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[drama 2008] My Precious You 내사랑 금지옥엽

Guest huangsy

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Epsd 21 Summary ( part 1 )

Bori finds photo of herself in wedding dress with SH.....OkJu and fat guy comes in...OJ admits following her to bridal shop....says Bori should be embarrassed to be young,unmarried and pregnant....Bori denies......Insun and DW comes in...wants to know what's happening....Insun sees Bori holding something behind her back...What is it?......Fat guy says it is a photo of her would be husband. Insun wants Bori to show her but Bori will not, saying that they are now strangers...so don't need to see it. She doesn't want him to be the subject of gossip. OJ says that can't be, otherwise why go back to bridal shop to get photo...he must be the baby's father. .Insun ask everyone to leave except Bori.

OJ and fat guy happy that they got rid of Bori

Insun can't understand why there is so much chaos since Bori came to the restaurant so wants to make something clear and settle mess once and for all : Are you pregnant ? Bori denies. Insun ask Bori to come closer.....take off apron....shock to see cloth wrapped around tummy to hide her pregnancy.

SH and SR having drinks...SH calls SR my beautiful baby....suggest going to resort and spending the night there. SR : Just the 2 of us ? ...2 women walk over to greet SH....and he calls them 'baby'.....SR is upset. In the car, SH tries to humour her but fails. SH : You're sulking. I'll sing a song to make you feel better. SR : When you sing, other women might like it...but it makes me sad. I saw you sing for the first time when you came to my house as a tutor. When my mum ask about your mother...you just grinned and sang. The second time was in college...there were many people at a party, so you may not remember me. People were introducing themselves but you just sang without speaking. I know. You sing because you don't want to talk about yourself. You don't reveal yourself to others, and you don't accept others' feelings. Have you ever once told a woman you love her ? SH : Of course. I have been dating for years. SR : Not as a joke. Did you ever mean it ? SH : ..... What about you? SR : No. But there is someone I want to say it to. SH : For a playgirl..you think too much. I don't like you complicated. I like the cute SR....so go home and sleep.

On the way back, SH thinks about SR's words....have you ever told a woman you love her and meant it....and thinks about Bori....

At restaurant.....Insun calls for DW. He knows about Bori's pregnancy. Bori is almost 6 months pregnant. Insun is angry...How can Bori still work with baby on the way. Bori wants to work for just 2 more months. she'll leave once she save enough money. Insun: Where will you go after 2 months. Where will you have the baby ? Bori : A shelter for unwed mothers. Insun : Do you know how difficult it is to live as a single mother in Korea ? Do your parents know about this ? Bori : I can't let them know. So i told them i have a job and doing well. Once I give birth and settle down, I'll let them know. Insun : Call the baby's father. What kind of man is he ...so irresponsible. He refuse to take responsibility?. Give me his name and number ....I'll talk to him. Bori : He's a stranger to me. I can't contact him. Bori begs Insun to help her until she save enough money to feed the baby. ...Insun ask her to leave. DW ask Insun to help Bori. Insun : That won't do. how dare you do this .

DW tries to persuade Bori to call the baby's father.....but Bori still refuses : he was never meant to be mine DW : You 2 had feelings for each other....now you aren't meant to be ? Who in the world is this great man ? Bori : He was a clinic doctor in my hometown. He never loved me but i misunderstood him.He didn't want this baby. He shouldn't take responsibility. DW : How can you say that ? How can a woman take care of this alone ? At least he should help you financially. How can he be so irresponsible Bori: Enough. He didn't do anything wrong to you. Don't speak badly of him when you don't know him. He didn't do anything wrong. it is my fault for sleeping with him....... DW makes some warm milk for Bori...she won't get to sleep well tonight...drink it. for the sake of Healthy...get some rest...talk about this tomorrow.

Juri busy with the planning for the multi leisure project. SR wants to know whether she can get free tickets once it opens. Juri : So you can go with SH SR : ....... Juri : Things not going well ? SR : It is difficult to get to his heart. Juri : I'll set up another strategy. SR : No. Love comes from the heart not from a strategy. Junsik comes in and upset that JR is still not home. Juri says JR seeing someone mature and nice. Junsik wants to see him first before he can approve them dating.

