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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest JIJI527

EP 36 English Translation:

Maro's tragic death sets Goguryeo army's fighting spirit on fire. Moo Hyul, who lost Maro, fired up by his rage and yearning for revenge, sweep aside all that comes before him to advance to Buyeo castle. King Dae So is in disbelief upon seeing Do Jin who returned to Buyeo castle in pitiful shape after being defeated again. However, Buyeo castle is a fortress blessed with natural defenses. It stands up to repeated sieges without a strain. As the protracted war wears on the Goguryeo's army participating in the campaign, it is then when Ma Hwang produces a brilliant plan. Even as King Dae So and Do Jin thinks that the fortress gate is firmly closed, Moo Hyul and Goguryeo army pours through Buyeo castle interior causing Dae So and Do Jin to panic. As the situation gets out of hand, Do Jin, swallowing tears of blood, rescues Yeon and escapes Buyeo castle. Finally, Moo Hyul triumphantly enters the castle into the heart of Buyeo. At the royal palace, King Dae So is quietly drinking alone waiting for Moo Hyul... Special Opportunity Drama <Kingdom of the Wind> The finale of 36th episode! The last of King Dae So, Do Jin and Yeon is magnificently revealed starting from January 15, 9:55 PM.

I too am so sad about Maro ... I really liked him ... although it isn't quite clear what Yeon's fate is ... but reading the last line gives me some dread.

How did you know what is going to happen in Episot 36 if we still did not even watch episot 35? tell me girl..

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ive seen the preview of epi.36. it was really sad. what will happen to maro?

is he really gonna be dead? if he's really dead, pity muhyul for losing such a good friend.

i cant wait to watch the last 2 episodes. what will happen to king daeso, dojin & yeon?

im getting overrupted.

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Guest cantonhina

So far, i watch this drama because i hope for a happy ending of Yeon and Muhyul. After reading the Preview of Ep.36, i feel so disappointed. What a sad ending!

I feel like we have been cheated by the director and writer of this drama. :blink::tears::tears:

Now I can't recommend this drama to anyone. TOO MUCH HEART ACHE :tears:

please kill Yiji atleast :(

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Guest erica1064

OMG no.. not maro. not the panda bear warrior.. he already promised yeonhwa he's coming back how can this be.

the men in here just don't keep their promises. it's sadistic.

LOL - maybe the main writer is a woman. A woman as bitter and jaded as I.

OK, I'm going to hold out and see how the series ends and maintain a positive attitude. I'm glad I know some of what happens. I didn't want that particular character death, but I'm a spoiler hound, so at least I'm prepped. Sniff sniff - panda bear warrior.

And let's face it ~ I got to see feet.

And I got to hang out with you guys for a while. That's worth something :)

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Thanks Pyoungsang for the translation ^^

LOL reading all those curses over Yiji really entertain me ^^ but still I'm not that hate over her (not as much as I hate Jung Hwa agashi >_<).

Anyway, hate to see Maro dies like that and poor Muhyul who always lost someone that close to him >_< but it was already drawn in his bad fate so I already prepare for the worst ending although I can't really accept that kind of ending >_<

Agree on erica said: to hang out with you guys for a while. That's worth something :lol:

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Guest cantonhina

How did you know what is going to happen in Episot 36 if we still did not even watch episot 35? tell me girl..

In the translation of this preview THE LAST OF DAESO DOJIN and YEON means END???? end of them........ :unsure:

means YEON is going to die :tears::tears::tears: ???????

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I feel like we have been cheated by the director and writer of this drama. :blink::tears::tears:

Now I can't recommend this drama to anyone. TOO MUCH HEART ACHE :tears:

please kill Yiji atleast :(

As much as we all hate Yiji (but she's a good actor, though), she can't die just yet. According to history, she also bore a son to Muhyul, who will be the 5th King of Goguryeo.

On the other hand, Yeon already gave birth to Hodong. So if one of them must die in this drama, it's more likely to be Yeon.

I would be very upset and frustrated if they don't make Muhyul and Yeon happy ever after (after confine Yiji in her chamber). Don't know if I will ever watch another drama by this production team. As for SIG, sigh, what will I do with him? I can't ban him, he's too charming for me to do that. Let's just see what this next project will be.

