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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest meyyale

Thanks selva so so much!! ^_^^_^

Please, dramaok I'm waiting you... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I guess Yeon was missing in this episode. :huh: Dojin looked so cruel :angry: N I think he really needs a bandana, where is his other eye? :D:D

I'm so worry about what happened between Muhyul&Yeon? :o

Take care everyone..

edit: I hope these pics are not posted.












source: SIG DC Gallery

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Guest dramaok

Ep. 21:


At the news that Buyeo troops are approaching Goguryeo borders, Muhyul and his group rush back to the palace in Guknae to see King Yuri who is waiting for them. Before Muhyul sees Yuri, Muhyul instructs Maro to bring Yeon. Yuri welcomes his son and Hye-Ap informs the king w/ their borders fortified the Buyeo troops won't easily cross their borders. However Muhyul says they can't wait for Buyeo to cross, and instead they should attack first at the pivotal junctions of Sanji, Baekseong, and Dae-an. Yuri is convinced by it and starts their planning, and when Muhyul goes out Maro tells him Yeon can't be found in the palace. Muhyul then goes to see Mahwang and asks about Yeon, and Mahwang relates all the sufferings Yeon had to endure while Muhyul was away and due to the Queen's pressing, he had no choice but to seek Sangga for help, and the Sangga who was previously treated by Yeon offered to help and now Yeon is at the Biryu compund. Muhyul is about to go there but Mahwang pleads and asks him not to do so because if Sangga finds out about Muhyul and Yeon's relationship he won't help Yeon in the future, and with Muhyul about to go to war no one can protect Yeon in the palace and she will be killed by the queen eventually.


Dojin talks to Yeon at Biryu compound and Dojin says King Daeso's army is approaching Goguryeo, and he will soon go to Buyeo and Dojin asks her to go with him, but Yeon says no and she's not scared to die here, because she wants to use her life to watch the person she cherishes, and Dojin is rendered speechless and furious. At night when Sangga is riding in a wagon in the streets, Muhyul and his group arrive and kill off some guards, then tell Sangga to go see King Yuri. Sangga is angered by the sudden attack and refuses but Muhyul says he will have to force him to go in that case. Dojin asks Baegeuk to help Buyeo and Baegeuk tells Dojin to go back to Buyeo and relate his message to King Daeso. Just then Myeongjin comes in to inform Baegeuk about Sangga's disappearance and Myeongjin asks Baegeuk if he had anything to do w/ it but Baegeuk becomes angered and states he would never do such.


Sangga is brought before King Yuri, and next, a council meeting is held, where Yuri announces the war with Buyeo is inevitable, and it's time they get rid of Buyeo's arrogrance for dominance. Yuri asks the council for support, but Baegeuk and Myeongjin say they need time to think about it. Muhyul says the Buyeo troops will cross their borders in just a few days there's no time to think about it, however Myeongjin insists they have the right to do so. Yuri says the Shin army is moving toward Buyeo, and nations Yangmaek and Hwangnyeong are also sending troops, as well as tribe of Kisan. Then Yuri asks Sangga if he has his support, and Yuri says if the council doesn't support him he will still go to war. Sangga looks at Yuri then announces the council will provide army and supplies to serve the King's army. Afterwards Baegeuk is furious with Sangga and says he did an irresponsible commitment, but Sangga won't listen and says they have no choice. Baegeuk argues if they wait they could find the opportunity to get rid of both Daeso and Yuri, but Sangga shuts him by saying it's his order and he won't hear anymore of it.


Dojin rushes to Buyeo and informs King Daeso Baegeuk sent him, but Dojin says Baegeuk can't be trusted or depended on because he is working for himself with the hopes to ruin both Yuri and Daeso. King Daeso says Baegeuk is a greedy man but for now he is content w/ him going against Yuri. Then Dojin asks Daeso to allow him to join the battle but Daeso says they can't risk exposing Dojin's identity yet and at this Dojin says he will fight anonymously and pleads.

