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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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Guest celena8899


so we have 11 more pages to go until we reach 200, and 6 more days to go until their anniversary! that mean we need 2 page a day. Wow we are awesome!

So is anyone making Suyin official banners?? You know one banner or icon that stands for Suyin??

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Oh yes, Suyin sisters don't forget to answer the NEW questions. It should be located on the last half of the page before this!

man we kept talking so much that I am going to be late, see you all lovely sisters and readers!

Wave to the 7 users!

Also my bad about going off topic there, i will go back and edit that.

Suyin sisters fightin'-- Lets support Suyin to reach their goals!

Credit these questions to xtehdeb

1. if u were to get suyin a gift, what would u get them?

2. we all love timeless but what if they did have a chance to do a duet again what song would u want them to sing together....??

3. what if one day in the future u would have a chance to talk to LSM the head of SM what would u say to him?

4. if u could meet junsu or ri in who would u meet and what would be the three things u would ask them ?

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Guest celena8899

Calling all suyin sisters!!

Do you guys mind posting some gifs of Ri In in here, also Junsu??

It seem like I can find only little bits of stuff for RiIn, I wondering if you guys have more on Ri In.

Junsu have tons, but I love looking at his cute expression.

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Guest CandySu

Go Suyin! Go Suyin!

1. if u were to get suyin a gift, what would u get them?

A wedding? :blink:

2. we all love timeless but what if they did have a chance to do a duet again what song would u want them to sing together....??

Romeo N Juliet - Clazziquai or A whole new world? :blush:

3. what if one day in the future u would have a chance to talk to LSM the head of SM what would u say to him?

Hey,let Jang Ri In and Kim Junsu married kay?

4. if u could meet junsu or ri in who would u meet and what would be the three things u would ask them ?

Junsu.Do you like Riin?

Junsu,would you like to married Riin?

Junsu,what do you think of Riin?


I'm soooo excited about the china concert guys,aren't you?

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

here is one


credit http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=474148853 ^^

Look at these two jokesters



Credits: Baidu

dvd caps..


Well i found this in Ri In's thread. Hope Lilcece don't mind I post her quote here!

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Guest stayfreemymisery__`

LOL, Su looks scary in the first pic O_O

Some fancams to re-love SuYin (because idiot people come in here to make unnecessary drama.).

[fancam] Zhang li yin singing DBSK's ' Miduhyo'

x) Su is so cute and look at the way he looks at Ri In when she sings~

it seriously amps me up for the Thailand concert!

9 days 'til Shanghai & 5 til Li Yin's 2nd anniversary; heard she's going to Korea on the 6th. It'd be so awesome if Chocophinslates celebrated her anniversary w/her!

Sisters, don't forget the questions here :)

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here's some i had collected in the past

warning* might cause your compt to lag~


credit to JRI thread at soompi ~















dont remember where i collect gif for su

if any of these is yours, PM me and i'll credit them


ROFLMAO..mang what a way to show support to your girlfriend

haha. so aD0RKable *wink*


thank you & also love the fonts...

btw, where did you dl it from? *

since TaiTsuki & marmar had said what's need to be said

i don't feel liek rewording them however;

just an advice ~

everytime you feel liek posting something other than SuYin

remember of the consequence for this thread

which include suyin sisters getting bad wrap and for this thread to close down

this shall be my last time having to remind all of these.

please be on your best behavior and only to discuss on SuYin..

jaejoong lover

though i know it's your opinion but

please check your PM and re-edit that section.

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every little things that they do is so pure & seductive

NO WONDER they are called "angels from heaven"

and "a match made in heaven'


LOLs, he has already practicing the song LiYin love to hear

and dance she loves to see.

what a sweet boyfriend.. :)

EDIT: i was at Korean music on myspace

and guess what song came up....

why must i have fallen in love with you? *


i wonder if it's fate or what


btw, im so sorry for forgetting & bypass

welcome new suyiners ~

let's keep this clean & only to spam with SuYin love kkay?

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Guest Jessica Nguyen

kyosa: ^_^ no problem.

i'm supposed to answer the questions right...? well here goes!

