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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest shimmeringkd

Jaebeom needs time to reflect on his thoughts and what he needs now is his family...

I am sure that he'll be back as 2PM's leader...

we just need to leave him alone for now...

without him there is no 2PM.... 7-1=0

Park Jaebeom you're the one and only leader of 2PM!!!!

no one else can replace him!

No one else can say "what time is it now....it's 2P-eM!!" lol

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Guest Do0mAid

I just want to thank all the fans of other groups that are coming here to show their support! It's appreciated, and really makes kpop feel more like a community ^_^!

My two favorite groups (DBSK and 2PM) are both having an awful time right now, but I hope everyone pulls through okay.

I hope after your break in the US, Jaebeom, you can come back to 2PM stronger than ever! We'll always be here waiting for you, to welcome you back =).

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Guest DongBangShiDae

hes definitely coming back i dont know wat to say other than that

like wat everyone is saying for DBSK incident

just keep the faith and it will be fine :)

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Guest omgitsstephie

I wanted to tell myself that it was all just a dream, a nightmare to be more exact, but I have come to face reality. Jay has left Korea and is now currently back home with his family. I was just speechless, I didn't want to accept the fact that he had left 2pm. I cried non stop about this, I guess I'm one of those who had found out later about this issue. I was just lost, it was too much to take in I guess. *smiles bitterly*

But you know what, as a Hottest no matter what happens I will always support 2pm. I think we should take this chance to get stronger, calm ourselves down, and bring it all together. We are Hottest, we have to stay strong for our boys, who are currently down in the dumps. So we have to cheer them up, show them that no matter if they are in America or Korea we will be by their side to support and love them.

2PM + HOTTEST is ONE! ♥ No more, no less, its 7 and us.

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Here's something I found on the reactions of other members. (don't know if it's trustworthy but most likely cuz I found it on their official fancafe)

Taken with credits.

Though it may have been at other schools too, our schol was all about Jaebum's situation today.

One of our school's friend is a SaSaeng Fan(don't know what that is). I think of myself more likely as a SaSaeng Fan too and they said this is really realiable and trustworthy.

After JaeBum's departure of the group.

NichKhun said he wants to go back to Thailand if this is how Korean people are going to treat them. He seemed really mad.

ChanSung was crying a lot the whole time ... he seems strong but Chansung ... he's the maknae .. Chansung cried so much that Wooyoung comforted him ... Wooyoung oppa ... he was really worried too. He was comfoting Chansung but how hard would it be for him too? It seems like he couldn't cry even though he wanted too even though he comforted other members.

Taecyeon oppa was said to be in a crazy mode .... It wasn't to the point of chaos and ruckus though ... I couldn't hear about Junsu and Junho oppa ... But it seems pretty obvious that they would be feeling like this ..

credits to daum. + icecube.(Ariel)

we, the hottest mad like crazy of course the members who live together; they will get mad and sad.

it's a big lie if one of then didn't shed a tears when jay were leavin yesterday.

it's must be hard for them to accept it.

i know jaebum will comeback when he's fine, he's our leader right?

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Guest PaxRomana

I'm not going to say I'm one of those people who doesn't cry. I do, but usually only when I'm extremely stressed, angry, or touched. I have been on the verge of tears every single time I've thought of this today. Just a day or two ago, I was saddened that activities were postponed for the group, but heartened that support was strong and there was strong potential for a period of "downtime" and then an eventual comeback once the fervor died down. Today, I'm devastated.

AS HUMANS, WE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DESTROY ANOTHER HUMAN ON THE BASIS OF THEIR HUMANITY. I cannot believe that this has gone this far; I love and support 2PM with every fiber of my being, now and always, and stand by Jay Park as leader. I do believe that there is still hope. We just need to be stronger and more united than ever, and learn from the past to make sure nothing like this can happen again.

