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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Guest viola501

just drop by to do a quick reminder

Do you guys remember?

This Saturday is Eunhye onni's 25th Birthday!!!! (or 26th, counting Korean way) ^o^

Seem like Eunhye onni has to film that day, so I hope we may have some pics of the B day ^_^

Wow, 3 leads celebrate their birthdays during the filming of a mini series, hard to find eh?

And is this girl a genius or something?!? Are there anything you cant do, Eunhye onni?!? :lol:

She's the best Multi-talented entertainer!

Thank you everyone for all the sharing goodies

I'm gonna get back to the pile of text books now (T.T)

And yeah, I have exam tomorrow, so I may not able to watch MFL live with you all since it clash with my exam (ToT)

Be waiting for the caps ^_^

Note: To all filipinos, I pray for your country and people. I hope things will get better soon

Thailand also expect the storm and flooding too :( and I'm also worried. Hope all of you are ok ^^

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Hello warriors ^^

Yoon Eun-hye Shows Off Her Artistic Skills

by rhyelee@allkpop

Most of you are probably familiar with the fact that Yoon Eun Hye flaunted her artistic skills on the set of "Coffee Prince" by painting some of the murals on the walls of the cafe where a lot of the shooting took place... Well, she's at it again but this time it's on the set of her latest drama "My Fair Lady."

In the drama, there is a scene where Hye-na (Yoon Eun Hye's character in "My Fair Lady") is looking for a part-time job, and ends up painting the exterior of a kindergarten with Dong-chan (protrayed by Yoon Sang-hyun). All the painting was actually done by the talented Yoon Eun Hye herself!

Yoon Eun Hye prepared a lot for this scene, and prepared the paints, painted a lot of the base decorations like the butterflies and the trees, and came up with the idea that the children should stamp on their handprints as leaves for the trees.

The mural that she painted for the set of "Coffee Prince" still remains on the wall and remains a popular attraction, and this mural will probably become a popular attraction as well. You guys can check out the mural for yourselves here:

The episode of "My Fair Lady" with this particular scene is set to air on September 30th. I'm looking forward to it!

cr: allkpop.com

^ Always love her arts. She's very skilled and talented.

Thanks smr for the preview and trans! ^^

omg! the kissing on the forehead part!!! That scene alone makes my heart flutter soooo much.

Can someone help chasing these butterflies away from my stomach?

Maybe I'm weird but I always have a thing for this forehead kissing thingy. :wub: And I love Dongchan for this! It means, to me, that he cares for Hye-Na deeply and admires her, not to mention how much he loves her!

How many more times will the spoilers make me die before episode 13? :blush:

Thanks viola for the reminder! Let's celebrate! Yay!

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Helloooo Warriors!! :D

Got some spoilers for ya.. ^^

HN confesses her true feelings for DC, DC is overjoyed after having deeply hidden his precious feelings for HN. DC suggests that they become a "couple" just until Chairman Kang (gramps) calls back HN.

DC advises HN that to make Chairman Kang proud and happy she should continue on with her internet shopping mall project despite not being at her office. He also brings HN along to one his one-off side jobs and they enjoy their time working together.

Meanwhile, TY is finding it hard to believe that HN walked out on him and his parents to go see DC.

He ends up drinking with EJ and they find themselves walking into a motel in their drunken state.........


facing, thanks for the poll results!

if only i knew about it.. i woulda voted hmmf :(

thanks for the pics mari sis!! YEH's talent beaming off that wall.. i want that wall...!!

