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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Guest kevin1320

thanks ss Chichocs for the vids....

nice seeing their close friendship


this is the translation for the first vid


[0:15] MC: Please seat.

[0:16~0:19] MC: Please introduce yourself to Son Ye Jin's fans.

[0:20~0:21} YEH: Hello, I'm Yoon Eun Hye.

[0:22~0:23] MC: How did you two end up learning to play the Ukelele together?

[0:26~0:32] YEH: Ah, it's only been few days since I began learning how to play it, and it's even been shorter period of learning for her.

[0:34~0:36] MC: I see. So You think she any potential?

[0:37~0:47] YEH: Ah, she very good. She had to leave for Japan so she ended up coming over the day before and learn it just once.

[0:48~0:58] YEH: And we were all worried because she wanted to perform it (without much practice), but she was able to master it in a day.

[1:02~1:16] YEH: Then she took a toy Ukelele to her family vacation (trip) and practiced. Then came over once more and practiced really hard.

[1:17~1:26] YEH: So I was thinking that her fans will really love it..but I was in the waiting room listening for the response and it seemed very quiet. I was afraid fans were going to say "don't ever play that again".

[1:27] MC: No, haha, it wasn't that bad.

[1:28~1:35] YEH: Yeah, so I was waiting in the back and it stayed so quiet.

[1:36~1:41] YEH: So I was very worried, but went it ended there was a big response and I was relieved.

[1:42~1:46] MC: We are curious when you two became close.

[1:50~1:55] SYJ: There was a drama called "Personal Preference", and she had made a cameo appearance.

[1:56~1:58] SYJ: I saw her that one day, and I really liked her.

[1:59~2:04] MC: But you've over the many years you've been an actress you've never had that kind of thing happening to you, right?

[2:05~2:19] SYJ: Yeah, cause it's not really easy to meet and become close with people like that, right? And I was reviewing the shots and I was thinking "ah, I think she is okay..I think she's someone who'd understand me".

[2:20~2:31] SYJ: Then we kept in touch and became close.

[2:32~2:37] MC: Okay, so as for Ms. SYJ, it was a love at first site. Now what was it like for you, Ms. Eun Hye?

[2:38~2:49] YEH: Actually, making a cameo appearance in someone else's project set is very awkward. It's like going to an audition and have them critique your acting performance.

[2:50~3:01] YEH: So, I was very nervous in front of everyone, and since she is a major senior, I didn't want to disappoint her, upset her, or ruin it for her..

[3:02~3:15] YEH: She was probably very tired at the time, since she had filmed throughout the night. So her condition wasn't good, but she continued to smile and took care of me and I liked her.

[3:16~3:27] YEH: And as I also saw how she took care of Mr. Lee Min Ho, she was as I had expected before meeting her.

[3:28~3:31] MC: Did you really think of her that way (before meeting her)? Or was she different than what you had thought of her?

[3:32~3:33] YEH: Why use the word different (There are better words)? haha.

[3:34~3:36] YEH: I was bit surprised how honest she was.

[3:37~3:42] MC: We see two you in pictures a lot, what do you usually do together when you meet?

[3:45~3:52] YEH: We go to Norebang (Karoke), and it's just normal. SYJ: Just hangout at home. YEH: Yeah, hangout at home nothing particular.

[3:54~3:58] SYJ: The first time I went over to her home, she cooked for me. MC: She made it herself? What were the side dishes?

[3:59~4:02] SJY: She made Bulgogi Jeongol (Beef with vegetables in a casserole).

[4:03~4:08] YEH: Isn't it shocking? It's shocking right? It's Bulgogi Jeongol!!

[4:11~4:19] MC: Please say it again. Let's go again with the Bulgogi Jeongol. SYJ: Eun Hye made Bulgogi Jeongol for me. [Audience cheers] YEH: Thank you.

[4:20~4:27]] SYJ: And you know how it's difficult to make without artificial flavoring? She didn't use any seasoning materials (artificial spices). YEH: I didn't use any seasoning materials.

[4:31~4:52] SYJ: And I thought she had many different talents, and this wall design..she did this as well. And she also filmed today's video and worked on it all night..MC: Even editing with sound? SYJ: Yeah, she put in the sound and edited it..and..[audience: Wow] YEH: Really.. Thank you very much!!

[4:54~5:21] SYJ: What's shame about it is there were some craks in the video. YEH: Yes, we first took the video for fun with a cell phone and the pictures weren't as good. We took better shots later, but they said the video would crack if we send it over, so we weren't able to improve the quality of it. Was it still okay? MC: Please give them a hand (applause).