Needless to say, I am incredibly encouraged already by the response from not only fellow Hottests, but non-2pm KPop fans as well. If we stand united and strong, we can truly make Jay's stay in Seattle nothing more than a much-needed vacation. And even if, for whatever reason, we do ultimately fail, I believe it is our duty to continue to support 2pm even more passionately than before, while always keeping Jay in our memories and thoughts and supporting whatever else he may choose to do, because God only knows how heartbreaking this must have been to the rest of the boys as well.

2pm, Hottest, FIGHTING!

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Guest Angelic_illusions
Here's something I found on the reactions of other members. (don't know if it's trustworthy but most likely cuz I found it on their official fancafe)

After JaeBum's departure of the group.

NichKhun said he wants to go back to Thailand if this is how Korean people are going to treat them. He seemed really mad.

ChanSung was crying a lot the whole time ... he seems strong but Chansung ... he's the maknae .. Chansung cried so much that Wooyoung comforted him ... Wooyoung oppa ... he was really worried too. He was comfoting Chansung but how hard would it be for him too? It seems like he couldn't cry even though he wanted too even though he comforted other members.

Taecyeon oppa was said to be in a crazy mode .... It wasn't to the point of chaos and ruckus though ... I couldn't hear about Junsu and Junho oppa ... But it seems pretty obvious that they would be feeling like this ..

credits to daum. + icecube.(Ariel)

Sorry for cutting your post.

I was hoping something like this would happen. Yes, HOPING. If this is real then yes i really think Nichkhun should leave to teach these people a lesson. They're all madly in love with khun and if their pretty boy leaves then HA! is all i can say. That's what you get for being ignorant. Besides khun is already a star in thailand. If he has no group in Korea what does he need Korea for? I also hope Taec goes back to america. Taec is a smart guy he can survive outside of the music world. I'm hoping all these boys leave for now to teach these people a lesson. They need to learn that their actions can ruin the lives of people.

Oh beastly taec...i can just imagine you punching walls. :(

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Guest мιℓкнee

I didn't think I would cry about this because I don't follow 2pm too much, ( even though I do enjoy their music. ) but when I saw the video of Jay at the airport leaving for Seattle and 2pm fans crying, screaming, and begging for him not too go, I couldn't help but tear up. I feel truly heartbroken for Hottests' and as ELF, I support you! I know that if something like this were to happen to one of my boys, I'd be devastated and would want the support of others.

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Guest JenJenn
I refuse to believe Jay is officially not apart of 2pm until there's a direct statement from JYP.

Hopefully him leaving korea is just temporary. I mean they did say he was going to go reflect on his thoughts and all that for a while in America and Jay did say he was going to go back to korea.

I feel the same way..

Jay leaving the group seems all too sudden .

Because, 2PM is in the middle of working on an album, would JYP let Jay just get up and leave in the middle of it?

+ What about his contract? >_>

I really hope it's just a vacation and then he'll come back in a month or so ):

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Guest lane013

I haven't felt for a celebrity since heath ledger's death. i truly feel sad about this but honestly i totally understand him.

He's probably stressed, embarrassed/shamed for actually having said that although it was years ago, and plus all the negativity? ANd then feeling like you've somewhat damaged the group?

If i was him, like he said, i probably wouldn't be able to meet everyone back on stage.

BUT, i'm pretty sure that he'll return so thinking about that makes me feel better. I'm going to become the biggest jay fan when he returns! :)

I'm still going to support 2pm. It's probably so hectic over at jyp headquarters. I wish i could be there and eavesdrop on the conversations. hehe :)

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Guest lilangel966
Here's something I found on the reactions of other members. (don't know if it's trustworthy but most likely cuz I found it on their official fancafe)

Taken with credits.

Though it may have been at other schools too, our schol was all about Jaebum's situation today.

One of our school's friend is a SaSaeng Fan(don't know what that is). I think of myself more likely as a SaSaeng Fan too and they said this is really realiable and trustworthy.

