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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest she-smiles

Well he did asked Jandi why she does

not swim anymore? Episode 16 was much

more uplifting than yesterday. New discoveries

were made too.

Jihoo's grandpa killed his parents? :mellow: I'm

confused and curious.

I think while they were still in Macau,

didn't F3 mention Jandi's swimming conditions to Jun Pyo?

I forgot, but I don't think Jun Pyo clearly understands the situation yet.

And about Ji Hoo's grandpa,

I don't think he meant that literally.

All this time, Ji Hoo thought he was the one who caused his parents' death.

Butttttt We shall find out SOON! =)

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Guest july31st

I love this show it's sooooooo GOOD.

I love kim beom, he is so handsome.

I saw this really nice BOF video =)

for those who like ji hoo and jandi

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Annyeong all BOF chingus :)

Chu-Ah this thread very much. As usual, enjoyed myself very much reading this thread. Of course sometimes I get worked up because of some comments regarding GHS and KHJ.

I found JiHoo's new hairstyle is becoming him very much, somehow he looks more gorgeous and beautiful. Yup, beautiful, just look at his gorgeous face close up with the short hair. I like his diamond earrings...wow....

His character as Jihoo loving Jandi reminds me very much of Prince Yul (Kim Jeong Hoon) in Goong. I am having that little heartache feelings again while watching him in BOF. hehehhehehhehe

I am getting to like GHS more and more, I have not watched her previous work. I only started to know her in Strongest Chilwoo. In Chilwoo, she was serious and quiet. Her character in BOF is very different thus show that she can act very well.

I am happy to see that Kim Hyun Joong has improved a lot in his acting. Adore him in We Got Married. I wonder whether he still keep in touch with Hwangbo or not......

Dont get me wrong, I dont only adore GHS and KHJ, I also love LMH, KJ and KB. It amaze me to see Kim Bum looks more manly in BOF cos in East of Eden, he still look boyishly young. In BOF, Kim Bum looks so charming, handsome and dashing. As for Kim Joon, he is a very cute and handsome man indeed. Aaahhhh I just love all these 4 guys hehehehhe dont we all, ladies?


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Guest gglover

few things about these 2 eps.

First of all, I'm hella annoyed that the preview don't match up with the episodes!! what happened to Junhee standing up for JP? What about the scene that JK comes crying to JD about GJP? the previews are so misleading.

2nd, I'm so happy that they toned downed the soundtrack. anyone know where to DL the acoustic version of SS501 song?

3rd, gotta love JK. I'm sorry, but she's quite lovable and she's just oblivious to the situation thats all.

4th, stalker date was a little disappointing. I was expecting more, like champagne etc. damn evil old hag.

5th, why is JP ignoring her again at the end? god, he's confusing me more now.

6th, my prediction for the next ep would probably JD overworking her shoulder while filling in for her parents. Obviously, since it is JH's music center, he'll probably be there and take her home.

lastly, thank god JP asked JD about the swimming. Except he's so STUPID. just ask yi jung or woohin.

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From episode 16, JP still don't know about JD's shoulder.

that's right. in macau, YJ used to say that "because of whom, JD cant swim now?" so Jp may think that there's some reason. he hasnt known the real cause yet. i really appreciate that Jp still cares about JD so much, even her hobby.


maybe, later, when he knows it's becauz she has shoulder problem & his mom who indirectly caused it. he will break the promise & definitely come back to her. we also have to thank JK, who helps JP&JD a lot later 9especiall the cooperation between JK& Shinwa). but i dont know how the PD solve Jh's love. the scene he visited his parents' grave is so sad. he said" the ones i love dont stand by me any more" . poor guy :tears:

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Guest kathchie

so Eun Chae and Yil Hyun will enter the picture next week..

i hope they will help Yi Jeong "realization of feelings" to Ga Eul..

the episode yesterday was really cute.. =)

YJ and GE must do a real date.. =)

indeed, their plan was also successful.. =) (JP and JD together again for a moment)

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Guest rach1rur3

OMG! i just started on this drama a couple of weeks ago and now i'm all caught up! :D i remember the tw version was the one that launched me to get into asian dramas, the jp version came out (which i watched too), and it got me to start reading the manga. a little obsessed much, right? :P this version is (so far) the best version i have seen! it bring a different angle to the same story. although some parts aren't exactly true to the manga, they make the scenes go by so smoothly. not going with the story to fast and yet they're not dragging it out either.

the actors that are portraying the characters are doing a superb job. they bring a whole new light to the old characters that we've grown to love. :D let's just enjoy the show coz (as we've seen from the news) these actors are working very hard for this show.

ah! these past episodes have been giving my emotions a roller coaster of a ride! lol! hmm, there's only a few episodes left and still so much to cover. seeing the past episodes they seem to cover 2 episodes or so (from the past versions) into one (or half of the 2nd). can't wait for next week! :D:w00t::wub:

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lol I get what you guys mean about all of the inconsistencies.

