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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Guest rivanaraja


I also feel sad also Yoon Eun Hye and Song is suffered so much in the drama
 Why only promote Park Yoochan
I am watching the series for Yoon Eun Hye only, but also loved Yu Seong
I like crazy waiting for drama
Yoon Eun Hye make sure that your audience loves and will not forsake you are owners

I do not know little English probably mistaken to apologize ..

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erisaa said: First of all, I'm a very hardcore YEH fan and I have followed her since Coffee Prince. My following statement(s) is a rant so I'm enclosing it within a spoiler. Please don't hate me with everything I'll say and I do not mean to start any fan wars. If you have any problems with my statement, please feel free to PM me and we can settle our differences with respect and kindness. Thank you! I don't know what happened but the spoiler tab got removed and it doesn't show in a spoiler anymore after editing it multiple times :(

I was from the Philippines but moved here in United States when I was a kid so I still understand Tagalog and watches Filipino dramas from time to time. Of course, I also watch Korean dramas and I totally fell in love with YEH. I admit, I don't watch Korean dramas at all unless my favorite actress YEH is on it. Upon hearing the news that she is going to do melodrama with Yoochun, I was so happy because I'm an XMAN fan and I loved the interaction young ChunHye had in the show even if it was brief. 
Straying away from the background information, when I heard that IMY will be shown in the Philippines, I was ecstatic and very excited that YEH will be shown in the Philippines again because it means her popularity will expand even more! Moreover, her drama will be put in at primetime which enables fans to watch her (compare airing it in the afternoon). Also airing it at night would encourage the audience to watch IMY. One of my theories why it is decided to be shown at night is because of one of the topic that IMY has tackled: rape. I do not mean this in an offensive way to my fellow Filipinos, but most Philippine dramas use rape in drama plots which makes the audience to relate more to it. 
Now this is my rant. I have nothing against Park Yoochun at all. In fact, I'm a fan girl (but like I said, I'm a hardcore YEH fan and more interested in her, no offense and sorry). So when I was lurking at the ChunHye thread and saw the rage that most Filipino fans made about YEH not being properly acknowledged during ABS-CBN's drama lineup promotions, I went and looked up for the promotion video they were talking about. Aside from the fact that the promotion video did not say YEH's name at all, they only showed YC's clip with no regards of showing even 2 seconds of YEH in the drama. What made me more mad is that compare to the other dramas shown, IMY has the littlest amount of clip shown compare to the other dramas that has 30 seconds or more worth of clips provided. Sorry for my next sentences but whoever the hell made and compiled and wrote the script for the voice over for that promotional video lacks information of how much big of a celebrity YEH is in the Philippines and of course world wide. Undeniably, she is one of the very few Korean celebrities who is loved by a lot of fans and has barely no haters at all. Besides, her drama, Goong, has caused so much explosion in the Philippines after being showed in ABS-CBN that it caused the said network to air the drama more than twice and still gain more fans in the process. In addition, after the showing of Goong in ABS-CBN, it helped them gain audience's attention to watch more K-dramas. I was in the Philippines when Goong was aired and let me tell you, even fans of ABS-CBN's competitors are fans of Goong most especially of YEH. In social networking sites (remember Friendster, guys?), most profile pictures were of YEH and some were Goong pictures. Goong never died in the Philippine drama history and won some awards in the Philippines -- the only K-drama I know that acquired such recognition. I'm not network biased in the Philippines because like I said, I live in US now and have a lot of access watching dramas from different networks in different countries but I would say that ABS-CBN's competitive network, GMA, have acknowledged YEH better prior to showing Coffee Prince. 
As a YEH fan, I'm hurt with the way this "promotional" thing that ABS-CBN is doing for I Miss You. I brushed off the rushed and lacked promotions MBC did for IMY because they announced the cast too late to even start promoting hard, but this drama has been done in showing and ABS-CBN needs to go back to its roots that YEH is one of the reasons why K-dramas are popular in the Philippines. I would say that ABS-CBN is not good at knowing who is making them famous and such. Just look at what happen to Dara. She went low profile during the peak of her career in the Philippines and when she was ready to come back, ABS-CBN didn't acknowledged her anymore which made Dara to be seen in rival networks. This statement is kind of off, so please feel free to correct me on this one. I'm really disappointed, offended, and hurt as a fan. If we, as individuals, feel hurt when we're not acknowledged, what else would we feel if our bias/idols are not giving the proper citation they deserve? They say that "it's okay if you hurt me but if you hurt the ones I love, I promise you will regret it." YEH may or may not care about this lack of acknowledgement of her in ABS-CBN, but I do care. As cheesy as it may sound, I love YEH and I want the best for her and call me selfish for her but I also want her to get spotlight because so far, IMY have opened a lot of opportunities and possibilities for YEH. It proved her versatility in so many levels and it proved a lot of critics wrong (some became fans actually). 