JR spending time with JH and his dad. As usual making a mess of things....want to apply hand lotion for JH's dad...but instead took a bottle of body wash. JR finds something suspicious about IH. ...she saw files of JS's material on IH's deask. IH is like JS's super fan....even though they are working together...isn't that going overboard ? JR's dad says JS is seeing a woman these days.....JR is sure it is not IH....( JH's dad getting nervous...goes out...most probably to wait for IH to come home )

JS searching for something. ...finds it....IH : Where are you going ? As soon as the chief approves it, they will hire KM. What are you going to do ? JS : I'll take care of this. Please wait. IH gets call from Dad. She lies that she is at meeting at work. Dad wants to know if JS is with her. She says she is with Jemma. .....JS leaves...

In the car, JS calls KM to meet him at YJ's place or he will regret it. At YJ's place...JS walks in and sits down without saying a word. YJ says she will not change her mind. Before JS resents her..to resent himself instead for not joing Star Music. ...otherwise she and KM would not have come this far. So it is his own fault for loosing his job. JS : Be quiet and sit down...... ( KM walks in ) KM : What's going on. Do you want to beg like last time ? It's just a joke to me but your children are at stake. i told you last time, i have no mercy in my heart. JS : I am asking you for the last time. Are you moving to HBS ? KM : Do you think I am joking ? JS : Do as you please. But once you go over to HBS, your career as a singer will be over. I am going to reveal this to the media.....It was written by YJ when she divorced me....she is responsible for infidelity and gives up child custody rights. YJ : How dirty.....How can you do this to me...with my written promise.... JS : You said you didn't want to come this far....me neither.....but it was you who made me this way. YJ : You think you can do this....What about the children ? JS : In the past, i thought keeping it quiet was for the children. But not anymore. Revealing it is for the children. ....I am done speaking...so make a choice. ... ( JS leaves ) KM to YJ: Don't say anything....I don't want to see you.

IH and kids waiting for JS to come home. JS comes in....IH : How did it go ? JS : ..... IH : It didn't go well. That's fine. I told you it doesn't matter. I'm hungry. I didn't eat anything. Let's have dinner. ( Kids want to eat too ) Then let's give dad a bear hug and cheer him up. . ( Kids hug JS and say ' I love you Dad ' ) JS : Let's eat...to get strength. IH : Right. Cheer up. When a door shuts. another one opens. You can do it.

I have to say that SH is one lucky guy...to have 2 women love him so much.....My feeling on this : SR will help SH to overcome his insecurities....to open his heart...learn to accept another's feelings....learn the true meaning of love...and to truly love another person.....but it may be to prepare SH to love Bori, accept responsibilty ...be a father... Without SR....I don't think SH can be all that to Bori.....Isn't all this so unfair to SR ? And DW who has done so much for Bori..... isn't it also unfair to DW ? My personal conclusion : SH DOES NOT DESERVE BORI OR SR. I'll just wait patiently for the scriptwriter to decide who SH will end up with.....to me.....he's a jerk ...causing so much pain to the women who love him.

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Guest chipotle2104

It hasn't been mentioned yet....but there's a part where Inu and her aunt are sitting in a restaurant, and the aunt tells Inu that she has an older brother...and the brother is the reason why Inu's parents got divorced. The brother is also supposed to be around 35 years old. Could it be DW? =O

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Guest lucky_moon

It hasn't been mentioned yet....but there's a part where Inu and her aunt are sitting in a restaurant, and the aunt tells Inu that she has an older brother...and the brother is the reason why Inu's parents got divorced. The brother is also supposed to be around 35 years old. Could it be DW? =O

If I'm not worng he is not her brother, it's only her father's friend son & he is JS..

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Guest k3n4uri

If I'm not worng he is not her brother, it's only her father's friend son & he is JS..

Thanks Cute-Girl for clearing that up. I also wondered who is that boy that Inho's father was looking for that caused the divorce. I watch the drama a little late and didn't get to see the beginnings.

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Guest Chelly

If Inho's dad knew that Jeon Seol is actually the other 'Inho', would he still oppose to their relationship?...All along, he felt bad about losing him (if i can recall in the initial eps) and that which caused him to divorce his wife cos he blamed her for it (though not sure why) What he knows about JS is only from his previous bad image & reputation as put forth by the media and not the real JS. So maybe his real identity might help to defray IH's dad's doubts about him and see him more than that.

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Guest chipotle2104

If I'm not worng he is not her brother, it's only her father's friend son & he is JS..

Oh hahaha =D

Thanks for the clarification.