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Guest JIJI527

In the translation of this preview THE LAST OF DAESO DOJIN and YEON means END???? end of them........ :unsure:

means YEON is going to die :tears::tears::tears: ???????

I know, but did you sea the preview of Episot 36 or what?

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Guest cantonhina

I know, but did you sea the preview of Episot 36 or what?

No I didn't, but why they stated all three of them in one sentence :sweatingbullets: ????

sounds very dangerous :tears::tears::tears:

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Guest Pyoungsang

In the translation of this preview THE LAST OF DAESO DOJIN and YEON means END???? end of them........ :unsure:

means YEON is going to die :tears::tears::tears: ???????

Yes... that sentence could also be translated as "The end of Dae So, Do Jin and Yeon." I didn't quite translated that way because I'm hoping somehow they won't butcher Yeon in EP 36. I'm afraid what you said might be likely to happen.

JIJI527, I just translated the published written EP 36 preview. I haven't even seen the previews yet. It does seem to be a fiery end for our beloved panda bear, friar Tuck, though. I can't really bear to watch him go like that.

As much as we all hate Yiji (but she's a good actor, though), she can't die just yet. According to history, she also bore a son to Muhyul, who will be the 5th King of Goguryeo.

Oh my god, you mean Moo Hyul has to consumate with that evil thing? The horror, the horror! I just hope it worked the first time around so there wouldn't be any repeated attempts. Don't know if she's that good of an actress since listening to some of the lines l think she is suppose to invoke some amount of sympathy from the audience. It sure hasn't worked for me.

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Guest avonmarissa

I think I'm prepared for the possible sad ending of this drama... me and a bottle of soju. Unfortunately Yiji might have a happy ending of sorts since she bears Muhyul a son. That woman is evil with a capital E.

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Guest selvaspeedy

strange that all the hatred now is directed toward Yiji, although we didn't even see a glimpse of the woman from the preview :blink:

guys you're forgetting the main baddies here; DOJIN and BAEGUK :tongue2: Dojin is going to burn Maro alive for god sake!!! why you psycho?! Maro was also your friend when you were in the camp!!

OMG! Look at SIG's anguish expression and those tears in his eyes when he calls out "Please Stop!!!

his voice is killing me >_< I tried to imagine how it feels like to see a beloved one burning ALIVE in front of you and you can't do anything!! then I stopped before I go nuts :crazy: I shouldn't think about it too much cause I have a really weak heart e19349.gif

We hate you Dojinn!! You Phsyco!!!.

He's doing all this just to hurt Muhyul as much as he can.

yeah that's what he's doing! the man has just lost it! He could have easily killed him, but to burn him alive is just too much :tears:

BTW I foresee a scene where Yeon finally realizes that her dear Oraboni is some mad psycho and kills him w/ her own hands avenging her father :P

Torso shot - - I saw that too Selva. Helped make up a little for the spoiler loss.

and I have small hope that Muhyul will shoot Maro in the heart with an arrow so he doesn't have to suffer, a la "Last of the Mohicans". (if you haven't seen that movie, you HAVE to. You really do.)

I wouldn't have minded so much if it were HyeAp - nice sacrificial death - going to her heavenly reward to be with Haemyoung.

I didn't watch it, but I read its synopsis :( I hope Muhyul does that too!! oh god this is just sad T_T what's hurting me the most now is poor Muhyul! he suffered like no one else! first Haemyung, then knowing that he's a prince and that he's ominous, then marrying a woman he doesn't love, then Yeojin's death, then yuri's death, then knowing about his son and Yeon after two years and now Maro :tears:

I also wouldn't mind Hye-ap dying!! I would shed some tears, saying: oh so sad!! and then I'm done w/ it :P But not Maro T_T

and aww the torso :blush: for a moment I forgot what I was watching and kept staring at him hehe (some really naughty ideas crossed my mind at that moment e19426.gif poor hubby it must have been painful for him to undress in this freezing weather :blush:

So far, i watch this drama because i hope for a happy ending of Yeon and Muhyul. After reading the Preview of Ep.36, i feel so disappointed. What a sad ending!