After JaeBum's departure of the group.

NichKhun said he wants to go back to Thailand if this is how Korean people are going to treat them. He seemed really mad.

ChanSung was crying a lot the whole time ... he seems strong but Chansung ... he's the maknae .. Chansung cried so much that Wooyoung comforted him ... Wooyoung oppa ... he was really worried too. He was comfoting Chansung but how hard would it be for him too? It seems like he couldn't cry even though he wanted too even though he comforted other members.

Taecyeon oppa was said to be in a crazy mode .... It wasn't to the point of chaos and ruckus though ... I couldn't hear about Junsu and Junho oppa ... But it seems pretty obvious that they would be feeling like this ..

credits to daum. + icecube.(Ariel)

i also don't know how trustworthy this information is, as we have been given many random news over the last couple of days (especially the last 24 hours). however, i do believe this account because i cannot imagine that the boys would not be feeling this way. they were not just bandmates, they were brothers, family. and they all really did look up to jay and count on jay for one thing or another. from variety shows, wild bunny, idol army, etc. you could see that jay had a special bond with each and every one of his 2PM boys.

i am not surprised that nickhun would feel that way, as he is also a foreigner and outsider. taec and jay always had a special bond going (maybe because they both spoke english and had lived in the US). and wooyoung and chansung, they're young and really looked up to their hyung. jay was always taking care of every one of them.

i have read many fan comments over the last couple of pages about needing to stay strong and continue to support 2PM. to be honest, i also would love to continue supporting the other boys, as i love them just as much. but think of it another way, how will the boys feel, going on stage next time, without jay? how will they feel if they had to accept another person as their leader? even if jyp decides to keep them as 6 and choose another leader among them, which one of them is honestly going to feel comfortable stepping in jay's shoes? based on their tight knit relationship, i can imagine that most of the boys might not even want to carry forward without jay. i'm sure they would still want to pursue their music careers, but they may not want to continue doing so as 2PM. it may be too traumatic and painful for them.

i know some of you may disagree with me, but i feel this is the exact reason that we need to convince jay to come back. show him that he is not a burden to his members and to JYPE. that without him, in fact is more painful for everyone because his departure actually makes it even harder for the 2PM boys to push forward together as a group. that it makes it harder for HOTTESTs to support 2PM with the pain of not seeing him with them, even though we still love the other 6. if jay really did leave because he wanted out, then yes, we should respect his decision. but if he only really left because he thought the public could no longer accept him or that he was dragging the boys down, then no, we must convince him otherwise and have jyp bring him back! because this sudden turnaround in opinion by the media and some antis/netizens is a sign that jay is too precious to lose.

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im a silent reader of soompi...

and i want to make my opinion....

Honestly, i've been reading a lot of opinions, and differents point of view....

Well since the entire world works like that....

I think that he don't do anything wrong. As you know (my mother language is spanish) in English, they always changes the way of talking.... one word....means different things in many situations.

They should know....(because it's not an excuse) that he never mean what he said in the message and plus, that is his way to said that he was having a hard time.....and if you read all the messages...you going to realize that he even call the friend GAY.....XD! thing that in the whole thing made me laugh, specially because men always talk like that to their closest friends.

Just because korea doesn't use that type of language doesn't mean, that they have the right to feel offended by these messages. You know, for me something really hard..... is that you said something about the past of the country or you said something that is not true about the culture.....for me he wasn't bashing korean people, when you said that you hate something.....is just only because you dislike that because that thing is giving you a hard time.

People, blaming someone is not the solution, but i do really believe...that the companies in korea should change the way they promote the artist to the public. I don't going to call that culture. because it's not fair to korean either, and plus you know small things become big just for one person. im pretty sure....(S. Korea it's pretty big) that 3.000 people are nothing there. I feel like people know by now that overseas people are very disappointed for how the events turns. Since always i see that korean people lives for other (thing that i really dislike.....) im wondering if they really care about how now we see their country.

