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[drama 2008] My Precious You 내사랑 금지옥엽

Guest huangsy

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Guest MiCHiDa

i have just watched ep 21. I can't wait to watch ep 22. The preview make me so sad. me too. Bori tears make me so sad. i wonder in ep 22, when she cries whether Dong Woo oppa is there? i wish he can sweep her tears and hold her in his arm, plz.

In ep 21. i don't know why but Sae Ra looks so pale,so so pale you can look at her lip.

Ah, on the way to clinic, our Bori, she wore the pink coat and the white scarf which Dong Woo bought. haha ^.^. I love them so much.

After many eps, i'm sure that, Inho's house, it's used in drama The person i love ( Dong wan's house). Do you think so?

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My vote for the meanest and most hateful couple : YJ and KM

A close second : Fat man and OkJu..... they are really nasty to Bori....

Summary : Epsd 18 ( part 1 )

SH drags SR out : You richard simmons ( ????) ….SR : What !!!...say that again … SH : You think I don’t dare to ? ….You richard simmons…. SR : Senior….why am I a richard simmons ? SH : In front of so many men….wearing that….dancing like that…..is that normal ? All the men were drooling over you. SR : What has that got to do with Senior ? SH : I just can’t take it… SR : Then just leave….why drag me out… SH : Afraid if I leave you alone there…something might happen. SR : Who wants you to worry… why do you worry for me ? Who are you to me ? SH : . …nobody…. SR: Then, for no reason… why care so much ? SH : I am your senior…just can’t stand by to see you embarrass yourself in front of so many people….just that. SR : Then…in our school function….YuJin was also dancing…and you really enjoyed watching it…. SH : she is different from you…. SR : How ? …we are both your juniors … SH : …. ??? SR : If you can’t get used to it…then you have to change. One look…and I can tell…you only want to hook up with girls….. SR walks away angrily….SH : I don’t care anymore.

SR walking : Who am I doing this for ? Embarrass myself dancing like that. What…richard simmons ? I am not doing this anymore. SH follows SR is his car : SR..get in. What if you catch a cold…can’t work tomorrow and I will have to cover for you.

Juri looking at JR sighing away and ask why. Aren’t you happy to see JH ? JR : I don’t want him anymore. Cut all ties with him…not only inhuman but also flirtatious. Juri : Oh…does it run in the family ? Just like his brother. JR : I will make him regret…will start dating the handsome art teacher. Juri : Which handsome art teacher ……JR : My teacher…. Oh…why is SR not back yet ???? Did our plan work ? Juri : Looks like it…once SR does the chair dance…SH will definitely be totally mesmerized. JR : Our plan really worked…SR succeeded … Junsik walks in : Succeed ? SR succeeded in what ? Juri : Nothing….JR…let’s go watch TV. Junsik : Strange…they were talking about SR…what is it ?

SR and SH in the car. SH : still cold ? SR : Don’t need your concern SH : Turn on heater…you will warm up in a while….. I am only telling you like a big brother…..why live like this ? SR : what ? SH : Even when you play around…there should be a limit….you can’t be too easy….in complicated relationships…..even doing strange dances…. Do you think men will like that kind of women ? They will only play with you… SR : What has that got to do with you ? Senior also like that kind of girls. SH : what are you saying ? ….So what if I do…..you too don’t mind leading that kind of life ? SR : I don’t. mind…

They reach SR’s home. SH ask what SR meant when she said…as long as I (SH ? ) like it….don’t mind blindly leading that kind of life .Didn’t you say…you have no feelings for me….that I am not a man to you… SR : Then senior….have you ever look at me as a woman ? These few months together…not even once ?,,,honestly…have you ever ? SH : ……..what about you….you answer first….. Someone knocking at car window ……it’s JUNSIK !!!!!

They quickly get out….SH introduces himself…..JR’s ex home tutor. Junsik : So you are the one who was getting married…..SH : Yes…but…. Junsik : Don’t say anymore…… SR …wearing like this….and all along with this guy… SH : let me explain…. Junsik hits SH …. Jang SH…. You are a married man…and still dare to seduce my innocent daughter !!!. You little thief…I have a score to settle with you….SR : He is not married…senior is still single SH : Yes…Today is because of a hospital event…..so just sending SR home. Junsik : Why didn’t you say so earlier….or I won’t have hit you. SH : You ask me to shut up.. Junsik : No matter…I don’t like anything about you… so be careful not to let me see you again…..Junsik takes SR home ………. SH : That voice is very familiar…where have I heard it ?

