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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Staracles

What disgusts me is that one of the culprits is actually asking for forgiveness now.

A good 6 hours after Jay departed from Korea.

4 days after JAY HIMSELF had asked for forgiveness.

Why not he set up x number of petitions and ask for Hottests to forgive him?

This is seriously revolting. *gags*

They are surely Korea's very own terrorists.. Disgusting and shameful.

Jay will be vindicated!

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Guest L.haruki
Can you believe this?... that no good human being actually wants forgiveness!!!

I am not sure if I am allow to post the link but if your apart of the 2OneDay forum, the article is on there! :angry:

I am BEYOND angry right now! I feel so numb!

May I know which article you are referring??

i now looking through of all the article. =)

Thanks so much.

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Guest only2PM

Today is indeed a sad day.. :(

I really couldn't believe what has happened, it shouldn't in fact..

Even though I cannot accept the decision Jae made I know they mean something and only time will tell.

As to why JYP still hasn't utter a single word till now I have no clue too but we all know he ain't stupid.

It's really wonderful to read about the support given by people who have worked with Jae/2PM ~ tq so much from the bottom of my heart but I hate to ask this ~ Why wait till Jae is gone to voice out now? Why..

Our boys need our support very badly – yes ALL 7 of them! and Hottest must stay strong and keep the faith!

2PM fighting!!!

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Guest FiddyPence
To all the HOTTEST out there,

While this may be a difficult time for you, let's all stay strong and try to be as positive as possible.

Our favourite leader has taken a brave move to leave the spotlight for a while and reflect.

I'm sure this was one of the hardest decision that he had to make.

But he has decided to take responsibility for his actions and we should respect his decision.

It's his chance to learn from this experience and mature to become a better person and an even better performer.

It's his chance to heal, surrounded by family and friends that love him as much, if not even more than we do.

While it's great to have petitions to ask him to come back, let's also try to not use this excuse to pressure Jaebum to step back into a microscope where he might be unfairly judged.

Instead, let us offer him words of encouragement and understanding,

Assure him that it's okay to leave for now but also remind him that he shouldn't waste the talent that was blessed to him and stop here.

Cos' when one door closes,if you keep on knocking, another door would eventually open.

And when that door opens, we will be right there to support him.

Let's also not forget the other 6 members that are still essentially 2pm.

If we think that our loss of a talented individual is huge, they have just lost their leader, their hyung, their friend; one seventh of their tight unit.

For now, they might be separated by continents but I'm sure their strong bond and brotherhood will withstand this trying test.

With time, perhaps 2pm will be seven again.

For now though, let's continue supporting 2pm.

These are 6 other guys with the same dreams as Jaebum.

Let's help them by showing our endless support, be it in their upcoming albums, performances, other variety stints.

This might be a new era for 2pm and we should keep their legacy alive as 2pm.

That's what the leader Jaebum would want.

And the least we could do is follow his lead...

This is exactly what I just said but you beat me to it. I agree with you whole heartedly, we shouldn't be petitioning and pressuring we should have out arms open ready whilst supporting the JYP family and Jay by letting him reflect and heal.

In fact I want to start a petition called "We will wait!" or something less cheesy for fans who just want Jay and all the other guys know that we're not pressuring them but still supportive, we're not asking him back right here any now but we're hoping in time he will be.

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Guest swtme104
Man who spread the comments reportedly asks for forgiveness for destroying Jay'scareer http://bit.ly/3ZYFE8
from twooneday twitter.

hello there.

i don't really know much about 2pm, but i've been following up on the news on this issue for the last couple days, and although i'm not a fan, i can honestly say this situation is truly devasting and heartbreaking for everyone. i'm still stunned by the surreal news and can't believe it really has come down to this.

i just read on twooneday's twitter that ..that incompetent netizen who started the scandal is asking for forgiveness. like ARE YOU F'IN KIDDING ME!!! after the incosiderate #%$%**&%^ did this to Jae, ruining Jae's career and dreams just like that, and netizens not even show any remorse even after Jae sincerely apologize, for that &$*($^*%$*% to ask for forgiveness is totally beyond me esp. when they didn't even show the slightest forgiveness towards Jae. I hope Karma will come back to bite him hundredsfold in the a$$.

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I think we should stop crying...Jay needs a warm hug from his mom...then he can cry as much as he wants.

I think he was trying so hard to be strong and didn let the tears falling down his face becuz of fans and the members...

I was also crying since i heard the news...but it's the best way for him to take some rest...let him sleep n eat his mom's food ^^ he knows we r still waiting for him...he knows it

anyways sorry for my broken english...i love u hottest, 2pm, and my forever favourite boy, Jaebum

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Guest Angelic_illusions

Wow i am proud to know that i am a part of such dedicated fanbase! Just look at the number of people reading this thread! It's almost been 7 hours since Jay's statement and yet people are still here supporting him. Hottests lets stay strong for Jay!

