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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest Valentin

I just see this news http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...d=487&nav=1

It's seem like still have Umi in the next episode but the casting not complete yet :rolleyes:

Boo. Not happy with that news. I think the vast majority of us Boys Over Flowers fans just want the angst to be over already so that we could have some lovely Jan Di and Joon Pyo moments, possibly with a mini-Joon Pyo in tow. Seriously, at this moment, I'm sick and tired of all the sad stuff. Give me funny/happy moments! I'm a happy person, for goodness sake!

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Guest EYN514

Boo. Not happy with that news. I think the vast majority of us Boys Over Flowers fans just want the angst to be over already so that we could have some lovely Jan Di and Joon Pyo moments, possibly with a mini-Joon Pyo in tow. Seriously, at this moment, I'm sick and tired of all the sad stuff. Give me funny/happy moments! I'm a happy person, for goodness sake!

I second you on that. We ALL want the angst to be over. Fighting off Mama Kang is traumatic enough already...we don't need another Umni to butt into JP/JD's relationship. BOO PD!!

I'm okay with Jun Pyo losing his memory. I think it'd be fun watching JD's tactics to regain JP's memory, but having another girl liking JP is definitely NOT okay!! We had enough of JK....we want happy moments!!!

Like everyone else in this thread, I'm sooooo looking forward to the scarf kiss scene...I'm getting soo excited thinking about it (which I shouldn't b/c I should be in bed for work tomorrow :(

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Thanks kje_chocolate for the news. Ay...I was getting happy that they might not have Umi in there. Why do they have to insist on putting that amnesia arc in there? Well....I guess there is supposed to be some importance in there......but if the spoilers go up to the middle of Ep. 24....then, how is Umi supposed to fit in there? Don't tell me the time jump has to do with that. Ay...I guess we are going to have a rushed ending. They better end up giving us a two hour special finale on the show or I'm going to kill someone. Why does the PD insist on putting so much storylines in the last episodes? I really hope he changes his mind.

Well....I can't watch the online episodes tonight, but I hope everyone enjoys it! At least tonight's episode is not the break up one, it is the get together one. :P

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Guest love_MinHo

Yah, I am kind of curious about the amnesia arc with Umi. Because that arc shows JP/JD's love: while JD tries to get JP gain memory about her, JP doesn't temporarily know who she is but still feels something important missed in his heart. What I concern now is there is only 2 more episodes left and a pile of things to solve.

I guest they will make episode 25 longer, like 3 hours in length :rolleyes: so that all things can be solved and the drama addicts (like us) still have enough sweet JD/JP moments =))

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Thanks kje_chocolate for the news. Ay...I was getting happy that they might not have Umi in there. Why do they have to insist on putting that amnesia arc in there? Well....I guess there is supposed to be some importance in there......but if the spoilers go up to the middle of Ep. 24....then, how is Umi supposed to fit in there? Don't tell me the time jump has to do with that. Ay...I guess we are going to have a rushed ending. They better end up giving us a two hour special finale on the show or I'm going to kill someone. Why does the PD insist on putting so much storylines in the last episodes? I really hope he changes his mind.

Well....I can't watch the online episodes tonight, but I hope everyone enjoys it! At least tonight's episode is not the break up one, it is the get together one. :P

Actually I don't mind the amnesia bit to be included. But surely they need not have a girl to complicate things even further. After the fiancee arc which I thought went on forever featuring the over-exposed JK , I bet many of us will not be able to stand yet another character to make things harder for main couple. I'm sure amnesia is hard enough for JD. She doesn't need a person to make things worse. Sorry to rant and rave here. Just expressing my thoughts.

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Aweee, seeing "Jae Kyung" in those photos of her last day on the set makes me a bit sad.. :( ... hehehhh..^^

I've been deprived of this thread for awhile and here i am, reading all these awesome to-die-for spoilers and then seeing our Joondi kiss and make up~~ :w00t: wee~~^^ But only to find that it's Jan Di's farewell date.. :tears: What a roller coaster!! >__< Eeek.