At home….the 3 women at attention …. Junsik says the biggest culprit is Juri…the mother leading the kids…what war strategy….to get SR to date that useless SH. Juri : Not dating…. Just testing him. Junsik : Do you think it can be so innocent between a man and a woman ? If a man and woman keep seeing each other…feelings are bound to develop… Even if the sky breaks into 2…I will never allow that flirt SH to go near my daughter. If I ever find out you are seeing him behind my back….you will get the cane 10 times…

In SR’s room. Juri and JR want to know whether SH was captivated by SR’s dance. SR : What captivated…it was so embarrassing. Juri : Did you fall ? SR : He drag me out and said I was a richard simmons…..I’m not doing this anymore. Juri : He drag you out. SR : He said other men were drooling over me… that it was embarrassing… Juri : That’s it…. He’s jealous !! If SH is not interested in you… he won’t drag you out but will be like other men…enjoying your dance. If you don’t believe me…. Let find out next week. Your mum can’t be wrong.

SH is his bedroom recalling SR’s words : Has senior ever look at me as a woman ? These few months together…not even once ? SH : Never …no….but still he keeps thinking about SR……Then why am I so upset ?..... Must be after being tormented by Bori… .. not in my right mind.

At the restaurant : Fat man : Oh…the sun is going the rise from the west. You are actually preparing welcome meal for that village girl. Have you decided to be nice to her now ? OkJu : Are you crazy… I am just testing her…to see whether she is pregnant. Bori is always pretending to be hardworking and pitiful… deceiving Sajangnim and manager…if the truth is out…she will have nowhere to hide. Fat man : Sajangnim must know the truth…a pregnant women can’t do strenuous work. OkJu : Once the truth of her pregnancy is out……it will only be a matter of time before she has to leave. Fat man: How will you do it ? OkJu : Just leave it to me… I’ll do it with everyone watching.

Bori in the ladies…wrapping her tummy so the bulge won’t show….What to do…tummy getting bigger…. To baby…sorry…just bear a while. OkJu comes in and ask what she is doing…..Bori says drying her hands… OkJu : You seem to have put on weight lately. Your tummy and breasts also bigger. Bori : Because life is peaceful…. So put on weight. OkJu : You’ve been here a while and yet no meal together.. so I’ve prepared a welcome party for you. They welcome her by offering her wine….everyone drinks …..but Bori says she can’t drink. OkJu : Don’t spoil the mood. Village girl…are you pregnant ? If you don’t…that means you are pregnant….just shut your eyes and drink………see…you can’t drink…you must be pregnant. Bori forces herself to drink….when DW walks in….such a happy occasion….he also want to join in …take Bori’s glass and drink the wine,… Fat man : Really spoil the mood OkJu : Where did the black knight come from? Bori apologises and says she will learn how to drink next time…..to lift the mood…she will sing a song. The more she sings…the more sad she becomes ….as she is reminded of the happy days spent with SH on the island. She cries and leaves the room. DW : Maybe she is just homesick. Bori by herself : SH..I really hate you. I must treat you like a stranger.. but I still hate you so. DW sees her crying.

Dad cooks beef bone soup for IH……she broke up with Daniel… JH : no wonder she ask me to put the flowers away. Dad : Pretend nothing happened…that will help her. …. IH drinks soup : Oh…delicious. Dad : Eat more Kimchi… before you go off. IH : Dad…I get to eat a lot of good food outside…..Dad, eat more yourself……at your age ,should eat more good food…to get strong bones. Dad : Don’t worry about me….eat more. SH : What are you 2 doing ? Just let me have it….my bones have been aching lately. Dad : When will you grow up !!! SH whispers something and they all laugh…. JH : I hear there will be a review of the shows….I hope nuna’s show is not affected. SH : Didn’t you say that JS is always giving you problems….use this opportunity to get rid of him. IH : What …giving me problems ? JS is very serious about work . SH : Being serious is not the main concern…. Isn’t ratings very bad ? IH : Jang IH….just worry about your own affairs….don’t meddle in nuna’s affairs…..and what do you know ? Don’t just say anything about JS ….IH walks away. SH : What is she angry about….did I say anything wrong ?

EW is trying to wake JW up to go to school. JW wakes up shouting for IH. EW : She’s gone home JW : Didn’t she say she won’t go ? EW : Nuna is great JW : Yes. It will be great if she is our mum. EW : I like that too. Let’s wait for her today…and don’t let her leave. JS comes in…..JW says she misses IH…wants her to come quick. JS: EW and JW really like nuna ? …will come back with IH tonight.