Next, Muhyul plans his strategy with Goeyu and Hye-Ap and Muhyul is told the Buyeo army is moving faster than expected and if they keep up their speed they will reach the border in 4 days. Muhyul then sends Hye-Ap and Balso to find out more about the enemy force. Hye-Ap and Balso spy on the Buyeo camp, while Muhyul and King Yuri attend a shrine w/ the oracle who blesses them before their deployment. During the prayer, Muhyul silently vows he will not be afraid of his fate, and he will use his warm blood to protect his nation and his beloved.


Yuri and Muhyul prepare to depart and Yeojin greets Yuri and asks the king to allow him to fight too but Yuri says Yeojin's job is to protect the palace and the people in the Guknae fort, and Yeojin agrees. Lady Miyu asks the king to be safe and Yuri asks her to safeguard the imperial family. Dojin joins Sagu at the Buyeo army camp and Sagu greets Dojin and says he's surprised that Dojin wants to fight and asks about risking his identity exposed. Dojin says not to worry about that and Dojin asks Sagu to let him spearhead the battle and Sagu agrees.


Yuri and the Goguryeo army arrive near the border and Yuri thinks about the day he kneeled before King Daeso, then shows Muhyul an arrow whistle, and Muhyul says he already got one from Haemyeong who wanted to teach him how to use it but he never got to. Yuri pauses, then says he will teach him now and explains how it can be used to signal attack and retreat during battle, and both father and son practice a shoot at a tree. Hye-Ap and Balso return from their scouting trip and report to Yuri the Buyeo has over 30,000 infantry and an additional 5,000 calvary, and some wagons that they are not sure about the usage. Muhyul says surely the Buyeo army knows about their allies coming to support them and he wants to make sure Buyeo doesn't attack their support troops. Then Muhyul orders an attack on Buyeo supply army. Hye-Ap scouts it first and says the guards are greater in number than expected. Next, Balso and Maro dress as Buyeo soldiers and approach the Buyeo supply guards who are passing, and Maro says they are black shadow assasins sent by Sagu to protect them. The guard chief says he never got message about it, but Maro shoots a fast knife to showcase his skills and announces they will protect the guards and if they resist they will be killed. Thus Maro and Balso lead the group of Buyeo guards, but soon Hye-Ap and Goeyu appear with their men and ambush the Buyeo guards. Meanwhile Sagu plans a way to block the Kisan tribe with Dojin, and Dojin asks about the Shin army and Sagu says he needn't worry about that. But just then a messenger comes in w/ news that their supply guards were attacked. The Buyeo head general wants to attack back but Dojin says they mustn't be careless and Sagu is impressed.


In Guknae palace, Queen Miyu watches her son Yeojin wander around and Miyu then tells her brother she is worried that Muhyul will set a great merit through the war and in doing so the king may name Muhyul as crown prince instead, and Anseong replies the queen should've sent Yeojin to war too, but it doesn't matter anymore because Muhyul will not return to Guknae palace no matter what. Back at Goguryeo camp, Yuri declares he and Muhyul will be in charge of central army, and instructs for Shin and Kisan troops to be on the side. However, Guchu runs in w/ news that Shin army has retracted, and even more startling, is the news that Shin and Buyeo have joined alliance instead. Baegeuk and Myeongjin talk over it as well and Myeongjin says they have to stop the war or else they will lose for sure, and Guchu then tells Yuri the tribe leads wish to see the king. Yuri says nothing and Guchu says he will dismiss them but Yuri says to let them in. The tribe leads, headed by Baegeuk demand an answer from Yuri about what's happened with Shin nation, and Yuri says to go and prepare for battle. Myeongjin says they can't fight a losing war and Baegeuk says Yuri should've never came to fight and it's not so late to give Daeso what he wants to avoid war. Yuri asks Baegeuk how he can be a Goguryeo faithful when he is suggesting giving their nation to Daeso, but Baegeuk argues if not their people will all die at the weapons of Buyeo. Yuri says they are at the frontier and he will behead anyone who doesn't follow his order. Baegeuk says he would rather die than to follow a wrong order. Baegeuk then looks to Muhyul and says Muhyul said he wanted the acknowledgment of the council and the opportunity is here. Daeso would want Muhyul's life to undo his grudge from Muhyul's previous assasination attempt. Baegeuk declares if Yuri doesn't surrend Muhyul to Daeso the council will retreat.