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Guest pilseung1

I have to say that SH is one lucky guy...to have 2 women love him so much.....My feeling on this : SR will help SH to overcome his insecurities....to open his heart...learn to accept another's feelings....learn the true meaning of love...and to truly love another person.....but it may be to prepare SH to love Bori, accept responsibilty ...be a father... Without SR....I don't think SH can be all that to Bori.....Isn't all this so unfair to SR ? And DW who has done so much for Bori..... isn't it also unfair to DW ? My personal conclusion : SH DOES NOT DESERVE BORI OR SR. I'll just wait patiently for the scriptwriter to decide who SH will end up with.....to me.....he's a jerk ...causing so much pain to the women who love him.

Yep,I totally agree with you.I really,really wish somehow DW will end up with Bori.

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Epsd 21 : Summary ( part 2 )

Junsik has to go for board meeting.Juri helps Junsik to choose a tie: Don't stand out....wear this . Junsik ask Juri to prepare special song for their company year end party since there will be overseas guest. Juri says she has prepared something unique and performs it for Junsik....Junsik is not impressed : I am going alone. ( Juri suceeds in getting out of another situation )

At the breakfast table. JR ask Junsik whether JS is seeing IH. Junsik : How to do know her ? Juri : She is JH's sister. Junsik : It's not her JR : Really ? If you lie, you'll be scolded by JH's dad . He really hates JS. He'll be upset for not knowing. Junsik : What's wrong with JS. Plus, parents can't fight their kids. If they like each other, the parents should let them get married. SR : Dad, do you mean it ? Junsik : Why are you suddenly so serious and asking me that ? SR : In the future, if i bring home a man you don't like and want to marry him, Junsik : Never. I can't control other children but I will control my own. Your mother and I will have you marry a man with all the right criteria. And SR and JR...I can sense you 2 are dating. I want to see him...let me check him out. Juri : they are just dating..... Junsik : It only takes a moment for just dating to turn into something serious.

IH having breakfast with family. Dad to IH : Why aren't you eating ? Something bothering you ? JH : Is something going on ? Dad waited for you last night but you came home late. You didn't sleep until dawn. What's wrong. SH : What is it ? You couldn't sleep because you felt lonely ? IH : It's nothing. I'm just worried about the reorganisation of shows. Dad : Is that all ? IH : Yes . Don't worry. ( gets call from Jemma : KM not joining HBS ) Great. JS will be pleased . I'll tell him so you keep it quiet. ...Dad..it's done, JH, it's all good. Dad : What's so good ? What will JS be pleased about ? IH : There were some issues but it is all resolved.... Excuse me...( IH goes off ) SH : Something is fishy. Why does she lose her cool over JS's affairs ? My player's sense tells me something is going on. Dad : Stop the nonsense.

Insun and DW in the car. Insun thinking about Bori. She can't throw her out when she has nowhere to go. DW ask her to be generous Insun : You're thinking about your mother but this isn't so easy..Giving birth is a great responsibility. i couldn't even keep my own children. How can I care for someone else's.

Insun walks into restaurant and sees Bori working again. Insun : Tell everyone to come to my office.( Everyone is gathered ). Insun : I have an announcement. Bori is pregnant so she will assist in the kitchen instead of serving tables. Don't make her do hard work. Let her pack and check orders. Be good to her instead of finding her faults. She's young and already suffering. Don't be strangers. Also, don't forget about volunteering at the orphanage this weekend. ...( Bori thanks Insun ) DW thanks Insun but she wants him to find out about her hometown and the baby's father.

In the kitchen. Fat guy and OJ still upset with Bori. Fat guy is still as mean : Is it a boy or girl ? Bori : I don't know yet Fat Guy : Have a daughter just like you and suffer thru life. OJ : That's not enough. have a son like Janggeum( fat guy ) and you'll suffer. ...( everyone laughs.)

At the clinic. DW delivers food to SR. DW says Insun is busy this weekend because of volunteer work at the orphanage. A medical staff used to go with them but they couldn't make it this time. SR volunteers her help and get SH too....Insun would be happy. SH comes in and sees them together. SH : Even players have rules. I don't want to see him around. ( SR tells him that he is only delivering food from the female patient. He came to ask about volunteer work and ask SH to volunteer as well ) SH : You said he was your boyfriend. did you lie to me ? SR : Yes. I lied to you that i was a playgirl. That way you would like me. ( SR walks off )

Insun teaching Bori how to do things in the kitchen. DW comes back and tells Insun SR will convince SH to join them for volunteer work. Insun is happy to be able to spend time with SH. Bori also want to help.

