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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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im pretty sure that two albums of the OST don't include all the OSTs used in the drama

i listened to every single song and cannot find the song where Jihoo and Jandi is hanging out on the field

here is the list of songs from the OST vol.2 on Yesasia

꽃보다 남자 OST 파트 2

01. Say Yes - 티맥스(T-MAX)

02. Wish Ur Myluv - 티맥스(T-MAX) & 제이

03. 아쉬운 마음인걸 - 에이스타일(A'st1)

04. 애인만들기 - SS501

05. 어떡하죠 - 지선

06. Love Is Fire - 카라

07. Love U - 하울

08. 사랑같은 거 - 브랜뉴데이

09. 눈물이 난다 - 이상곤(노을)

10. Cellogic

11. 다가가다

12. 낯선 해

13. 사랑을 위하여

click here to go to Yesasia website for the OST vol.2

im so disappointed. so many good songs are missing. wut is going on??

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Guest lantawmako

why is the fiancee arc so long? i didnt really have a problem with it (until this episode) but personally i think Jaekyung's management company is trying WAY to hard to get her face known.

My thoughts exactly...BTW I like JK's hairstyle.

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Guest sparkley

I know some people are saying that JK will be a good friend and maybe this is all a ruse to get the two together... but!

I'm going to say she's a horrible friend. A horrible person for that matter and worse than JP's mother since at least his mother is up front about what she thinks and the way she treats Jandi. JK is literally rubbing salt into Jandi's wounds with a smile, and knowingly at that. If she really wants to get the two together, there is no reason for her to step all over Jandi's feelings so badly in the process of doing so unless she's on a revenge kick or something. There is really no excuse for her doing so and then crying about it afterward. No wonder she has no friends.

This is sad because the character originally written isn't supposed to be so hateful... I don't like how they've developed the character in this one at all.

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05. 어떡하죠 - 지선

I would like to ask if anyone knows the English translation of this song. I keep on humming it, and it would help if I knew what the song meant.


PS.I love the fact that Jun pyo is starting to realize that he has to fight his battles with his own conviction, his own resolve and not rely on any one else as reason to fight head on with his mother. Give the guy a break, his barely past puberty, its amazing as it is that he can love as much as he love Jandi. Any guy his age and power would be fooling around.

"That song is What should I do. I found the lyrics

어떡하죠 (Uhddukhajo/What should I do) Lyrics and Translation"

Thanks meileizi, its beautiful Ü

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Guest totallyblu

In manga YJ thought that his first love was in love with his brother but she wasn't. in this version it was the opposite she IS in love with his brother :) so hopefully it would be the same with soeul, in manga they doesn't have a happy ending hopefully in this version they end up together....

I am sure that JP n JD will end up together but is there a story after they end up together? (romantic/skinship/togetherness?:) or just THEY END UP TOGETHER like other drama *sigh* hopefully not...it so lame...with all the suffered WE'd been through is that what we'll get? hope the PD will consider a really good ending to make us satisfy :lol::lol:

Reading for the next episode I don't mind they (JP n JD) have to "face to face" with president kang, isn't she the MAIN problem? I just don't like it when JP will loss his memory it sound really lame....is there any other way to make it more interesting? maybe something happen with mama kang instruction? but not memory loss thingy (i know it was in the manga, but....for me it really "ordinary") hope the PD make it more interesting (again he3)...maybe this time not another girl for Jp , enough with the "love square"

o another one...when JK shoot the CF and on wedding gown (on preview) when her hair is tied...she look pretty but looked much older (to me) and mama kang ....she look so pretty ha3

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Guest starlight tears

I know some people are saying that JK will be a good friend and maybe this is all a ruse to get the two together... but!

I'm going to say she's a horrible friend. A horrible person for that matter and worse than JP's mother since at least his mother is up front about what she thinks and the way she treats Jandi. JK is literally rubbing salt into Jandi's wounds with a smile, and knowingly at that. If she really wants to get the two together, there is no reason for her to step all over Jandi's feelings so badly in the process of doing so unless she's on a revenge kick or something. There is really no excuse for her doing so and then crying about it afterward. No wonder she has no friends.

This is sad because the character originally written isn't supposed to be so hateful... I don't like how they've developed the character in this one at all.

