me saying this it's been said and it didn't help. I just wish the person who posted it could have looked more or even cared to post the fact that he didn't only 'hate' Korea.

i don't know what my future with the kpop world is, 2pm was my addiction no 2PM IS MY ADDICTION.. and now it's just different.. though i will not leave the other boys behind i will follow them even if a cry when i remember jaebum is not there i will forever be a hottest, to me 2pm is 7 and only 7 even if they now preform as 6 they are 7, they are all my FAVOURITES!

Park Jaebeom, Kim Junsu, Nichkhun, Ok Taecyeon, Jang Wooyoung, Lee Junho, Hwang Chansung 2PM forever and always

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Guest EternalELF

hi, hottests

so jaebum quit 2pm? is this confirmed? i know hes returning after studying music, but hes really quitting the group?

he cant just let stupid netizens win. i dont know this guy well, i am not a hottest, but i do like him.

and for hottest, i know it must be frustrating for you. i dont know what i'd do if i were you.

be strong, and just wanted to let you guys know that

an E.L.F is crying right now, and is hoping that things will get better, and will do anything she can to support jay. i know for certain that leeteuk and eunhyuk adored him just as boom did.

lets not give up on him.

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Guest crazy4suju

hi there, i'm a silent reader on here.. but i just wanted to say that i support jay and his decisions. no matter what happens or what he does, i'll always be here as a supporter (:

its good to know that he's with his family and friends now though. he can finally get a break from this whole thing.

oh, and i would like to quote my friend's status on facebook because it really means something to me at a time like this.

Battered, Confused, even when we're beaten and about to collapse to give up, even when we know its pointless to continue we always do our best to stand back up, and if we cant our friends and family will lift us. This is truth, this is reality, this is life. Never let go of your dreams

jay park fighting!


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This coming Saturday, instead of Music Core, MBC will be broadcasting 2009 Korean Wave Festival.

The article says that this will be the last time the fans will see Jay on stage (I personally disagree, because he will come back). I know most of you guys saw the performances on youtube already, but whoever wants to still see it, the concert will be showed on Saturday (09/12/09) @ 4:10 (Korean Time).




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Guest yaekodesu

Just a letter so i dont have anything left bottled up. You may understand or you may not, i just need to let it out.

Dear Jay,

Damn, i cant believe you left just like that, but then again, understand. When you guys first debuted, honestly, you were the first person to catch my eye. Your charisma and charm you had on stage was what made me love you right from the start. I watched your perfomances on Inkigayo, Music Core, Music Bank, M-Countdown, every single one. Each performance i saw, i realized you were made to be the leader, despite what you and the other members have said that you were just the oldest.

Jay, you will always and forever be the leader of 2PM, no doubt about it. JYP says that 2PM has another member, they will never live up to you. You set the bar wayyy to high. No one will be able to have that same charisma you have, no will have the same crazyness as you, no will have the same laugh as you, no one will have the same smile as you, no will be able to have the same kindness you have. No one.

And those are what i'll miss most about you.

You are the first idol, i think, i've cared this much about. I know other groups have lost members, then replaced them, but i dont know, it just doesnt feel the same. Maybe because I've been your fan since debut or that the people that got replaced are still in Korea, and that the reason for leaving wasnt so drastic.

I hope once you get to Seattle, you are surrounded by the people that care most about you. I really hope that you still keep in contact with the other members, because they are going through this much pain/hurt as much as you are. Never forget all the fans that forgive you, support you, and love you.

I do have wishful thinking that you will come back after you have had you time in Seattle that you need. But if it doesnt, i guess I'll forever be waiting for you to come back. 2PM wont be the same without you.

For me it will always be the 7 member group; Jaebum, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho, Changsung. ♥

- Jackie.

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I've been a fan of 2pm since last winter, after seeing them on MBC's "오늘 밤만 재우줘". Yeah, I liked their song '10 points out of 10 points". But what got me to them the most is Jaebum and Taecyon. Both of these boys are Korean-American. Although I'm Korean-Canadian, I felt particularly drawn to Jaebum because like me, he's a 2nd generation Korean. On the show, when he reflected about how hard it was for him to adjust to Korea, it just made me respect him even more.