I'm quite curious of the time jump as well. I love those! But.. it has to come in the right way and at the right time.. :sweatingbullets: The Umi arc will surely be included.. i can't believe they haven't found the actress yet. Any day now and we can totally skip it! I'm sure BOF fans would not mind at all. :P haha. jkjk. I can't wait to see who Umi will be, even though that arc will be sad for Joon Di. *sigh*

Once again, thank you all soooo very much for your spoilers, articles + translations, and photos! My my.. those photos. <333

I'm really curious (and nervous) about those photos of Jan Di with the scissors. Isn't her hair short enough? I think GHS looks dazzling with long hair and they should have her with long hair for the time jump. :P


I went to the Victory Concert this past weekend and when Alex (one of the MCs from Clazziquai) was introducing SS501, he mentioned 꽃보다 남자 (BOF) because of their "내 머리가 나빠서" (Because I'm Stupid) song. He asked us if we were a Joon Pyo or Ji Hoo shipper :lol: and i must say~ the noise level was pretty equal. :lol:

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Is Jihu cutting her hair? Please say no.

:lol: It sure looks like it ................ remember he is always there when JanDi's alarm bell rings and part of a fireman's

responsibility is of course cutting hair :lol:

Like most people here..... can't wait to see the scarf scene!!

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:lol: It sure looks like it ................ remember he is always there when JanDi's alarm bell rings and part of a fireman's

responsibility is of course cutting hair :lol:

Like most people here..... can't wait to see the scarf scene!!

I guess so. Since Jandi's hair is pretty long. Maybe this is after the amnesia thingy & the time jump? I DON'T CARE AS LONG AS JUNPYO AND JANDI ENDS UP TOGETHER!


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The hair cutting scene is in the manga! But it happened after the guy model kidnapped Jandi.

They cut a bunch of Jandi's hair and sent it to JunPyo as a threat and it resulted to Jandi havng an ugly uneven hair so

JiHoo offered to cut it for her, and in the manga he cut it with a just a cutter, really cute.

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Guest ml_87

JD responses to JP's question by silence. then, a bodyguard comes in and says that JD needs to go to do her maidsbride task

JK sit in the room look upset. JD is kidnapped.

JP receives a message (from his mom) that JD was kidnapped. so he has to attend the wedding.

weddig scene: JP looks blank. JK is sad too. ask that whether anyone objects to the wedding and she says "objection". then followed by F3 and GE. Jk declares that the corporation is still valuable.

everyone leaves. then Jk calls her bodygurard. actually, they rescued JD from ma ma kang (with the secretary's help). JP rushes to the boat. He and JD hug the other happily

YJ and GE drive to the flower field. he tell her about what happened between him and his 1st love (she came to meet him to find that he hungs out with 2 other girls)

JH rides horse and remembers what Jp told him at the pool . he misses his moment with JD.

He meet JK. she gives him the necklace. (what she says is the same in the spoiler)

Jk's bodyguard takes JP-JD to a resort. the decoration and atmosphere are very romantic. so, JP-JD look a bit awkward but the do look happy.

Jp sees JD eating with a happy smile. then, they dance and watch the star through the telescope (they do talk a lot about them and JP's dad but i understand nothing :)) finally, Jp says " i love u" and they kiss. oh the kiss is so short :(

F3, GE come to see JP-jD. they have a lunch and then, JH gives JD the necklace and says that Jk is leaving soon. JD-JP rush to the airport to say thank u to JK. Jk leaves with the shoes :) (she cries on teh plane when missing her memory with JP)

Jp is locked inside his room and watching the news of the failed shinwa_Jk corporation

ma ma kang comes to see JD at the restaurant and insults her. luckily, JH's grandfa comes to save her and says that JD is JH's girlfriend (if i dont mistake) :(

JH's grandfa takes Jd to live in Jh's house. that makes JH surprised. he and his grandfa have a talk later about JD (?)

GE comes to Yj's place but she doesnt come in. Yj shouts while phoning his mom. he's upset about the letter his 2st love sent him.

the secretary comes to see JD and takes her to meet JP's dad who is in a coma.

JP knows that JD is living at JP's place. he sends a text message to JH.

JD seems to miss JP. she phones him and comes to F4's class to find him. :)) she meets woobin there. they have a talk

JD comes to Jp's dad to look after him.

JD is cutting her hair when JH comes. at last, he cuts het hair (exactly like in the manga)

JH is cleaning his car. then, JD joins him. they play a bit.