At the meeting room….more and more people listening to their show …Jemma to assistant : Don’t let IH hear that….may be changing DJ soon. IH comes in…Jemma : Where were you yesterday…didn’t pick up your calls. Were you nursing a broken heart somewhere ? IH : Tell you later Jemma : Your dad is worried about you. Don’t worry….I didn’t say anything about JS. Manager comes in and tell them…they have decided to continue with the show and use JS as DJ…..ratings have improved ….and advertising revenue also up….to continue and compete with KM. IH is so happy…..can’t wait to tell JS…..Jemma : What ? She still hasn’t given up ?

At YJ’s studio…KM walks in angry….YJ : here because you miss me ? KM pushes her away and smashes a flower vase: That JS is playing us….not joining star music…he is continuing as DJ. What are you going to do now ? YJ : I know….I will deal with this. KM : What will you do now…..kneel before HBS’s sajang ? YJ : Nothing is impossible….whatever is to be done…I will deal with it. KM : Don’t have to ….let’s just break up… I have enough….don’t want to get into more trouble because of you. …… you know how hard it was for me to get here……but I cannot continue on….. I will go mad. Let’s end it. It’s for the best….just let’s not keep in touch anymore. YJ : Wait…give me 2 days. No matter how….i will settle this. Give me a little more time… can’t you even do this…. KM : OK..just 2 days.

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Guest k3n4uri

thanks for Skara and Bryan

it really helpfull

but what's happen in the end of ep. 22?

looks like DW knowing something

I watched the episode without sub so this is just base on what I saw. DW heard Okju told her chubby coworker that Bori's husband is the doctor. Of course, the chubby guy didn't believe her. DW on the other hand was suspicious since there was an earlier incident wherein Bori avoided meeting with Saera in the hallway. He went to the manager's office and pulled a file and made that look. I think he put 2 and 2 together because in the preview for next week's episode, he was talking to Saera and Saera mentioned Kim Bori. I'm curious what would be his next move now that he knows that Shin ho, his boss' son, is the father of the baby Bori is carrying..

Thanks Skara for the caps and Bryan for the summary.

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So I need to ask something, is this series strictly raw or is there somewhere I can get the subs because I watch this on TV but it gets really annoying having to wait all week to watch two episodes. It gets tedious. And it's not like I speak Korean so I can't sub these or watch them raw. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out and maybe suggest a site or something. I get way too anxious waiting and I don't have my own TV so sometimes I miss the episode. =] thanks in advance even if it isn't possible!!

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So I need to ask something, is this series strictly raw or is there somewhere I can get the subs because I watch this on TV but it gets really annoying having to wait all week to watch two episodes. It gets tedious. And it's not like I speak Korean so I can't sub these or watch them raw. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out and maybe suggest a site or something. I get way too anxious waiting and I don't have my own TV so sometimes I miss the episode. =] thanks in advance even if it isn't possible!!

I dun think so there's any subbing team is subbing this drama except KBS world. We basically watch it raw every week. If you wanted to know what's happening in this series without waiting for KBS world then you can read bryan's summary for this drama. Other than that, if you knw how to read in chinese, theres a site where can see it.

i have cut the scene where Bori saw SH in episode 22. sad scene. Great acting by bori, i cried in this scene....Very sad...


I wanted to edit the scene where SH chase Bori when he saw her in the supermarket...this scene is intense as well. Be back to edit by giving you all the YT link :(


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:o OMO! Why are you already in Ep. 22! I had to skip the summaries and just looked at the photos/screen shots! :lol:

After epsd 16.....waiting for more sweet moments for JS and IH in epsd17......cause once IH's father finds out about them..... Looking back at epsd 16....... I just suddenly feel that .....IH has such beautiful expressive eyes......and JS should .....SHAVE !!!!!!

*sigh* I was so giddy last night from Ep. 16 at KBS World. :lol: I can't wait for the next!

I did some backread 'coz I missed the beginning of Ep. 13! But I guess there's no upload yet on this series with English subtitles right? :unsure:

Bryan! Thanks for these screen shots. And yes, I agree with you, JS MUST Shave already! :lol: (He's way better without the stubbles/mustache!)

Oh! And the guy who plays Dong Woo... I knew he looked familiar! He's not bad looking too eh?! :lol:

Have a Good Week to ALL! :)

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Guest MiCHiDa

Cute girl, thank you so much for torrent link.

I really wanna know more about Dong Woo and Bori. And what will Shin Ho do when he knows that Bori still keep his baby.

hix i hope everyday is sat and sunday

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me too!! My weekends are never complete watching this drama.. i just love Jeonsol and Inho.. :wub:

after EP16.. im beginning to get interested with Dongwoo and Bori as well!

