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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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The dancing photo is tooo cute. Jun Pyo looked like prince charming and Jandi as his princess. I'm soo looking forward to the chaotic scene at the wedding, I can just imagine Madame Kang's bewildered expression of dismay and anger. :P

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Guest inaho

ohh la la, I'm spazzing out here, even though there are only 2 more weeks before it ends looking at this pictures makes me

want Monday to be here right away, its a total killer that BOF is ending already in just a few more weeks and I know the actors really need some rest or whatever but man if all permits I want them to extend the whole show for another 10 or more cause I'm sure as hell going to miss the bickering, the crying, the spazzing out, the kissing, the twist and turns, everything about this drama I would miss

hopefully we get to see them more especially hyesun and minho together in another drama, they look so good and oh so yummy!

BOF fighting!

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Guest kurayzeexivy

i know this might be quite off topic. but i'm in dire need of help.

where can i watch BOF episode 13 down to the current one.?

i'm quite late, since its already on episode 21 now. *i blame my exams for this and a very busy schedule at school*

but I've been keeping up with each episode summaries but i want to watch actual episode.

'coz vikii is having this problem - where it stops .

can someone help me where to watch with eng subs?

thank you. :)

Like the previous poster said, you can watch it on mysoju.com but I personally like to watch it on http://www.youtube.com/user/19990915 or http://www.veoh.com/users/ohmiyask. It's both subbed by the same person. I like to watch her videos because they are better quality compared to the ones at mysoju.com.

Ahh this is so cute but it breaks my heart. Poor JH. :(

Also thank you lyptika for the wallies. :D

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Now regarding all the people who feel that Jun-pyo and Jan-di are lacking chemistry, I have to disagree. Even though their love for each other isn't blatantly acted out in every single episode, it doesn't mean it's not there. I think the viewers tend to get lazy sometimes and when we don't see it right away we assume it's not there. Poof it's gone. But if you really think about it, love isn't that conspicuous nor is it stamped on your forehead for the world to see easily. I enjoy that the pd and the screenwriter conducted it in a way where the viewers have to search for the clues and analyze the love regarding these two...

i do agree with you alot Daiquiri...alot of viewers expect a blatantly acted out love actions.....to me the chemistry between Jun Pyo and Jan Di is really GREAT because they way they show their love and affections to each other is subtle,innocent and sweet...it doesn't always have to be stamped on the forehead and shoved right in front of us to feel them...

It's simply sweeter this way...the PD is doing a great job...it jz makes us yearn more of Jundi moments instead if dreading it...

gah!!!!i can't wait for the next episode..!!!!!

Jun Pyo and Jan Di looks soo compatible and perfect together...the tux and dress go so well together...


thx for posting up the pics^^

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Guest evie544

i found this pics in cyworld

who is that little boy..??

credit to cyworld news board.

In the manga, Jan Di had to take care of a little rich boy who was just as spoiled as Jun Pyo and had no choice but to bring him on her date with Jun Pyo which annoyed him cuz the little boy was stuck up just like him and had a sweet little crush on her. Him and the boy didn't get along at first, especially since the little boy tried to come between them, but eventually grew on each other.

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Guest Banana Peel

Wow, very interesting spoilers >:]

Thanks for everyone who provided goodies!

Looks like more fun ahead, but then again,

I'll be sick of Mama Kang's evil works .

I seriously wish that they wouldn't have

the amnesia part, but I guess they'll have to

so that it will lead into Mama Kang accepting JD ;)

*sigh* so much drama ahead, yet so little episodes!!

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Guest OneSky.

All I have to say is--I'm dissapointed in JP. Asking Jandhi for strength? It took me off guard. His uncertainty in what he's getting himself into, combined with his non-straightforwardness is giving me a headache. I wish he'd be a man and protect JD like he said he would from the beginning. He's different than the 'strong' Domouji from the JP version...and I'm kinda getting irritated by it. Maybe all I'm seeing is JD's sufferings because she's sacraficed so much for him. Yet JP isn't. :/ He's just as bad as the 'witch'. /end rant. Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest.

Definetly looking forward to the ending of BOF. I might even read the manga and watch the anime after this, heheh. I'm starting to like the soundtrack more than before, as it's catchy.<3

Thanks to all that contributed spoilers and input. :3

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Guest winwetty

i found this latest news related to Jang Ja Yeon suicide case...

she left a note before she commit suicide and KBS has published her note

someone please help to translate these news...what is all about anyway...!!!