That's what exactly what I'm thinking... she's such horrible friend. Mama Kang is justifiable since she's protecting Shinwa's fortune and we have to admit JD's parents looks like Mama Kang was thinking... but JK..what did JD did to you..you should not save her life before coz you just want her to suffer more. I just hate that it's in JK's hand the future of JP-JD- i hate the PD & writer for this...this is supposed to be you and me againts the world and their love will prevail in the end since it is so strong.

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Guest ml_87

everyone get angried with JP. but i think what he is doing is reasonable

1. He's only 20 years-old. u guys want he to behave like a totally mature man who may be at 30 or 40. Jp is just a human, a young guy, but u guys have regard him as a superman^^. he can be scared, as the old maid said, he's still a child. yeah, he's been more mature since he's in macau. but i believe that inside, his soul is somewhat vurnerable. it' s much more vurnerable when there's sth related to JD, the girl he loves more than himself.

2. we're just the people who witness all the things happening around those chracters. i doubt if we were JP, could we have a better solution? stand outside and talk, it's easy. but i really hope that u guys place yrself in his position and think once. the business is not that kind of easy. we havent known the deal between Jp and his mom yet. we shouldnt blame him yet. moreover, someone said that his mom has broken the deal, why not JP? we have no clue that she did. JD's parents moved to the country? JD's house is broken down? i dont see anything related to JP's mom

3. once again, people compare JP to JH. and says things like Jh is more manly than JP... we cant compare them. JP is JP, JH is JH. Jh may be in a better situation than JP. he has a evil mom? no. he has such a great burden like JP on his shoulder? no. he has a girl who follows him all the time and definitely never lets him go? no. i doubt any man, including JH, in Jp'sposition can find a proper solution right away.

4. someone says that why JP doesnt talk straightly to JK before? then, what about JD? she still loves JP but does she say that to JH (when she absolutely knows JH's love for her) . JP once tried to say to Jk, but she didnt want to hear. how could he hurt a girl who loves him that much by saying cruel sentences? how could he says it's Jd whom he loves when he's aware of the friendship between JK and JD? especially when he knows that Jk treat JD very well.

5. he loves JD, no one doubts it. but he cant know whether JD still loves him any more? after such a hard time that he brings to her , JD may not love her anymore. JP may think that she now loves JH ( a lot of JD-JH actions that make him think so). i'm sure if Jp knows JD still loves him, he will refuse JK right away.

6. is he coward? no, he's absolutely not. he even doesnt ask F3 for helping him escapse. that he asks woobin for breaking his arm is not a coward action. he's just too desperate.

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05. 어떡하죠 - 지선

I would like to ask if anyone knows the English translation of this song. I keep on humming it, and it would help if I knew what the song meant.


PS.I love the fact that Jun pyo is starting to realize that he has to fight his battles with his own conviction, his own resolve and not rely on any one else as reason to fight head on with his mother. Give the guy a break, his barely past puberty, its amazing as it is that he can love as much as he love Jandi. Any guy his age and power would be fooling around.

