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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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oh.my.goddddd kill me =) the preview of 23th episode it wohoooooo =) cant wait for new soeul scenes

btw: pls take a look at my fanfic you'll love it - link in signature- and pls comment after reading pm list is still open =)

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Guest Bonnie

i can't wait to watch the subbed version! i didn't expect the remake to be soo good (: i think it's because of the casts.

& i really wish it was JD + JH but obviously they won't be together ): that really upsets me.

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Guest Aleejayy

Just finished ep 22 and it was soooo sweet!! It truly shows how happy JP and JD are when they're together. JD could not stop smiling, it was like she has been given the best gift in the world! We haven't seen JD that happy in like forever..so seeing her happy like that really justifies how much she misses/loves JP. They really need to get married soon and produce some of that little GJP offspring and seriously go out looking at stars as a family cuz I CAN'T GET ENOUGH!

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Guest oc-ca

from the previews i thought it was going to be jd/jp the whole episode.

i wonder why the pd left out jh from the preview when half the episode was with jh.

and what was gramps trying to say when he told jh he wouldnt want to see someone as bright and cheerful as jd with a melancholy person like jh AFTER he told mama kang he has picked jd as his future grand-daughter-in-law. is it supposed to be reverse psychology? :unsure:

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Guest funkindagirl

Helmet worn by Kim Hyun Joong in Boys Over Flowers costs 15 million KRW


The price of the helmet that Yoon Ji Hoon, played by Kim Hyun Joong, wear while he rides on the motorbike in the drama Boys Over Flowers was revealed. The price of the helmet is 15 million KRW.

This was revealed by one of Kim Hyun Joong’s representative, “The helmet that he wore in the show costs 15 million KRW. It is really expensive.”

With regard to the recent heated discussion by netizens when they found it funny that Hyun Joong would talk on the phone with the phone outside the helmet, the representative responded, “Actually you can talk on the phone with the helmet on. This has been a great curiosity for those viewers who are not familiar with motorbike equipment.”

credit kbites

^Haha well that clears up that issue.

But geez the price of it, approx US$11,000...it SHOULD be made possible to talk on the phone outside the helmet. :lol:

Lee Min Jung Leaves With Regrets

Lee Min Jung who has been playing Goo Joon Pyo's fiance, Ha Jae Kyung expressed in the early morning hours of 23rd March through her Cyworld about her feelings on leaving the production after completing her last scene together with photos for remembrance.

After completing her final scene, Lee Min Jung had took pictures with Goo Hye Sun, Jung Ki Sang (director), etc and uploaded them. She also wrote:

"Goodbye doesn't mean leaving forever".

"Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun always showed a lot of vigor even if they had to film overnight usually.

I thus feel quite inadequate towards my own performance and that I got a lot more to offer and improve on but my scenes are already done. I will miss everyone very much.

My beloved staff, cast members, directors, goodbye doesn't mean leaving forever."

Lee Min Jung appears in Episode 22 for the last time in Boys Before Flowers.

credit allkpop

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cool thanks 4tang, i was looking everywhere for the eng sub for ep 22

cuz viikii is down right now..i was going crazy for it..thanks again !! :)

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Guest lidge_fan

Is there a word better than awesomeness because that's EXACTLY what WB was today!!!!! ...LOL

"Okay, let's move out!"....LOL...oh my gahhh, I vote it as the smexiest line in ep. 22 :lol::lol::lol:

Helmet worn by Kim Hyun Joong in Boys Over Flowers costs 15 million KRW

credit kbites

mystery solved! now we know why he never took it off!!!! :lol::P

the zoo date was awfully cute!!!!! *squeals*

I feel bad for JK though, the part when she was walking up the aisle with her dad and the sad look in her eyes *sigh* ....she did love JP...when she was talking with JH, it occurred to me that they have a common link - 2 people hopelessly in love with the wrong person and both have sacrificed a lot for the person they loved

edit: waiting for flower_pot's hilarious take on our Joondi couple and of course, arashi's like the fastest/amazing person in this entire Universe....lol....viikii down again? seems like us crazy BOF fans keep crashing viikii now and then.....hahaha

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Guest NoBreak92

damn is this drama really that good? o_O everyone seems to be in love with it. would you guys consider it good as the old, classic k-dramas?

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Guest OneSky.

Definetly enjoyed today's episode. I knew JP's father was alive all this time, since in the Japanese version, the person who was "dead" turned up as still "living" later on in the story. I love how SoEul story is carried out, yet sometimes their scenes seem fragmented. They're happy one moment for the scenes of F4 w/ JD as a whole--then when they're the only ones together, the atomsphere dramatically changes. I wish the producers were able to blend their side story with the main one more 'better'. And the random WB that pops up, haha. Instead of suddenly adding him, they should've built up his character. Nevertheless, BOF= <3

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I loved episode 22.

