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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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I should also add that while it's clear Jun Pyo doesn't like his mom, and is to some extend afraid of her, you don't get the sense that he's completely helpless. He CAN escape her if he wants to.

Yeah it seems like he can escape but I don't think it is a fact though. They tried to show his mother extreme nature when they showed what happened in their childhood when JP's mother came with armed forces to get him when they tried to escape. And they were talking as what will happen if JD was found in JP 's room and that he could be sent to a far away place or a killer could be employed , all this seems like comical but these were all strict facts.I guess they have failed in this part and they have shown this lightly to show JP 's high ego but I think they wanted to show is that his mother is an absolute command.

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Guest Labacookie

Yeah it seems like he can escape but I don't think it is a fact though. They tried to show his mother extreme nature when they showed what happened in their childhood when JP's mother came with armed forces to get him when they tried to escape. And they were talking as what will happen if JD was found in JP 's room and that he could be sent to a far away place or a killer could be employed , all this seems like comical but these were all strict facts.I guess they have failed in this part and they have shown this lightly to show JP 's high ego but I think they wanted to show is that his mother is an absolute command.

Yeah, I think the problem with the example they used was it was so extreme it was, well, ridiculous. I don't doubt she's a cold-hearted shrew for an instant, I expect we'll be seeing a lot of this later on in the series, when she gets wind of Jan Di.

It's just at the moment, in spite of that, she's very much aware of her son, more so than in the Japanese drama's portrayal of the character. I wouldn't even say Jun Pyo hates his mother, he's afraid of her to an extent, and dislikes her, but the existence of such a massive ego combined with his calm cruel manner (his early behavior strangely enough kind of mirrors the Japanese mother's behavior) suggests that though his mother is controlling, she does so in a way that is neither damaging to Jun Pyo's confidence or sense of self.

I should also add that as Jan Di is actually more damaging to his sense of self than his mother. His ego takes a serious beating thanks to Jan Di. XD

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In all other versions it seemed like Domyonji was hurting and unstable in his mother 's shadow and that he was actually asking for someone to go against him like makino did but in Korean version it seems like JP is quite comfortable with his personality and that is also shown by the fact that when JD goes against him he makes the assumption that she likes him . This fact shows that JP is quite comfortable with his personality which was not true in other versions .

I guess this is basic difference in the Korean portrayal and that is why the unstable Domyonji we are trying to find is nowhere there in JP.

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Guest sscrumb

Domyoji is powerless in his own home and in his life really, with his mother planning every aspect, so the only bit of power or control that he has is over the students at his school. This is probably why he resented Makino initially; her defiance represented a loss of control over his world. Yet ANOTHER woman dominating him. Interestingly enough, his initial affection could possibly be traced to his admiration (and fear?) of his older sister, who also dominated him before she was married off.

labacookie I really appreciated your post. I've enjoyed reading both your most recent analysis posts. I do want to say though, that I don't think that "dominating" is a correct description of DT's relationship with his sister. It's actually the only loving relationship that we see outside of DT's relationship with the F4. I've just recently finished watching the japanese version of HYD and as a consequence just started watching Boys Before Flowers.

Because I've seen it so recently, I remember that when MT first hits DT, DT immediately flashes to his sister doing the same. It's obvious that we are supposed to make a connection between MT and DT's sister. It's in his interactions with his sister that we see the first signs of his loneliness and emotional vulnerability (in the Japanese version his sister comes before HR leaves). He asks his sister how long she is staying this time...and then his sister tells him not to make the sad face, she'll try and come soon...and then he blusters that he doesn't care. This interaction is totally revealing not only of DT but his relationship with his sister as well. Also, throughout the series, it is to his sister that DT calls whenever he is scared or feels in over his head with his mom.

I am currently really enjoying GJP although I miss the exuberance and the emotionality that Matsamato Jun brought to his portrayal. I am also missing the feistiness of MT that Inoue Mao brought to MT. I am a little concerned with where they are taking JD right now. She's not as straight forward and clear as the MT character was and I really liked that aspect of MT.

