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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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Guest celena8899

Man, I almost got a heart attack when I see marmar's you sisters are horrible.

Anyway, I love the cute pics of Junsu, he look so mature these days while Ri In is going so outgoing!

Man are they trying to be like eachother haha

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^ girl you know i'm just playing...i meant horrible because my computer totally lagged from all those gifs..but they were love...

lilcece: LMAO...good thing I said j/k then..because if i didn't you would've given me a headlock & I'm pretty sure all the other sisters will come after me...

KyoSa: that picture of Junsu where was that from?....looks kinda kinky XD...lmao

Maybe his waiting for his boo Ri In ;) ;)....LMAO

I better go before I influence all my poor sisters with my crazy mind...lol

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Guest celena8899

haha, I knew you were kidding! I do that too. I hate the computer right now actually, usually I have about 5 browsers going, but today it is so slow!

Suyin fightin' about a week until we see you yeah!

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TaiTsuki - I just listen to their new song too. I can't wait for their comeback..and also Liyin's repackage album!

KyoSa: that picture of Junsu where was that from?....looks kinda kinky XD...lmao

Maybe his waiting for his boo Ri In ;) ;)....LMAO

I better go before I influence all my poor sisters with my crazy mind...lol

It is from one of DBSK's theater drama "Dangerous Love."

Haha...yeah..don't forget some are underage here.

oh..another R hat...not sure if this had been posted before...


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Yay for a page 190!!

5 more days till Timeless anniversary!

Correct me if I am wrong, I read from Liyin's thread that she would be in Korea for her anniversary?

Hint- Suyin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

yeah, another page!!

that is awesome, a few more post and we are 9 pages away!!

Suyin in Korea, I hope the DBSK boys will send her a message for congrats, better yet Junsu shows up haha! flowers and hug!

cute gif


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Ahh, I just want to ask Junsu what does the R stand for??

Does anyone in Korea or japan know what that label is for??

i'd love to think that R is for Riin. lol

anyway, this is just me talking~

hi everybody *waves*

this thread is HOPPING! i just slept and whoopiie! three (four?) pages already!

so LiYin will be back to Korea for her anniv?? that's good, i mean it's only right. 'cuase she DEBUTED in korea. lols.

and plus plus! Junsu has to be there! he has to!!!

cool PV of Hey btw. it's awesome! and the concept! woot~ junsu = hot

anyway, got something for myself originally, but wanted to share. not much and not GREAT. i'm loosing my PS skills if there were any. TT^TT



i've been on PS for toooooooo long, i need inspiration.

thanks for the gifs guys! both are just too cute! uhuh. uhuh.


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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

I love the work what are you talking about haha, haha when you end it with Jae. I immediately thought of Jae joongie!

It would be so cool if we somehow got DBSK all to hold a Suyin ballon, yeah me dreaming away.

Can't wait for DBSK comeback! miss them so much.

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wait suyin is in korea?

I thought she was in China & he was....umm...somewhere...lol

So are they both in Korea now?

seaprincess: Ooooh I love your artwork especially the first one w/ the words..so cool..i gotta clean up my siggy so i can change it up & i'm gonna totally add that to it (of course I shall credit)

KyoSa: Oh..thanks I'll gonna go look up on it & see if there are some subs..."Dangerous Love"...oh & yes gotta remember there are some young suyin sisters...must show a better example...lol

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Guest callingTHEWORLD.

I am back. I decide to post here more often. :D

TIFF: I didn't realize that you wrote an oneshot. PLEASE, CONTINUE WRITING! Haha. Junsu's reaction was funny when Ri In was doing something to make him nervous.

LENA: Aw, unnie you're hurting me. You hate me because I am your Suyin sister and I barely go on here. Just kidding. lol. I am excited about this week and next week, you know....2PM will debut in two or three days, Ri In going back to Korea in 4 days, Suyin's second years anniversary in 7 days and SM concert in Shanghai in 11 days. :D More Suyin moments.

JoongBoXiahJang: LOL, actually I made this, Ri In gif. :lol: Yes, she's so cute.

seaprincess: Nice gif. It's so cute~! Thanks for sharing. ^_^ Yeah, Ri In is going back to Korea on the 6th of September. Meaning that Junsu will be there too, I think? :D

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Guest stayfreemymisery__`

Lena, she's going to Korea on the 6th, IDK about Su o.0; although they should be going to Korea more often since their album showcase is Sept. 21. I wonder if Li Yin will go for 'support' ;D

rofl, I SuYin'd a page, so I'll share these caps I made for Annie:

From this vid.

