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Does Reading Make You Smarter?

Guest avant-garde

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Guest sujugirl

As for english books, your pronounciation of words gets better.. It also widens your english vocab..

Read sensible books and you'll become smarter.

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most defintately. Reading novels and whatnot growing up would totally help you do better in english. And when your older, reading helps retain your memory... or so i heard

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Guest discofuse

reading books really enriches my vocabulary :) , entertainment for me as well and boredom killer that's it.

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Guest miki_chan

Yeah, my english teachers always say:

"Reading makes you smarter! It's a proven fact"

Even though I don't read much it's nice to know that (:

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Guest Happy_Day

I think you get a lot of common sense from reading. You learn about everything, especially if you're diverse in the genres you read. For me, I love historical fiction - and I've learned a lot about different cultures and things like that. You learn a lot about human nature too and also gain a sense of ethics, does that make sense? :)

And I think you unconsiously learn a lot of words, and even to write better.

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Guest Myss Blewm

Depending on the books you read you can learn many things. In general, it broadens your vocabulary and betters your grammar. If you pay attention to those kinds of things, that is.

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Guest crazyfrog

reading can broaden the mind in a lot of perspectives. you can learn about things from other's POV and from others experience. so yes, reading does make you smarter. :)

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Guest kaypie

it broadens your world and makes you understanding; it also helps in inspiring oneself to become better. i also read to pass the time.

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Guest marasshi

you'll learn about grammar and spelling and you can widen your vocabulary.

if you like to write, it can improve your writing as well.

but you should choose the books and authors you read.

james joyce, ernest hemingway, gabriel garcia marquez, victor hugo, charles dickens, etc.

you can never go wrong with the classics. : D (though they can get boring.)

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Guest alcyone

it depends on what you're reading.....you can't get any smarter from reading romance novel (unless you wanna be smarter in romance-related field),

you can get smarter by reading non-fiction or biography....learn from others' mistakes and get inspired by what they'd done.

some fictions' and non-fictions' contents are good in philosophy, you can be wiser

and of course reading those physics or biology would indeed make you smarter ;)

overall benefit, you can get better in English and most probably know more English terms and vocab than your friends...

so...reading is definitely one of the aspects you need to get smarter

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Guest cpopbaby19

It makes you more world-ly.

Plus, better spelling and grammar! =]

Most definitely. :]

Reading lotsa books helped my grammar and sentence construction.

And of course, it also gives you something productive to do. :P

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Entertainment and of course it does helps ur grammar and sentence structures when u speak or write.

To me,i've improved quite a lot in learning new words but of course u stated that alr.lol.

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Guest Miro25

i love reading and i think it really helps improve my vocabulary plus it such a great escape sometimes

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Guest Phoën¡x

define smart???

academic intelligent??

if u mean academic intelligent,

and if u mean fiction.... well NO.

if u mean by general knowledge,



Reading helps with vocab, spelling, grammar ...only if u pay attention to it.

i spent time reading english books..but never improve my grammar till i actually paid attention to those stuffs..haha

mind u.. i have other language to conquer.. english is my second language.

I love reading non-fiction..biographies.. because i think it widen one's perspective in a particular angle.. and also i felt the authors wrote with much deep from their experience..not sth that was made up..

as for fiction...it depends.. it has to be highly.highly recommended... like animal farm, to kill a mockingbird..

i love humour..so i still read roald dahl even to this age..hahaha

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Guest Carmen.

Definitely enriches your vocab.

And like for me, you learn to analyze the entire thing.

Symbolism, theme, etc.

And when you're in English class, it helps you a lot because you can pick out the literary devices and what the author's message is and stuff.

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