It was too much fun..

There was enough scenes for everyone..

and yes, I'm talking about Woobin XD

I don't know why but I'm just so fond of the guy

Whenever he says more lines than usual, I can't help but lol in amusement

Anyway, enough of him..

Wonder what'll happen in tomorrow's episode.. T-T

I'll leave the character and plot analysis to you guys XD

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Guest XiahxTiffany

why i love episode 22 :)!!!

first off JP!!! soo funny at the end lol hes like jealous of a random kid lol

second i think more JH and JH grandpa love is shown

JP's mom being controlled by someone lol

and also because JK didnt marry JP!!! woot!! she did the right thing :)

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omfg ep.22 was just <333333333333

I have never been so sad and happy at the same time in my life xDDDD

sad because jihoo is heart broken AGAIN T_____T

happy because jandi and junpyo are together again ^_____^

I havnt smiled so hard watching ggotnam in awhile HAHA

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Guest christiane

i agree it's not a question of who deserves what, or who in this case. love isn't always reciprocal.

what I strongly feel is this: I dun think viewers have been led on to believe that jandi has ever wavered in her feelings for JP. Once she decided that it was JP she fell for, she has stuck to him. The times when she ever had doubts weren't becoz of a 3rd party but coz of their circumstances ==> his mom, her family's poverty.

She was extremely miserable when he left her in Macau. and only JP has the power to make her truly happy.

now that you are talking about it I just come to understand about the soulmate and the husband things..remember that it was JD dreaming so it is her mind that wished it. so for her she started to fall for JP already but still wanted to remain with her crush JH and persuade her mind to believe that jh was her soulmate. that s why she wanted to separate husband and soulmate. so all was her mind thinking

but now she choose totally JP so it is him her soulmate and definately be her husband. JH is just a crush that she said goodbye twice. first after their first date and the second when she left for Macau.

in conclusion JP is the one. even if JP met JK first he won t be able to love her cos that is what destiny is..two people link together from the start by a red tie

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Episode 22 was so great! I loved the Jundi moments. I wish the moments were a little longer though. There are so many people who are on the Jundi couples side and fighting along with them. Assistant Jung is so awesome! At Jaejudo, he stopped the witches thugs from running after Jandi and Chan. Then later, he took her to Junpyo's father in hopes that she would take care of him (we all know when the dad wakes up, he's going to accept Jandi and help the Jundi couple) I am sad and excited about tomorrow's episode because it's where Jandi leaves Junpyo thanks to the witch.

Another question, does anyone know if they have casted the Umi girl yet? I haven't heard a lot about it and it makes me wonder if it's another false rumor that Group 8 is trying to start. I personally think that the whole fiancee arc was long enough... too long actually and we don't need a Umi. Especially when there are only going to be two more episodes after this week. If they do cast a Umi, it better be a fast one because it's going to be one short Jundi ending moment.

Can't wait until tomorrow! Jundi couple FIGHTING!

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Thank you every one that had the sub upload so fast. Can't wait until tomorrow. The story is getting interesting.

Does anyone knows what JP said to JD in the preview for episode 23?


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Guest urxsweetie2

I enjoyed episode 22..I admit although Kim Hyun Joong was awkward in the first couple of episodes, hes starting to redeem himself. His acting has gotten a lot better overall and there's more expression on his eyes. I sympathize with him because his role is quite difficult. He needed to portray someone who couldnt express themselves well but had to convey to the audience his feelings also. While I still think he needs to work on it, hes doing well as a newbie. Not all people are born actors, they need to develop it overtime and I admire his dedication. I'm anticipating for the next episode.

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Guest kimngoc266

I guess Korean PD like to play triangle or rectangular love. Now JK is out of the picture, we still have JH.

There is too much JH and JD scene time. They should give us more JP and JD times.

Everybody is arguing who JD should end up with. But as of right now, her love with JP is still intact, she only smiles and only happy when she's with JP even knowing that there will be a lot of hardship.

Everybody are trying to unite JP and JD together. JP's sister, JP's housekeeper, secretary Jung, F4. By letting JD taking care of JP's dad, JP's dad for sure will play a hand in unite JP and JD together.

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Guest Sango2893

I think we're all missing a couple here....


Was I the only one to see that twinkle in his eye?


loool, at jp! just throw the kid over the railing already! lol


i loooved this episode,and I was happy it ended on a good note but too many unnecessary things!

did we really need to see them washing a car?

perhaps if JH was wearing white...and they slowed it down a bit & more water...and focused on him...

loool! j/k!

I just wished the ending would've been longer...


but yay! Woo Bin spoke more than 1 line! <3

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