Sera was really cute pretending playgirl.. this is the first time im not annoyed with Inyoung's character. well at earlier episodes, i was... :P

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Summary : Epsd 18 ( part 2 )

Some caps : After IH meets with YJ


By shui57 at 2008-12-14


By shui57 at 2008-12-14


By shui57 at 2008-12-14

JS in studio reading script....there's a note from IH : The sky is so blue ...let's greet today with a smile....raise both arms...right hand grab your nose...put left hand thru.... JS checks that nobody is around and follows instructions.......IH sees him and is amused : Ask you to do....and you really do ? JS : Yes...it really can brighten up your day.... IH presents JS with a cake. JS : Why the cake ? what are we celebrating ? Is it your birthday today ? IH : Quick blow the candle. ..Congratulations ....you are now officially a DJ. ...our show can go on....Now...just have to do your best ...for me. Can you .....you have the ability. I can trust you ? JS hugs IH : I promise you... IH : let's start recording. ...IH gets call from YJ to meet her.....regarding JS's life and death... IH goes off without telling JS who she is meeting.

IH : Can't be here to apologise for what happened at the carpark.....so what is it this time ? I am in the middle of recording...just get to the point. YJ : EW's father...back out of joining Star Music....is that true ? IH : Yes. YJ : Is it also true....he will continue as DJ on your show ? IH : Yes YJ : So you are still hanging on to someone who has no intention of being a DJ ? IH : Look here... YJ : Just have to listen... .It is so great being the station's PD ? ....that you make use of work to advance your personal matters....Should I write a letter of complaint to the manager ? PD because of a man...abuse her power to hire him for personal reasons....what do you think will happen to you ,,,have you thought about that ? IH laughs....YJ : Laugh ? ...why ? ...You think i won't do it ? There is nothing I won't dare to do now. IH : OK. If you have that much confidence... make the call now. Here is the manager's number...... YJ : what ? IH : Listen carefully....Do you think that broadcasting is a joke ? To you.....JS is a failure whom you cast aside... to us....he is a capable DJ......the ratings is proof.....so upper management made the decision....you can't even make logical judgement now ? Who are you trying to target ? ( YJ grabbibg glass of water ) IH : Why ? Want to splash water on me again ? ......( waiter comes with coffee.......IH drinks coffee and continues) .... YJ...both of us are women...let me give you a word of advice....have you heard....lifting a rock and hurting your own foot ? I am sure you know exactly what kind of person JS is....as long as you don't go bother him... what you worry about will definitely not happen....or else he won't have carried on with that bad reputation. You and KM are too much........smearing his name...obstructing his job..... aren't you afraid of retribution ? I really can't take this anymore.... I have no interest in your life.....so just quietly live your life.... ( IH gets up to leave ) YJ : Wait...I am not finished. Sit down...I don't plan to do this....but now I have no choice. Since you are like this.... IH : I don't have to listen anymore... YJ : If you leave like this.... you may not get to see that person's face again....is that OK ?

( JS wondering where IH went...taking so long .... calls her but no response )

Back at the Cafe . IH : What do you mean...make it quick...I am busy. YJ : Jang PD..I think you misunderstood. I am not worried about JS speaking about the past. Even if you don't remind me...I am quite clear about that. He is not that sort of person.....compared to you.....I have lived with him for 5 years.....i should know better. IH : Then what are you afraid of ? YJ : I don't want to loose KM......EW's father must disappear from the public's concern.....that's why he cannot be a DJ....No matter how hard you work....I'll find a way to stop him being DJ. I can do that quietly......but I don't want to do it that way...so I am telling you this.... No matter...i do feel apologetic towards that person.... and he is the children's father... I really don't want to do that....So i am letting you make the decision......persuade him to join Star Music.........or once again....see him fall to the bottom. Love can make one foolish.....you are foolish in your own ways... anyway...I hope you can make an intelligent decision....otherwise..you may loose even more....i will give you until tomorrow.....call me. IH : Don't have to wait until tomorrow. I'll tell you the answer now. I don't know what your plan is...but when you do it......you will also be exposing your past.... JS can't do it..... But I will tell the reporters....everything about your past. YJ : Must you do that.....then you will also loose that person..…..that's alright with you ? Even if you do that... I will still have a final plan....... Let's just see who is the ultimate winner.

YJ goes into car.......calls KM........she has the solution to their problem....this will definitely work.

IH walking up the stairs.....stops.....JS finds her there....goes to her : Where did you go ? I was worried so came to look for you. What's wrong ? You don't look too good. What happened ? Who did you meet ? IH just rest on JS's shoulders..... Let's just stay like this for a while.....just a while.

