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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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Guest cinjin

- down to earth

- honest and loyal

- share common interests; someone who I can talk to about anything and everything

- but I still don't want us to be super similar. I want a guy who doesn't agree with everything I say just so I can prove him wrong lol

- smart (but I would like to be a teeny, tiny bit smarter harhar)

- decent looking (at least to me)

- someone positive but also a realist too

Err I think that's it. I don't want to be too picky.

And I sound like a feminist don't I? rofl

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Guest Cin De

honest, loyal to me, loves me, rich.

i think guys who are always an richard simmons to others and only nice to me are quite cute. it shows that he only cares for me haha! but that only happens in dramas.

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Guest rata_bcms

wtf lol this is the minimum requirement thread guys o_O

My list is still the same though I think the guy would have to be at least 1 inch taller than me hahahaha.

Hahaha.... those WERE my minimum requirements. You don't even want to know my "preferences."

But yeah, I think people list the things they aim for, but not necessarily need. Its better to have an idea what you might want rather than not know at all and have your preferences molded around some random person.

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Guest lee.jjiang.rin

-5'8 and over... im kinda tall or is it just my friends are extremely short... I'm 5'3(160cm)

-athletic or have fit figure

-great smile or big humor... like a guy to make me laugh

-smart! because I'm not!

-needs to have style!

-good paying job


-nice guy

-asian...i sound so racist but i'm not.. but i like the light skin asian guys... if you'd want specific of what kind of asian guy...Vietnamese? Chinese? Maybe Korean, or Japanese, even some flipinos...but i dont like a too tanned guy. i look so not natural...? omg i sound racist... plzzzzz dont take it the wrong way

but yea that's it?

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Guest kanyezilla

honest, loyal to me, loves me, rich.

i think guys who are always an richard simmons to others and only nice to me are quite cute. it shows that he only cares for me haha! but that only happens in dramas.

lose the attitude and maybe we'll talk

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Guest Capriccio


Has to be nice~I don't need any "bad boys" or whatever.

Not obese~Please..

Beside that I don't know, I can find many guys people don't consider to be awesome is awesome to me.

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Guest Kenata

Minimum? Haha...


(It's like...a "type")





-A sense of humour.

-Same interests

-Not homophobic

-Taller than me

But most important of all would that I can be myself around him and I'm comfortable talking to him and such :)

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Guest Ugly/Beautiful Me


- Has to be taller than me

- Has a great sense of humor

- Has to be able to make me laugh whole-heartedly.

- Isn't afraid to be himself around me.

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Guest _gucci

1. has to be taller than me (not too hard considering i'm 5'2)

2. has to eat alot (since I eat alot and so would hate my boyfriend eating less than me..)

3. has to be funny

4. doesn't technically have to be smart but I don't like guys that always sleep during class or fail all their classes

5. cooks for me

6. Has a job (don't care if it's part time or full time)

7. Is not super skinny! but doesn't have to be muscular. Broad shoulders are nice (;

I guess I can go a little more specific but I am too lazy to do that hehe

and plus I already have that kind of guy (;

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Guest KoreanDior

it used to be just : taller than me and can make me laugh.

now after my last boyfriend i changed my mind.

has to be able to spend money on me.

taller than me.

can make me laugh. i can be myself. is honest with me.

likes me more than i like him.

has to be average. no std. not a virgin, but not a player (basically needs some type of experience just not too much)

be there for me. doesn't choose his friends over me all the time.

can cook or sing.

has to be average weight. dont like when guys are hella skinny or fat.

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Guest patak.ulan

smart enough

someone who has strong determination to succeed in life... (don't want someone irresponsible)

and of course he has to love me too :P

i have no requirements in the physical aspect except i don't like someone who's like morbidly obese

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Guest Sidoneon

-5'8 and over... im kinda tall or is it just my friends are extremely short... I'm 5'3(160cm)

-athletic or have fit figure

-great smile or big humor... like a guy to make me laugh

-smart! because I'm not!

-needs to have style!

-good paying job


-nice guy

-asian...i sound so racist but i'm not.. but i like the light skin asian guys... if you'd want specific of what kind of asian guy...Vietnamese? Chinese? Maybe Korean, or Japanese, even some flipinos...but i dont like a too tanned guy. i look so not natural...? omg i sound racist... plzzzzz dont take it the wrong way

but yea that's it?

Lol nice "minimum" requirement

and btw, I think your 5'8 and over thing is stupid. If you'd be 5'5- 5'7 maybe but 5'3"? no way that's your minimum...

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Guest seduction

Has to be shorter than me, I'm 6"1 so it's usually not a problem for me but that's pretty much about it lol

^i'm surprised you're not going out with...every girl. HAHHA.

my requirements:

*look (yes, it sounds shallow, but it does take part)

*height (at least taller than me)

*personality (not a two-face who acts differently around you from his friends. hahha)

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Guest omfgnicole

- Personalities mesh.

- Feel comfortable with each other & people seeing us together in public.

- Taller than 5'8 (5'11+ [preferred])

- Parents not being a big issue & if so, them not being an issue in the long run.

- Drives a decent looking and running car. Or has near future plans of getting a new one if it's jank.. [Would make an exception if the guy was overall bomb tho.]

- Has an education or getting one and is not behind or not that much behind for his age.

- Makes effort to at least do something nice for me on my birthday/christmas/anniversary.

- Can at least afford to take me out once in a while [$25bill+] without getting pissy aside from birthdaychristmasanniversary.

- Hold a conversation with me and be able to have an intellectual or deep conversation every so often.

- Likes to play games. & he can play as much games as he wants as long as it doesn't affect any of the listed.

- Updates his wardrobe every now and then (shoes especially). Doesn't have his main clothes as the ones he wore in middle school.

- Isn't hardcore Christian or force me to go to church. Persuading is okay, though. (I'm not a religious person, but I don't reject religion.)

- Likes to drink alcohol, at least every 4-8 weeks. It would be awkward if he didn't.. because I enjoy alcohol :)

- Not too skinny and not fat (160+ [175-185 preferred])

- Makes an effort to tone and build body and smell nice for me.

I think that's.. reasonable? As much as we get along I'd also want there to be a sexual attraction between us both ways. It hurts in the long run if you settle and I left a lot of them quite broad.. so I don't believe I'm being shallow.

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