I think the korean version is suffering from having too much time to tell their story. The japanese version had 9 episodes to tell their story and as a consequence I thought the entire first season was executed exceptionally well. All the episodes were tight and all the characterizations were consistent. I'm not finding it in this version so much. For instance, when JD comes to the F4 hall to talk to GJP about the gifts...he continues to play his game....I thought this was not in character to how he is love sick over JD at that time in the story. He should be overjoyed to see her and stop playing his game right away. It's a small thing but one I think that this producing team is making more and more. Every scene should advance character consistency AND story.

The other moment I feel the korean version could have done better with was the night stuck outside stranded. The japanese version had the night being much more initimate. MT takes of HER jacket to keep DT warm (an act that really touches DT)...also by the end of the night they are both sleeping under MT's jacket, huddled together to keep each other warm. Korean version, JD takes out the extra clothes that she bought and they sleep slumped against each other. I thought the japanese version brought more intimacy and character development through their version than the korean team did.

Of course the other thing that the japanese team did was to have MT hesitatingly accept a HUG from HR whereas the korean version had her accept a kiss from JH. I'm not sure if this was such a wise decision.

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Guest anewspring

There's so much comparison to the other versions that I couldn't help but post up my own. In reply to sscrumbs, I think that the korean version does have its own story under control. About JP playing the game while JD was there, even though JP is in love with JD, it's not his personality to stop whatever he's doing for JD nor is it his personality to act obviously love sick. And JP did express surprise/delight at JD's presence. Also, about the night stuck outside thing, I do admit that the scene could have been much better, but I think the intimacy level is appropriate for the characters. JP is leaning on JD, but JD is leaning away from JP because at the moment, she has no romantic feelings for him. Also, at the airport scene, no one knows that JD likes JH, so if JD did hug JH, then it would have been pretty obvious that JD has feelings for him. So it seems more appropriate that JH takes the initiative. Of course, I don't mean you or anyone else has to agree with this. I just wanted to express my thoughts because boys over flowers is all I'm thinking about these days. ^^

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Guest jvchou1316

For instance, when JD comes to the F4 hall to talk to GJP about the gifts...he continues to play his game....I thought this was not in character to how he is love sick over JD at that time in the story. He should be overjoyed to see her and stop playing his game right away. It's a small thing but one I think that this producing team is making more and more. Every scene should advance character consistency AND story.

I also felt weird during that scene. I guess they were trying to get out domyouji's childish element through that scene; although it conflicts with his obsession over JD.

And they also changed Gaeul a lot I think - this Gaeul is so pretty/memorable she can be her own protagonist. She's too similar to Jandi. I always thought other versions' Yuki were more demure... But anyhoo, I've never really liked the way Japanese dramas - although i've only watched HYD and attempted Nobuta wo Produce so im guilty of generalization. but i love korean dramas. And BOF definitely has that something so quintessentially 'korean'.

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Guest Labacookie

labacookie I really appreciated your post. I've enjoyed reading both your most recent analysis posts. I do want to say though, that I don't think that "dominating" is a correct description of DT's relationship with his sister. It's actually the only loving relationship that we see outside of DT's relationship with the F4. I've just recently finished watching the japanese version of HYD and as a consequence just started watching Boys Before Flowers.

Because I've seen it so recently, I remember that when MT first hits DT, DT immediately flashes to his sister doing the same. It's obvious that we are supposed to make a connection between MT and DT's sister. It's in his interactions with his sister that we see the first signs of his loneliness and emotional vulnerability (in the Japanese version his sister comes before HR leaves). He asks his sister how long she is staying this time...and then his sister tells him not to make the sad face, she'll try and come soon...and then he blusters that he doesn't care. This interaction is totally revealing not only of DT but his relationship with his sister as well. Also, throughout the series, it is to his sister that DT calls whenever he is scared or feels in over his head with his mom.