Juri hard at work in her office: hungry…what …..he will deliver ‘love’ bento to his wife ? ….If I wait for that …I will starve to death…. (Takes out a plate of bean paste noodles….quickly put away when Junsik comes in ) Junsik : Yobo…did you wait long ? Just to buy your favorite sushi, went all the way to Kangnam…so a bit late…..did you eat anything yet ? Juri: No…waiting for you with hungry stomach. Junsik : Must be starving…quick come over…..eat….( He feeds Juri ) But Juri : I still have a lot of work…how about eating after I am done ? Junsik : You must eat this while it is fresh. Juri eats …and nods : delicious. Junsik : Yah…you married well……In whole of Korea can you find a husband like me….deliver lunch to his wife’s office ? Occasionally ,it’s nice to have date in your office. Small little gestures like this will help strengthen our relationship. ( Juri… eat …and eat..until almost vomited….) Juri : Should have just told you the truth….sorry….but afraid you would be upset. Junsik : How can I be upset ( happily hugs Juri )….I was afraid you will be sad…so didn’t mention it….I really would like to have a son. Just like everyone else…bring my son to the baths…..play soccer…send him to the military… Juri : It’s not like that … Junsik : .With SR, it’s soy soup (?)…JR, it’s rice cake…..What is it now ? Juri : I think you got it wrong…. ( Someone comes in to collect the empty plate for the bean paste noodles )…Junsik : Our long awaited son….it’s bean paste noodle…...

JR practicing her singing….recalls how JH treated her the other night ……: I can’t find another man because of you ? I will date the 10 times….100 times more handsome art teacher….teacher comes in….starts lesson and sings ….JR : Yes….my other half will be my teacher……JR sings…..then teacher ask : How long as JR been learning from him ? JR : 6 months Teacher : 6 months …that long …during this time…. was a bit rude….i will treat you to lunch tomorrow….come at the same time. I have been watching you closely all this time. So would like to discuss something important, just with you tomorrow. JR : I have to go to the ladies……(walks away) ….to herself : Oh…he has been watching me closely….: wants to talk to me alone….he likes me too….(turns back to look at him) : I love you completely…teacher.

SH and SR at the hospital. SR : Senior has a lot of nice CDs…lend me a few tonight . SH : Aren’t you on the night shift ? SR : Want to finish early ….have an important date SH : Seeing oppa again ? Don’t be too picky…..your father can be quite scary… SR : Forget those boring ones…only those that can set the right mood… SH : This …richard simmons… !!!

At the rest room,SR calls Juri: How about that ? Did you send it over ? Juri : It will be there soon. Promise me…This is the last time you test SH’s feelings for you….if still no response…you have to give up. SH walks in with CDs : Fiona, I can give you this….but be careful. ( SR pretends to say goodbye to oppa on the phone ) : Be careful about what ? SH : Why are you doing this ? SR : Senior…there you go again. SH : Listen to me, Your parents still think you are an innocent good girl. ..(show the CD ) …is this right ? Someone highly educated…strike behind parents back? SR : Feeling a bit tired…so clearing a few oppas. SH : Oh ? That’s just great. Even though times have changed…but a virtuous girl is still preferred. ( nurse comes in with flowers for SR ) SR leaves….SH reads the card : It’s a hotel room key .They are going there tonight …need the CDs to set the mood for that ?...yah…SR…

Sajangnim and Bori making Kimchi. Bori : Is this also for him? Sajangnim : But also making more for the family.

OkJu :There she goes….getting into Sajangnim’s good books. Fat man : Sajangnim completely clueless. OkJu; Have something to show you….. She show fat man Bori’s things : vitamins ,iron supplements …all these are for pregnant women. Bori is definitely pregnant. Fat man : No wonder she won’t drink the wine. OkJu; And DW suddenly become the black knight…..there is definitely something going on between those 2. Fat man : that’s right…it is DW who brought her here. OkJu ; Poor sajangnim…don’t know those 2 are in cahoots.

They go show the medication to Sajangnim and say that Bori is pregnant ...pretending to worry about her….doing all the heavy work…..DW may be the father…..Sajangnim must do something so as not to affect the restaurant. Sajangnim says she is aware….but those are not pregnancy medication. Bori was in hospital…it is medication from that time….also tells them if they care so much…..use the time to just take care of their own work… ..and put back Bori’s medication.

Sajangnim curious about Bori : Is that why she is working so hard to earn more money?

IH ‘s dad in his office….JH comes in : What are we having for dinner tonight ? Dad : Why are you home all the time ? Not seeing your girlfriend ? JH : Broke up Dad : Why ? JH : She said it is alright to be friends…but not boyfriend. Also, I don’t like seeing her like some other guy. Dad : Our youngest is so macho… JH : Let’s have noodles for dinner… Dad : Wait, your sister should finish early today.Call her.