Su trying to get near Li Yin:


Lina notices him, so she gets closer:


She was originally facing the audience but she's facing Li Yin, watching Su


doesn't it remind you of No Air? x) PROTECTIVE UNNIES FTW! :ph34r:

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang


We just jumped another page!!

I heard DBSK are coming back soon. Well That is awesome that they come back around the same time!

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LENA: Aw, unnie you're hurting me. You hate me because I am your Suyin sister and I barely go on here. Just kidding. lol. I am excited about this week and next week, you know....2PM will debut in two or three days, Ri In going back to Korea in 4 days, Suyin's second years anniversary in 7 days and SM concert in Shanghai in 11 days. biggrin.gif More Suyin moments.

I don't hate you...i barely come in here too but surprisingly i have been pretty active in here today...i think it's because of that negative thing earlier but yeah it just boost me to wanna keep posting..lol

OMG thank you for reminding me 2PM in 2-3 days..my eye candy ChangSung will debut..HE IS SO FIONE, but he cut his hair..oh well..lol

Oh so Ri In is going back to Korea for her anniversary...cool so does that mean Junsu will be there.

Hopefully by then they'll open up her official fan club in Korea already...I mean two years & nothing..

Show the girl some love already SM!!

So many fun things to look forward...I'm really looking forward to Shanghai concert..because i want more suyin secret glances.....

& I want TIMELESS performed in Chinese.....

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KyoSa: Oh..thanks I'll gonna go look up on it & see if there are some subs..."Dangerous Love"...oh & yes gotta remember there are some young suyin sisters...must show a better example...lol

To save you time. I found the yt link for you. Just find the same user for the continuation. This is a funny one!

It would be more funny if it was Liyin with Junsu...haha...


seaprincess - Excellent job. Thanks for sharing.

starrysky21 - Thanks for the caps. I can't wait for more Suyin moments. Yes, Liyin will be back to Korea soon....

hopefully some fans will give us some Suyin surprises

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

haha, NO Air. man that song keeps playing on my radio.

Suyin get closer. This time I would love for Ri In to be the one to take action. hold hands and swing. It would be cool even if they took another person like eunhyuk

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Nessa: LOL..yes it's No Air...the unnies protecting their dongsaeng...which reminds me i must go finish typing the next chapter..i been slacking on it..lol

hopefully ri in does go to show support for her oppas at their showcase..of course we know that she really went to see her boo..junsu XD

KyoSa: Thanks for the link...off to watch.

haha, NO Air. man that song keeps playing on my radio.

Suyin get closer. This time I would love for Ri In to be the one to take action. hold hands and swing. It would be cool even if they took another person like eunhyuk

LMAO..No Air..that reminds me of my fanfic...lol

The title was from the song No Air...gosh that would be hot if Suyin sang that song...

first nessa, with the no air & now you...lol

are you girls trying to tell me to go update or something?

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Kyosa, angeldan27 : sorry for getting on ur conversation..ignore the age.. age doesnt matter here, what matter is our love for SuYin.. ^_~ by the way, can i call both of u.. unnie??

call me unnie if you want. wahahahahah. i don't mind. O_o where are you from?

i know someone by your name...


hello! nice to meet you! hahahah.

OMFG! i just saw the 4th album pic... it's sooooo hot. @___________@

and i wanted to make a suyin poster... but i couldn't find seaprincess' dongbang pics folder!!!!!!! T_T

yay for page 191!

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Guest plumblossoms

Hello Chocophins~ (I love that name, makes me all giggly every time I type it). I found a SuYin manip online somewhere and I put it as my cellphone wallie ^^ Does anyone have any SuYin pictures that are... 1600x1200? I know that's big, but my cellphone is weird like that >_< I'm getting a SuYin overload with all the short stories and gifs <3 I can't wait for the anniversary to hit! Wait, I thought both SuYin were in China? Unless Li Yin went...and DBSK are off somewhere else... I hope she celebrates her 2nd anniversary in Korea :)

Marmar- Thank you for posting, I was wondering if someone was going to sub it.

4. if u could meet junsu or ri in who would u meet and what would be the three things u would ask them?

1. How are you guys? :sweatingbullets:

2. Can I get an autograph and picture?

3. Are guys going to ever collaborate again? :D

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^ i have some off & LAYDEE A & LYNNIEDOT




the caps really brought back beautiful memories ~

he definitely trying to get close to her... such a sweet couple.

i dont think i have answer my own & joongbo's questions right?