I don't know what it is about IMY that causes YEH to receive failure in acknowledgments, but I just want to say that IMY is one of YEH's masterpieces and she deserves a mention for it. I know you don't always get recognition when you do something great, but at least show some respect and recognize the hardships and sacrifices she made for the drama. I'm sad to say that I dislike it that they only mention YC, there's nothing wrong with ABS-CBN and other articles centralizing IMY on YC, but at lease show the same level of appreciation for YEH because both of them worked as hard as each other to make this drama wonderful and worth-watching. I hate to admit this but now, I kind of lost interest watching the Tagalog-dubbed IMY because of what the promotion team of K-dramas in ABS-CBN did. April 22 is a long way to go and I can still change my mind if they appropriately address the importance of the other two leading characters of the drama.

Again, I welcome any oppositions with my statement and feel free to PM so we can discuss it in a civilized and respectful manner. I also apologize if it is long and unruly (I'm typing on my phone). Thank you so much for the time you spent reading it. 

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Guest jjsweeter0211

class="blog_h2 entry-title" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: initial; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: white; font-weight: bold; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, sans-serif; border-bottom-style: none; border-bottom-color: initial; letter-spacing: -1px; "“Missing You” to be aired in the Philippines this April!

April 10, 2013 2:00 pm fayejjang / Associate Writer


“Missing You”, the drama starring Park YoochunYoon Eun HyeYoo Seung Ho and more will be aired in the Philippines starting the 22nd of April 2013. One of the most popular local network in the country, ABS-CBN already released a teaser for the drama. The drama will be dubbed in Filipino. For sure, all the K-drama enthusiasts out there are excited to watch this!


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Guest erisaa

@dumb_dumb99: I love your response. Actually, I'm receiving a lot of disagreements and a little bit of hostility in the IMY thread compare to this thread and to the ChunHye thread where people are actually more compassionate and understanding. Some YC fans from IMY are implying that I'm bashing YC on my rant but in reality, I'm rather questioning the promotion tactics that networks are using and blaming them for it, not YC.

We, Warriors, know how low profile and humble YEH is. She doesn't like being put on the spotlight. But hey! This doesn't mean the media has to fail on giving her a credit for her hard work. The gender roles that you refused to elaborate on, I agree with you on that one. Women tends to be less stronger than guys physically and so the cold and multiple fatigues YEH got must have messed with her health so much I can only imagine how hard it was judging that they film for hours and hours.

I just hope that YEH will receive the proper salutation in everything she does in the future.