lol we all knew from the beginning it will be a sad one. There's no way for a historical drama named Kingdom Of The Winds and starring an ominous hero to have a happy ending :lol: But we were hoping (just hoping) for a happy ending. Let's pray that at least Muhyul and Yeon will be together in the end <_<

I feel like we have been cheated by the director and writer of this drama. :blink::tears::tears:

Now I can't recommend this drama to anyone. TOO MUCH HEART ACHE :tears:

oh dear don't be sad :( at least we are all here together supporting each other. lol my sister came to the house and saw me watching some of the old good days and crying!! she was like WTH why are you torturing yourself :P

And I got to hang out with you guys for a while. That's worth something :)

I feel the same way too :) what I'll miss the most is you guys e19310.gif

hate to see Maro dies like that and poor Muhyul who always lost someone that close to him >_< but it was already drawn in his bad fate so I already prepare for the worst ending although I can't really accept that kind of ending >_<

ditto. I was preparing myself for the saddest closure ever (since we're talking about EOTS writer and director <_< )

As for SIG, sigh, what will I do with him? I can't ban him, he's too charming for me to do that. Let's just see what this next project will be.

aww yeah. Prince charming :blush: I hope he does a comedy role now. I miss seeing his goofy smile :D BTW when was the last time Muhyul ever smiled in this drama :mellow: ages I guess -____-

Oh my god, you mean Moo Hyul has to consumate with that evil thing? The horror, the horror! I just hope it worked the first time around so there wouldn't be any repeated attempts. Don't know if she's that good of an actress since listening to some of the lines l think she is suppose to invoke some amount of sympathy from the audience. It sure hasn't worked for me.

I felt sorry for her in episode 32 when she cried and Muhyul hugged her (the night they consummated their marriage)... am I a freak to feel sorry for Daeso and Yiji :ph34r:

some good old memories for Muhyul and Maro :tears:





















source: gall DCinside KOTW gallery

remember this scene :(

and hey please don't leave now even if the ending is sad. Let's support KOTW and everyone who worked so hard in this gloomy drama :P

aja aja fighting.

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Guest J.W.Lee

OMG no.. not maro. not the panda bear warrior.. he already promised yeonhwa he's coming back how can this be.

the men in here just don't keep their promises. it's sadistic.

Many of us are feeling sad for Yeonhwa but I feel sadder for Maro bcoz he gets killed before he could have a love life.. what a pity. He was so shy as to hold himself up in showing his true feelings for Yeonhwa.. he juz got a farewell embrace and that's it!

Made me reminisce the time he and Chubalso were jokingly congratulating Goyu the morning after his stay at Seryu's place.. Pity Chubalso also as he'll also greatly miss Maro coz they were always together especially when Muhyul became the king. I also reminisce the time when the two were so happy (even addressing each other as generals) the time they were appointed by the then newly crowned King Muhyul.

I juz hope Yeon wont die on this series.. coz if I would be in King Muhyul's shoes, it would be like living hell after all the deaths and going home to a despicable wife. Being a king with this kind of life may not be worth it.

I also hope SIG's upcoming drama would be a romance and comedy for a change coz Lobbyist was also very tough to watch, followed by KOTW.. well, at least I got to watch SIG.. so am still thankful for KOTW.

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Guest Pyoungsang

Many of us are feeling sad for Yeonhwa but I feel sadder for Maro bcoz he gets killed before he could have a love life.. what a pity. He was so shy as to hold himself up in showing his true feelings for Yeonhwa.. he juz got a farewell embrace and that's it!

Made me reminisce the time he and Chubalso were jokingly congratulating Goyu the morning after his stay at Seryu's place.. Pity Chubalso also as he'll also greatly miss Maro coz they were always together especially when Muhyul became the king. I also reminisce the time when the two were so happy (even addressing each other as generals) the time they were appointed by the then newly crowned King Muhyul.

I juz hope Yeon wont die on this series.. coz if I would be in King Muhyul's shoes, it would be like living hell after all the deaths and going home to a despicable wife. Being a king with this kind of life may not be worth it.

I also hope SIG's upcoming drama would be a romance and comedy for a change coz Lobbyist was also very tough to watch, followed by KOTW.. well, at least I got to watch SIG.. so am still thankful for KOTW.

Was there a particular song that you wanted to get the lyrics for? Just wondering.

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