[5:25~5:33] MC: Since you two are close, you must have some secrets you know of each other. Ms. Eun Hye, you first. If there's anything you can tell us about Ms.Ye Jin. YEH: Me? How can I say that? haha.

[5:37~5:45] MC: For the fans..you know, like things she does without her knowledge when she's drunk or secrets.

[5:46~5:51] YEH: Secret? How much do you know about her (to audience)? I think I better watch what I say.

[5:53~6:08] YEH: Well, just by looking at her I thought she'd be a very feminine person. But behind this cool image she is very easygoing and doesn't act cute. But you knew that already, huh?

[6:09~6:28] YEH: Don't know what I should say. I haven't even seen her family album yet. Hmm. She's cute and..Unnie, would you like to go first (to SYJ)? Hmm, She's cute..and that's all I know so far.

[6:29~6:30] MC: What about you Ms. Ye Jin?

[6:31~6:47] SYJ: Well..as for me..She's a dong-seng (Younger bro/sis), but very mature. She seems like an unnie (older sis) at times because she takes care of me.

[6:48~7:01] SYJ: She's very trustworthy and soft (delicate). She has many thoughts, and I think having many thoughts also helped us become closer. Because if one person has many thoughts and the other doesn't it doesn't go well.

[7:02~7:17] SYJ: We both have too many thoughts to a point that we make it hard for ourselves..but she's someone who gets happy with little things. And I sometimes feel sorry because as we've become closer, I feel as if I've received more than I've given her.

[7:20~7:26] YEH: It's okay unnie, you can keep asking me to give~I'm just kidding. I like how she has energy that makes other people feel good.

[7:27~7:31] MC: Really, they are great together, right? Audience: Yeah~!!

[7:32~7:36] YEH: But I should be great with a man not a girl..

[7:37~7:40] MC: Well if you know nice guys around you could introduce him to one another. YEH & SYJ: (don't know many guys, Inaudible).

[7:41~7:50] MC: Okay Ms. YEH, you've joined up for SYJ's fan meeting today, please say something to the fans.

[7:51~8:23] YEH: I was nervous but everyone is very receiving. Unnie was also very nervous as well, and felt bit burdened asking me to come by today but I liked that she invited me. So I'm hoping..can I say something like this here?..she'd come to my fan meeting as well, haha. MC: I'm sure she'd go.

[8:24~8:45] YEH: I hope she will be happy, and as she continues her acting career..your love really provides so much strength and energy...while this may sound like just a catchy saying..it really does mean a lot (to an actress) because you feel as your fans are not just fans but are people who are on your side. I hope you will all stay fans like that. Thank you.

[8:46~8:55 ] MC: Please give Ms. Eun Hye another round of applause for showing up here in the midst of busy schedule. Thank you.

cr: http://yooneunhye.net/forums/topic/yoon-eun-hye-appeared-at-son-ye-jin-birthday-fan-meeting-on-january-14-2012

trans: CDBloom

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[3:54~3:58] SYJ: The first time I went over to her home, she cooked for me. MC: She made it herself? What were the side dishes?

[3:59~4:02] SJY: She made Bulgogi Jeongol (Beef with vegetables in a casserole).

[4:03~4:08] YEH: Isn't it shocking? It's shocking right? It's Bulgogi Jeongol!!

[4:11~4:19] MC: Please say it again. Let's go again with the Bulgogi Jeongol. SYJ: Eun Hye made Bulgogi Jeongol for me. [Audience cheers] YEH: Thank you.

[4:20~4:27]] SYJ: And you know how it's difficult to make without artificial flavoring? She didn't use any seasoning materials (artificial spices). YEH: I didn't use any seasoning materials.

[4:31~4:52] SYJ: And I thought she had many different talents, and this wall design..she did this as well. And she also filmed today's video and worked on it all night..MC: Even editing with sound? SYJ: Yeah, she put in the sound and edited it..and..[audience: Wow] YEH: Really.. Thank you very much!!

[6:31~6:47] SYJ: Well..as for me..She's a dong-seng (Younger bro/sis), but very mature. She seems like an unnie (older sis) at times because she takes care of me.

[6:48~7:01] SYJ: She's very trustworthy and soft (delicate). She has many thoughts, and I think having many thoughts also helped us become closer. Because if one person has many thoughts and the other doesn't it doesn't go well.

