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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest sennorita

awww those clays are so cute! With it`s little uniforms, and curly hair and violin... <3

Can`t wait for mondays && tuesdays


Ohh, i`ve never topped a pagee!


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If you don't like the show,

why are you here?

Saying that one show is better than another doesn't neccessarily equal to disliking the "lower quality" show. Just a thought, you know. ;)

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Guest Labacookie


I'm going to throw my two-cents in regarding the characters, particularly the JD-JP-JH love triangle. To be honest, I don't feel deeply sorry for any of them, and feel they're all jerks.

...There, I said it. ALL. JERKS.

1.) Jun Pyo - Of the three, I'm going to say that JP less of a jerk, but he's still a jerk. He's less of a jerk because he made his interest in Jan Di obvious and his feelings for her obvious. He's an overbearing brute, but he's at least trying to change, if only for the girl he loves. He's had no experience being kind and gentle, and until JD he's had no reason. I give him an A for effort, but C for application. Especially considering the fact that he was a bully to begin with. It's understandable that JD would want nothing to do with him...but the fact that JD isn't actively having nothing to do with him kind of strips her of that argument. But still, he kind of knew how she felt about Ji Hoo. Good faith is one thing, but actions speak louder than words. Her kissing JH shouldn't have been that shocking. I get the sense that it was as much his ego-breaking as his heart, which makes him slightly less sympathetic than if this weren't the case.

2.) Jan Di - A bigger jerk than JP. Why? It's called "no". If you don't like someone, you say so. JP showed her a giant heart. He showed her "his" heart. His feelings. What did she say? Nothing. She sulked and looked guilty as heck for being such a chicken. She can do a spinning back kick and knock him on his butt and yet she doesn't have the nerve to say to this same person that she doesn't really feel that way about him? Her passiveness is the non-verbal equivalent of leading him on. She had several golden opportunities to make her feelings known through out the series. To be a little fair, she got the crap kicked out of her for looking like she "betrayed" him. It's possible that fear of a repeat could have been what was keeping her mum. However, I don't see how eyeing his bud and kissing him later on would have avoided a similar scenario. I had tried to justify her lying with the previous idea (that she was afraid of being an outcast again), however it just felt wrong. Jun Pyo knew how she felt about Ji Hoo. Telling the truth may have stung, but it would could have avoided some things. Then there's the whole ruining friendship aspect. So yeah, a jerk.

3.) Ji Hoo - Biggest jerk. I don't care how depressed he is that the girl he idolized was marrying another man, there are just some things you don't do. You DO NOT steal away your best bud's girl just because you can. And before anyone says, "But Jan Di never agreed to be his girl, blah blah blah", Ji Hoo and Jun Pyo were supposed to be friends, and were friends for YEARS. Jun Pyo liked Jan Di. A lot. This is abundantly clear. If you have a guy that you like and you caught your best friend making out with said guy, wouldn't it sting just a bit? Even more so if you and the guy you like had started spending time together, easing towards dating? And then you stumble across a friend of yours and this person sucking face? How uncool would that be? Even if Jan Di weren't 100% claimed, a good friend would know not to go there. Heck, a person with any ounce of decency would know not to go there. I can't side with or justify this. There is no kind of hurt that would excuse blatantly and someone purposely hurting your friend. Jun Pyo was right in this instance to knock his block off.

Now then, I am still very much addicted to this show and like it a great deal, so don't go thinking that I don't. This is just my analysis on the love triangle, and how no person in it has any kind of moral ground. XD

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hmmm.. few minutes ago, i saw ep 7 preview and bit worried about one scene....JD was talking to herself like ...'i'm not gonna regret it' after argue with JP.. and JP was walking away from her with terribly sad face... does it mean JD said something like 'break up' or 'i luv JH'??????????? OMG... .....no more sadness for JP plz...

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sheherizade3: Gosh, I can't believe I've missed your summaries all this time! Please keep them going, and I look forward to reading every one of your posts.

Hello there ljphantom. I read your comments on the YJ/GA couple and I just want to let you know that I'm looking forward to more about them. You know the manga very well and I'd love to hear your thoughts as it relates to the Korean version. I like this young couple and I do hope that they're given a good ending. I would hate it if their story turns out to be all sappy and dramatic with GA running after and being hurt by YJ.

