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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest XiahxTiffany

people keep mentioning season 2 ...

is this really going to come out?

im like majorly curious now cause i just am 0_0

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I am sure that JD and JP talk to each other on their cell phone it has camera so they get to see each other ^_^ I don't think that JP would stay the whole 4 years without calling JD or even going to see her once in awhile. I mean JD after 6 months of not hearing from JP went all the way to Macua to look for him. I just wish that the ending wasn't so rush that we had some JoonDi moments of their long distant relationship.

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Guest quty012

anybody know where i can get the acoustic recording version of kim hyun joong singing "Because I'm Stupid" (내 머리가 나빠서)?

i've been trying to find it forever.. thanks!!

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Anyway, to sum everything up. I enjoyed this show. To me, this is mostly due to the strength of the original storyline by Yoko Kamio. I've loved all versions - though some aspects more than others in each version, but they were all entertaining and a lot of fun and made me want to revisit all the versions and the manga time and time again. Having said that, the Japanese version proved that with careful planning and a deep understanding of the story and the strength of the characters, a good drama can be made within a limited number of episodes. BOF's main weakness was that it failed in its storytelling. But its strengths were brilliant casting, and a good enough budget to make everything look so rich and opulent and convincing. Maybe they should change their normal practice of filming and showing it at the same time, so they don't overwork the cast and crew, and pressure the scriptwriter to write as it went along. There were bound to be mistakes and discrepancies that way, and so it was.

sorry to cut your post..

it's like you're reading my mind

completely agree with you, every single word

i won't compare the taiwan version though

it also got drag pretty much the same in my opinion

i'm in the boat for NO SEASON 2.

there's really nothing much to go on

they summarized everything (in the manga) in the last 4 episode

if they intend to make a movie

probably okay just to have a proper closure

of the last episode.

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Guest heart2heart

i have some sad news.. =/

i was just watching her videos TWO minutes ago...

but i believe that user hoonfamily has been suspended on youtube

i completely relied on her channel for all the video goodies during BOF

and now the videos are gone.. =(

thank you for her efforts~~

i believe her backup account is www.youtube.com/user/hoonfami

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Guest xiaomaii

yes..i was just checking her videos this afternoon too, sad to say the account has been suspended. maybe it has been the most viewed for this past weeks since haruekorea and the other BOF video providers has been suspended too.

and the other BTS scene videos has been removed too.. :tears:

thanks for the back-up link. :)

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Guest auroralbutterfly

Dang.. this thread is huuuuge!!

I've just started this drama on Sunday because I didn't want to watch for one episode to come out each week xD

I'm currently on episode 15! Yay~ I'll probably finish it by this weekend.

Great drama. Enjoying it<3

&& I agree with this :)

Anyway, to sum everything up. I enjoyed this show. To me, this is mostly due to the strength of the original storyline by Yoko Kamio. I've loved all versions - though some aspects more than others in each version, but they were all entertaining and a lot of fun and made me want to revisit all the versions and the manga time and time again. Having said that, the Japanese version proved that with careful planning and a deep understanding of the story and the strength of the characters, a good drama can be made within a limited number of episodes. BOF's main weakness was that it failed in its storytelling. But its strengths were brilliant casting, and a good enough budget to make everything look so rich and opulent and convincing. Maybe they should change their normal practice of filming and showing it at the same time, so they don't overwork the cast and crew, and pressure the scriptwriter to write as it went along. There were bound to be mistakes and discrepancies that way, and so it was.
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Guest carleli

everyone is mentioning a season 2, what happened after the proposal.... insted of that why not, kinda season 2 but what happened during the 4 years before the proposal... somewhat of a closure episodes on what happened to the other characters, what the F4 are doing on that 4 years and also a wedding and honeymoon scene plus future babies of JP and JD...

well just a thought... I remember the mini series I saw long time ago, The Thorn Birds... they have that missing years part called "The Thorn Bird - Missing Years"... well I kinda thought, why not "BOF - The Missing Years"...

have not seen the subbed version of the last 2 epis yet so cannot comment on anything yet... I plan on watching this weekend... but I saw the drama on its time slot just didn't understand much of it... just loved the hospital (casting of spell), pool, graduation ball and namsan tower scenes... I'm kinda torn about the ending, I don't know if I like it or not... it's a good ending but I don't want that kind of ending... I want something that's concrete, where I don't have to imagine what happens next.... but I'm not that disappointed with the ending...

just wish they'd given more time on the namsan tower scene and kissing scene (too short - but I guess, 'coz it's a kdrama), Jandi to have hugged JP back on the beach scene, and some satisfying woobin ending... well I guess I will not be able to see these wishes come true, the drama's finished already... but overall, I enjoyed this drama... my second favorite next to MNIKSS...

thanks for all the contributions and translations guys... ;):PB):)

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Guest funkindagirl

Just to clear up:

According to KPculture, there is NO SPECIAL and NO 2ND SEASON.