1. if u were to get suyin a gift, what would u get them?

well...wouldn't it be nice if they got couple rings. but i suppose something of that significance should be reserved for them giving to each other... IDK, A BIG BASKET OF LOVE! YEAH, and some chocopies! :D

2. we all love timeless but what if they did have a chance to do a duet again what song would u want them to sing together....??

i have this thing for the song romeo n juliet by clazziquai ever since i started watching WGM, so that song. ^_^

3. what if one day in the future u would have a chance to talk to LSM the head of SM what would u say to him?

you my man, are a genius for putting liyin and junsu on the timeless MV...but dude, we want more. ;D

4. if u could meet junsu or ri in who would u meet and what would be the three things u would ask them ?

soo....do you like liyin? ;D

soo. what are your thoughts on the word chocophin?

if we referred to you as TRAX, what would you say? :D

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Guest lilcece


omg, there's so many Suyiners =D


Su Su and Yin Yin?! omg, that's so cute <333


I LOVE the font names! so unique and pretty =)


lovely GIF. omg, didn't see that clip of Ri In xD

lol, and no I don't mind. spread the Suyin <3


whoa, Suyin GIF attack xD I like it ^^

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Guest callingTHEWORLD.

I just happened to notice lilcece's comment about new suyiners. WELCOME TO THE SUYIN THREAD. Hope you'll visit here more often. ^_^

'Niiie and JoongBoXiahJang: Oh, oh, then I wanna join you guys since I feel bad for not visiting here very often. There have more Junsu gifs than Liyin, so I thought I had to share more gifs of her.




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thank you for all the gifs! both of them are so dorky and adorable.

i wondering what liyin is gonna do in korea before going back to

china for the sm concert. :phew:

edit: opps... i topped the page, but i have nothing to share :(

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Just wanted to help this thread get closer to the goal... 6 more days & only 10 more pages to go... Hwaiting!!

1. If you were to get SuYin a gift, what would you get them?

How about a pair of earrings? They can wear one each.

2. We all love Timeless but what if they did have a chance to do a duet again, what song would you want them to sing together....??

A love song with a HAPPY ending. One that tells a story about being together forever happily ever after! Maybe we could have some skinship included too... :P

3. What if one day in the future, you would have a chance to talk to LSM, the head of SM, what would you say to him?

Please let SuYin do more activities together. Also, Ri Innie needs to wear different clothes. Please stop making her look old. She's still young & will have plenty of time looking old when she's in her 50's!

4. If you could meet Junsu or Ri In, who would you meet and what would be the three things you would ask them ?

I would meet Su & I would ask him:

One. How do you feel about dating Ri Innie?

Two. Do you have a plan to build a happy home & family with Ri Innie within the next decade or so?

Three. I'm sure you know that the older a woman gets, the more dangerous it is to have a baby. So when do you plan on having kids with Ri Innie?

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Guest your--HEROine

your--HEROine, I think you're talking about Star Show? The one w/the SuYin Family Pic? :D

Yeah, I didn't know what show it was on. LOL.

Sometimes I'm not always IN tune.

Thanks for the welcomes. :D

I wish I could come here more often but WOW!

This thread moves too fast for me. LOL.

simplykristal :: Anyways, I like the name especially Red Chocolates.

I think it's CUTE.

I will probably be back, don't know when to answer the new questions.

So, is there a page number we want to reach by a certain time?

I hope this little post helps then. :D

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You sisters are horrible..........

j/k :D...lol

You all know I love you girls to bits... :D

all those gifs just totally lag my computer...(stupid computer XD)..lol

Anyways I shall save them all for something fun later...lol

I love those Ri In gifs though because she looks so cute in them...totally capturing the cuteness in her.

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:D wow. another page already.

Glad Suyin sisters are coming back to visit too.

`Niiie - Lovely collections of gifs. Thanks for sharing.

starrysky21 - :lol: Yeah, at the first glance...Junsu does look scary with chocolate on his teeth...haha

such an adorable guy...

LYNNIE. - awww...i love those gifs too. Just remember to stop by when you have time ;)

jessicanguyen_asdf - haha...you've made me think of choco pie for the whole day already.

I need to go get some.... good idea for a gift too :)

xmlyx - I'm sure Liyin needs to practice. I suppose she should have more than just 2 songs this time. It's China, her country, she would be given more time. I'm guessing they might put the duet with Jonghyun too.

TaiTsuki - When I saw this picture of Junsu it somehow reminded me of your one-shots..haha..


Suyin Sisters Fighting!

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Guest TaiTsuki

10 more pages!!!

Omo I checked out the 35 sec of DBSK's new song....

Its hot!!!!

Junsu's "Bring me down"

JJ sounding really sexy like usual

Chunnie's english! something like "Ah girl... I need you girl"

Li Yin needs new songs!

I can't wait for her repackaged album!

Totally well-deserved.

Ah~ So many Gifs ^^

Thanks for sharing!


Ah! I forgot some Sisters here are young! Thanks to Kyosa for reminding! That means I need someone to pre read the one shot before I post it so it fits for all ages.

O.O I completely forgot!

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