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@erissathank you for your concern and your courage  in expressing it. .i dont come very often because i let emotions take over sometimes.all along i thought GMA got the right for IMY.infact while IMY was still showing in Korea and here in the US i had been telling them about it and YEH.i am also a deep to the bone YEH since so touched by her splendid acting i tend to promote her more.the other day i a friend from the Philippines asked if YEH was going to play Maya on the korean version of a philippine drama Please Be Careful With My Heart.since our korean friends never heard of it yet so i said no.then i got a message from a dear friend if maybe we can ask some friends that we know  in Philippine ShowBiz if maybe they can make a special or a write up about YEH..just by talking to several  network people i can tell that GMA knows a lot about YEH.they  somehow knows that MY is going to be a hit.why they did not get it i dont know.i managed to ask some people if we can make something like that happen for our YEH.they have some conflicting answer.my friend who is an aditor of a womens magazine said YEH might be very expensive.we have a lot of FILIPINO,FILAM fans of YEH why not make some noise with ABS-CBN that YEH is the very beautiful leading lady in MY.send them pictures of YEH and a very polite message kinda nudge them shall we we'd planted .a few seeds  but as the saying goes the more  people ask the more possible it can happen.YEH deserve to be recognise as a part of what makes a good production .we can never allow them to always ignore and not give her the proper credit that she greatly deserve. as much as i like PYC as a person MY is not going to be so widespread if not because of YEH.i was told within the week that YEH accepted MY foreign interest  on the drama increased. but somewhere down the road the magic happened and MY became a partnership.not just PYC or YEH alone but a partnership of PYC and YEH.let us help some so they can always remember the role that our YEH played in MY.AND MAY THEY ALWAYS REMEMBER TO PROMOTE IT THAT WAY.momche

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There surely is a lack of deserved recognition for YEH (and YSH) in many MY promos and news but it isn't like YC asked for all the recognition himself so I don't have ill feelings towards him....  And we already know of her popularity and star power so it doesn't mean that she isn't known.  Truthfully, I've seen other people having similar concerns elsewhere.  But like @MariYEH said before, she doesn't need to promote herself like other entertainers do to still have popularity and power.  Take Japan for example, the news report didn't mention her influence for MY's popularity there but another news that was just recently released stated her as the most popular actress and that it is a common belief in Japan that whatever she stars on, it will be worth watching.

Also, I thought that the Philippines promo only showed the first few episodes so that's why they didn't show her ->she wasn't in those episodes...

Anywayzzz, something else that concerns me is that rumor on Twitter saying that she'll be starring in a Korean adaptation of a Filipino drama called "Be Careful With My Heart"......  UMMM.....  That rumor is being spread (I've seen a lot of tweets about this) and the only basis that I saw why they think that is true is because of Wikipedia and that is so not reliable...  I can go and edit wikipedia and say that she's starring with Hyun Bin in a drama and that's not true.....  Sorry, people hoping for this pairing (like me)...  :P  Not yet.....  And Filipinos are really great at getting the word out and trending things and showing their mass media power in social networks, which worries me that this rumor might get even more out of hand.  I mean, it isn't impossible for her to star in it but she has so many rumors about her casting all the time and taking information from a very UNRELIABLE source is not the smartest thing to do....

Anywayzzz, be very careful of this rumor....  There is a very high chance that it is make believe.. 

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Guest erisaa

This page number is a little bit funky so I can't directly type the users who directly responded to me. Anyways, the Be Careful with My Heart may just be a rumor but I hope this is true because my mom is a huge fan of YEH and the drama and a lot of my friends are crazy over it as well. And I agree with the editor that you mentioned. Judging how stations pay YEH for her appearance in dramas and movies and other endorsements, it is really going to be hard for them to get to ask her for an interview because of her talent fee. I wish I'm rich enough to pay for it myself so I can show the world how great of a role model YEH is. And it's not that YEH needs the popularity, but I want her to get the recognition she deserves. Besides, a lot of celebrities will learn a thing or two from her because she is truly an amazing person; YEH is beautiful inside and out with being pretentious.

