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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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Guest TaiTsuki

OMG! I am so hyped!!!!!

Another thing they have in common:

One of Li Yin's favorite Singer is Jay Chou Who just came out with another GREAT ALBUM! I love it!

And I remember that DBSK once said that they would like a duet with Mr. Jay Chou!

BEsides the point I am spazzing out about his new album but I wonder if Suyin is listening to it together ^^

Man I am so hyped...

Like seriously!

It is FATE

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Guest lilcece

I can't wait for the eng subbed version of the radio =)


whoa, never seen that picture of Suyin, lol. they are so


goodness, the Sing, Speak, Support petition is up! over

100 fans have signed it already. please go and sign if

you haven't done so. every thought counts ^^

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

I am still crazying searching for the radio clip.

Man, Suyin is just pure love!

So excited, love those pictures.

Those pic of Junsu holding Ri In's album just always make me giggle for RI IN.

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Guest yimmmah

woot! go us >___< I'm totally in shocker mode right now haha. News of the liyin petition travels so fast! I was signer #13 just yesterday and now it's jumped into the 100s! I'm feeling the luv <3


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Lena You don't mind I hotlink your image right? :ph34r:

OMg, I went and watched so much Suyin vids today @_@ not doing my homework. They're so cute.

save. I'll be back to edit.


I don't have anything else to share but this for now. BBL

Sorry Lena


I'm into the bandwagon of posting this now. :P

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Guest jaejoong_love33

ahhhh thanks for the petition!

seriously. SM should wake up!

>.< i just signed it!!

i wrote it in chinese. hopefully someone will get the common sense and help her out!


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Rini: How could you? :( I convert you into a suyin fan & you betray me by suyin'd the page...oh no!!... :(

It's okay I'm not all that prissy over it..I'll just do it next time :D who knows maybe I'll suyin' page 300 *fingerscross*

Oh & REWIND..such a hot story if you know what I mean ;)

Yes everyone sign the petition continue to show your support.

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j0liN: i live in nyc :lol: its pretty close i guess..?

minomo: i never saw the 2nd picture before. ri in and junsu was

standing really close together!

and i want to see clips of liyin's first fan meeting also.

but there isn't any >.<

and also please support liyin by signing the petition if you didn't do

so already. :)

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Guest jaejoong_love33

Junsu talk about Afterglow

ahaha. DBSK are on Sukira Radio w. Leeteuk and Eunhyuk.

dialogue of him speaking starts on 5:22 ^^

Leeteuk: "Junsu wrote Sunset... While watching. I heard there was a story behind writing the lyrics"

Junsu: "I got the music and wrote the lyrics in Japan. The reason it is called Sunset... while watching is taht...." (doesn't know what to say)

Eunhyuk: "You weren't watching the sunset, were you?"

Junsu: "I was! I'm sorry..."

(and it goes on... but thats the important part)

ahaha. see. in the dialogue,

Junsu talks about Afterglow. Obviously it's written for Ri In but he can't say that right?

and since Eunhyuk is Junsu's BFF, obviously he would know about SuYin, so he cut in to save Junsu ^^


i think the SuYin detective is coming out of me

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LOL! he forgot the part " i was looking

at the sunset and thinking about someone when

i wrote this song." ;)

OMG! minomo: the second pic was like

WHOAA, they're so damn close together!

and awwww they're shoo cute!

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Guest stayfreemymisery__`

Junsu talk about Afterglow

ahaha. DBSK are on Sukira Radio w. Leeteuk and Eunhyuk.

dialogue of him speaking starts on 5:22 ^^

Leeteuk: "Junsu wrote Sunset... While watching. I heard there was a story behind writing the lyrics"

Junsu: "I got the music and wrote the lyrics in Japan. The reason it is called Sunset... while watching is taht...." (doesn't know what to say)

Eunhyuk: "You weren't watching the sunset, were you?"

Junsu: "I was! I'm sorry..."

(and it goes on... but thats the important part)

ahaha. see. in the dialogue,

Junsu talks about Afterglow. Obviously it's written for Ri In but he can't say that right?

and since Eunhyuk is Junsu's BFF, obviously he would know about SuYin, so he cut in to save Junsu ^^


i think the SuYin detective is coming out of me

He wrote the song while in Japan right? And where was Li Yin? In China, promoting her album...

I will wait for you and hold your hand to accomplish your wishes that we can smile together.

oh SuYin, you're losing your subtly <333.

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Guest jaejoong_love33

What Junsu is Thinking About

still from the Sukira Radio.

this time, they are talking about what they are currently "hooked" to~

this is for the 5 questions and answer game ^^


everyone said something...EXCEPT JUNSU!!!

ahaha he couldn't think of anything

so at the end someone said "i love you" sa-rang-ham-ni-da (i think)

but then he answered, please take careof your health...


SuYin is getting exposed :D

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Guest Hemera

gotta run to pee, but i find it amusing how during their song is playing on the radio, junsu's just sitting there like...a blob ._.

edit: when they asked the boys what they were hooked on or something...junsu sniffed a few times..it's both adorable and disgusting at the same time...the whole act of sniffing is cute, but the sound...it sounded like there was a lot of you-know-what in his nose

hmmm..he wrote "afterglow" in japan? i wonder when..

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jaejoong_love33 thanks for the sukira clip.

monkey should know what his dolphin friend has been

up to and with who ;) lol

Thank you girls for always keeping this thread alive.

I have been.. and will continue to be.. on less often,

due to current circumstances. (long word lol..sound so old X] )

Anyways, you guys are probably tired of my reminder post X)

but it is two weeks til the current deadline for the Timeless Project

I updated my post about the project at the Timeless Love Forums,

visit there if youd like to check that out and see what little[X is up.

Suyin Sisters fighting!


Just something small to share.....

"Suyin Song Lyric"

리인: "Wishing to be with you forever ILL KEEP WAITING FOR YOU..."

"I still believe that this love belongs to me.. YOU ARE HERE TO PROTECT MY LOVE."


and extra:

리인: "All the passion is the reason to love you" (A Flame For You)

(Everyone knows Junsu's PASSION for MUSIC ;])

Secret Suyin Messages through their Songs :lol:

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