What i mean is that the whole country must be surprising by this, because im sure...that not everyone is thinking the same way. You know in fact, i really believe that people think bad in the beginning but right now is like....."hey...but he apologize already....so.....why he left!?".

You know im very sad about this-...and this is not a matter of culture. I was thinking in stop listen korean music....because i feel that is unrespectful for the people who are their fans.....to do this type of things towards someone and....it's just more sad....because people in that country can't do anything about it.

Like the second mini album saids...It's Time for Change.... and i think that is very bad for the Hallyu Wave.....this type of things.

I hope he comeback. I feel like he needs his family now and that he is going to think the things well.

and plus, who is with GOD! always win. It's a matter of time..... and i really hope that industry change.

this was the bomb seriously.

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Guest LemonMud

I don't know what to think.

Literally, this took place over no more than a week (not including his past comments). This is insane! >:(

JYP said Jae was going back for what was called a "self-dicipline"

by no means would that mean he has to withdraw from the group

even if he does return to the group later on, (idk what's wrong with me) but I think I would feel a little resentment

As happy as I would be, having Jae back in the group... telling us he wants out, and all of a sudden comes frolicing back in...

I don't know how I would feel... as terrible as that sounds

But this has been my belief from the start. Jae has nothing to be sorry over.

Yeah, what he said wasn't the most likeable thing... but its not like he said Korea needed to blow off the face of the earth.

I know people might get offended, but no one deserves this.

I know a lot of Koreans (in the States) who get REALLY offended when people ask if they're from north or south korea.

same diff...

south koreans don't like north koreans all that much... what would a south korean say when he/she's over the border-- my bet is that it's not going to be nice. and north koreans might want to beat the friggen pulp out of the southie.

(Excuse me for my... terrible parallel)

An apology would be nice (which Jae gave, heartfully) but I still don't think there's anything to be sorry for.

Last night... I started wondering...

if this was all a


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Guest XTINE__

i'm usually just an occasional silent lurker in this thread, but what with the recent news of jay's departure and all, and being totally in love with this group, i just couldn't keep silent anymore. plus, there are so many different threads about the news in the korean celeb photo section, i didn't know what to respond to. so i thought it be appropriate to post here.

where do i even begin? i thought this was going to blow over eventually, but who knew it would've taken a turn for the worst in just a matter of a few days, especially just after their 1 year anni. when i first heard of the news of jay's resignation from 2pm i was in complete and utter shock. i seriously felt like crying, but couldn't because i didn't want to believe it, i couldn't believe it; i was in denial still. what made the situation even sadder was reading boom's heart-wrenching message to jay (link here) and the wild bunny's touching letter about jay and the boys on kbites.

so, now, where is 2pm to go from here? i honestly don't believe anyone could have filled the leader spot better than park jaebum himself. he brought such a bright light and energy to the group; he gave the group life. to move on just like that just feels ... wrong. especially with the release of their 2nd album coming up soon. like wooyoung said, they're not seven individual members but are one. and 2pm just isn't the same if it's missing any one of them.. now it just seems incomplete, like something--or someone--is missing. as much as i love the rest of the boys, the atmosphere is gonna be completely different.

i just think back to all the interviews, tv appearances and whatnot where jay was always cracking jokes or acting funnily weird (like on wild bunny!) and just sharing laughs with others, and it breaks my heart to know that i won't be seeing any of that anymore.

netizens completely suck. they have just ripped an amazing boy's potential future and dreams to shreds. i don't understand how they can live with themselves; they wreak all this havoc by, what?.. sitting behind a freakin' computer? i guess that's pretty easy to do when you don't have to show your face. cowards. and to think, one of the people who started this whole ordeal tried to come clean by apologizing online. what's the freakin' point? the damage is done. they got what they wanted right? and what pisses me off even more is that in the apology (which i read off of Kbites), the person doesn't even take responsibility for it; they're apologizing, yet at the same time saying it's not their fault cause it wasn't them who started it! like WTF? and now, i read on soompi that this all went down in the hands of a high school girl?!? it's ironic cause they're just proving that jay's comments back in '05 are true.