Like, look at it this way.

BOF is like Twilight.

It's written more on a spur of the moment, what-would-fans-want type of flow, (though Twilight does flow since it has to be edited since it's a book), rather than what would make it a piece of art.

Other well-written dramas are meant to be pieces of art which makes sure all of these details are taken into hand. That's why they're hundreds of episodes long. BOF, being ridiculously, well ridiculous in the sense that so many plot elements are squished together, has no other path but this (of course, it wouldn't be if a lot of the plot elements were taken out - but then we would be complaining that it's not sticking to the manga, wouldn't we?).

Either way, we're going to complain.

HOWEVER just watch out for your reactions AT THE MOMENT of the scene. I'm sure you guys liked that back hug, the fact that they were able to go together, their expressions. The PDs and writers are playing off of that, and they don't give a rats richard simmons about how well it flows from the previous episode. Whatever will get screen caps or squeals from girls is perfectly fine from them (notice that not EVERYONE who watches BOF comes onto these kinds of forums and analyzes every single scene. My friends just watch it and they never notice these off-scenes because well, they just want to see Minho and Kim Bum lol).

I, however, do not like the way they're portraying the girls in this. The only 'sane' girl seems to be JP's sister, and maybe not even then, considering the ridiculous proposition that they compete in sports to decide of Jihoo and Jandi are kicked out of school (those episodes were just ugh shoot my brains out boring). Even Gaeul (depending on how the rest of her love-line goes) seems to be the one chasing YJ at this point. It's almost like the girls have lost their confidence to say "I have the right to choose, be myself", and rather, show what kind of personality you need to get hooked up with a rich guy - not a good image.

Jandi is horribly stupid and idiotic at this point, and so is Jaekyung, and I'm hating it. If Jandi was more like JP's sister, I would have liked her more, but I never really liked her from the beginning (though I was a little prejudiced against Hyesun from the beginning because my dad kept on saying how he didn't like her because she was in this historical drama and she cried and she looked really funny).

ANYWAYS, their acting skills aren't as up-to-par, to say the least.

And because we have so many versions to compare it to, that's making it worse because now we're evaluating the success of this version compared to the others.

Please don't kill me for what I'm going to say about their skills in the following, it's just what I think lacks from the actors side, not only the PDs/writers. It's too late to go back and change all the previous episodes - but let's just enjoy the rest of them :3

Minho is doing a relatively good job for a 'newbie', though some scenes are kind of mehh, could work on it. But his cuteness and ability to represent JP's arrogant attitude in a cute way kind of overshadows that. Honestly, I don't remember a lot of JP scenes as of now, and only the Macau scenes without JP :| I really like his sad stares though - he does it extremely well. I just don't like his angry/sad outbursts (i.e. conference room, Macau airport, where he sits on the ground). Like the airport scene was one of my favorite 'sad' scenes (JP's part only, though), but it would have been better without him collapsing on the ground of the airport. It was just weird and I was thinking 'wth is a millionaire company's heir doing sitting on the ground like a baby? They're not in middle school, but in COLLEGE. I don't think even we would do something like that.

Hyesun is cute and all, but I REALLY don't like her as the role for Jandi. The Makino in HYD fit better in terms of cuteness - like it seems natural on her. Hyesun seems like she's trying WAY too hard to be cute. I mean, face it, she's supposed to be a senior in high school and she's 26! The oldest one out of all of them, I believe.

Hyunjoong is improving (thank goodness that his old hair is gone, the new one suits him), but Rui is a hard character to play, and he's not doing a good job of it. I started reading the manga, and I was actually rooting for a JD-JH pair in the manga, but not in this BOF. Rui is like one of those people you are scared to talk to because they have this cold and blunt look on their face, but once you get to know him, then he's extremely pleasant to be around, and you then realize there's so much more to him. Hyunjoong lacks the ability to show that. I would have really REALLY liked if Geunsuk took this part. I know it's a done deal, but I think we would have had a better time seeing Geunsuk because there would be more competition between Minho and Geunsuk to grab the spotlight (I honestly think there would be more JH-JD shippers if Geunsuk was in, and we would be squealing over the JH-JD interactions as well). At this point, any of their interactions are...wtf get away from each other.

Kim Bum is...not womanizing enough. Same for Woobin. They don't come off as the player types, do not come off as 'cool' (Kim Bum is doing a better job of it though). Kim Bum also lacks that 'I-really-don't-believe-in-soulmates' thing. Though, I'm having second thoughts here because of that YJ-GE conversation about YJ believing in soulmates but being scared to. I guess, Kim Bum just needs to be more of a player! Woobin needs more scenes to develop his character. He comes off as cute and comical, not cool at all. I think Ilwoo would have been a perfect Woobin :|

It just seems like the PDs and writers are babying us so much that they've given the characters minds of 10 year olds, but with sometimes-grown-up attitudes. Just way too childish.