IH and JS in the car. IH thinking about what YJ said to her….sighs…gets call : Dad….dinner ?...I have a meeting…will be late.. Don’t worry….won’t eat bean paste noodle….will eat rice. Don’t wait up..sleep early. JS hold IH’s hand : Sorry . IH : No. I’m the one to be sorry. Still haven’t told my father….wait a while more. JS : I’ve always thought that after work…the road home is long and tiring…but it feels great to have you with me. I too want to be your happiness…but it is not easy.

IH having dinner with JS and the kids . IH : Here…the fish wants to go over…where ? ( into EW’s mouth…) JW wants some too. JW : Dad…are we a family now ? IH : what ? EW : Now …we are like other kids….Dad..nuna…JW and me… JW : That’s right….Nuna is our omma …is that right.. nuna ? IH :…….. Let’s see who can finish their food first. Whoever finishes can play with nuna….

KM at YJ’s place KM: You have a plan to make JS quit…is that right? Or are you just trying to get me to stay…. YJ : Do I look like I am joking ? Because of you…I have to resort to underhanded means… I have a plan….but you must be the one to do it… ( give KM a card ; HBS manager )…Go see this person tomorrow….and everything will go as you wish.

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I dun think so there's any subbing team is subbing this drama except KBS world. We basically watch it raw every week. If you wanted to know what's happening in this series without waiting for KBS world then you can read bryan's summary for this drama. Other than that, if you knw how to read in chinese, theres a site where can see it.

i have cut the scene where Bori saw SH in episode 22. sad scene. Great acting by bori, i cried in this scene....Very sad...


I wanted to edit the scene where SH chase Bori when he saw her in the supermarket...this scene is intense as well. Be back to edit by giving you all the YT link :(


dude the mall scene was intense. Poor Sinho, I wonder if he realizes how he really feels yet. Question, isnt her name Kim Bori? If so, then why was Sinho calling out "Hong Bori!!!"

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Guest nana585

Thanks Bryan for the comprehensive summary, and cococrust for faithfully uploading the ch-subbed episodes.

Somehow right now only Bori & Dongwoo pair are the most captivating that kept me watching. Just wonder when SH's mom will find out that Bori is pregnant with her grandchild and what her reaction will be.

As for IH & JS, it is sweet but beginning to become predictable.

The evil couple is also getting boring with their usual shouting and pleading scenes.

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Somehow right now only Bori & Dongwoo pair are the most captivating that kept me watching. Just wonder when SH's mom will find out that Bori is pregnant with her grandchild and what her reaction will be.

Actually, I find Bori annoying at times but I feel really sorry for her and I do like Dongwoo and hope she look at him instead of the other thoughtless guy. I don't really much care for the mom either because I didn't like how she was going to pay off Bori to get rid of her for her precious SH. Anyway, SH totally doesn't deserve Bori~

As for IH & JS, it is sweet but beginning to become predictable.

Agreed. I really like LTR and think she is a good actress but I can't say I'm too enamored of her character or mannerism at times in this drama. I don't know ... feels kind of too loud and jovial at times & her hitting of JS still had me going :wacko: Considering they are suppose to be the mature couple in this drama ... watching them frolicking around in the park like kids just doesn't feel right to me. :mellow:

The evil couple is also getting boring with their usual shouting and pleading scenes.

At first I thought what dastardly smart plan this YJ had to counter JS remaining at the broadcasting and continue being an eyesore to Mr Psycho Eyes and stopping her from being Mrs Pyscho Eyes ... but what??? All she had in her magic hat and in that little card after her ominous threat to IH is for him to contact IH's boss & offer to sign up to replace JS? :wacko: Geez ... and he couldn't think of that himself while he was throwing his temper tantrum & sulking away & doing his eye-popping scene while whining for her to take care of the problem. I guess we have to add stupidity to his resume. :tongue2: I almost fall off my chair at how clever this get rid of JS plan is~ And what's funnier is YJ was sooo worked up about it so I thought it was something even worse than slandering the poor ex by labeling him wife abuser and ditching her lovely kids. :wacko:

As for Fiona & her family ... they were funny initially ... for like the first 10 episodes ... but now I cringe every time I watch this silly family.

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I just watched up to Ep 20.

exupery, I agree with what you said about Mr Psycho Eyes. Argh, I can't stand him! He is so annoying, and just uses YJ. Can I say that YJ is a stupid woman? Wake up!! Leave him! There's nothing good about him.

Dongwoo is like my favourite character now. He is such a nice and caring guy~

Thank you cococrust for Ep 21 c-subs.