GE is seeking for the place where Yj's 1st love wanted to meet him

woobin helps JP to escapse from mama kang bodyguards

Jp calls JD to the zoo and she brings a kid. at first , JD's very angried. he's even jealous with the kid. OMG, it's very cute when he push the boy to sit next to JD.

the end

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Guest Sango2893

denise31 I ABSOLUTELY agree with you. For a while I really appreciate the support that Ji Hoo offered her in a time of a lot of trouble. But I'm ready for him to go away. Well, not completely, but to stop making his own heart break. If he really proposes to her, he's stupid. Really stupid. Are we sure he wasn't the one in the coma during everything that's happened for the LAST EIGHT EPISODES?!?!?!?!?!?!? :D

[begin rant]Honestly, Ji Hoo, you get grandpa and your love mobile. That's more than you've gotten in any other version. Live with it. Have you seen how she looks at Jun Pyo??? She may be pissed at him, but the girl still loves him very much. Go find a new chick, or break up the engagement of the old one. Perhaps you should find a new instrument to learn. You seem very adept at that. All I'm saying is that at some point, you need to move on. Better now then at Jun Pyo and Jan Di's wedding (which I very much want to see...) Anywya, Ji Hoo, you're an awesome friend. But that's all you are. So keep the ring for your true love and let. Jan Di. GO![/endrant]

*Phew* I feel better having gotten that off my chest. Is it Monday in the states yet????????


Thank you, I seriously don't know how anyone could support JH, someone who can just 'propose' to one of his bestfriends gf,who are obviously in love! He should be happy he got a part of his family back. He's gotten way more than what he started with,and waaay more attention than he should have gotten. You can't has your cheeseburger and eat it too.

+ I don't think he's that strong of an actor to handle the lead role.

& yeep it's monday in the states so it should be around 11 at night in Korea?

Which means Bof already came on?

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Guest shiningstar153

JD responses to JP's question by silence. then, a bodyguard comes in and says that JD needs to go to do her maidsbride task

JK sit in the room look upset. JD is kidnapped.

JP receives a message (from his mom) that JD was kidnapped. so he has to attend the wedding.

weddig scene: JP looks blank. JK is sad too. ask that whether anyone objects to the wedding and she says "objection". then followed by F3 and GE. Jk declares that the corporation is still valuable.

everyone leaves. then Jk calls her bodygurard. actually, they rescued JD from ma ma kang (with the secretary's help). JP rushes to the boat. He and JD hug the other happily

YJ and GE drive to the flower field. he tell her about what happened between him adn his 1st love several days ago (she came to meet him to find that he hungs out with 2 other girls)

JH rides horse and remembers what Jp told him at the pool . he misses his moment with JD.

He meet JK. she gives him the necklace. (what she says is the same in the spoiler)

Jk's bodyguard takes JP-JD to a resort. the decoration and atmosphere are very romantic. so, JP-JD look a bit awkward but the do look happy.

Jp sees JD eating with a happy smile. then, they dance and watch the star through the telescope (they do talk a lot about them and JP's dad but i understand nothing :)) finally, Jp says " i love u" and they kiss. oh the kiss is so short :(

F3, GE come to see JP-jD. they have a lunch and then, JH gives JD the necklace and says that Jk is leaving soon. JD-JP rush to the airport to say thank u to JK. Jk leaves with the shoes :) (she cries on teh plane when missing her memory with JP)

Jp is watching the news of the shinwa_Jk corporation. He is locked inside

ma ma kang comes to see JD at the restaurant and insults her. luckily, JH's grandfa comes to save her and says that JD is JH's girlfriend (if i dont mistake) :(

JH's grandfa takes Jd to live in Jh's house. that makes JH surprised

Hello, I am shingingstar153, originally a silent viewer of this thread, but I cannot stay silent any longer.

I'm profusely sorry to JP/JD fans, but I, too, am a fan of JH/JD. ^^;;

I just wanted to ask--where do you watch your dramas? I have to wait a few hours before I can see it. ^^

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Guest eztefie

guys, where can i watch ep 22 of BOF? It's not uploaded yet on youtube and mysoju.

plz share some alternative sites...plz plz...

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oh well

if the JPJD ends up... same drama as any other.

we need a surprise ending people.

the goodboy (talking about JH *ahem* ) gets the girl!

oh well,

hope to see something exciting on the new ep.

or rather much more excitment on the ending....

not just like the other (but awesome) dramas.

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