'뉴스9', 유력인사 신문사 故 장자연 문건 알고도 보도 안해 '의혹'

[이데일리SPN] 2009년 03월 19일(목) 오후 10:47 가 가| 이메일| 프린트

▲ KBS에 보도된 故 장자연 문건


[이데일리 SPN 김은구기자] KBS 1TV ‘뉴스9’이 고(故) 장자연 문건에 이름이 올라 있는 유력인사가 소속된 신문사가 이 문건에 대해 미리 알고 있으면서 보도하지 않았다는 의혹을 제기했다.

‘뉴스9’는 19일 “KBS가 확보한 고인의 자필 문건은 발견 당시 유독 몇몇 부분만 검게 지워져 있었는데 자세히 확인하니 지워진 부분에는 한 신문사 유력인사 이름이 있었다”며 “고인은 문건에서 소속사 대표였던 김모 씨와 이 인사가 자신을 접대에 불렀고 김씨가 이 인사로 하여금 잠자리 요구를 하게 했다고 적시했다”고 보도했다.

이어 “누가 이름을 지우려 했는지는 밝혀지지 않았지만 배경이 주목된다”며 “고인의 문건이 유서보다 진술서에 가까웠다는 점을 보면 문건 이름을 지운 사람과 해당 신문사 간 어떤 조율이 시도됐을 가능성도 배제할 수 없다”고 밝혔다.

이와 함께 ‘뉴스9’은 “이 신문사가 문건의 존재와 내용을 KBS 보도 이전에 미리 알고 있었을 거란 의혹도 제기된다”며 “이 신문사의 한 중견기자가 KBS가 문건을 입수하기 전 고인의 또 다른 문건을 ‘눈으로 확인했다’고 함께 문건을 봤다는 기자가 증언했다”고 전했다.

그러면서 ‘뉴스9’은 “사실일 경우 자기 회사 유력인사에 대한 내용을 알고도 보도를 덮은 셈”이라고 의혹을 제기했다.

또 “이 언론사 한 기자가 어제(18일) 고인의 유족 차량에 ‘고인의 소속사 전 대표인 김모씨와 전 매니저 유장호씨 양측 모두 자신이 소속된 신문사에 모든 자료를 넘겼다’는 내용의 메모를 남기기도 했다”며 “해당 기자는 메모를 남긴 것은 맞지만 내용은 사실 무근이라고 주장했다”고 보도했다.

news taken from news.yahoo.co.kr

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Guest Roxcee88

omg i'm soooooo dying to see the last few episodes!

and i seriously hope for a happy ending!

argh ><

must wait.....2 more weeks...ugh gonna die :P

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Guest lilnahnah

Not a picture of the happy ending, exactly. If you see, Jandi's wearing her dress from the day of Junpyo/Jaakyung's wedding...

so it looks like the make-up scene that the spoilers from KPculture were talking about.

Looks cute though...Can't wait!!

i found this pics in cyworld

who is that little boy..??


credit to cyworld news board.

And the little boy is probably the boy that Jandi's looking after right when Junpyo asked her out on a date...also from KPculture's spoilers...

That particular scene's in the manga too though

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Guest Daiquiri

Sorry for cutting your post... :)

I have to say a HUGE thank you for posting your thoughts the way you did. I totally agree with every aspect of what you wrote. I appreciate the way the PD and screenwriters have gone about Jun Pyo and Jan Di's relationship. There is so much subtlety that they have written in, it's amazing. And it started from the very beginning.

Sorry to cut your post. Thank you so much for reading my lengthy and monstrous post. I posted that on whim actually. I know most of the readers on here don't care for long posts unless there are pictures. I'll have to do that next time. ;) I just needed to rant since I was seeing so many complaints and whining. If you honestly just step back and really dig through the drama. All those little subtle scenes do stand out and make much more sense. Sure it's not obvious and right there in your face. I think that's the beauty of it. Since there was so much debate and comparison to the Japanese HYD, I wanted to share my two cents on the whole matter. As much as I enjoyed the Japanese version I felt it also had it's flaws as well. My problem it wasn't as long--time-wise and the quantity of episodes, so there wasn't a big character growth from the first to second season. If anything the characters seemed to remain the same, more or less. I like when the characters are round and not flat. But you can definitely see it in BOF, the character growth and maturity. Especially with Jan-di and Jun-pyo. Which is why I have enjoyed this version so much. Oh there are definitely flaws in this drama, don't get me wrong but that argument can be saved for a later time.