[7:02~7:17] SYJ: We both have too many thoughts to a point that we make it hard for ourselves..but she's someone who gets happy with little things. And I sometimes feel sorry because as we've become closer, I feel as if I've received more than I've given her.

cr: http://yooneunhye.net/forums/topic/yoon-eun-hye-appeared-at-son-ye-jin-birthday-fan-meeting-on-january-14-2012

trans: CDBloom

What SYJ says about YEH has been very consistent with many people's observations and testimonials of her: an unnie more than a dongseng, an instinctive gesture to serve, to take care of others, to contribute to their well-being and a wisdom that characterizes her thoughts and considerations...PROUD OF OUR YEH!!!!!

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What SYJ says about YEH has been very consistent with many people's observations and testimonials of her: an unnie more than a dongseng, an instinctive gesture to serve, to take care of others, to contribute to their well-being and a wisdom that characterizes her thoughts and considerations...PROUD OF OUR YEH!!!!!

of everything i was told and read about YOON EUN HYE its her kindness and caring that strike me most. she is a person worth liking and supporting.every second is a pleasure.YEH is a real GEM.


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What SYJ says about YEH has been very consistent with many people's observations and testimonials of her: an unnie more than a dongseng, an instinctive gesture to serve, to take care of others, to contribute to their well-being and a wisdom that characterizes her thoughts and considerations...PROUD OF OUR YEH!!!!!

I agree...thanks again to CDbloom, chichocs, and YEH warriors ...

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Guest yamamah

the more i read or hear about YEH the more i admire her. she is so talented yet so humble, she is childlike yet mature for her age, she is funny and has sense of humor but she is sensible and has depth and above all she has this intrinsic honesty in her and a caring heart.

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Guest MariYEH

Whoa! so many updates. Thanks santaiah for the translation, also thanks to kevin, chichocs and vegaspink for updates. :w00t:

welcome to all newbies, I hope you make yourselves at home and post here more often.

source: http://kpopfever.com/2012/01/son-ye-jins-birthday-fan-meeting-with-yoon-eun-hye/ <----please make sure to drop a comment on kpopfever comment section. Thanks!

Son Ye Jin’s birthday fan meeting with Yoon Eun Hye

ByCeridwen– January 16, 2012


Actress Son Ye Jin had a fan meeting with 200 fans to celebrate her birthday (January 11th) and actress Yoon Eun Hye attended the event as a surprise guest showing off their friendship.


Son Ye Jin’s fan meeting took place on January 14th at the Hanmaeum Hall of fashion group Hyungji. The event was so popular that the application for the 200 attendees ended the same day it opened.

In part 1, Sweet Sorrow, who Son Ye Jin befriended through SBS’s ‘Alone In Love’ put on a performance of celebration and actress Yoon Eun Hye appeared drawing out happy waves of reception. In part 2, Son Ye Jin personally played the ukulele and Yoon Eun Hye stayed by her side as good friends they are.

The event also marked the happy occasion of Son Ye Jin’s movie ‘Chilling Romance’ drawing 3 million moviegoers so far. As such, there was an event with fans writing out their wishes on the movie ticket and Son Ye Jin making some of those wishes come true.

Singer Jadu was also among entertainers present at the meeting.

Image+Source: TV Report via Nate

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the link "http://www.soompi.com/news/what-does-yoon-eun-hye-ryeowon-and-hwang-jung-eum-have-in-common"

From Soompi News

What Do Yoon Eun Hye, Jung Ryeo Won, and Hwang Jung Eum Have in Common?

by: kwibi on Jan 13, 2012

What does Yoon Eun Hye, Jung Ryeo Won, and Hwang Jung Eum have in common? These three beautiful women were not in the spotlight during their years as a girl group member, but by declaring independence, they successfully established themselves as lead actresses.

Jung Ryeo Won, a previous Chakra member, was overshadowed by more popular members. After going solo, Ryeo Won steadily climbed the ladder by appearing on a number of dramas. Her ability to act outshone her past as a girl group member. Her work on "Hello, Franceska," "Ja Myoung Go," "Two Faced Girlfriend" and "Castaway on the Moon" did not get much media attention, but her recent work on "Salaryman Cho Han Ji" and "Never Ending Story" surely removed her label as singer-turned-actress.

Yoon Eun Hye also was a member of Baby V.O.X. Yoon Eun Hye was not popular because she was on the chubbier side, unlike other members of the group. After announcing her independence and seizing the lead role in the drama "Goong," she slowly made a reputation. Her role in "The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince" instantly let her join stardom.

Finally, Sugar member Hwang Jung Eum was always overshadowed by fellow member, Ayumi. She, too, pioneered a new career by choosing dramas like "Giant," "High Kick Through the Roof," and "Can You Hear My Heart."

Many overshadowed singing group members are challenging themselves to establish their name. These individuals need a round of applause rather than messages of disapproval! Who do you like the most among the three?