With the success of "Again and Again" and exposure on variety shows, I really really started to like Jaebum as an artist. I'm a few years older than him, and am not at that age to be obsessed with boy bands. Everytime I saw Jaebum on TV, I sometimes thought how much of a resemblence he has to my all time favourite Korean singer Yoo Seung Jun. Their body, their smile, their dance skills....For those who don't know the Yoo Seung Jun story, he literally got kicked out of Korea because he got his American citizenship and withdrew from Korea's mandatory military service. He was banned from entering into Korea. Now this and Jaebom, it's not even a similar situation (although alot of stupid netizens are comparing the two situations)...It just gets me so upset that my two favourite Korean singers cannot perform in Korea.

I don't understand these 'netizens'. Who are they and what power do they have? Also, the media isn't perfect, blowing things out of proportion and making "neitizen's comments" so publicized. Look at all the good things Korean artists do for Korea, and for a mistake, a scandal, a misunderstanding, these artists have to face backlash and critizism? You probably need thick skin to be in the industry, but I think this is especially true in Korea.

I hope he comes back! If not in Korea, hope he becomes successful in the States. He probably will!

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Guest Fueled by Ramen

I don't know if you guys have already seen it,

but a JYPE employee posted this pic up on his tumblr,

and tweeted it as well. this is the JYPE building in NYC.


credit: Moonworker @ twitter / http://moonworker.tumblr.com

it's too bad that I am not home in NYC right now,

so I couldn't take part in this but I submitted my message,

whether or not it was received, I'm not sure...

however, to all NYC hottests, you're amazing!!!!

I didn't think there would be so many post-its.

it just shows how well hottests stick together in this time.

don't give up hope. always keep the faith. FIGHTING~

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i'm been silently following this thread for a while and done some hard thinking.

this is kind of a catch22 lose-lose situation.

1. one one hand: i'm sure everybody would LOVE for jay to return. heck, if JYP sent out some message about jay returning, i'd probably run down my street screaming with joy.

2pm would be very different without jay. as a relatively new fan myself, i think it'd just be so....weird (for a lack of a better word) and not to mention painful to see the boys go on their activities. there's always going to be this feeling that "yes this is still the 2pm that i love. the same 6 members that i love. but one isn't here."

there's always going to be the sense that something's missing.

2. but on the other hand, if jay were to return, i think it'd just be so uncomfortable for him. sure, everything's eventually might settle down. things might even go back to how they were before. but in the back of his mind, he's always going to have that little twinge that tells him "a while ago these people wanted me to DIE." i doubt after this incident jay will ever feel 100% in korea again, if he ever comes back. and honestly, that's a shame.

3. on a slightly different note, all of this just happened so fast. too fast. it literally was one day the boys were celebrating their 1 year anniversary, fans were anticipating the last episode of wild bunny, there was going to be a bomb comeback in less than a month.

and the next minute...it was gone.

within 4 days black turned to white.

within 4 days jay just.....left.

i almost feel like it happened so fast it just kind of breezed over and left me dazed.

to put it completely bluntly, well, it sucks this had to happen. fate is strange. and unfair.

i don't know what to think right now.

either way, whatever the final decision is, fans are going to have to learn to accept it, whether it's the worst or the best.

"might come back" has been on repeat on my ipod for the past 2 days. it kinda gives me hope, that all 7 boys might....just might, come back to us.

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Guest Banana Peel
This coming Saturday, instead of Music Core, MBC will be broadcasting 2009 Korean Wave Festival.

The article says that this will be the last time the fans will see Jay on stage (I personally disagree, because he will come back). I know most of you guys saw the performances on youtube already, but whoever wants to still see it, the concert will be showed on Saturday (09/12/09) @ 4:10 (Korean Time).




I'm not sure if I could bear to watch the performance without bursting out crying again D:

I seriously hope JYP & Jay has a plan under this, perhaps Jay is just gone for a long term

break? Ugh, please let that be it.