I am currently really enjoying GJP although I miss the exuberance and the emotionality that Matsamato Jun brought to his portrayal. I am also missing the feistiness of MT that Inoue Mao brought to MT. I am a little concerned with where they are taking JD right now. She's not as straight forward and clear as the MT character was and I really liked that aspect of MT.

I think the korean version is suffering from having too much time to tell their story. The japanese version had 9 episodes to tell their story and as a consequence I thought the entire first season was executed exceptionally well. All the episodes were tight and all the characterizations were consistent. I'm not finding it in this version so much. For instance, when JD comes to the F4 hall to talk to GJP about the gifts...he continues to play his game....I thought this was not in character to how he is love sick over JD at that time in the story. He should be overjoyed to see her and stop playing his game right away. It's a small thing but one I think that this producing team is making more and more. Every scene should advance character consistency AND story.

The other moment I feel the korean version could have done better with was the night stuck outside stranded. The japanese version had the night being much more initimate. MT takes of HER jacket to keep DT warm (an act that really touches DT)...also by the end of the night they are both sleeping under MT's jacket, huddled together to keep each other warm. Korean version, JD takes out the extra clothes that she bought and they sleep slumped against each other. I thought the japanese version brought more intimacy and character development through their version than the korean team did.

Of course the other thing that the japanese team did was to have MT hesitatingly accept a HUG from HR whereas the korean version had her accept a kiss from JH. I'm not sure if this was such a wise decision.

Great points. In the Japanese version, I totally think his sister bossed him around. As far as dominating goes, while she wasn't heartless and cold, I bet at a young age, he followed her around like a puppy. XD I doubt she was a bully or even mean, I'm sure she loved him, and showed him affection, and he was, I believe affectionate to her in return. But then his mother (the shrew) took her away from him, married her off, and sent his sister who he loved to America. He was powerless to stop her, and it's probably just one more reason why he hates her so much.

Which is why I'm even more curious to see how this sister is portrayed in the Korean version and what their relationship is. I'm also curious as to why this character is being introduced late, and the only thing I can think of is the mother's current unawareness of Jan Di's existence in Jun Pyo's life. I wonder if her role is to be an additional ally when his mother finds out what's going on. It's interesting to note that she's absent during the early part of the JD/JP relationship in this version, and it may be why Jun Pyo's romantic development is so clumsy.

In any event, I can't wait to see where this goes. :D

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Guest secret_valentine

I just watched this MV with GHS in it and she seriously had me crying (could be because of the song as well lol): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCdUUBdUwnw. I think GHS absolutely nails the emotional scenes in BOF. The egging scene in the 1st episode, the teddy bear scene, chalk drawing.. she was great those.

I agree!! she's awesome!! she's a great actress^^

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Which brings me to yet another analysis: Why people should give up on Jun Pyo being just like Domyoji

The way Jun Pyo was developed means that his change cannot mirror Domyoji's, because it wouldn't make sense.

In the end, these are really two different characters. So, while I understand the desire to see the story told the exact same way, the development of the story as well as the characters kind of makes it impossible. I'm waiting to see how the maternal character and sister character are developed, because that is what's really going to be the indicator of how Jun Pyo changes.

I actually read this one all the way!

I usually just skim through pages and ignore long posts like this.

Anyway, sadly though, I think this is as far as we can get in terms of"character development"

I feel that this has become another typical korean drama so I've decided that I won't be expecting much from it from now on. I'll just watch it for what it is and not over analyze because I'll just disappoint myself.

Whenever they fail to do a particular scene that could have come out much more beautiful if only they gave it enough time in the editing process, I just make excuses in my head and tell myself that's it's just a tiny mistake and the next episode will be much better, but it seems like this is how it's going to be like for all 24 episodes.