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MariYEH that's true,w00t.gif  I am anxious to know what their new project. it brightens my day. but I have envy of the Japanese fansdry.gif  anyway MariYEH thank you very much, wait for the good news of our Unnie.B)

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I'm sure many of you read this article from Soompi...But I still posted this for other YEH warriors who have not visited this thread for a while due to busy schedule or due to another reason...So if they have to time to visit the thread again and decides to backtrack, then they can read this...

From Soompi news.

Son Ye Jin Celebrates Birthday with 200 Fans

by: sherryxkim on Jan 16, 2012

the link: http://www.soompi.com/news/son-ye-jin-celebrates-birthday-with-200-fans

Actress Son Ye Jin (who turned 35 this year) celebrated her birthday once again with her fans, just as she did last year.

On January 14, she met with 200 fans at Han Ma Eum Hall. Using the social networking service me2day, she answered fans' various questions and had a "themed talk." In addition, Son Ye Jin played a game where she picked her most ideal man out of the numerous male co-stars that she had worked with in the past. She also played with fans in the "Motion Game," and participated in a variety of other activities and programs. She even played the ukelele!

There were also special guests. The group Sweet Sorrow from SBS's "Alone in Love" made a guest appearance, and actress Yoon Eun Hye received hot praise as she entered the scene.

Towards the end of the event, she commemorated her movie "Chilling Romance," which surpassed 3 million views by fulfilling the wishes of her fans on site. And to give her fans a little something special, she presented them with the special hoodie that she wore for the MBC drama "Personal Taste."

Happy birthday Son Ye Jin!

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Today YEH n her assistant went eat at the restaurant....the waiter (Chinese girl) asked her autograph n uploaded at Weibo :P

when they  (the waiters) praised  YEH so pretty...YEH said no...n very shy..she even covered her face :wub:



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Any rumors about YEH's next project?...Oh several months of waiting...I notice that those actors and actresses who got good projects belong to big-time and influential agencies....I am thinking that YEH may need additional handlers to help her pick good projects..She is so good and I don't want her talent to be wasted... wish wish wish....

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Guest santaiah178

Any rumors about YEH's next project?...Oh several months of waiting...I notice that those actors and actresses who got good projects belong to big-time and influential agencies....I am thinking that YEH may need additional handlers to help her pick good projects..She is so good and I don't want her talent to be wasted... wish wish wish....

Hi curiousyeh, I think most of us (YEH fans) have the same wish after what happened to YEH's two last projects. Wishing her to get a good project. At least it will has the same calibre as CP or even better.  

I agree with you, I think YEH should hire someone who will help her in choosing a good project. Someone who's more professional. Not that we don't trust YEH but he/she will defend YEH when there is someone/company who want to "use" her (for their own good) since we know that YEH is too kind.  

IMO although The House is still a small company many PD & Prod.co. still acknowledge her and will send her good script since not many Korean actresses have the same status as her (Top Star & Hallyu Star). So I think she won't run out of good offers. Especially  when there are many new cable channels beside 3 big TV station (KBS, MBS, SBS).

Reading your words that "those actors and actresses who got good projects belong to big-time and influential agencies" make me appreciate YEH more since the position/status she's got now is because of her "own effort & talent", without any help of big agency. So despite some people bashing her no one can deny that YEH is a big star in Korea and internationally. Many prod.co. deliberately using her name to boost interest for their new project, although they rectify it later. It's a prove that her name is still appreciated by people in entertainment industry. 

And based on her latest interview I think she will choose a project wisely this time. Hoping the best for her smile.gif

Thank you all for the updates biggrin.gif

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Guest kevin1320


Ticket information please visit EMI MUSIC Japan official website, and e+ will be launched the advance ticket sale.

Advance ticket sales on website

From January 20th to January 26th starts from 10 am


Can use PC, mobile phone n smartphone

Ticket fee

All seats reserved 8800 yen (include tax) around 114 Dollar US

• 3 years old children will be charged

• Under 3 years old sit with guardian, if need seat must pay.

Event Title

YEH’s Valentine Special FM

Dates : February 14 at 18.30 pm

General Ticket sale date : January 28 begins at 10 am

About the FM performance

contact BEA 092-712-4221 / http://www.bea-net.com/

source http://www.yoon-eunhye.jp/

cr: chichoc@yeh.net


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Guest MariYEH

No need to worry boys and girls she is getting lots of good scripts and is reviewing them right now. So lets be patient ;) lets just wait what our lovely YEH has in store for us this 2012. I heard a new rumor...and if it materializes it will be huge!

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