(It was all just rumours and april fool's jokes)


Argh, its such a shame hoonfamily has been suspended from YT, they had all the best news and BTS stuff uploaded.

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Guest emma01

funkindagirl is correct. KP stated that the special episode and season 2 announcements are false. The special episode was a rumor and the season 2 announcement was an april fool's. The person thought it would be funny, but obviously it is nowhere close to funny.

but i really wished they did have a special episode or season 3. just to tie up loose ends and make the somewhat opening ending into a close ending.

oh well cant get what you always want.

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Let me answer some of these questions for you.

11) WHAT HAPPENED TO GJD SAYING I LOVE YOU TO GJP? She still acts so stiff around him. For example: The last scene where they were all at the beach could have been much more better if she would at least put her arms around JP's waist. Show some love .

She loves JP and he knows that. He knows that she is not demonstrative but her love is true, steady, and strong. She believes and has faith in him and their love. He knows and she knows that if they were to lose each other, they will each regret it for the rest of their lives. That's what is important.

You're right on, especially with this part. JP acknowledged on a number of occasions that JD is not the type to actually say what she feels. She shows it in different ways. He came to realize that she just wasn't that type of girl. She showed him in episode 9 when she refused to say 'Oppa, I'm so sorry" in a cute manner; when JP told JH that JD isn't the type to let him know when something is wrong and, when he wanted to be her protector at the zoo. She refused to be protected and JP point blank told her that there was no cuteness about her. Just as JD knows JP, JP knows JD. He no longer has any doubts about her love and she no longer has any doubts about his love. Unlike the Macau separation, this was a separation agreed upon as necessary by both of them and they knew that their separation was just that a separation because they would continue to be together albeit long, long distance.


Just wanted to share these mv with you. They're not by me but cute. If its a duplicate let me know, I'll remove

JUNDI Shippers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWtMk0jkxTY...feature=channel

JiDi Shippers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCh6QPBCL18...feature=channel

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Guest Madrasta

I'm really drawn to that girl Jandi. She's not only pretty, my small screen perks up everytime she's on it!!!

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Guest MystGrl


I've been following up on all the updates and

ALL but I have yet to watch the DARN ENDING!!!!!!!!!!

I hate when people say stupid stuff about the drama and

make stupid predictions!! It's pathetic and you should

shove your head in a toilet bowl! Anyways, I

LLLLLLLLOVVE this drama!! It's been SOOOOOO long since I've

actually turned my attention back to K drama's because they've

always been about the same old crud and I was getting

tired of it all. . .THIS, THIS was amazingly amusing and

I can't find the correct words to put it but Boys Over Flowers was

the most entertaining drama's I've seen so far. . .(All the other versions

of BOF sucked--no offense to those who like them. I just thought the

Chinese version sucked cause the darn girl couldn't ACT right and that

pissed me off. Plus, her running was just horrible. I mean, c`mon. . .if

you're going to act, make sure you run normally. . .AND the Japanese

version. . .MAN man MAAAN!! It was just horrible because the guys were

BUTT UGLY!! Like I said, no offense to yalls who like it!!) Man, I'm kind of sad it's ending. . .

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Guest ml_87

MystGrl: i love this drama, too and sometimes, i'm tired of people's complaints. but they have the rights to do that and as long as they say in a polite way, i still enjoy reading their posts. and u should not use such rude words. :)

my most favorite scene in recent episodes is not the pool scene but the breakup+ JP's jail scenes. i dun know why! but i totally fell JoonDi's love there. it's so touching :)

ths dunlop09 for the translation. Mino is very funny to be jealous of Jahae :D

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Guest F4fan

This might seem like an odd comment and question but..

I liked the little drawings of JD and F4 in some of the beginning episodes. In the last episode, there was a drawing of the picture of JD and F4 in their uniforms above actual still photos of each character. Can we safely assume that GHS didn't draw the portrait of a sleeping JH in front of the museum? We know that she can draw but I always thought she was more into abstract art than portraits or manga-ish characters.

Anybody know who drew the pictures of JD and F4 in their uniforms or even a screen cap? I really liked how they did that. It kind of added to the sadness of it being the last episode.


I was looking at the photos of F4 and JD and I found that F4 was tough-looking with a soft edge while JD was always cheeky happy. We should have realized from the photos that this was a different kind of F4 and JD.