In episode 6, what started out as a fun vacation in New Caledonia for the F4s, JD and GA, ended on a sour note, threatening to shake the very foundation of friendship among the F4s and leaving in its wake, one very hurt and confused girl. JP thought of this vacation as a way to woo JD to commit to him as her boyfriend. Before they left for New Caledonia, he had announced to the students that JD was his girlfriend, brushing aside JD's attempts to protest. So in essence, their relationship is by name only. JD is still very skeptical about JP's real feelings for her and that is understandable considering their history together that can only be described as a love/hate relationship. Although JP expressed having strong feelings for her, the harrassments and physical abuse she experienced in school had been instigated by him; this happens every time she says or does something to displease him. The constant bullying must have worn her down and I think that her reluctance to go against JP, was more an act of survival rather than consent. The arrival of JH couldn't have come at a worse time when JP was just starting his earnest pursuit of JD. So now, JD's attention is again diverted to her hero and prince charming, JH.

Upon arrival in New Caledonia, JP laid out the red carpet for JD starting with lunch at a private beach.


If not for JH, JD would have drowned; this must have been a blow to JP who could not muster the courage to save his girl, making him utterly useless. When JD opened her eyes, the first person she saw was JP from a distance looking miserable and dejected; I find this symbolic in the sense that, even though JP is rich and powerful, he also has his moments of weakness, and these may just be what will soften JD's heart, his vulnerabilities. More than ever, JD wants to know the real JP, not his wealth that he had been flaunting before her very eyes every opportunity he gets.



JP personally supervised the dinner for the group, but of course it was part of his campaign to win JD; he even had a separate table just for the two of them. JH, for the first time, did not seem to appreciate the attention JP was showering JD; he kept glancing her way and, without even touching his food, suddenly stood up and left the group. JH was apparently hurting because of SH and to find out that he was about to lose his one true friend apart from the F3s, must have added to his misery.




A sign that JD was starting to take interest in JP was during the fireworks; she looked happy and both she and JP stole glances at each other. JD had this smile on her lips like she enjoyed JP's sweet way of trying to impress her. JP is just so meltingly hot when he looks at JD...woooo.....





She was smiling after JP gave her the ankle bracelet.


It is interesting how JD refused the flower pot from JH, telling him that he should give it to SH. I think that this is a signal that JD's outlook regarding JH is beginning to change from prince charming to friend. If it were the old JD, she would have been flattered and accepted it willingly. Their conversation was mostly centred around SH; I feel that it was JD's curiousity to find out what happened between them that’s why she approached him rather than trying to rekindle any kind of romantic feelings she initially felt for JH before he left for Paris. She seemed surprised when JH hugged her. JH, on the other hand was turning to her for comfort and probably, some affection. The role is now reversed and it seems that JH is beginning to subconciously start to have romantic feelings for JD, however, due to the fact that he is still reeling from the loss of SH, JH will face that reality somewhere down the road.




It was uncharacteristic of JD to apologize to JP after meeting with JH; she's beginning to care about his feelings so that she opted not to tell him the truth.



When JH handed JD's ankle bracelet to JP, requesting him to return it to JD, I thought that it was calculated and malicious; he could have given it back to JD without a fuss but his gesture was to let JP know that he and JD met behind his back. It was almost like he was competing with JP for JD's attention.



JP was angered by the thought that JD lied to him ealier about the bracelet. He lost focus while playing volleyball and was hit hard on the face with the ball.




Whenever he gets angry JP has this habit of letting off steam by being physical; so he followed JH and tried to race him. Judging from JH's expression, he knew what's eating JP, however, he seemed to be indifferent about the whole thing and instead of staying to keep him company, he turned his canoe around to head back to shore leaving an exasperated JP behind. There was already an underlying rift between the two friends.



The scene where JH and JD went fishing was very picturesque and breathtaking; it depicted how the two were very comfortable in each other's company and if it hadn't been for the fact that JH had lingering feelings for SH and JD was beginning to like JP, they would have been the epitome of a perfect couple.




The helicopter ride where JP showed her the heart-shaped view, to me, was the turning point for JD; it was here that she was finally convinced that JP truly, unconditionally, unequivocally, without a doubt was in love with her. In a way, she must have felt the pressure because she's not prepared for it and was still trying to sort out her feelings for him.



JH's kiss was for all intents and purposes, unintentional and spur of the moment. JD came to see him crying and very apologetic when she learned that SH was involved with a politician; she felt responsible that her predictions earlier about SH came true. JH, who was filled with regrets and self-loathing, was visibly touched and could not help it when he kissed her. JD on the other hand, wanted to comfort him and the kiss was her way of probably making him feel better. It was not exactly earth shaking; their lips just sort of touched and JD did not even respond to it by way of kissing him back.