  1. What was your first impression of SuYin?
    mysterious yet alluring...their voice mix well with each other into a heavenly harp tune.
  2. How does your first impression of SuYin differ from your impression of them now?
    They're pretty much on DL and secretive now they can't wait to tell the world that SuYin is real. lols.
  3. If you have been a fan from the very beginning, what are the most significant changes you've noticed between "then" and "now"?
    SuYin seems to open up more and letting us see more of their playful side & for letting us feel close to them as a friend rather than idol.
  4. On what level do you think SuYin as solos/duet needs improving?
    i just wish for her to control the stability of her high/lows notes..
  5. what is it about them that entices you?
    their innonce playful side.
  6. How has SuYin changed your life/made you a better person?
    Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything.
  7. What would you say your level of fandom is?
  8. Do you advertise/recommend SuYin to the people around you?
    yep, sometimes i feel liek im their campaign manager but it's all good. SuYin deserves love.
  9. What is the craziest/biggest thing you've done for them?
    i basically went psycho when my cousin claim that SuYin are real..haha. kidding !
    i try to buy as much of TIMELESS cd and replay it daily....
  10. SuYin inspires you? and why?
    apparantly yes ! why? uhm..too many it would take a day or two to name them out & of course bore all sisters in here.
  11. Which verse of TIMELESS made you cry the first time you listened to it?
    "hod on tight baby, it's timeless....LOVE"
  12. What is one song you would love SuYin to cover/remake?
  13. Do you prefer their Chinese or Korean one?
    each have their unique ~
  14. Whose singing voice do you like the most? Describe and how it makes you feel when you hear them sing.
    without one of them. there would be no SuYin nor me, you or us !
  15. Have you attended any official events or concerts? If so, which ones?
    sadly no ! i live too far.
  16. Describe your most memorable official event or concert if you have attended any.
  17. If you have met SuYin, describe the scene(s) and your feelings during those precious moment(s).
    i wish i can ~
  18. What is your favorite memory?
    when Yin award as the best newcomer...and SuYin sang the song with JUNSU hold tightly onto her trophy.
  19. How many SuYin fan forums do you belong to? as many as possible. lols.
    as much as possible though i hardly check it due my memory loss of pw & screen names.
  20. Do you have a blog, website or forum dedicated to SuYin?
    yeah. myspace, xanga, blogger, yahoo.. you name it
  21. Have you taken a fancam of them and want to share it with us to include in the fans' greeting DVD?
    if only i can attend their concert.
  22. Which is your favorite music video and why?
    there's no favorite kuz all of them have the unique ...if i was to choose, it would be impossible as if choosing btw my mom & dad
    opps. off topic--but you know what i mean right
  23. What is something that surprised you the most about them?
    their individuality ~ and the fact that they're not trying hard to touch hearts.
  24. Is there any moments that touch your heart?
    when they are on stage and expression their feelings/thoughts/expression thru the song.
  25. Is there any moments that makes you cry?
  26. What do you like most about SuYin?
    their pureness and playful side
  27. What is your impression of SuYin personality?
    lovely. what's there to say.
  28. If there was one thing you could change about SuYin, what would it be?
    NOTHING kuz no one is perfect and i liek them just the way they are...
  29. What makes them unique?
    their pureness and playful side
  30. Who do you think DBSK is closest to Ri In, besides Junsu- we all know they are the closest?
  31. Why do you think Junsu was chosen to duet with Ri in, or Ri In is chosen for this song?
    idk, would anyone liek to inform me?
  32. If timeless was not sing by Junsu and Ri In, can you imagine what it would be like? for example a different person for one of them.
    there's no if...liek i said, they equalize each other without one of them the song wouldn't be and have the same feeling ~
    it's them who touch hearts kuz they sang to us with their soul.
  33. What do you think is next for Suyin?
    do another duet;
    i really wish for them to reveal their relationship however it would consider career suicide
    im content with what they are giving us regardless of what term they are at...

Nessa: LOL..yes it's No Air...the unnies protecting their dongsaeng...which reminds me i must go finish typing the next chapter..i been slacking on it..lol

hopefully ri in does go to show support for her oppas at their showcase..of course we know that she really went to see her boo..junsu XD

KyoSa: Thanks for the link...off to watch.

LMAO..No Air..that reminds me of my fanfic...lol

The title was from the song No Air...gosh that would be hot if Suyin sang that song...

first nessa, with the no air & now you...lol

are you girls trying to tell me to go update or something?

yes unnie, update your ff please :tears:

btw, lena you dont liek us no more?

ima help cece to headlock you. haha. kidding !

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