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Worst Rejection/break Up Ever

Guest DarkAngelInLove

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Guest DarkAngelInLove

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Title says it all!

I'll go first.

I've been in love with my ex for a couple of years and I accidentally told him online, which I regret because I wanted to tell him in person and the fact that he's in love with someone else. First he told me that I should have told him years ago, next he reminds me he's in love with someone else and to put salt on the wound: "You don't love me. That's stupid." I sobbed. Funny thing is that he just got rejected a month ago by the girl he's in love with, he should have at least understood how I felt.

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Guest sam sik

When she thought I was JOKING (seriously, she literally thought I was making a joke, she wasn't trying to fake it). .......... and laughed it off. That's worse then just saying "no" right on the spot.

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Guest spiral_flare

I've only told one guy in my whole entire life I liked him, over the net. His reply (which, come to think of it, wasn't as bad as it seemed back then) sort of ruined every chance I have with any guy now, since it made rejection 10000x scarier which makes me not confess to ANYONE.

I told him I liked him online too, and his exact reply was: "Aren't guys supposed to say that to the girl first?". I was speechless, I didn't know what to type so I went...like a pathetic loser-idiot: "lol (I think I added that lol so he wouldn't think I was like TOTALLY serious and scare him away), I know you don't like me I just wanted you to know". He signed off right after that. Haven't seen him again since then. Whew. Cried for a few days, as much as I tried not to.

Then I did something extremely stupid as "revenge" (I mean, it wasn't his fault, I can't force him to like me) and it seemed to work. :rolleyes:

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Guest manlytoe

uh... funnie because i'm usually the one turning them down (i'm a shallow loser, i admit it), but um.

the only one i can think of is when i told him how i felt about him and he said i was only a sister and a friend.

it's not so bad, but that's the worst i've had so far. i was actually glad nothing happened after a couple of months.

we just became better friends you can say.

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Guest Modoki

i was never rejected, however, i did reject someone in a cruel way. i was young and tactless, so i basically crushed his hopes and dreams. wouldn't be too surprised if he cried.

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for me... hm...

i just don't like you no more, because i don't think we can get along with each other, and at the same time your really nice and all, but still i don't think we can be together.....

the second one was...

look i don't like you don't waste your time on me, and at the same time don't ever call me again...

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Guest hippiehop

1: I love you

2: That's cute.


1: Will you go out with me on ___?

2: Sorry, I have to wash my hair that day.


1: Will you go out with me?


.... these are NOT personal experiences.

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Guest xTwilight

Me: "Join my guild?"

Female player: "No"


Me: "accept mission"

NPC: "Request denied"


Me: "Dark templar plz"

Executor: "You have not enough minerals"


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Guest mary elle

my ex broke up with me the day after my birthday. then he "rejected" me on my mom's birthday.

all his reasons were because he either had feelings for his ex, found a new girl, or just wanted space.

i can't believe i still talk to his richard simmons. but whatever. i found someone new in the end.

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Guest sae ya15

When your boyfriend ignores you for around 2 weeks, and then prom night he acts like he had the best time of his life, and the next 3 days he ignores you again. Refuses to talk to you, and doesn't bother hugging you. And then, you have to repeatedly ask him what's wrong. He won't tell you in person, not even on the phone... instead, breaks up with you on aim. That's the lamest..break up ever.

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dis 1 mamii tell ME dat SHE 2 HOTTT 4 MEE..


1st all, NO WAI SHE 2 HOT FOR ME

2nd all, I 2 SEXII 4 HER

stupid grlz..

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Guest kwanitee

lol, now that i look back, it kinda makes me laugh.

so one valentine's day, i get a myspace message from my crush asking me out &i replied back "yes".

&then later that night, i find out it was my crush's friend who sent the message.

and yea. i felt stupid, but good thing it was only a crush. (=

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Guest sam sik

Me: "Join my guild?"

Female player: "No"


Me: "accept mission"

NPC: "Request denied"


Me: "Dark templar plz"

Executor: "You have not enough minerals"


This person wins this thread 100 times over.

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Guest anjuu62

he confessed to me on valentines day through a gram... the whole page was full of neat chinese letters along with a rose and people singing x___x it was a singing gram.. so like.. the sing to you in the middle of class XD

i got a boyfriend 2 days before valentines and i went out with him until 10 that night.. it was a school night

him: whered you go so late tonight? on a date? :P

me: ... yeah....

him: really.

me: yeah....

him: really....

another time~~ my friend was helping me so i dunno if this counts as a rejection @__o'' basically she was tlaking to him for me (copy+paste msn convos) and i talked about some stuff about getting back together with my ex and how this guy was trying a bit too hard x___x''

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"I don't like her... why? 1..2..3..4.. SHE'S TOO SHORT! LOLLL."

Back in grade 11... my cousin talked to my then-crush and he said he only liked European girls and he didn't like me cuz I was 2 heads shorter than him =( oh and he used to "run" away whenever he saw me, haha. That one really hurt.

And in 8th grade.


And I never talked to him again after that, haha.

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Guest Kikyo

Oh i've had some terrible breakups. My boyfriend of 2 yrs went away to college and he started to drift apart from me, you know, partying, drinking whatever. Pics with him and girls sitting on his lap started showing up on myspace and eventually he stopped talking to me for two weeks. One day I saw a picture of him slow dancing with some girl at some whatever party and I knew it was over, just like that, no words or anything. That was the most messed up break up I've ever experienced. -__-

From me though, I've done some pretty bad stuff.

This one guy was like, "would you go out with me?"

and i'm just like O_O "go out with you? to where???!"

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Guest misskrazy

I wouldn't say it was the worst rejection, just the most memorable.

I liked this guy in 6th grade, kinda blurted out to my friends (which was a terrible idea) and they harassed him constantly making him to talk to me and such. I even wrote him a love letter, which he ended up throwing over a fence while being chased by my crazy friends?

As for the worst BREAKUP,

I was with him for about 6 months, we were crazy in love. Then all of a sudden, he went to camp for the weekend, came back and told me he wanted a break. I knew it was because he liked this other girl :/ It was hard to move on because he was the 'perfect boyfriend' image in my head.

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