But then again, it was a big deal for JP, especially when, earlier in the evening he attempted to kiss her and JD spurned him. However, this was a different situation; to allow JP to kiss her meant actually accepting and thereby committing to him and JD was not ready to do that.


The confrontation between JH and JP was a first for both of them. JP could not take it that his own friend betrayed him with the first woman that he ever loved. His fury was such that JD could not reason with him as he blindly accused her of messing with his heart. The pained look on JD's face with the sudden realization that she did care about JP was so evident when she looked at him with an expression of regret that said "what have I done." It is sad that some people are focusing on KHS's "shortcomings" and miss out on her brilliant moments like this. LMH and KHS were so in sync with their acting, just awesome. And I have to add that I commend Kim Hyun Joong's acting; he's finally conquered JH's character.






The way JP dealt with the situation was, expectedly, very childish when he announced that JH was no longer part of F4 and both he and JD will be banished from school. JP has a lot of growing up to do before he can have a real relationship with JD; this is one of the most important factors why JD is always confused about JP; his blow hot, blow cold personality. He'll drive any girl nuts.


JH and JD met at the balcony to console each other. JH drew a picture of an angry JP with JD adding to it only to wind up crying; it was at this moment that JH realized that JD maybe falling for JP. Another stellar acting from KHS; I swear this lady can really make me cry.



Both Kim Bum and Kim Hyun Joong shone in this scene when YJ confronted JH regarding his unacceptable behaviour. It was obvious that JH cared more about protecting JH rather than keeping his friendship with JP. While JP's behaviour towards JD is volatile, JH's is constant in that, no matter what happens, he will always put JD's interest first.



JP was still brooding when WB tried to talk him out of banishing JH and JD. His reply was that it would have been harsher if he killed both of them. JP's anger towards JH may be justified but a mistake cannot be corrected by another mistake. Of course, it is inevitable that JP will mature and change his ways but for now, he remains to be the immature and selfish leader of F4, unworthy of JD.



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Guest XiahxTiffany

i really do think that JD and JP will end up together

JH will finally realize that friendship is more important(i think)

and he will talk with JP and etc

then she will be like alone and then JP comes out of nowhere

and talks with her and finally they are going to kiss lol >_<

then JH will be happy and either will go to France or he will just be great friends with JD

the 3 musketeers i dont even know what they will do

the 2 other members of F4 are cool

i think YJ likes JD's friend that went to the island with them

and i dont noe anyting about WB

but i really feel that JP will start maturing and will understand JD's feeling one day :)

soulmate im pretty sure means like friends forever people u could trust etc

so i realy think JH and JD are soulmates they are so comfortable near eachother

this is while JP and JD are i hope going to marry :)

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As for the soulmate vs husband discussion, i agree with evie that one's soulmate does not have to be your significant other. I wholeheartedly believe my best friend for the last 18 years (since primary school) is my soulmate. We have such an amazing relationship that has gone through ups and downs, and never once did we stop loving and supporting each other. She's my rock and the future godmother to my children :)

flowerpot, i loved the gifs! they're so cute! our F4 guys are all suave and all that onscreen and cheeky, happy guys offscreen.

ljphantom, hmm...i'm not sure if I want to see a time jump or a level of maturity. both have pros and cons actually. but...as long as I get GaJeong, i'll be fine with either :D

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You guys know that this is not a place for rudeness, uncalled language, or disrespecting others, right? We all are here to talk about Boys over flowers so let's just please discuss about Boys over flowers. We don't want this thread to be close down just because our ill mannered behaviour, right? All I suggest is, do not feed the trolls. they get happy when they get attention from you. :D

I think that jun pyo's sister.


She really is pretty. I think she is the prettiest Shigeru among 3.

I think I'm going to like the fiancee this time around.

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Guest emilyy :-

I think that jun pyo's sister.

i'm thinking it's GJP's older sister since she's back now so they

might be discussing what's going to happen. I remember something

like that from other versions


really? i thought JP's sister have short hair.

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Guest CharlotteDarcy

I heard they're still shooting the series. meaning it's not done filming yet. however, it's already verified that 24 episodes is the maximum we'll expect? Because i want more more more!

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Guest sundyts

i just found an interesting comment in DramaBeans.

just want to share it with u.