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Summary : Epsd 19 ( part 1 )



By shui57 at 2008-12-15

EW dress up as doctor : My ambition is to become a doctor and cure all the patients.... ( Next...JW..apprears as ballerina ) JW : I want to be ballet dancer..and dance like a princess. ( so cute when she dances ! ). JS : So you will perform well tomorrow in school ? EW : What is nuna's wish ? IH: Before the first snow.....with my loved one....sit in front of a huge window drinking coffee... JW : Who is nuna's loved one ? IH : ...who is it ....is it ...JW ? JS : What a boring wish. IH : Then what is your wish ? JS : I want to be superman and protect the earth....children...it is bed time....see who can climb into the covers first...( Kids rush into bedroom ) ..IH : What is your real wish when you were young ? I want to know JS : You will laugh that I am old fashion.... IH : i won't JS : When young....I live with my grandmother...so i envy those with happy family...that's my wish... IH : Now ? JS : I have no wish now. IH : Why ? JS : Because it has come true. ( They hug but interrupted by kids....want nuna to read bedtime story ).

KM : What is this ( name card of HBS manager ) YJ : First promise me...don't ever say that you will break up with me. I won't forgive you if that happens again. Listen...I am very clear....because of you ...I have lost a lot....my husband and kids... even my friends ignore me... I have only you now. KM : So what do you want ? YJ : If you do as i say...you will get your wish...and JS will not remain in this industry. I don't want to do this...but because of you....so promise me....don't ever leave me. KM : OK ...so what is the plan ? YJ : Go meet this person.....just think..on the one hand...a well known and trendy brand....the other a worthless antique... who do you think they will prefer ? KM : But they have already decided. YJ : That manager is new. Need something to establish his position....he won't reject your offer. KM : How did you think of all this ? You are really a bad woman.( KM kisses her ) ...( KM tells assistant/manager to contact the HBS manager but not to let anyone know about it.

JS reading bedtime story to kids...IH leaves the room.... goes into living room and looks out the window...recalling what YJ said earlier.

JS comes in : What are you thinking ? IH : Kids ?... JS : Just fell asleep....what were you thinking ? IH : Nothing JS : This won't do.....raise both hands.....right hand on nose....left hand thru.... IH : What are you doing ? JS : You look so serious...just want to lighten the mood. IH : Are you happy ? JS : With you by my side.....I feel very happy. Won't feel lonely again......huging you like this....chatting together....laughing together... I feel really happy. I thought happiness was only for others...Thank You. Whenever you have that serious look....I will feel uneasy...afraid that all this is a dream.....and disappear like the wind.....tell me...what is happening... who did you meet today ? IH : Today.....no....just feel that...the road ahead for us will be difficult....I have confidence....but afraid that you do not... JS : Because of this ? I said just now....my wish is to be superman...superman is unwavering...( Hugs IH ) ....no matter how tough things get... I will not waver.....as long as you are by my side.

YJ gets call from KM : Made the appointment. Will you come along ? YJ : No. It's all up to you now. KM : What's wrong....your conscience is pricking.... YJ : I am tired...see you tomorrow... KM : I love you...see you tomorrow. YJ watches the radio broadcast of JS,EW and JW on the internet....YJ to herself : Don't blame me....you brought all this on yourself.

Juri and JR eating mixed rice…. JR : Why are you in a rush ? Juri : dad will be home soon…quick eat.. I’m worried about SR….wonder how things are with SH. JR : I’ll be worried if things go too well… SH is a natural born playboy… Juri : If you can control the playboy… he will become the most faithful….because he has experienced everything…nothing will interest him anymore. JR : How would mum know all that ? Juri : From experience…..don’t tell your father …. Junsik comes back and catch them eating mixed rice : What’s this…eating this when I am not around…. How can women just eat anything ? Juri : But mixed rice must be eaten like this….try some…… Junsik : What do you think I am ? …so uncouth…I won’t eat…I am not uncivilized…go make dinner…( Juri and JR goes off to make dinner ) ….these women !….they are not uncivilized…. He looks at the bowl of mixed rice and starts eating….delicious…just like my mum’s…. Juri :Didn’t you say…very uncivilized way to eat like that ?.. Junsik : Don’t I become uncivilised sometimes ? let’s just have mixed rice for dinner today Juri : SR having dinner with the hospital staff… Junsik : Dinner…not an excuse for something else ?