Next, Sagu's camp receives a message and he prepares his troops for attack. Meanwhile, Muhyul finds Yuri thinking alone, and Muhyul says Buyeo has already began attack. Yuri says he will face them in battle but Muhyul says he will instead. Yuri says he understands Muhyul's heart but it's too big of a battle for Muhyul to handle as his first battle, and Muhyul insists to go as a battle to prove himself. Yuri says he won't send his son to face death, and Muhyul pleads saying he too cannot send his father to face death as he begs Yuri to approve his going. Muhyul gets the approval and prepares his group, by giving them instructions, and Muhyul tells Goeyu to head the center and remind him that is the most important group they can't lose. Then, Muhyul and his group bow to Yuri and leave. Muhyul and Goeyu lead the main army against Buyeo's army led by Sagu and Dojin with his face covered up, while Hye-Ap and Balso fight on the sideline. During the battle, Muhyul is shocked to see chariots coming from the Buyeo army. Soon the Buyeo army is wining over Muhyul's army, and Muhyul fights and watches his men fall. Maro tells Muhyul they must retreat but Muhyul is relunctant. Nearby Balso hears the sound of whistling arrow and tells Hye-Ap their army is retreating, however Hye-Ap says their group must fight more while Muhyul's group retreats.


Yuri's bodyguard rushes to inform Yuri about Prince Muhyul's defeat and Yuri asks about Muhyul. The bodyguard says the prince is not returning back, and he seems to be waiting to attack again after regrouping. Princess Seryu comes and asks Yuri to order for Muhyul's withdraw or else Muhyul will sacrifice himself in the battleground, and Guchu also urges Yuri to order for the withdraw.


Myeongjin happily reports Muhyul's defeat to Baegeuk but Baegeuk says even if Muhyul is dead it's not over. Goeyu tells Muhyul they only have 300 troops left and of them half are severely injured. Hye-Ap and Balso come and Hye-Ap says they never expected Buyeo to come up with the chariots and they must return to the king in order not to suffer more loss, but Muhyul says he won't go back just to flee over the corpses of his armymen.

But Hye-Ap says if they try to fight again w/out any plans they will just lose all their armymen and Hye-Ap says retreating now is the wise thing to do. Meanwhile the Buyeo camp cheers at their victory, and the head general gives Dojin a present, and invites the man named Mobaek in. Dojin is moved to see Mobaek and the two walk out. Sagu asks the general who the man is, and is told Mobaek used to serve Dojin as a prince before Dojin's family came to ruin.

Sagu says the general is awarding Dojin too soon, and the general accuses Sagu of being scared that Dojin might inherit the Buyeo throne, but Sagu denies saying he is only following the king's order and even though it's true Dojin set a merit, he is still the son of an enemy.


Muhyul finally withdraws and returns to face Yuri. Muhyul kneels as he sees Yuri and asks Yuri for punishment saying it's his fault they lost because he failed to estimate the enemy's strength.


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Guest tateboe

It is very sad to end this way. :mellow: Epi 22 is must see and hope Muhyul will upside down the battle. :wacko: What miricle he will do.

Previews are not encouraging, :unsure: Yeon was arrowed down on her back. :crazy:

Please don't let us wait till next week. Show us a glimp of hope in epi 22. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

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Guest dramaok

yeah this episode was kinda depressing.

i just browsed through the drama 종합병원 2 (general hospital 2) that aired today.

found prince haemyeong there as a surgeon.


and also 'ohyi' from jumong:


was happy to see'em, even though now they're competing w/ KOTW.

anyways that was random hee.