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I really thought this 2PM thread would have cooled down.

But apparently its not. I haven't posted much in this thread lately cuz Ive been busying reading everyone's comments.

As much as I respect everyone's comments.

Here are some words I'd like to address to everyone.

#1. Please do not use the word "vacation" in the context of Jaebum's arrival back to the US.

Jaebum is NOT on vacation. He isn't there to rest and have a joyous time.

Sure he's with his family and friends whom he haven't seen since a month ago but considering the reason WHY Jaebum left- I don't think the word "vacation" is appropriate at all. Please use "break" "hiatus" etc.

#2. For the time being, Jaebum & the rest of 2PM are on HIATUS.

We all know that 2PM's mini album Again and Again activities have been ended for sometime & even though they are busy going on variety shows for us fans, they are still behind the scenes working hard for their first FULL album.

Jay went back to the US to collect his thoughts, emotions and reflect on this situation & his career with the guidance of his family & friends. He needs time to himself to heal emotionally and rest.

the other members - Nichkhun, Taek, Wooyoung, Chansung, Junho and Junsu have stopped appearing and all TV broadcasts and radio shows. Their future careers are also in question. It's bad enough that Jay's career has been demolished by Netizen's hurtful words...I worry for the other members. I really wish something good can come out of all this.

#3. What he does in the US will STAY in the US.

I just saw a comment about asking for a picture of Jay and his mom and brother to make sure he's arrived OK.

First of all, the whole REASON why this scandal happened was due to an INVASION OF PRIVACY. Asking for photos about his airport arrival to the US is EXACTLY like the Netizens/Antis invading Jay & his friend Yoon's myspace.

I am aware that the lot of you & K-HOTTESTs are curious to know if he had arrived safely and I respect that but please don't ask anything of this sort again. If you believe Jaebum arrived safely, then he has arrived safely.

Do not meddle with his life and his family & friends in the US. It's bad enough it got this far.

#4. JYP has NOT released an official statement about Jaebum's status & the status of 2PM as a group.

Until JYP releases a official statement HIMSELF (most likely Twitter tbh) please do not assume that PARK JAEBUM has called QUITS. Jaebum DID say he left 2PM, but I believe that it might be a leave of absence for the time being.

as for their album, I do not know what the outcome will be. Please pray for our 2PM boys <3

#5. As much as we all miss Jay, we need to think about the other boys (ONEDAY+2PM+MANAGERS+JYP)

It may hurt for us fans and other non fans but please be considerate of the other 2PM/ONEDAY boys & their managers & JYP.

Yes we want Jay back. Yes we don't want Jay to leave 2PM

but arent the guys saying the same thing too?

2PM's hyung, their oldest more valuable leader has made the decision to leave.

ONEDAY not only lost a friend, they lost a brother, a best friend and a classmate.

The managers just let go of one of their friend's, roommate, partner etc.

#6. So what is JYP and JYPE doing now?

Noticing that there isnt a official JYP statement out yet, I believe they are staying on the DL when all this is over. That doesn't mean JYP & JYPE don't care about Jay & 2PM.

that means they are trying to figure out WHAT TO DO.. WHAT WILL BE BEST FOR BOTH FANS AND THE BOYS.

They aren't superhumans. they're regular people just like you and me who get hurt and angered and feels ashamed etc.

give them time to sort things out. With Jay leaving, its already complicated as it is.

#7. People on Twitter keep tweeting to JYP to make him bring Jay back.

but honestly, what can JYP do? It was Jay's decision.

As a artist, a CEO, a teacher, a brother and a friend, JYP is also probably hurt by all this.

Please don't bug JYP and beg him. Give the man some room to deal with this too.

Jay is not the only problem here. 2PM. ONEDAY. they're all in this together.

Please be considerate of all JYP's done for us. He wants us fans to be happy and he'll make the announcement when the time is right.

So Instead of tweeting "HELP BRING JAY BACK" etc.

