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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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I'm 5 ft and 11 inches so the girl has to be at least 5 feet 3 inches and must not be taller than me haha. Doesn't smoke, do drugs, isn't fat, at least be cute, has short hair (long hair is nice too, but I find short hair more attractive), should be girly, at least 1-3 years younger than me. either Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, or Korean. White girls are hot too, but I'm being realistic here lol. We also have to share common interests at least.


white girls don't like you?

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i just want a guy that is taller than me. someone who has manners and knows how to treat me right. i know it might sounds shady but i wanted to find an Asian guy lol.. (sorry if i offended anyone), but yeah, anyways, i would want him to be like a gentleman, faithful, trustworthy, kind, and of course, knows how to make me happy. i would be happy if he's not into drugs, alcohol, or smoking though! xD and oh, he needs to have confident as well (not overly confident to the point of being cocky), i wanted a guy that knows what he's doing and has goals in his life. someone who can understand and will try his best to understand me, someone i can rely on. someone who will always be there for me and would make time for me. but yeah, that's just mainly it haha.

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Guest janicebigbrother

I don't think I'd be able to deal with him if he was (in order of importance)

-a murderer


-has plastic surgery done

-was a homewrecker

-shorter than me

-doesn't want kids

-cheated on his ex

There are probably more, but this is what I can think of so far.

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Guest yoshiba

^ When I first skimmed through the above I thought: :blink: :blink: Then I realised I read it wrong... For a brief moment I thought you were meant you were looking for a guy with all the above 'qualities'.

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Guest humanoidm89

Shorter than me. Beautiful nose. Triangle on top of upper lip, not to mention soft lips that peel. Brown eyes. Chinese/ Vietnamese. Mushroom head(can vary). Weird. Mismatched coloured clothing. Small hands to fit inside mine. Toes with impeded growth of nails due to the war of 2008 against the walls and corners. Cuute overall. Skinny jeans. Jackets that hug her waist. Wears my necklace & ring. Purple/White bracelet. ( ] face. Name starts with A. Beautiful neck and clavicle. Smells magnificent. Showers every morning. Dresses according to my dress code. Flats, converses, nikes. Smart, gorgeous, and perfect.

Nice. Caring. Considerate. Doesn't give up. Cold so I can make her warm. Makes fun of me. Tells me she's full even when she's not so that I would have more to eat. Let's me keep all the cool stuff after couponing. Makes sure I'm hydrated and not overworking myself. Stares at me when I sleep. Steals my hand when I sleep. Not to mention steals my heart. Decorates my room to the fullest so that every corner I see reminds me of her. Buys clothes she'd like to see me in. Gives me her opinion on any concerns I have. Sings along to music even though she sucks at it. Did I say weird yet? Yeah, weird. Likes to travel. Likes to play sports. Likes to have me tell her i love her everyday. Keeps me atop her world. Goes a long with my stupid ideas. Makes me trinkets, crafts, books, albums, food, anything possible. Watches shows with me on Sundays while cuddled on the couch under a nice, warm, cozy blanket. Yells at me for being stuupig. Tells me the things she likes and the things she doesn't like. Tries her best to get me to understand, not giving up until I fully comprehend. Doesn't get tired of me or my kiddish personality. Meets me at 5AM in the morning online. Meets me afterschool online. Gets my codes and encryptions. Holds my hand in public. Not afraid to tell the world that I'm hers. Doesn't mind what the world tells her about me. Hates to take pictures, but makes an exception for me. Plays games with me especially tetris. Thanks me for the things I do. Willing to help pay for things when I need it without complaints. Encourages me to sing even though I suck.. Cuts my smelly nails! Willing to cut my hair even though she sucks at it. Takes PE classes with me to keep in shape together. Texts me three seconds after seeing each other off. Texts me in class even though it's not permitted. Comes to class late because of me and then yells at me for it. Puts me before anything, anyone, everything. Understands me.

Basically, only one girl fits this agenda.

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Must be taller than me.