172 Cinamoroll - Jan 22, 2009 at 3:40 pm

" I just have been to Official website and seems like so many fans are enraged at the writer and the producers for portraying this drama in strictly JunPyo’s point of view instead of Jandi’s Point of view.

They point out that because the story is too strictly oriented around JunPyo, YiJung and WooBin have become followers of JP instead of best friends and JiHoo have become a vilian who is trying to take his best friend’s girlfriend because of his mood swing.

Most important of all, our beloved Jandi have become a girl who screams all the time for nothing and sorta acting like a gold digger.

Especially, HyunJung’s fans are accusing the production for using HyunJung’s fame.

and I didn’t notice it, but seems like there was one scene where it was originally Rui’s scene in the manga, but the writer thought the scene was too cool that she just wrote it as Junpyo’s scene.

I haven’t thought about that but as more I think about it, the story really is all about JunPyo instead of everyone on the cast.

That’s why the relationships are weak among F4s and especially between JiHoo and Jandi. Right now, from what we have seen in the drama so far, It’s really hard to understand why JiHoo and Jandi are acting like that in the drama and why they are actually soulmates.

I Love this drama so much, but if they are going for love triangle, then the writer better write stories in Jandi’s Point of View.”

she pointed out something i've been wondering. i was thinking why only JunPyo is in the spot light. it's not just becos of his acting and hotness.

i think i hv to agree with Cinamoroll. Since i've read the manga, i know very well that it's all bout Jandi's point of view. it shows how Jandi thinks, how she feels, what she cares etc.

it's Gu Hye-sun acting is not good enough?? becos i dn't feel what Jandi's thinking :( or may b it's becos the writer portrays this version as JunPyo's point of view.

They said they will create their own korean version, right?? may b this is their style of creating ( although they fallow the manga A-Z :P )

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Guest secret_valentine

*sigh* i can't help but love this drama....

i'm actually counting until Monday Comes!! weird... >_<


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Thank you sheherizade3 for your insight and summary of episode 6. You were able to capture the essence of the story and the emotions and made me look at some of the things that happened differently, especially JH and his intentions towards Jandi. Reading your analysis and looking at the caps made me want to re-watch episode 6.

Random thoughts: I think because a majority of us have read the manga and or watched the previous dramas we already know the ending what if the PD surprise us with a different ending? In the manga, Jandi and Jun pyo's relationship after everything they went through was strong but it was also pretty open ended, allowing the readers to use their imagination. What if this time around just like the little changes the script writers, PD made re-GaJeong relationship...they're going to change Jandi and Jun pyo's relationship too? What if Jandi and Jun pyo's love was not strong enough to overcome the obstacles in their way? What if JH ended up being the husband and Jun pyo the soulmate, and Jun pyo is married to his fiancé who fits him perfectly in every way? BTW she has similar personality to Jandi which is an added plus to Jun pyo, and a lot prettier than Jandi. What if the expected ending we the audience have...totally change? I for one would be interested in how they’re going to pull it off…not to mention extremely pissed if they did change the ending but it’ll be something different.

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sheherizade3, your insight left me speechless...BRAVO..I agree that JP still needs to grow up (taking into consideration he is the youngest in the F4)..

And I love Kim Bum confrontation with JH, he was on fire...lol...Kim Bum protray his character so good just like LMH since Kim Bum character is the smartest one in the group who care about the friendship above all and it literally shows during their vacation, he sense it...I need a smart man like that, lol...as for LMH, his acting is great too...he nail those scenes where he was dejected, you can literally tell from his back in those scene (the water-drowning scene, the kissing scene0...just wow...

Regarding the time skip that I been reading from other posters, I think it is a way to develop relationship for Ga Eul and Yi Jeong since in the manga (they remain friends at the very end)..having the time skip can develop their relationship. But I don't know how it would go for JP and JD, the sequel (one shot) of the manga affirm their relationship as they (how I interpet it) is that made commitment to each other in the church that Shizuka was getting married at...correct me if I am wrong since I read it a while back...

I need more of BOF...I am loving this drama so much...

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I don't know how it would go for JP and JD, the sequel (one shot) of the manga affirm their relationship as they (how I interpet it) is that made commitment to each other in the church that Shizuka was getting married at...correct me if I am wrong since I read it a while back...

I need more of BOF...I am loving this drama so much...

Sorry for cutting your post. You're correct^_^ which is why I felt the manga itself was pretty open ended.

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