(and then someone says "I want YEH"... lols ^^ coughellescough)

vi dongseng!! this sat!!

thanks for the reminder! getting ready to celebrate her big day.. ^^

thanks for all the goodies sisters and bro's!! :D

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Guest kapeadik

Thanks, smr, for the spoiler! With the direction the story's going, I guess there's no more hope for a JIW-YEH kiss huhu...so sad! Anyhow, I like the YSH-YEH team-up anyways. I just want to give JIW a crack at some YEH lovin' hehe. I'm so loving YSH's and YEH's facial expressions while they were holding each others' hands...priceless! If TY and HN don't get to kiss, I hope that... TY and EJ don't get any either bwahaha! Is it too much to hope for that they only play childish games while they're at a motel?! :lol:

I hope we get to see pics of the cast celebrating YEH's birthday on Saturday! It was such a bummer that we didn't even see a single pic when YSH celebrated his. It's kinda impossible that they didn't remember his special day, right?

1 day more....Go, go, go MFL! :)

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motel !!!!???!!!!! what????!!!!!

If these two really end up together in this method, I would gotten more pissed to the scriptwriter.!!!!

It's such a cheap way to get someone together :(

smr I didn't know about it too and apparently our DC is in the poll too ^^

mari thanks for the vdo. They're so cute.

Viola, Thanks for the reminder. Let's hope there'll be some celebrating pics :)

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Guest xiaozhabo

Hi everyone. Just dropping by to post this.

Eun Hye recommending some songs for listeners of Gong Yoo's radio show. I've extracted the portion out of my recording.

27-Sep-2009 Ggong's 20s - YEH in "Thank You For the Music"


Hi! This is my very first post =D

Thanks for posting this up aalhl. But can someone please provide an english translation to this?

PS I like the first song that was played =D

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Guest Peppermint-

^ Hey, sorry I'm no help at all... Managed to understand that she couldn't be in studio 'cause she's busy, and oh yeah

by Lena Park is the song she recommended.. Didn't get that one at first, 'cause she called her Park Jung Hyun sshi :P She said something about that song and lots of memories? Uhm.. Yeah, my korean isn't great. The first song played was Dash Girl though, you should easily find this if you check out TCOA-thread ;) Gong Yoo said we should give YEH love and watch TCOA. I think :P Hahah..
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finally i made it to my second home..

dang..im having trouble accessing soompi...

almost die without YEHdose..

woot..ep13 tomorrow~

i'm already excited!

there are a lot of spoiler for this ep eh?

well...at least i'm loving it except the coughmotelcough..

what a talented YEH!!!

what a nice wall..lol

yes smr onni!! you know me well eh..

you take the wall and i take YEH~

vi dongseng, thanks for the reminder..

are you going to countdown this as well?

lol hani onni, nice one!

i've never notice that..my eyes are only for YEH =X

welcome xiaozhabo to the YEHouse..

enjoy your stay here~

thanks all for the goodies~



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Guest hangthienbao

Hi u all =] i'm new here. i started watching this drama last Fri and totally loved it. actually, i'm addicted to it. haha, just keep wanting to see more and more especially after that kiss in ep 12 ^^ so sweet :lol:

and thanks all of u for all the updates about ep 13. can't wait for the sub to come out. haha .. and i hav a question, in the scene where YEH works, did she really paint the wall or not? 'coz if she did then it is really amazing =] i think i'm starting to become YEH's fan now. she looks so good in the drama. i don't understand why there're critics about her acting in this. i think she acted brilliantly and KHN role really fits her.

anyways, thanks u all again =] *anxiously waiting for ep 13* lol ^^

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27-Sep-2009 Gong Yoo's 20:00

Featuring Yoon Eun Hye in "Thank You For the Music" segment:

If taking out, please take out the full translations and credit smr05@YEHouse

GY: For today's segment of "Thank You for the Music", where stars share their personal recommendations and stories, we have Go Eun-Chan... though she is no longer Go Eun-Chan, here we have Yoon Eun Hye-ssi joining us today.

YEH: Hello listeners of "Gong Yoo's Waiting for 20:00", this is Yoon Eun Hye. Because of my conflicting schedule, I was unable to directly meet with you at the [radio] studio, and so I am here in my office, however I am delighted to be here greeting you all.