That song is What should I do. I found the lyrics

어떡하죠 (Uhddukhajo/What should I do) Lyrics and Translation

My heart is beating wildly,

But because I knew it wasn’t for you

But for that person, it hurt so much

These days, whenever you look at me

That person’s face shows up

I am so sorry, meeting you

Was my life’s biggest blessing

I must be an idiot but I can’t stop myself

All I see is her

Oh, I even tried for a few days to forget her

but it is not working too well

What should I do? In your face

All I see is hers

Even if I tell myself that I shouldn’t act like this

It’s not working too well

What should I do? From your voice

All I hear is her

I guess my heart has already left you

And have begun to love her

Even when we meet

I look around to see if that person is there

When we walk down the street

I get scared that she might see

I can’t do this, I know that I shouldn’t be doing this

But the words “I love you” have become more awkward to say

I know you do your best for me

I can’t do the same for you

Oh, even if I tried to love you again, I know I can’t

What should I do? In your face

All I see is hers

Even if I tell myself that I shouldn’t act like this

Its not working too well

What should I do? From your voice

All I hear is her

I guess my heart has already left you

And have begun to love her

I wanted to be at your side forever

And take care of you

But my heart keeps on

Searching for that girl that is not you

What should I do? In your face

All I see is hers

Even if I tell myself that I shouldn’t act like this

It’s not working too well

What should I do? From your voice

All I hear is her

I guess my heart has already left you

And have begun to love her


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Guest bluescent10

Episode 21 made me sad..maybe because everytime i see Jan Di's expression i can see her pain through her eyes, same with Joon Pyo..He can't do anything..and i was touch about what he did, kneeling infront of JK just to cancel the wedding, but JK is such a stubborn girl, why can't she just give up.. <_< I love Joon Hee..hahaha! such a supportive sister...she can feel the pain and confusion JP is suffering..

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Guest jin_park

Does anyone know who the grandma is? "halmo?" Does she have any relations to the family besides the obvious?? Why is it that GJP's mom can't really be authoritative to her?

edit/I haven't watched episode 21 yet.. so, if the answer is in episode 21 please don't mind me =P

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Guest Daiquiri

What constitute a STRONG MAN? What constitute a STRONG WOMAN? The answer is there ARE no strong man, strong woman. People are people, humans with real emotions and vulnerabilties. Jun Pyo is not confused, he is however, at a dilemma. He has 2 choice, one is to marry JK to keep Shinhwa Corp alive and expanding, or be selfish and live for himself. I have a lot of respect for Jun Pyo, in his handling of the wedding, he tried to speak some sense into Jae Kyung in stating his feelings, but she refused to let him go. The only other alternative was to stall the wedding, by inflicting physical pain upon himself. One can't really understand the agony, unless they're in the situation. Jun Pyo cannot function without Jandi. Jun Pyo is a person that is very much in love, but also want to do the right thing. The right thing was to stand at the alter, giving up his happiness for others.

You couldn't have said it any better. People forget that Jun-pyo is no longer in high school, he is an adult now. Therefore he cannot do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. His obligations and promises are what keeps him from being irrational and doing things his way. This shows growth in his character. If anything for him to revert back to his previous self, it would show him going two steps back instead of forward. I know a lot people believe he is being a coward by not openly acting out on how he feels but remember he cannot just throw everything away for his own happiness. This is why this half of the drama has departed from the first half. We're seeing more mature characters that are being developed. This isn't just a high-school romance now. They are transitioning into the adult world. There are bigger commitments and more responsibilities to uphold. Emotions cannot always come first. It might not be the lovey-dovey stuff we're used to but the way everything is set up I agree with the way Jun-pyo is acting. It is not only believable but realistic as well. He has so much to figure out and he's so young as well. What do you expect? His mentality is that of a young adult yet he is supposed to act and think beyond his years-- all within such a short amount of time. You can't forget all of that now can you? Can you still call him a coward after all of that?

Also regarding the whole asking Woo-bin to break his arm was probably out of desperation. I'm sure he didn't want to place that burden on him but in that very moment anything was better than doing nothing at all. The fact he could lose Jan-di forever scared him. He was going on instinct rather than assessing the situation.

The same goes for Jan-di. I think when the time comes she will actively pursue Jun-pyo but because there are so many factors involved, she decides even if it's at the cost of her happiness, she's willing to do what is right. After all she doesn't have a lot to offer Jun-pyo (in her mind) but JK however does. JK is rich, beautiful and much more worldly than Jan-di. I'm sure she's questioned herself several times that in comparison to JK, Jan-di will never measure up. Jun-pyo's always had the best, why should he settle for anything less? It's more sensible to have these two together and Jan-di realizes this. After all Jun-pyo has to help his family with Shinhwa after his father's sudden passing and the future of the company is unstable. Even if she's not cognizant of his exact situation, she knows it's not any easier for Jun-pyo. I think because she loves him she's willingly to let him go, so that he doesn't have to question what is right or wrong, what to choose, etc. However despite all that I'm sure she can't just throw away her feelings for him and the way he still shows interest and care for her makes her confused at the same time. It's the whole mind vs. the heart struggle.

The wedding completely off. JP's mom wants it to be a huge publicity stunt, marking the merger/alliance between JK's parents' company and Shinhwa.

NO WAY would two billionaire families have such a low-key wedding. They'd have to invite all of their company execs, employees, workers, do publicity ploys, media release, etc. etc.