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Guest tateboe

yeah this episode was kinda depressing.

i just browsed through the drama 종합병원 2 (general hospital 2) that aired today.

found prince haemyeong there as a surgeon.

He was first few episodes of KOTW

Also first few episodes of East of Edin,

and the whole 50+ episodes of Happiness / I am Happy. He is good there too. :rolleyes:

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Guest selvaspeedy

thanks Mic.

I woke up in the middle of the night to read your summary e19334.gif

and thanks meyyale for the pics

yeah this episode was kinda depressing.

do you mean it's depressing because you didn't like it, or depressing because Muhyul lost :P

It is very sad to end this way. :mellow: Epi 22 is must see and hope Muhyul will upside down the battle. :wacko: What miricle he will do.

Previews are not encouraging, :unsure: Yeon was arrowed down on her back. :crazy:

Please don't let us wait till next week. Show us a glimp of hope in epi 22. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

*sigh* here's the wail we have been waiting for -_-

that was totally unexpected to see Muhyul lose :tears: it's so sad to see after all what they have been through, to just lose like that... is it because the strategy of the war wasn't good enough or because Buyeo outnumbered them :(

i just browsed through the drama 종합병원 2 (general hospital 2) that aired today.

found prince haemyeong there as a surgeon.

and also 'ohyi' from jumong:

was happy to see'em, even though now they're competing w/ KOTW.

anyways that was random hee.

:w00t::w00t: Haemyung and Ohyi :w00t::w00t:

but I think I'm skipping this drama... I see enough blood in my college... no need to see more :wacko:

* Yeon says no and she's not scared to die here, because she wants to use her life to watch the person she cherishes.

who's the person she cherishes :huh:

does she mean Muhyul or Dojin :crazy:

* Daeso says they can't risk exposing Dojin's identity yet and at this Dojin says he will fight anonymously and pleads.

so that's why he wore the mask... I'm just wondering why he was so insistent to joining the war <_<

* During the prayer, Muhyul silently vows he will not be afraid of his fate, and he will use his warm blood to protect his nation and his beloved.

:tears: poor Muhyul is still haunted by that prophecy... it's just sad to see him like this... after spending 6 months shaping the borders and working so hard, and yet he loses :tears:

* Yuri pauses, then says he will teach him now and explains how it can be used to signal attack and retreat during battle, and both father and son practice a shoot at a tree.

I loved this part... the way they look at each other is so amazing :wub:

* Miyu then tells her brother she is worried that Muhyul will set a great merit through the war and in doing so the king may name Muhyul as crown prince instead.

I think it was you who jinxed the boy and made him loses <_<

* Shin and Buyeo have joined alliance instead.

:crazy: wow... those tribes were really faithful to Yuri :crazy:

* Baegeuk then looks to Muhyul and says Muhyul said he wanted the acknowledgment of the council and the opportunity is here. Daeso would want Muhyul's life to undo his grudge from Muhyul's previous assasination attempt.

I think he was just waiting for that moment to say his two cents :tongue2:

* During the battle, Muhyul is shocked to see chariots coming from the Buyeo army.

was it really the 1st time in history to use wagons in wars?????!!!!

* Sagu asks the general who the man is, and is told Mobaek used to serve Dojin as a prince before Dojin's family came to ruin.

serve them as a servant :blink:

but this man now is in high rank... he was sitting next to Daeso in that celebration!!!

it's so frustrating right now.... the loss :tears: I feel that I'm the one who lost :tears:

I don't know how will they win this war -_-

will get back to sleep and post the caps later :D




kim jeong hwa is she the new comer?!

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Guest avonmarissa

To those who watch this show live, how do you watch it? Is it through the KBS2 website? I'm thinking of catching it live and all help would be greatly appreciated.