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Guest lilazndreamer

wow, so BOF finally ended =/ I just finished watching the last two episodes becuase of school and everything <_< and i wanted to be surprised with the ending so i stayed away from this thread and any other places with possible spoilers or previews x.x lol but when i finished it, i was happy yet sad. Here's why;


*like what most said, why can't jandi act even a little bit excited to see junpyo after four years? i didn't expect a passionate kiss (though it would have been nice~) a running and jumping into his arms for a tight hug would have sufficed, or even just jandi taking her hands out of her pockets and smiling when junpyo proposed x.x

*so maybe im spiteful, sue me. but i was expecting yumi to hurt a little more for her treachery. like after the pool scene, i expected F3 to hunt her down and yell at her or something x.x she got away too easy!

*once again, there seemed to be more jihooxjandi moments than junpyoxjandi

*maybe it's just me, but if i hear that my bf who i've been estranged from and who JUST remembered me will now leave for four years, i'd be on the verge of tears x.x

*my hopes of a soeul kiss T.T

*wonbin! what happened to him??


*pool scene, the best scene ever!

*the helicopter scene - total junpyo!

*their date at the tower, so adorable! i love how she was like so suspicious and how proud he was that his note was still there<3

*i love love how yijung immediately went to see gaeul<3 it was so adorable how the kids ratted her out<3

*how mama kang stopped and cried at the fish cake scene. touching. while it doesn't make up for her evilness, i pitied her and it made me like her =)

the weird-

*i thought it was weird how jihoo was running when jandi fell in the pool. his hips going in the opposite direction of his shoulders lol kind of liek the baywatch running scenes and how wonbin kind of looked like he was smiling becuase of all hsi running.

*how everyone was acting when junpyo got out of surgery. usually people run with the stretcher thing and cry out right before people go into surgery, when the chance of dying is still high.

*jandi's extensions! her braids looked as thick as her neck x.x

*yijung's sunglasses

*jandi's outfit in the last scene

*how jihoo's glasses didn't have lenses (in the scene he saw an imaginary jandi)

*how junpyo scream 'no!' right before jihoo could get run over

*how jihoo did somersaults, with him almost landing on his head after junpyo pushed him LOL

*how junpyo stopped and stared at the car, rather than run~

*how when junpyo saved jandi, the drowning victim, he had his arm around her neck >.>

overall, i loved the drama. the ending might not have been as cheesy as i wanted it to be, but it'd definintely buy the dvd! It's kind of sad now that i have nothing to squel over =( i'll just have to wait for any future movies/dramas by f4! or maybe news about hyesun and minho dating! i totally love the couple<3 i hope there's a movie or a second season! while i know it might drag if they made a second season, i wouldn't mind as long as i got my lee minho and JUNDI fix<33

ps. to those that commented on how unrealistic the drama was. i just want to say. that's stupid. the only way i see it as unrealistic was the fact that their kisses never went farther than a peck x.x honestly teens these days do A LOT more than give each other pecks every few weeks or so, and people were actually angry that they kissed too often. the waltz scene, while odd, you have to think about the fact that these are rich people who mingle with the best. while we're used to grinding and such, they're probably trained from a young age to dance a respectable dance so for any future company meetings they can properly dance. why are people complaining about a waltz and not about the crazy feild trip they had to go to europe? but why do i need to explain a drama? it's a SHOW. honestly, the best part about a drama is that you always (most of the time atleast) get a happy ending and its stories are something that don't typically occur, dramas are something that makes you hate your life and evny the stars. drama's are never realistic, because honestly, when is it ever realistic to ALWAYS get the man of your dreams after a few hits and misses? or how often do you hear about a poor girl marrying the son of a CEO. rarely. so stop ruining the fun people have of being able to escape their ordinary and all-too-realistic life with stupid nitpicking complaints. at least that's how i feel~

pss. i'll miss this thread and especially reading flowerpot's awesome reviews<3

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Guest toomuchsmiling

I understood that the 2nd season was an April Fools but I really thought there would have been a

Special ep. of some sort. :(

Even though I'm mad at the PD/scriptwriter, I still loved this drama and intend on buying it! =D

sure, i'm mad that their was no passionate kiss. come on PD, have ya ever seen GOONG'S final kiss scene?

anyway, now i just have to wait for the dvd set with english subtitles. :P:lol:

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Guest yokemun

hey can anybody mind pm or post here the subs for Ep.25 in Mediafire link please!!!!!

i can't dl with Megaupload!!!

i'm in desperate need to watch ep 25!!!

anyone please!!!!!

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Guest squeaky


I've let myself have two days since the last episode to let it sink in.

It's over.


It seems like yesterday that we were all so excited for January 2009 to come.

I was excited and disappointed, but overall, I had a good time watching this series.

The overplayed songs like Lucky and Paradise were actually one of my favorite parts of the show [i'm sad they didn't play Lucky in the last ep].

Thank you, BOF, for making me giddy for Mondays [ :o ] and Tuesdays.


So sad it's over.

But I'm glad it was a good series!

I hope these actors will be in other series' and such. :]

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