I'm kidding. Most of the girls are doing that so I just picked at it.

For real:

She must:

Be intelligent (this does not mean she must attend a university although it would be nice)

Be honest

Have a good sense of justice

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Uhms... for me... I think these would be minimum requirements...

- He has to have a nice voice (speaking wise, but if he could sing and sound wonderful that'll be a bonus <3)

- Taller than 150cm but shorter than 180cm (I'm 150cm so it'll be great if my boyfriend is tall to reach things for me when I can't but I don't want him to be too tall either x])

- Dependable in terms of traits (I want to be able to rely and trust him without having insecurities).

- Not afraid to show his emotions (I don't like it when guys hide their true emotions from me. I want him to be able to tell me how he feels at that moment without feeling embarassed. This includes texting, calling or iming me when there's something >w<)

- Is strong physically (I like a guy who knows how to take care/look after himself and others. I'll feel more reassured that he can protect me if a crisis ever happens).

- Healthy with no illnesses/deformities (I don't want him to make me worry about him a lot. I kinda overeact over little things and sometimes I end up sick because of it x])

- Intelligent but not up-your-face-brainiac (I dislike those guys who acts all snobby and tries to fix everything you do/say.)

- Must know Vietnamese, Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese or Korean (I want to go travelling with him one day keke so it'll help if he can speak some or all of those languages).

Hms... yeah, just those lols ^w^ (They seem like a lot, I couldn't really decide on the order of importance so I just listed my requirements anyways).

~ Betty

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Well, first things first, he must be older than me (I just turned 21) and bigger than me--horizontally and vertically. And he must have a manly voice (yes really; this is the mega requirement!) and at least a passable face (I really have high standards on what 'handsome' is, so at least an 80% symmetrical look will do). He should also hold a degree from one of the top four universities in my country (Philippines, hello there); otherwise, he must be a university graduate some place else. No honors needed but a plus. Being a bookworm is also a plus! (Sorry, yours truly is a nerd) And of course, he must be WORKING already. And okay let's not be hypocritical; he must have an equally high or even higher salary than me.

On the not-so-physical/monetary aspects, he must AT LEAST have a crush on me. My friend tells me that even if you're already in a relationship or even married, having a crush on the other makes things last longer and feel more special because you'll always have that giddy feeling whenever you're with each other (unless you're fighting like cats and dogs). Oh and he must have the CONFIDENCE to say that he likes me; and MUST show some EFFORT to prove that he really wants to be my boyfriend. *wink* I need to see some effort, okay; otherwise, I'd think he's just bluffing and merely making fun of the never-had-a-lovelife me. And also he must be able to make me laugh and ramble on until forever (because that's just me you know) or at least knows and appreciates the word 'humor'.

He must have all of that. Then we can deal with the rest later. 

Oh and yeah, he must be SINGLE with NO criminal record. Thanks. xD

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Guest kels.huns

I'm only doing this for fun.... But....

Definitely taller than me

Goes to College/College degree

Makes more than me...

No kids, never married

Must not have LONG girly hair

----- never be late! my BF fail on this one, but he is working on it! (:

----- dont wear white tshirts on dates, BF fail on this one too

So boys and girls, you dont have TO HAVE your ideal gf/bf.... if he's good to you and is 80% awesome, he's IT!

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Guest LazyFrog


- Honest

- Not possessive

- Laughs at my jokes and makes some of his own :]

- Individual, free spirited, makes his own decisions.

- Will play video games with me until the early hours of the morning


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white girls don't like you?

It's hard to say and I don't run into a lot of white girls around here. The last time I ran into one, she asked if I sell Chinese food.

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Guest bunny-chan

I don't think I'm that picky, all I really need in a guy is: good set of morals, kind heart, and makes me smile easily. That's not alot, is it? 

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My minimum requirements.. hm.

I'd say that he has to be taller than me and skinny, and asian. Though I am kinda contradicting myself right now because I do have a slight crush on this guy who is shorter than me. ;_; I guess height is debatable? XD

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