Like some, I too thought of ignoring 2PM altogether after this incident. But reading those comments about how that would make things worse for Jay i realized that we as hottests CANNOT give up on the rest of the boys. We have to support them until their leader comes back. Right now they're lost and without a leader but through our support they will overcome this obstacle and months or years from now Jay will come back as the most honourable and best idol group leader in Kpop. Jay is smart and was born to lead and as 2PM's leader we have to respect his choices. If he feels that he is inadequate at the moment to be the leader of 2PM then we will respect that and support him until he comes back. However, I'm hoping that korean netizens will learn from this because if not then i will lose all the respect i have left for them. They don't know how to value their idols. Idols are people that you admire not criticize and attack. They don't deserve someone like Jay in kpop with their self-righteous attitudes. So i pray that they will learn from this like how Jay is learning from his mistakes. Good thing that person who is partially responsible for destroying Jay's career is owning up to it. I still see some hope left for you knetizens. I hope we ALL learn from this. This is what happens when you intentionally attack a person's character and reduce it to a piece of garbage for people to step on. This is what happens when people think that they have the right to destroy a person's life. Let's all learn from this Hottests.

The Hottests will always be behind you Jay. No matter where you are, no matter how long it takes, the Hottests will be here for you.

I'm hoping the boys continue 2PM with a temporary leader from the remaining members. I don't know about you guys but i still consider Jay as a part of 2PM NO MATTER WHAT. They should just continue their activities as a 6 member group and wait for their leader to come back.

Also there's no point in hating the person or persons who started this whole thing because if we do we will only be stooping down to their level. WE are better than that so please refrain from bashing the person or people involved in this. Just like how we wanted them to forgive Jay let's all try and forgive them too. I know it's hard but we can't be shouting pleas for forgiveness for Jay and then deny the right for another. I think the person or persons already has enough of their plate to deal with. Everyone deserves forgiveness despite what crime they may have committed. It's easy to hate but it takes a bigger person to forgive. Let's just forgive. FORGIVE AND FORGET.

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Guest xl0v3juicy

Wow this is so ridiculous. Anti-fans in korea are too crazy. Can't they understand that he was young when he wrote all that?? And honestly, can you blame him?? The way they just petitioned for him to kill himself / force him out of the country just FURTHER REINFORCES the comments he made back in 2005. lol way to go.

Anyway, I really hope Jay makes a come back in the future. He really offered something new to the korean entertainment industry, and it's really a shame that he's gone now :(

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please note that the rules are NO ONE LINERS!!!!!

Hottest will stay together forever

and so will 2PM

if one falls they all fall...

if one is hurt they are all hurt!

love 2PM and Jaebummie!

(if people havent read yet apparently a Shinee fan was responsible for jaebums incident!)

^ shinee fan? ok please direct me where i can read it? thanks.

I'm so heart broken right now.... someone please wake me up from this nightmare ... Jay leaving was the hardest part for me to accept. But no matter what Jay will always be the Jay i love so much!!!

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I'm sorry I might ruin the mood. Jaebum is my one of my fav members in 2PM. I'm really sad that he had to quit 2PM.

But you're asking why can't they just forgive him? You said he made a mistake that he regretted and he already apologized, so you can't understand why people can't just forgive him? But I'd like to ask you, can you forgive the girl who took the screencap of Jaebum's myspace and sent it to the reporter? She said she really regrets it and she deeply apologized for that. She's a 3rd grade high schooler, around the same age as Jaebum when he made his mistake. If you say everyone makes mistake and you can't understand why people can't forgive jaebum, then can you forgive that girl too for her mistake?

All I'm saying is, it's in human nature that we always hold grudge and can't just forgive each other. So don't be too baffled at how unforgiving people are. You and I, too, are like that.

Did anyone hold a petition rushing her to commit suicide?

Did anyone make her leave the school, destroy her dream, break her friendship?

Hell no!!

By the way, I'm angry and devastated against crazy stupid netizens rather than her. Those people are so cruel. I understand the pain inside Jay now because I've faced similar situation before. Because of little misunderstanding, some ppl posted in my blog, holding grudge, wishing me to commit suicide. Many years have passed but I never ever forget those pain. There is a sentence that "They might forget what you say to them but they never forget how you make them feel". It's true, painfully true.

With only few friends did that to me, I felt at the end of the world back then. Jay must face with more than 5000 people want him die. This world became so freaking ridiculous.

Jay is a star, a leader of famous idol group but he's just 22. I don't want him to leave but regarding fact that staying in a country where people want him die, bashing him every second must be a nightmare to him, Jay's decision is right.

This incident just makes people love him more while disgracing crazy netizens and current ridiculous power of media in Korean.

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Guest last love.

Another post towards the HOTTEST:

If you're not going to forgive the person, what are you going to do then? Harbor all this hate towards him, and just wait for him to be killed? Or are you going to be the bigger person and forgive this person? Do not soil your hands with the blood of another, because it is just as if you are soiling Jay's hands. Just as Jay has his family, that person has his family. Would his family really want all HOTTEST to hate on their own child/brother/sister?

Be the better person and forgive. Jay would want you to, because Korea forgave him as well.