Thank you for everyone who responded :)

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Guest sw8yeh

I love reading all the rants of YEH Warriors  ^:)^  Feels like we're ready to defend and fight for our Master, uri YEH, the Young Girl Warrior as she was known to be :-* I'm waiting patiently for the trailer of IMY to be release by ABS, hopefully they will introduce YEH unnie there..I've got this in FB, somehow (just somehow) it made me feel at ease..cr: https://www.facebook.com/MissingYouABSCBN2
It says at their post that: "Yoon Eun Hye is coming back home (at their tv network ABSCBN)"904017_262836413853732_1776884460_o.jpg

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@sw8yeh, I find it amusing how the station releases that new picture promo and even a promo tweet mentioning YEH specifically after so many people tweeted them about how they didn't mention YEH...  I think that they are definitely reading their tweets and responding to their viewers which is really good...  means that messages and concerns like this can actually get across...

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Guest santaiah178

I love how everyone here voicing their concern (about YEH) and responding to it with respectful manner & open mind without bashing/hurting anyone :-bd That's what we YEH's warriors are supposed to do considering that our idol is Yoon Eun Hye. At least that must be what YEH wants from her fans to respect other people regardless their status/fame.I won't stated my opinion here cause you guys already said it all. I just hope this kind of attitude will be a characteristic of our fandom ;)
@dumb_dumb99 please kindly closing your spoiler so we can see the name of the posters at that pageExample : [ spoiler ] your statement [ /spoiler ]
@erisaa welcome to YEH's thread hoping you post more often :)
Have a nice day everyone ~O)

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Guest sw8yeh

@vegaspink: Yes,I mean they're definitely reading tweets, and retweeting followers feedback, and just like what you've said in your previous post, Filipinos are really great showing their mass media power in social networking sites. The TV network's twitter account/s must be flooded by the rants of YEH fans. And they probably wouldn't want to retweet those and get antis out of this matter  :))

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class="content-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 26px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.4em; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; visibility: visible; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Couch Kimchi Stalks Soompi For Their 15 Favorite Couplestessieroo April 10, 2013

9. Crown Prince Lee Shin & Shin Chae Kyung (Goong). Even in Korea’s alternate reality, regular girls dream of becoming a princess and meeting their prince charming, but the bumbling Shin Chae Kyung (Yoon Eun Hye) was the serendipitous choice to live the fairytale. It was a chilly start though with her handsome but not-so-charming Crown Prince Lee Shin (Joo Ji Hoon), who was like a popsicle—cold and with a stick up his royal chute. But in K-dramas, throwing the OTP in the same home speeds up their feelings, and in no time, we were falling in love with falling in love as Chae Kyung and Shin were falling for each other. While their young marriage struggled through the difficulties of palace life and politics, our appreciation for their funny, lovely, and touching scenes swelled, but we were craziest about them when they made up and made out just a few steps closer to the bedroom.


Link: http://www.soompi.com/2013/04/10/488200/2/

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What makes me upset was not the trailer of IMY. I understand that they don't want to spoil the drama if LSY is alive or not. What makes me upset was ABS-CBN promo for their kdrama line-up for 2013. It showed all kdrama's they are going to air and introduced the leads for each drama maybe except IMY and Faith. They only introduced YC and LMH which I believe ABS-CBN most loved actors.

I hope that the chunsas will not take our ranting (us,filipino warriors) as against PYC oppa. It is clear that YC has nothing to do with it, I even secretly like him . I am just angry with that Philippine Channel. I hope the good relationship between chunsas and neris will forever remain :) :)

On the other hand, I MISS YEH EONNI SO MUCH.

Edit : So, I just came back from MY thread and I realize I am posting the same thing. Hihihi. Sorry.

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all warriors..thank you for ranting...hope u all feel better now n at peace >:D<

seems ppl getting angry because of my post..well i just want to state my opinion...but if my opinion ended up hurting ppl feelings I'm sorry...@jj.x.2 thanks for the info...I didnt know anything about Cjes...so I'm sorry to u n chunsas for this...peace >:D<
here some her old pics for Japan magazine






cheerrrsssssss \:D/ 

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