and for all those who are saying he's fake and only stayed in korea for the money, if any of them have seen his other myspace comments, then they would know that he seriously contemplated between staying in korea or going back to the states. he knew he would've been possibly happier in the states with his friends and family but at the same time if he stayed he knew he could make more money and buy his mom nice things and help pay debts and what not. a truly selfish person wouldn't have been caught in such a dilemma, they would've just made the decision easily, obviously going with the option of staying.

aaah! seriously, he was a boy of great talent and he brought so many people so much happiness with just his presence. his departure is just a big loss to the korean music industry, and even to the face of korean entertainment industry itself.... and because of what? a few comments made as a young thoughtless teen who wasn't even a celebrity or in the limelight at the time? that's just lame.

in the meantime, i hope jay heals in seattle, in the comfort of his friends and family. i'm sure he thought this through and is just doing what's best for him at this time, although i do wish he would have stayed and fought to the end. but i guess the situation was just too aggressive... the netizens' criticisms probably really stuck in his mind and made such a great impact on him.

i do, with all my heart, hope he comes back to us soon (i mean, he's grown to love korea and the people there, so i hope that'll bring him back verrrrrry sooooon). hopefully he'll keep in touch w/ the rest of his 2pm brothers and the jyp family. but more than that, i just hope he's happy again.

the way i see it, maybe he's just on hiatus, just taking a break from it all.. as a member of 2pm still. regardless, he'll always be a part of the group!

just as their song says, you might come back... <3<3

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Just saw a picture of Jay at the Sea-Tac airport...

his with a lady & a guy..

I'm assuming is his mother & brother

Sorry I'm not gonna post it here because I don't own the picture

& it's from 2OD.

If you wanna see it you can visit 2OD forums

also I don't know if this was posted but it's a message from Jay's friend in Korea.

you can read it here: Jaebum's friend in Korea's message


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Guest DongBangShiDae

ok now im coming to my senses

Jaebum has a contract theres no way JYP just ripped it up

and also yea they are in a middle of an album

if u think about it if Jaebum is main vocals

they are going to have the basically change the whole album

plus its too sudden Jaebum is a strong guy he wouldnt just be like i cant handle this

i think him and JYP made some sort of deal

i really dont think he left now its a break no doubt :)

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I just saw the photo of him at SeaTac Airport also.

I'm just glad that he had a safe trip and is now with his family.

I hope he can just relax and not have to worry about this whole situation.

Maybe he will come back in the future, who knows.

I just hope he is happy and with his friends and family.

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Guest kiwistar

I've kinda cooled off now...I was pretty much crying, going crazy since yesterday.

For Jaebum, I'm glad that he's healthy and didn't hurt himself. I hope to god that he stays in JYP and will do activities either in the US or return to Korea eventually.

I hope he will perform again on stage with the rest of 2PM one day.

I would not mind if 2PM disbands until Jaebum comes back. They can do solo activities or form smaller groups....2PM doesn't seem right without Jay.

Honestly, I'm done with kpop because of this. There's too many suicides, extreme anti-fans, extreme fans, terrorizing, overworking, netizens, etc. I can't support something this sick and twisted.

Waiting for Jay's return...

btw, Wooyoung is okay now, right? Since he fainted yesterday...

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Guest DongBangShiDae

u know wat this is my promise

once Jaebum is back

ima be an official fan for 2PM

and hes definitely going to be back

so ima be prepared lol ;)

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wow...i feel bad for taec and nickhun now ): especially nickhun when he said that he wants to go back to thailand....

aww, this is going crazy....

i feel so bad for the rest of 2pm. they're going through so much right now. if only we can hug all members...

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