I agree with someone else who mentioned that Jandi should be portrayed as a stronger, tougher girl. She seems like she shrinks away in Joonpyo's mother's presence. Where's the Jandi who refused to accept her bribe money?

I actually think the girl who portrays Jaekyung has been doing a pretty good job. Jaekyung's exactly who I imagined she'd be - really annoying but selfishly affectionate. If that makes sense.

I think the reason we are seeing a more subdued Jan-di is because she is no longer dating Jun-pyo. Therefore she has nothing to fight for when it comes to fighting Mama Kang. Before she used to have a reason to fight back. Plus she has been defeated multiple times, from her home getting destroyed, unable to swim, her family losing their business, etc. Anyone in that situation would be crushed. I'm sure we'll see more a more defiant Jan-di when the time is right. She's not a stupid girl--though there have been some episodes where her characterization was inconsistent. She knows when to pick her battles and when it's time to step back and wait. At the moment, her mind mentally is not all there. Her focus right now is supporting herself, school, trying to deal with Jun-pyo getting married, etc. It's very plausible as to why Jan-di is so dejected and is not willing to fighting Mama Kang as of late. I can't wait to see when Jan-di will fight back though (hopefully in the near future).

As much as I understand where JK is coming from, I feel she's too unaware of her surroundings. That is not a compliment. Yes, she's had a lonely childhood which resulted in her becoming socially inadept but that is no excuse for her to ask that many favors from Jan-di. Even if they are friends. Though there is a flaw with that as well since JK pursued that friendship and not Jan-di. Of course JK understands and realizes that Jun-pyo and Jan-di's relationship is over but I mean come on! Do you honestly think JD would just be over her first love, just like that? The icing on the cake is when she asks JD to be her bridesmaid, while not-so-subtly talking about her plans for her and JP's future (kids and all). Pretty harsh if you ask me. I just decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and blame it on the fact she's never really had friends before. Out of all the versions I felt this Shigeru really knew how to push the boundaries and then some. I don't hate her but I do scratch my head a lot at some of the things she does and says.

cheerybell: As much as I appreciate that you read my hideously long post, please edit the post. Long quotes are not allowed. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you so much for reading it. :)

dunlop09: The waltzing picture just made my day. I cannot wait, Monday seems so far away.

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Guest ml_87

All I have to say is--I'm dissapointed in JP. Asking Jandhi for strength? It took me off guard. His uncertainty in what he's getting himself into, combined with his non-straightforwardness is giving me a headache. I wish he'd be a man and protect JD like he said he would from the beginning. He's different than the 'strong' Domouji from the JP version...and I'm kinda getting irritated by it. Maybe all I'm seeing is JD's sufferings because she's sacraficed so much for him. Yet JP isn't. :/ He's just as bad as the 'witch'. /end rant. Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest.

Definetly looking forward to the ending of BOF. I might even read the manga and watch the anime after this, heheh. I'm starting to like the soundtrack more than before, as it's catchy.<3

Thanks to all that contributed spoilers and input. :3

JP didnt ask for strength. he just needs JD to assert her love for him. u know, they misunderstood the other so much. he may think she doesnt love him any more. u know, if she doesnt love him, that he throws everythings is deserved? he has to live all his life in guilty and his woman isnt even beside him? JP is so stuck.

i really hope that people stop telling that why he should stand up for his love and resist his mom! pls, seeing the situation from Jp's view. it's easy for us to talk but i wonder if i were JP, could i find the solution? :mellow:

last, i'm sure in 22nd episode, we will know the reason for all JP's actions :)

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Did anyone notice that the way JP called JK monkey as in 'MONGKEY' as in MC MONG also being nicknamed monkey. ;)

I think JD is wary of rich beautiful girl like JK coz she was hurt badly by Oh Minji (also rich beautiful girl). That's why we see that she does not totally open up to JK as her friend as well as the fact that JK is JP's fiancee.