I think the only thing that I'm 200% satisfied with is the OST. Okay, maybe 100%, because I don't like how Lucky is sung (way too....egh. I won't go any further).

My steam is let off for the day : )

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Oh... T___T Ep 16 is so heartbreaking to watch, especially since JP & JD are both stubborn with one another. They can’t even admit to each other how much they miss/love each other. Instead, they beat around the bush – like JP asking why JD doesn’t swim anymore. I really dislike the fact how JP calls HK Monkey – he already has a nickname for her. She makes things so awkward with her outgoing personality – she is def more outspoken than she needs to be – too much like JP.

Now talking about JH & JD, people are wondering why JD doesn’t just go to JH since he’s treating her so well & is always there. That’s not how it works when you’re in love with one person. When you fall hard, it is always hard to get over him, especially if it’s your first. I think JH knows he doesn’t have a chance with JD – he’s been there from the beginning and knows their love for one another. What holds him back is the fact that JD doesn’t return his feelings for him because she loves JP and JP only. I also appreciate the beginning of ep 16 when JP & JH see each other after that encounter @ the airport. Really shows that they are good friends and can understand one another, even if it’s irritating (whether it be JH annoying JP by messing with his girl or JP being his usual spoiled/immature self!)

=( it makes me sad that GE&YJ’s date was fake just to get the “two idiots” together! They need to get together too!! They did seem like they were enjoying their date together though (esp when they were ice skating!) YJ is so fine. T__T I don’t care if he’s a player!

T__T Ahhh when JP held JD I almost cried again… even when he wants to be nice to her & show her he cares, he’s an richard simmons! I’m so happy to see them together again in this episode! Lol… I love JP’s facial expressions… especially the ones when he looks annoyed & scrunches up his face w/his pouty lips. ^^;; Stupid curly-haired blockhead. T__T You can see his frustration about his “engagement.” His eyes get all teary-eyed that JD congrats him… I’m glad that JP finally stood up to his mom too. Wtf, why is she such a b---- though! Can’t she see that her son is in pain? I also liked the phone scene… it shows a lot about JP.

JH is a good friend and cares for JD a lot also… such a sweet guy. T___T

Even though JP/F4 ignored her @ the end, I think JP is doing this to keep her safe from his crazy with mother. He only wants to protect her… T__T

(Random note -- WB’s random English always gets me too! HAHHAHA… )


I can’t wait for the next episodes to come!!!!

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just wondering what do you girls who complain LIKE about the drama? sometimes i read these replies and i wonder why they even watch when it seems like according to their replies theres nothing good about it.

this is exactly what im learning about in phl. we ONLY focus on the bad.

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Yaahh dude I am so f-ing proud of JH in episodes 15&16. His new haircut makes him look so manly! And smexy! And the way he's there for JD whenever she needs him. Gah...so sweet and cool...

Like how he knew that JD was hiding her feelings as she was mopping up in the hospital and took the mop away and let her cry in his arms...so sweet...gawd....

and oh mah god how cute was tha YJ+GE date scene? Even though it was pretend it was still cute...heehee...

I think our WooBin needs a lady friend though...he seems so lonely and held back....

Poor JH always the protector, never the lover. Must he always have his heart broken? It's so sad... :tears:

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Guest lilnahnah

yeah it was weird.. JunPyo wanted to find out exactly why she wasn't swimming anymore and JanDi didn't say, just that she quit..

episode 16 was so funny.. it was hilarious when JanDi is spying on YiJeong and GaEul.. she plasters herself against the wall and JunPyo has to duck cuz he's that tall..

Well...it's not so weird, cuz she's still hurting over the whole "I want to erase you" business, and on top of that, he now has a fiance.

And then Junpyo suddenly coming up to her to tell her that he doesn't know anything about the engagement and asking why she's not swimming anymore, is just sending mixed messages to her.

Knowing Jandi's character she probably sees the potential for getting hurt even more and is preventing it by stopping Junpyo from so wishy-washy and reminding him they're broken up.

She says so in that scene...his engagement is none of her business, just as her swimming is none of his business anymore.

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like if you pronounce bff(best friend forever), every sylable. its like bbbbffff (bae-phh) im pretty sure


[[[spoilerS FOR NEXT WEEK]]]

Thank for the spoilers!! I'm glad they are going to talk about Yi Jung's backstory because I love that one. I hope after this, him and GE would get closer together!! When are we going to get a back story for Won Bin? Is he even going to get one? Wow!! Three episodes for this...YJ's backstory is long..... Of course, they are probably going to talk about our main couple and possibly about JH too. I can't wait for the next episodes!!

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I love feeling all giggly and warm inside from all the tension and near misses of love in BOF. Makes me 16 years old again. An age were logic and reason doesn’t work. JUST LOVE, LOVE, LOVE

So before watching BOF try reverting to the time you were all silly and euphoric with love to appreciate and not kill yourself with disbelief. Thats what i do.


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