Please tweet to him something like .. "Thank you JYP for all you've done. We'll continue to look after ONEDAY for the JYP family <3"

JYP is a intelligent man. He knows what he's doing.

For us to doubt his intentions or take his word the wrong way- that just isn't being an appreciative fan.

He won't release Jay just like that, Jay has too much potential for him to let go.

What we're doing isn't going to encourage him positively.

Please if worst comes to worst, don't blame JYP, his company or the netizens.

This is mostly about Jay's future, and Jay should be the one to make that decision.

Please respect everyone's wishes regardless if they are heartless, selfish, etc.

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Guest glfishy24

This coming Saturday, instead of Music Core, MBC will be broadcasting 2009 Korean Wave Festival.

The article says that this will be the last time the fans will see Jay on stage (I personally disagree, because he will come back). I know most of you guys saw the performances on youtube already, but whoever wants to still see it, the concert will be showed on Saturday (09/12/09) @ 4:10 (Korean Time).




omg they're making it seem so final

it can't be!!!

this is just the last for now

kinda like their goodbye stage, you know?

but they'll be back

cause 2pm isn't 2pm without JAY

if jay isn't coming back

then they'll have to change their name because they are NOT 2pm without jay

mann i really wanna hear whats goin on with the other members :(

i wanna know how they're putting up


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Guest lilangel966
I don't know if you guys have already seen it,

but a JYPE employee posted this pic up on his tumblr,

and tweeted it as well. this is the JYPE building in NYC.


credit: Moonworker @ twitter / http://moonworker.tumblr.com

that is amazing! and the 'official' event that the girls started on facebook hasn't even taken place yet (the official post-it/banner campaign takes place this saturday at 2pm at the JYP nyc building and will be running all weekend). for all nyc-hottests, if you have a chance to pass by the JYPE building in nyc this week, please take a minute to go and stick a post-it to show your support.

also, i don't know if you guys have seen this, but 2oneday has revived the 'tweet jyp every hour' project. someone commented in their forum that the reason for 2oneday reviving this project may be due to some inside info they know. i am not sure...but i think every effort, any effort, is better than nothing at this point.


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Guest Angelic_illusions
I don't know if you guys have already seen it,

but a JYPE employee posted this pic up on his tumblr,

and tweeted it as well. this is the JYPE building in NYC.

That's not even all of it. A LOT more people are planning on coming this saturday to post more. :lol: Let's spread the love hottests! I'm thankful that JYP employee didnt take it down...or maybe he or she took it down after taking the pic :ph34r:

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at the beginn ,i think that is big conspiracy for JAY and 2PM and be good planed by someone, and now for sure this "someone" is a girl in Highschool, who is actually a Shinee Fan.

i m shocked ,totally! one side is, such a young korean girl can do this infamous thing just for her own Idolgroup.

the another side is, after that, after jay just quitted the group and go back to US, she just say that she want to recieve forgiveness from the heartbroken Hottest, what a unashamed person, this make me just have a new and very negative cognition of Südkorea. so sick and unashamed ihave never seen, perhaps this will be my big reason to become a Anti Korea. the only reason why im still here, is justi love JAY so much, i care about him, miss him, and i wonna know whatever about jay, even its so painful for me!

at the first time, iv never thought, that i can be emotional for a idol who i dont know much about him, and at the first time, i got so angry, and so hate korea,esp korea anti fans. even this "someone" is just a highschool girl, i will never forgive this unashamed person, never , no way!!! and this sick person must be also dangerous for the other people ,even in the future, cuz there is so big evil in her heart and thought.

and she should rejoice in that, some people beginn to forgive her. but if i were there, fact to face meet this girl, i really dont know, what gonna be happend, i mean, sometimes, i can be so violend and selfish for someone i truely love.

Now, i just hope JYP can see our biggest Love, and let Jay comeback with a new and nice beginn. dont be afraid of Antis, JAY ; COME BACK PLEASE; NO ONE HATE U; THERE ARE ONLY SOMEONE WITH CONSPIRACY!

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