First of all, as the hot weather has turned cool and refreshing, I think it calls for some exciting music. Although there will be times where you feel the mood for some quiet and soothing music, there are so many charismatic acts out there right now... like 2PM, cute youthful and beaming like Kara, 2ne1 I think they put a smile on me naturally.

I don't think there are many occassions where I am away from music, mostly because of the long hours I spend on stand-by or in the car. I either have the radio on or a CD playing in the background, so there aren't many times where I am not surrounded by music. I think this is probably why I get the feeling that music is always by my side. Even when I'm sleeping, because I get scared easily I play music. So I guess you could say I very much enjoy listening to music.

This became a bit of a hot issue recently, but a song which was included in my drama's OST was personally sung by an actress named Yoon Eun Hye (hehe) and it became quite an issue here. The song's called "Dash Girl" and I must say it's a nice song. I would like to recommend this song once again, haha!

*Dash Girl by Yoon Eun Hye plays*

YEH: When it comes to a song that evokes my memories, there is a song that first comes to mind. When I was in Junior High, or was it when I was in the 6th grade? Well eitherway, it was when I used to listen to the radio very often, but when compared to my friends I didn't listen to it as much as they did. However, I remember there was this one song that was played, it was Park Jung Hyun's (Lena Park) "P.S I Love You". At that time I had a big crush on this one boy and I would cry whilst listening to that song. I remember I had even used it as background music for my message greeting on my pager. I also recorded it onto a cassette tape and kept listening to it over and over again. I would like to listen to Park Jung Hyun's "P.S I Love You".

*P.S I Love You by Park Jung Hyun plays*

GY: The heroine of today's "Thank You for the Music" was Yoon Eun Hye-ssi, a person who feels very familiar to us at "Gong Yoo's 20:00"... But Yoon Eun Hye-ssi, why were you in such a hurry to not even say your goodbyes, recommending your own song haha. Yes, these days Yoon Eun Hye-ssi is receiving much love and attention through the drama "Take Care of Agasshi". Unlike the character Go Eun Chan, she played when she was working with me on "Coffee Prince", she is showing a more proud and arrogant, a more feminine side as the role of the Agasshi and receiving a whole lot of love for it.

I find that she is an actress who shows such attractive diversity in every drama she takes on... but I think she's lying when she says she's a regular listener of "Gong Yoo's 20:00". Yoon Eun Hye we hope to see much more of your healthy self and charismatic performances.

Thank you for brightening our "Gong Yoo's 20:00" yet again.


^ lols YEH is so funny! recommending her own song but saying it in 3rd person ^^

and awww.. what GY said about YEH was sweet :wub:

thanks all for the goodies!!!

welcome to the YEHouse xiaozhabo and hangthienbao :D

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Guest kapeadik

With no further preamble...I love you, smr! :lol: Been camping out here (more than my usual) waiting for that translation...thanks, thanks! Thanks also, f927, for the spoiler pics! It's official, Wednesday is my favorite day! For those who haven't read it yet, HappySY posted a translation of the episode 13 10 minute preview at the MFL thread. Ooh, 7 more hours till what people at the MFL thread have been tagging as The MFL Cheesy Week hehe. I'm not complaining...I love, love, love cheese...especially if it's from YEH! Thanks all! Sorry for my rambling...having a hard time containing it myself. :P

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Guest sittie2009

oh smr than you thank you thank you, :) :) :) i was looking for this translation,,,and thanks god you did it.....cant wait for tonight ep...love the pic so sweet....

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Hello YEH Warriors, this is my first post here. I've been a silent lurker for a while. I decide to delurk just to show my appreciation to all of you who have given so many support to this lovely lady. I salute you all. Especially smr05 who has spare her time and efforts in translating every news related to her. You're one of the reason why this thread is getting so much attention from public.So, keep up the good work everyone...Love you all...

(back to lurking mode )

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smr thanks as always. You're the best :)

Gong yoo is so sweet by complementing Eun Hye's acting ^^

And this week episode is going to be so cheesy but I'm lovin it. hehe

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