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Guest entermuriel


my friend & i have made an event in facebook to go to the JYP building here in Manhattan. We are doing the same thing that kHOTTEST did. We will get post-its and place them in the JYP building! That way this can be a peaceful gathering. ^^. and we don't get in trouble hehe.

If you want to join here's the link:


now remember, this event is to support Jay through thin & thick. we do not want to bring troubles to him, so if you decide to get there, we have to do this in a peaceful way please.

once again, we're not doing this because we don't agree with Jay's decision, instead, we do it to show him support. we're doing this in case this little gathering brings a small difference in Jay's future.

Be the better person and forgive. Jay would want you to, because Korea forgave him as well.
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This is ridiculous...of course he would say those kinds of things to his friends! First of all he was in a foreign place without his friends and family, and second of all he didnt even know korean! On top of all taht he had to practice ALL DAY with hardly any free time...besides why were netizens reading his comments from years ago..PERSONAL comments, may i add...

...and i bet this wasnt all his decision either...TT.TT

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Guest lorac29

Anger, disbelief, miserable, helpless, denial, hope. I think in the span of the past 12 hrs, I have felt every emotion there is. This whole unfortunate situation just shows how fast things can change in this world. Just last week, they were at the top of their game, they had a successful comeback and was about to prepare for a sure to be hit album. Fast forward a couple of days and everything comes crashing down and they hit rock bottom. I feel completely helpless and there is nothing I can do but to pray. Pray that Jay will heal from this and come back to us better than ever. Pray that the rest of the boys will get through this and stay strong even without their leader. Pray that God will give them strength and guidance. And most importantly, pray that Jay will forgive himself. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. It may seem impossible right now to think why this would happen, but we must believe that God has chosen the right path for Jay.

Fellow Hottests, please don’t stop supporting 2PM because Jay left. He would not want that. This is an extremely tough time for them all and they need all the support they can get.

I will not give up hope that Jaebum will come back one day. He belongs on the stage. If he can survive his trainee days, he can survive anything. I know he can. Time will heal everything.

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Guest Caramel.

I'm SOoo SAD.. :(

Poor Jay.. Why is he leaving?

He's Suppose to stay...

I want to ball my eyes out..

No Matter what, I support Jay all the way..


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Guest tiffnle

I was wondering, should we make a list like..." 100 reasons we want Jay back " and attach it to the petition as well

because personally, I think that what we should show in this petition is how we love Jay and how we really need him in 2pm, not forcing him to come back ....

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ugh I keep listening to 2PM as much as it hurts me...but I feel like that's all I have of them left.

I will definitely keep supporting the rest of 2PM as is. but if they replace Jay I will seriously go off...but I doubt they will do that...

I still can't believe this. I woke up and thought it was all wrong and went straight to the computer to check if it was really true even though I was up til four to keep up with the news which confirmed he really left. I'm so sad. I never cry and this incident made me shed so much tears, not just because I'm sad that he left but because of all the hard work he put in 4 years easily gone like that in 4 days. over something that he shouldn't have had to even apologize for IMO. and he did apologize and things just got even worse.

What hurts me even more is that he must feel so freaken bad right now because he feels like he disappointed everyone. and it's so ridiculous. he should not have to feel that way at all.

I can't believe this has affected me this much. I'm supposed to be at school right now and I couldn't even bother to go...and I've never skipped school before. But I just feel so out of it right now.

I hope he knows that the love for him will always outweigh the crazy antis. I hope he comes back one day, when he's ready.

I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that this all happened because of MYSPACE comments...that he made FOUR years ago. that weren't even that bad to be honest. I really hope he is having a safe flight, gets lost of rest and eats again and chills out with his fam & friends a lot. I hope he's happy.

I keep editing this post but seriously I'm so sad. I can write an effing essay if I wanted.

I can't believe I'll have nothing to cheer me up when I'm down anymore. sure there's still the remaining six and I love them but without Jay it's not gonna be the same. and he's not even my favorite...

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you know, i am not trying to play saint or act holy, but yes, i will forgive the girl/whoever that spread Jay's myspace comment.

she made a mistake, and if she had apologized.. then well..

i wont do anything to her since if i did, if i curse her or whatsoever, then that would make me one of those anti-fans who killed jay's career..

anyway, here's my thought..

somehow with him leaving like this, there is hope for everything!

You see now reports are blaming the netizens for exagerrating the conditions and jay?s message of loving korea now came up, the korean netizens might be feeling like a pile of dung right now.

jay was being a man and taking the responsibility, i think this helped his image..

All we, hottest, need to do is to constantly remind jype we want jaebum, perhaps they might reconsider having him back after the first full length album.. Dont u think so?

Perhaps this can be a ploy set by jype to turn over the table? Please, hottest have faith in jay and jype..

4 years of harsh training Wont be taken down by ONE comment!

I really like how now the situation totally turn 180degrees, with netizens being the devil and now jay?s the poor victim..

We hottest really NEED to show how we need JAY. Perhaps give him time and he will come back?

Wat do u think?

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