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Guest tateboe

* During the battle, Muhyul is shocked to see chariots coming from the Buyeo army.

was it really the 1st time in history to use wagons in wars?????!!!!

No, King Daeso imported it from Italy (Roman Empire) secretly, because Ban Ke Moon (UN Secretory General) bans sales of such weapons to Korean Penisula.


Ummm....I am mixing up with the time line... sorry.... :wacko::wacko::wacko: <<<just a joke


Live view>>>>>>> http://able.kbs.co.kr/live/index.html <<<<<<<Live view

come and discuss here after the show.

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Guest selvaspeedy

To those who watch this show live, how do you watch it? Is it through the KBS2 website? I'm thinking of catching it live and all help would be greatly appreciated.

http://able.kbs.co.kr/live/index.html and then click 2TV

check your time difference from here http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_KR.aspx

No, King Daeso imported it from Italy (Roman Empire) secretly, because Ban Ke Moon (UN Secretory General) bans sales of such weapons to Korean Penisula.


Ummm....I am mixing up with the time line... sorry.... :wacko::wacko::wacko:

was that mentioned in KOTW???? when :crazy:

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kim jeong hwa is she the new comer?!

You are asking Kim Jeong Hwa a new comer as an actress or she is the new comer in this drama?

If you are asking her as an actress, she's quite have a lot of dramas before and her last drama was When It's At Night, but if you are asking she's a new comer in this drama, does it mean she is gonna plays as Lee Jin? I don't think she's fit the role :unsure:

Anyway... I haven't seen eps 21 yet. But as I read dramaok summary, no wonder Dojin wearing a mask (my question has been answered ^^). Regarding Muhyul battle which he loss, no wonder the battle scene already been showing in this eps.... once he wins the battle then it's going to be end of the story :P

dramaok thanks for the summary and selva for the caps.... so does the others for the comments ^^

is it just me or is omo-omo down?

can't wait to see the episode~ :P

Yes, I've check this morning and it's down >_< so I took CB link to d/l eps 21.

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Guest selvaspeedy

is it just me or is omo-omo down?

can't wait to see the episode~ :P

direct link :)


if you are asking she's a new comer in this drama, does it mean she is gonna plays as Lee Jin? I don't think she's fit the role :unsure:

I meant is she the new comer as LeeJin?

I saw her pic in the news and also in gall DCinside and according to google translation she's the new character :unsure:

anway... waiting for confirmations.

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yeah this episode was kinda depressing.

i just browsed through the drama 종합병원 2 (general hospital 2) that aired today.

found prince haemyeong there as a surgeon.


and also 'ohyi' from jumong:


was happy to see'em, even though now they're competing w/ KOTW.

anyways that was random hee.

I don't know "ohyi" also play in General Hospital 2. I really want to watch it but there's so many dramas I want to watch :P

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Guest tateboe

was that mentioned in KOTW???? when :crazy:

Sorry selva...I was making a joke

I really do not know, chariots were using as warfare in Korea history.

But KOTW has introduced in this drama, as it.

Chariots were very busy vehicles in Roman Empire. If you watch Roman movies, Julius Cesar is riding Chariots to march to battlefield. Based on that knowledge, I just make a joke. Sorry for confusion

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Guest dramaok

yeah looks like Kim Jeong-Hwa will play Lee Ji, muhyul's wife

a beautiful but plotting woman. *sigh* not another pretty face who can't act. ><

it's her first sageuk drama. cant they get someone w/ experience!!

yeon didnt say who is the person she cherishes but pretty much it's muhyul.

i think daeso got the chariots from han. the timeline is about right. dont know if buyeo really got them in history but it's plausible.

china had them around that era.

today's was depressing for me cuz muhyul lost. but maro and balso did sport some funky cool hair.

btw those battle outfits that SIG and others wore weigh more than 30kg each. imagine filming wearing that and running around!

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