SR : I told my family I have a hospital dinner to attend tonight . If they call…just play along. SH : Are you going there tonight SR : Why look at my things. SH : You are going to a hotel ? SR : It’s oppa’s birthday…having a party there. SH : Are you crazy…why at a hotel ? SR : He’s from well known family…don’t want too much exposure . SH : How many of you ? SR : Of course..just the 2 of us SH : What ? You love that guy ? Are you marrying him ? If not, how can you have party in hotel room ? He is like this pencil…his heart is black. Don’t go…I advise you not to go. SR : My dance yesterday….was it sexy ? SH : Are you doing that dance for him? As your senior, I’m telling you not to go. Your parents think you are very innocent….so don’t disappoint them. Go home early…don’t see that guy . (SR leaves…SH follows her to the lift ) SR : Thanks for the advise. SH : Why are you not listening ? SR : Senior should know why. (SH grabs SR’s hand refuse to let her go) SR : Senior…have you heard this….a woman will not act rashly….. you must give her a solid reason…only then will she respond. SR goes into lift.… door closes…but SH stops it… : Baek SR, I am sincerely warning you…don’t go SR : Why ? Is it that Senior likes me ? If not….don’t stop me….. SH : …..Yah…the 3rd track on the CD is the best.. ( SH let her go) ….if she wants to go so much…how can I stop her. You life is your own,,,nothing to do with me.

SR in the lift feeling very disappointed….SH is not concerned at all.She is not giving up. This is the last chance…fight to the end.

JH and Dad at home. Dad; Don’t eat anymore….it’s for IH. JH : Dad only loves IH. This is discrimination. Dad : IH works hard all day…always only having bean paste noodles for dinner…so must prepare some good food for her. (SH comes home ) Dad : Yah , the sun rises from the west. Why are you home so early ? SH : I am de-toxing (?) ….Yobo….JH : I know…you want ramen. SH : No..I want beer today. Dad to JH : Your brother doesn’t seem very normal these days. JH : looks like it …..lost interest in women…because of Bori…previous girlfriends call…but he is not interested….if this carries on…he’ll just stay home and be filial to dad. Dad : Don’t frighten me…..I will have to bend over…just to cook dinner for him. Just you wait….we all will find our companions.

SH recalls SR’s words : Senior…do you like me….otherwise…let go. JH comes in with beer. They watch TV…..JH : That dance is so sexy. Men will go dizzy…seeing that. SH thinks SR going to do that dance for oppa….

In the hotel room…SR by herself….she calls hospital….when did SH left work ? He left early and went home. SR too upset…starts drinking……SH drives to hotel….room 405…imagines SR with oppa….charges towards hotel but hesitate…will bring more complications…..her dad is so scary…will also have problem if we break up…SH leaves…

SR crying in hotel room….OK…forget it… Jang SH…there are no other men by my side ? I give up on you. The 7 years of secretly loving you…will end here. She leaves hotel room in drunken state…opens door….and sees SH standing there. SH drags her away.: The tells SR : Listen carefully. Don’t have anything to do with oppa again. I am not happy…don’t see that guy again. Yes… I like you too… SR blacks out on SH.

SH brings the drunken SR home…..she’s a player and a drunk….why is my standard for girls so bad now. But sometimes….she is so cute… ( So does SH like Bori or SR ?….thinks about Bori all the time…but also gets jealous when SR is with other oppas………I think SH should be with SR….for 7 years she only loves SH……but Bori now has ….DW ? )

At restaurant, DW wants to help Bori but she refuses. DW : You must be tired? Bori : What tired…. Economy is so bad…feel so happy to have a job…that I want to sing aloud !

Sajangnim sees DW helping Bori… Bori : You must be tired…go home and rest. Sajangnim is certain Bori is pregnant and the father is DW. She calls DW…want to talk to him.

Sajangnim: You have been with me for 10 years. First saw you at the embassy…we worked together after you graduated from university… ever since then…have never look upon you as an outsider. Though I am a mother who abandoned her children…but I treat you like my own son. So be honest with me…I heard some strange rumors…what is your relationship with Bori ? You met her because of the accident….you are not lovers ? DW : No. Sajangnim : OK…Also….Bori went to the hospital…what did the doctor say ? Is she pregnant ? If she is…then she can’t stay on at the restaurant. This work is too strenuous. What if something happens ? They is no need to keep someone like her here….What is it ? DW : I am just helping someone who is serious about making a living. Sajangnim accepts his explanation.

DW goes out and sees Bori hard at work again. Bori getting cramps again…DW goes to help. Bori gives DW the money she owes him….hospital fees ,,,can’t pay in full but will do so in monthly instalments. DW says she doesn’t have to repay him…but Bori insist… she will feel better that way.

After work…Bori goes into room and removes the cloth from around her tummy….to baby…is it very suffocating ? See…mum made a lot of money today….when baby is born….will buy clothes and shoes and milk…I will buy you a lot of things…don’t worry .just have to grow up healthy.

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