I expect AT LEAST a French couture wedding gown.

Not when JP's mom knows there is a very high chance her son might do something stupid to prevent the wedding from happening, or even resort to running away. Also the fact the wedding was last minute and incredibly rushed probably can add to the factor as well. So they decided to keep it low-key for those obvious reasons. The whole ploy is that this wedding goes through as soon as possible, even if Jun-pyo is kicking and screaming all the way through. Plus it takes a lot of time and planning to have a very lavish wedding. It would seem slightly odd they have such an opulent wedding when all of this was decided a mere few days ago.

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Guest kimngoc266

I watched this episode with no sub but I kind of understand of was going on because of the preview and all the spoilers.

There was hardly any JP-JD moment in this episode, but so much about JK. I understand that the PD try to end this fiance part, but because the PD drag this fiance part so long, so it turns off a lot of people. Plus, JK is not a nice person at all compare to the story. She is too selfish.

A lot of people complain about JP but JP has matured. If JP just run away with JD, wouldn't it be selfish because he doesn't care about his family's company, about the promise with his father. His mother is a very powerful person, she can make JD's life hell, plus the company was in trouble, so for now, he has to concentrated on the company but at the same time, he had pretend to break up with JD in order to protect her.

Remember in the first few episodes, when JP doesn't have to worry about anything, when he fell in love with JD, he was nice to her too. JH on the other hand, he doesn't have to worry about the company, even his family, his grandpa likes JD very much, so he can be nice to JD.

Maybe, JH's grandpa will adopt JD and somehow JD will help Shinhwa so madam Kang will come to accept JD.

Hope the PD will do a better job to wrap up this drama.

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Guest xoJOANNEox

i've always been a silent reader but i really needed to ask something so i hope you guys can help ^_^

i just finished watching ep.21 and thx to the ppl who posted links to the second ost album, i was able to listen to alot of the songs i liked.

but is it just me or are there some songs missing..?

and the ones that are missing were the ones that i really liked...

did i just not listen to the songs correctly or are there some songs missing in the new album? :huh:

and if there are missing songs, where can i get them?

thank you~

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Guest Download Love
Does anyone know who the grandma is? "halmo?" Does she have any relations to the family besides the obvious?? Why is it that GJP's mom can't really be authoritative to her?
no, "hal mum" does not have any relations to the family. gjp's mother can't really be authoritative to her, because she's older and a perfectionist. got it? peace.
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Guest doremii*

JK is a horrible friend. If you want JP, fine, but don't act like you're still bffs with JD.

I'm in loovee with Ji Sun's song on the OST<3

edit: JP.. how does breaking your arm get you out of the wedding -___- the most that'd do is push it back.. use your brain ffs! lol

I'm annoyed that they took away the most important characteristic of Domyouji.. which is his determination and never let go attitude towards Makino. That's the one of the main reasons M & DT managed to overcome so many obstacles in the manga. Makino is the one who's always uncertain about her love for DT but DT always remained persistant. No offense JP fans, but you have to admit, he's become a coward now.

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Guest kikibug

Episode 21...was so-so overall.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed yesterday's episode better. Usually, its the other way around...

Although I think JiHoo is..err..a not-so-great actor, I enjoyed the part with JanDi and the wedding dress! :)

It was adorable. :D :D

It made up for the poor acting when he "cried" (looked like laughing) while fishing Grandpy. :P

But I do feel bad..."When tomorrow passes, you might not smile anymore. That scares me." *__*

Even though I hate JK, (BAD, EVIL friend...) she's a good actor.

I sniffled a bit when she was sitting with JanDi on the bench.

(When she confessed that she knew about the JoonDi relationship...;___;)

But I won't forgive her, ever, for asking JanDi to be her bridesmaid. M.e.a.n.

And adding that part about the pearls..and getting them when GJP and her have children?!


I love GJP more and more! <3 He's an amazing actor, the best on the show.

Even though his hairdo turned wacko, I wasn't distracted! (Haha, saved by the acting!)

Hehe, I was happy to see him whip out his soccer skills with his F4 buddies.

That reminds me...I love the grandma. :D MYSAVIOR!

Can't wait till next week!... *W*

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