SH thinking about SR's behavior and want to know what is her true identity. : You are no playgirl. Did you play me ? Did you lie to me ? SR : Yes. Everything is a lie . SH : Because of me ? Because I liked playgirls. so you acted as one ? SR : If I told you i had a crush on you for years, would you have dated me ? You would run away. I like you that much. I lost weight and acted like a player to be the woman you want. SH : then why tell me the truth now? SR : Because I don't want to end it with you. If we continue this way...like Bori and other women...you won't remember me in 3 months. i don't want it to be like that. You are a coward. If things get serious, you get scared and run away. You acted like a player, fooling yourself...That's why you are a fool who has never been in love. Look closely into your heart. Do you want our relationship to end lightly ? Follow your heart. i'll go with your decision.

JH's dad comes home with groceries. JH says JR is here. Again ? JR making a mess again in the kitchen....cooking spaghetti . JR says she asked her dad whether JS is seeing IH...he said no...but he also said that if 2 people really like each other,they should marry. JH : So is he or isn't he ? JR : I'm not sure...what do you think ? Dad : it is not possible. ( walks off )

At the meeting room. Jemma, Miri and IH congratulates JS as he walks in. ...JS has signed the contract and got a raise. JS should give them a treat. Miri wants to go to a club. IH agrees to bring her and ask her to go get ready for show. Jemma to JS : Good job. You're better than i thought. I thought you were a coward but you resolved the issue. Nice work. You know what a great friend IH is to me ? You need to love her more and care for her in the future. I have a gift for you ( an hourglass) Flip it upside down or not, the hourglass is always the same. No matter what happens in the future, please continue to love her. IH : You are really a true writer. You really thought about this. ( IH hugs Jemma ) Jemma ; You should be hugging JS.

IH's dad goes into IH's room and sees the scrap book with JS's news and the drawing made by EW and JW. Recalling what IH said to him...he is suspecting IH is with JS.

JS brings IH out for tea. IH keeps looking at her watch. IH : With the kids sleeping, I'm concerned JS : We're close to home. They will call when they wake up. IH : Let's not do this. Why waste money on expensive tea? JS : ..... IH : I'm sorry. I'm not romantic at all JS : please wait for me. When i settle down, I'll make you proud. Whenever you lie to your family, I feel apologetic. If you hadn't met me, that never would have happened. I'll always feel like a sinner in my heart. Even if things are hard....stay with me until i get settled.

SR gets ready to do volunteer work. Junsik and Juri and JR also make donations. But Junsik won't allow JR to donate her low cut provocative clothes to ruin those innocent children.

SR calls SH but his phone is off so she leaves meassage that she is going alone.....but finds SH waiting for her . Bori is also on the way with Insun, DW and restaurant staff. ...

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Summary : Epsd 22 ( part 1 )

SR and SH on way to orphanage. SR is touched that SH showed up but SH said it is only for the kids. SR : You must be shocked when i brought up that sensitive topic yesterday. SH : As a kid, hate it when people ask about my mother. so i even hated making friends. It became a habit as an adult too. SR : Do you still resent your mother ? SH : No. What good is resenting someone who didn't even call for over 20 years . I just think of her as a stranger. SR : She may have her own reasons for not showing up. She could still be looking at you from a distance. SH : Like in a novel ? SR : How would you feel if you met her ? SH : i hate talking about her...don't mention it again.

SR gets call from Insun.Insun making sure they have no problem getting there and worried that they left so early,have not taken breakfast.

Insun and restaurant staff reaches orphanage and get ready food and gifts etc, DW will not let Bori carry heavy things ..gets OJ to do it....OJ upset...why special treatment for Bori ? Bori says she is fine...DW : take this and go inside. You can't even take medicine if you catch a cold.

SR and SH arrives. SR introduces Insun to SH as her patient. Insun wants to prepare breakfast for them but SH said they have eaten. Insun eagerly helps SH with his equipment and show them the way to the room.

DW ask Bori to prepare some tea for the dentists. At the consultation room, SR asked Insun to assist them during the medical treatment. ...just have to stand next to SH and hold the children's heads. Insun readily agrees and goes wash her hands . SH : Her kindness is a burden. SR : Don't be like that. She just thinks of you as her son. SH : Really ? After all, elderly ladies do like me.

Bori brings tea to the consultation room....thinking they are dentists just like SH.....she opens the door...is shocked to see SR and SH...... drops the tray . .. SH : What happened ? Insun says she will see what is happening. ..ask SH not to come out. Insun sees Bori standing outside ... bori apologised ..the tray just slipped from her hands...and ran off.