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Guest sscrumb

There's so much comparison to the other versions that I couldn't help but post up my own. In reply to sscrumbs, I think that the korean version does have its own story under control. About JP playing the game while JD was there, even though JP is in love with JD, it's not his personality to stop whatever he's doing for JD nor is it his personality to act obviously love sick. And JP did express surprise/delight at JD's presence. Also, about the night stuck outside thing, I do admit that the scene could have been much better, but I think the intimacy level is appropriate for the characters. JP is leaning on JD, but JD is leaning away from JP because at the moment, she has no romantic feelings for him. Also, at the airport scene, no one knows that JD likes JH, so if JD did hug JH, then it would have been pretty obvious that JD has feelings for him. So it seems more appropriate that JH takes the initiative. Of course, I don't mean you or anyone else has to agree with this. I just wanted to express my thoughts because boys over flowers is all I'm thinking about these days. ^^

anewspring If everyone agreed with each other, it would be a very boring thread! You make a good point, the game scene just irked me because - playing games is something GJD does ALL the time - and they've already established how bored he is with everything and this was the first time his girlfriend came over

In the japanese version MT didn't have romantic feelings in the elevator either, but the night stuck together advanced their relationship and revealed something about each to the other. To DT, that MT was kind and thoughtful...even to someone he knows she doesn't really like ...to MT that DT is capable of saying sorry and need taking care of. The japanese version also had DT being much sicker...which made him much more vulnerable and allowed MT to see him a vulnerable state. I also wished the korean team had spared some time to show GJP looking MISERABLE waiting for JD like they did in the Japanese version.

I don't mean to say that I am not ejoying the korean version...or that the korean version has not made decisions that I think fit the story better i.e. it's not as blatently manga-ish. The backstory of GJP being kidnapped at 6 and having had to go through a traumatic experience like that is a great stroke. I am also enjoying LMH's portrayal of GJP a great deal. I also think that the actor portraying JH is doing a great job - although his physical likeness to Bae Yong Joon sometimes really throws me off.

jvchou1336, great point about Gaeul.

And they also changed Gaeul a lot I think - this Gaeul is so pretty/memorable she can be her own protagonist. She's too similar to Jandi. I always thought other versions' Yuki were more demure... But anyhoo, I've never really liked the way Japanese dramas - although i've only watched HYD and attempted Nobuta wo Produce so im guilty of generalization. but i love korean dramas. And BOF definitely has that something so quintessentially 'korean'

Yes, I'm hoping though that JD doesn't undergo a korean heroine labotomy that unfortunately happens to a lot korean drama heroines. They start out really feisty, independent, capable, spunky and fun and then become a quivering sad sack of indecision and victimization.

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Guest betchay

I just watched this MV with GHS in it and she seriously had me crying (could be because of the song as well lol): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCdUUBdUwnw. I think GHS absolutely nails the emotional scenes in BOF. The egging scene in the 1st episode, the teddy bear scene, chalk drawing.. she was great those.

Thanks for the link!! :)

GHS is so pretty & multi-talented actress.

I think she portrays Makino's character so well. :)

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Guest Labacookie

I actually read this one all the way!

I usually just skim through pages and ignore long posts like this.

Anyway, sadly though, I think this is as far as we can get in terms of"character development"

I feel that this has become another typical korean drama so I've decided that I won't be expecting much from it from now on. I'll just watch it for what it is and not over analyze because I'll just disappoint myself.

Whenever they fail to do a particular scene that could have come out much more beautiful if only they gave it enough time in the editing process, I just make excuses in my head and tell myself that's it's just a tiny mistake and the next episode will be much better, but it seems like this is how it's going to be like for all 24 episodes.



Thanks for reading and I'm sorry you're disappointed. :( I wonder if the reason I'm not super let down is because I was aware of and watched this version before knowing anything about the other series or manga. I'm curious to see if this is what affects people's view and why they're disappointed or if they were expecting more from the show as a Korean drama itself.

I think whenever they finish with the whole season (do we know if there is going to be a second season of if they're going to tell the entire story in one twenty plus show season?) I'm going to watch the entire thing from beginning to end, just to get a final impression of the characters, the story telling, and the directing. :) Right now everything is in motion, and I don't have a sense of where things are going. Some things I expect to happen, but I don't know when or even if, so I can't fully judge the series. I can only go with what I know so far.