When I watched JH wedding pic with JD, it reminds me of Hyun Joong reality TV show 'We Got Married ' wedding pic with Hwangbo. :w00t: Really good memories. I like JH-JD wedding pic very much though I'm not in that ship.

When I heard T-Max song with Kim Joon voice as intro, o____o it sent shivers thru my body :sweatingbullets: :sweatingbullets:

The dancing pic is really sweet. and I hope that the kiss will be as sweet as the swing kiss. That is my most favorite scene of all. Wish my husband can be as honest and truthful as JP is to JD at that time.

As BOF coming to an end in 4 more EP, I have enjoyed my time browsing thru this thread, all the ups and downs. Thanks to everyone that provides spoilers, pics, links, thoughts and rants. I enjoyed it very much.

Thanks to cute_girl for providing the torrent link after every eps. I wait for the link before I went to sleep, so that my friends and I can spazz about the drama the next day at work.

Off to read the thread again and patiently waiting for Monday again.

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aww finally plenty of JoonDi moments to look forward too..JoonDi may not have a lot of screen time for the past few epis, but you have to admit that when viewers see them onscreen together, you can't but feel the chemistry between them..they are both unpredictable together that's why they fit..

JP didnt ask for strength. he just needs JD to assert her love for him. u know, they misunderstood the other so much. he may think she doesnt love him any more. u know, if she doesnt love him, that he throws everythings is deserved? he has to live all his life in guilty and his woman isnt even beside him? JP is so stuck.

i really hope that people stop telling that why he should stand up for his love and resist his mom! pls, seeing the situation from Jp's view. it's easy for us to talk but i wonder if i were JP, could i find the solution? :mellow:

last, i'm sure in 22nd episode, we will know the reason for all JP's actions :)

i agree..and we are still waiting for JD to finally admit her feelings to JP..yeah she let him hug/kiss/hold her hand...buttttt sometimes it doesn't hurt when you can actually say it in words...

all i can say major props for JP kneeling down to JK...some may say it is very coward of him..but in my eyes, im amazed that he is willing to take his pride aside for the only woman he will ever love..

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Daiquiri,thx for the reminder....i just joined the forum yesterday so still haven't familiarize myself with the rules and regulations..^^

all i can say major props for JP kneeling down to JK...some may say it is very coward of him..but in my eyes, im amazed that he is willing to take his pride aside for the only woman he will ever love..

i so agree..i don't think that his kneeling down scene is cowardly at all because for someone as egoistic as Jun Pyo to kneel down is really something...i was really touched by this scene...it clearly shows his deep love for the only one he'll ever love - Jandi..

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Guest ziemah

^ you cannot quote the images..you should just quote the link.:)

Woww kissing scene? well lets just hope that it;ll be a passionate kiss :rolleyes: .it has been a whilen since jp and jd kiss each other!

and woww that boy is so cute.the three of them look perfect together :lol:

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Guest zaq112

I know people have said over and over again to refrain from comparing, but since this drama is about to end anyway, I just really want to share my thoughts.

Yesterday I spent the whole day re-watching Hana Yori Dango. I was one of those people who thinks it's the best version. I guess I was just too blown away with the directing, editing and the cinematogrpahy(??? tv drama???) because they did it so well and so beautifully, and how they cut and rearranged the story so that everything will fit in just a few episodes was genius.

I'd like to share my thoughts too about this. Especially since it's my first and probably last post in this thread. There's already so many lol. I loved everything you said about the Japanese version. As a drama by it's self and not comparing it to anything else the directing, editing, cinematography, and I'd like to add acting was awesome. Judging BOF on it's own I love it as well because of the characters, actors, and humor. For me the thing that BOF had over HYD was that I love Jandi and Jun Pyo together. I can't see them with anyone else. In HYD Oguri Shun was so great... too great lol. He did such a good job in his role that I really wanted Rui and Makino to end up together.

I can't wait till BOF is over so I can give it some time and then watch the whole thing at a slower pace and enjoy it. Instead of being in a rush to watch the next episode to see what happens.

I also want to add that I don't really see Jun Pyo being weak or cowardly. To me it seems as if he's worn out and tired from everything (pressure, threats against Jandi, guilt trips) from his mother as well as having to deal with his fiance (who isn't evil but who he doesn't love), and seeing JiHoon comforting the person he loves knowing that he's not able to.

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