JR asked Juri : What do you think I'll do well in ? I always wanted to be a singer. but like dad said, i don't think I have talent. Dad forced me to study home economics but it is not for me. Even those who are smarter than me can't find jobs. i won't land a job. i thought about starting a business but I'll end up fighting with my customers. So i thought about getting married, What do you think ?

Juri : What ? Marriage ? JR : Yes. These days, people who can't find jobs get married at an early age. Should I just get married ? Juri : What are you talking about ? Can't you see how I live ? There's no jail like this. I want you to enjoy life and marry after you're 30. ( junsik calls for Juri )

JR : You married a weird husband. I'm going to meet a kind one. Juri : are you going to see that while you're dating ? men will do everything for you but once they get married....they become Jekyll and Hyde. ( Junsik calling for juri again ) Juri : Look at this ! Do you still want to get married ? JR : My Tigger ( JH ) will never do that.

Juri : Yobo...why did you call me ? Junsik : My throat hurts. Don't make me call you twice. Come at once. You're not going to sing that song for the year-end party...right ? Juri : Why..don't like it ? Junsik : No...Just do the one I like. The one filled with our love. I even choreographed it. Juri : No way ! i'll never sing that song. I don't wnat to be a laughing stock. Didn't you noticed. When we sing that song...people all leave..it's too much. Junsik : They do that out of envy. Why don't we practise it ? ( Junsik calls for JR to help sing the chorus...JR refused...but Junsik threatens to cut off her monthly allowance ) They sing the song together....but half way thru the song...Juri gives up... Junsik : I was just using the party as an excuse. I just needed to be cheered up . Juri : What did KM do ? Did he do something to JS again ? Junsik : He tried to move to HBS. Others found out and he lost his DJ job. Juri : That's good. What's meant to be is meant to be . Junsik : A good thing ? We invested money into his 2nd album.

IH's dad recalling JR's words that JS is seeing a woman, she doubts it is IH...right ? IH comes in with some snacks for dad. IH apologise to dad for neglecting him due to work. Dad : Is the reorganisation all done ? IH : Yes. Dad : Are you keeping JS as the DJ ? IH : Yes Dad : Why hold on to a man with a history of domestic violence ? IH : Dad. He is not that type of guy. It was a false accusation . He's a kind and wonderful person. Dad : is that what he said ? That it was a false accusation ? I saw a drawing done by kids. Did JS's children draw it for you ? You're not seeing him, are you ? IH : No. His children gave it to me when they visited the studio. Dad : I'm saying this for your own good. You can't date him. You must know why not. Do you understand me ? IH : Yes, dad. Dad : I trust you. Can I ? IH nods : Have some food..it's getting cold. ( IH says she has to go out ) Dad : Again ? It's a recorded show today. IH : I have to arrange a guest for the reorganisation. I'll be late. Don't wait up.

IH and JS goes shopping for a christmas tree and decorations . They walk past a CD shop and learns KM's album is not doing well. IH : There must be a god after all, seeing how he's getting punished. They must have high expectations. They must be very disappointed.

YJ invites KM over for drinks to cheer him up. Tells him not to hold on to the past. YJ : We learned how foolish and hurtful that is to a person. It's all up to how you think of it. Why don't we forget about everything and just think about the 2 of us. I love you. ( They drink ) YJ wants to go away. KM gives her a plane ticket to Hawaii. ..but there is only one ticket. KM is not coming here anymore...he is leaving YJ. KM : I'm going to try to forget about you. You should do the same. Don't misunderstand my reason for breaking up like this. i really did love you. But if I stay with you, my life as a singer will be over. You're an adult. You'll understand and bear it. YJ : I'll kill myself. You don't think i can ? If you leave me, i'll die. You don't think i can ? nonsense, I have nothing to lose. That's the truth. If you leave me, I don't have a reason to live. Don't do this to me. We can start over again. things are up to how we see it. I'll do better. I'll make you happy. Let's go to Hawaii together and start over again. Please don't leave me . I beg you. KM: Don't you get it ? We're already over. ( KM walks off ) YJ : I'll die. I'll really die. KM : Let's not show our worst side to each other. ( KM leaves and YJ is devastated )

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Yep,I totally agree with you.I really,really wish somehow DW will end up with Bori.

Omg, Bori is so annoying... all her yappin and cryin. I wish they would just cut her out.

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