@sscrumb: The point about the cliched development of the heroine in these dramas is very poignant and it also makes me very worried. I sincerely and TRULY hope they don't go there, because they run the risk of not only upsetting fans of the original story, but ruining a potentially good drama. Let's hope Jan Di recovers her spunkiness in the upcoming episodes. :)

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Guest buddhjie14

If I'm not mistaken it's 23.20 (very late, huh) since Manila and Kuala Lumpur are in the same time zone.

More info you can look at this address:



haruekorea already uploaded the KBS Ent. Weekly on her channel. Click to watch

thanks... it's a bit late, but im used to it.. lol.. i used to stay late at night, watching kdramas.. thanks again :)

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I believe that the taiwanese version and korean version are following the manga more faithfully than the japanese version ever did. There are several scenes that I feel were better executed there in Japanese version

1)As Ssrumbs mentioned the relationship between Domyouji and his sister were very well executed. He loved her and was not fearful of her . In fact the reason he is initially attracted to MT is that she reminds him of his sister. It is obvious that he misses her and values her opinion. She plays a very strong role in japanese version in cementing DT and MT's realtionship. She is the one who advises DT to win a heart with understanding. Dt takes her advice and asks MT out on a date (the one when the locked in lift). She also approves of MT and hints at her positive influence over Dt. In second series she comes wipes MT's tears when she is hurting over DT's rejection. I am still waiting to see , what role will be assigned to JP's sister here.

2)The night out scene was definately more intimate there. We later see that DT can't let MT out of her mind after the photograph issue since he kept looking at the muffler she had wraped around his neck when they were stranded. In his mind he is unable to reconcile the kind/gentle MT he knows and the slutty one in the photos. Here it was more about symbolism of interest in the relationship

3)In all the versions and manga , the showdown between Sakurako and Dt was probably the best. Sakurako was not twisted but a cold hearted manipulative person who had picked MT to be collateral damage in her revenge against DT. She is cruel to extreme. DT proves his love by getting beaten down to the inch of his life to protect MT. Sakurako accepts her role in the entire incident, MT is jealous when she sees Sakarako with DT who was actually trying to exonerate her. MT forgives Sakaruko and DT is impresses by her largesse. In all it was a turning point in everyone's life and had almost no loose ends. In Korean version, the incident was very loosely handled.

4)In Japanese version DT knew MT had a crush on HR but HR was clueless about DT and MT . DT makes a move towards MT only after HR is out of picture when he is following Shizuka. Here I am not sure if JP does not understand JD likes JH or simply decides to ignore it. Also JH is very aware of JP's interest in JD and seems to like to egg him on. There is an odd sense of competition between those two that you never see in any other version or manga.

5)In japanese version DT throws HR out of F4 but there is no talk of expulsion (DT is simply not that powerful). However things are back to normal after the streetside brawl (another very well executed sequence).

6)This is probably my biggest qualm with the korean version...JD here comes across as wishy washy and weak. MT comes across as softspoken but steel spined person. If she does not accept advances from DT , she does not want hugs/kisses from HR too until she is sure. I loved it when she ended dragging DT into everything on her date with HR. HR later tells Dt ...all she could talk about was you .

7) I don't get ep6...one minute JP is going wild canoeing , he even loses his oars, next minute he is back on shore (how did he get there?). One minute he is heartbroken stumbling drunkenly, a few scenes later he is flying JD to show his heart. One minute JP is asleep and JD slips away with JH, JP never notices her absence. In the first scene JP was going for maincourse...did he plan to for a swim, or was he just getting comfortable for some splashing or worse yet he was planning to use the occasion to display his bare chested beauty. I think the whole ep6 was a little off. Maybe it was just me but I could not keep up with the flow of story.

Having said all this, I am enjoying korean version and loving the more refined Domyouji. It is just a different perspective on the story.

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Guest aurelie

This thread moves too fast for me to catch up.. so I'm not sure if this has been posted before.


Credits to leeminho.net

HE'S SO HANDSOME !!!! i can't wait monday !

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