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[THE OFFICIAL] Taeyang 태양 Thread

Guest shinhdeplol

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Taeyang's Mnet performances were great. Didn't expect Just A Feeling to be performed, but it was a nice treat!

As for the MV, I loved it. I think the lack of depth (in terms of storyline and intensity) was appropriate for the nature of the song. It's light, fresh, laid back. It's a song that's fun and ought to be enjoyed. Compared to his previous MVs, it would seem like something is lacking, but I consider the change to be intentionally simple. Just highlighting Taeyang's smile, happiness, and interaction with a girl was sufficient enough I'd say~

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

Oh my god, I feel exactly the same, but I was too scared to say it because everyone seems to be so in love with the album. The songs also sound mediocre to me & I wouldn't really put any of them on repeat either. And I don't even know why I don't like them because I always love Taeyang, GD & Teddy's works. My favorite songs from the album are Where U At & Wedding Dress, but those aren't even new.

YG makes the best MVs I feel out of all the entertainment companies. And Taeyang's solo MVs are always my favorites out of any YG artists'. But, I Need A Girl seems a bit messy, unlike YG & TY's usual MVs that send chills down my spine like you said.

I'm still going to support Taeyang 100% no matter what because he must have worked SO hard on this album & it's probably so precious to him. I don't want to stir up any drama either, I'm just being honest & giving constructive criticism.

I think alot of people are actually feeling the same actually...with mixed emotions (?!) At least for myself, I'm getting mixed emotions...I want to like it and love it, but...<__> I don't really like INAG, it's just not my type of song...most of the songs aren't... The MV was cute; it was definitely a side of TY that we've never seen..but I feel like they had so little time to put it together so it just had to be done this way...but the editing was BAD... they baredly had a week to make this MV happened before Dara left for LA, so...<__>

well, I don't think we(international fans) are the only ones though...Korean fans aren't happy with the video either like ashlei said. They wants the MV to be re-edited. YG has taken down the MV at GOMTV and YG's official YT page too. I don't know if he's gonna edit or MV or what...(I hope so though...)

I hope TY won't be affected too much because of this since I know he has put alot of effort into making it.

@ KimJongKookie - I don't think fans wants to put him in a box because that's apart of love Big Bang. The fans already know that BB/TY aren't afraid to try out different things so that's expected...but I guess this one was just really out there from what fans expected or predicted (?!) I don't know...so confused over this whole situaton...

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Okay I can understand the debate about the title track but I seriously don't understand the few people who arnt feeling the album!!! Theres so many great tracks on it but I had a feeling that AS USUAL ppl would base an albums worth on one song. Oh and about the MV its not what anybody expected hence the greatness of it. I'm disappointed in fans not TY or YG....why do you want to put Taeyang in a box? why do fans only expect one image from him? reactions like these are the reason why the music industry is flooded and I MEAN OVER RUN!! with the same old same old concepts and music. I love that their showing a new side of him with a fun and light MV <3 YB deserves respect for stepping out and trying something new.

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Guest toozdae08

I honestly love the album. I seriously do. I've been listening to it side by side with Hot and I really like it. Some songs had to grow on me and some had immediate attraction. Well I dont know what to say. I emotionally drained right now. I agree that maybe the album was somewhat rushed but fans were getting really upset about the lack of date. I think the main problem is expectations. I personally love a lot of the songs on the album more than what's playing in Kpop right now but some were expecting HOT part 2, some were expecting more along the lines of WD and WUA. I have to agree that the album is a lot different from HOT and a lot lighter than WD and WUA. Expectations for this album were through the roof and I'm not sure if anyone could have fulfilled them. The pressure to do another HOT must have been intense. But like YB said in his 10 part interview. He had to ask himself in Dec why he does music and his answer was for himself. If he's happy than I'm happy.

Got to say - I'm still underwhelmed by INAG. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate it. MV didn't help either. And you really can't make a 1st impression twice. That song has been nothing but drama.

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I totally agree!!! that's what I've been trying to say too...let the man evolve with his music he's only 22/23 and he still has a long way to go...

the album has this kinda of a heavenly happy go lucky feel to it different from WUA and WD...notice how those two were release first? I think people shouldn't base the album on just INAG being the title song...

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Guest Banana Peel

I think the main problem is that fans aren't used to TY's new concept, hahaha. well, at least for me, I think that's the problem. for example, if he released another title song something along the line of WHERE YOU AT & WEDDING DRESS, etc., I think my very first reaction would be oh this is nice, very taeyang. But now that his songs are more about the happy sides of love, I think I'm just startled LOL. Although it's new, it is definitely cute seeing him all smiley in the MV, hahahaha.

The MV was new as well. No story line and no sad taeyang over a girl. I have to say that I am both pleased and disappointed. Pleased because the new side of him was fresh, and his face expressions were really adorable. Disappointed because I thought the MV could have been better. I personally thought the MV was a bit too COLORFUL and FLASHY to be HIS style or the INAG style. I was expecting a storyline between GD, DARA and TY. hahahaha. But oh well, I still love it.

I'm crossing my fingers that TY's album/song can be number one soon! Whether or not some of the fans don't find the song all that great, TY deserves a number one for his hard work in this album :D

and oh yeah, why isn't there a fan chant for TY's performances? o_o. I know for the Wedding dress, he asked the fans to stay quiet, but INAG too? I kinda wish the performance was filled with more fan chants. haha.

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Guest juang_bb

^^ i think there wasn't a fanchant because VIPs haven't heard the song yet during the recording. It hasn't been released yet so they weren't able to prepare anything. I expect them to have a fanchant for MuCore and Inki.

im honestly loving the album. there are a lot of great songs in it. the MV was light and fun. If people will complain with simply the editing, I think I will agree. the editing of the vid is not really great. nevertheless, I like it. I wouldn't say it is what I totally expected in terms of concept, I still like it. It is different from what he has done before, so I appreciate YB for giving us something new from him. Sometimes I don't get why people complain about his album nowhere near HOT but people also complain about him having only 1 style. he's giving us change, change in his style, at least music wise and somehow, image-wise. For some reason, he appears more confident now, and more outgoing and manly? I guess, it all boils down to preference. one may not totally be into INAG, but there's a lot more great songs to love from the album. I've been listening to it, and I personally often find myself changing my favorite song.

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Guest toozdae08

There are 45 ppl watching this tread, someone should comment. I'm known to throw out controversial topics in the big bang forums so I'm going to throw out one here.


Be real but also keep it classy. Don't insult the artist but critique the art.

I personally love SOLAR. Is it better than what most kpop groups are doing? YES. Is it different from anything YB has done before? YES. Could it have been better? YES

People compare this a lot to HOT but I find that really hard to do. This album is really different from HOT and what HOT was presenting ppl. HOT was a story: Intro --> then Prayer (YB loves girl, wants to keep her safe, love and protect her) --> Only look at me (YB is falling out of love with girl, cheats on girl, still wants girl) --> Sinner (girl leaves YB for another guy, YB is bitter and full of hate) --> Baby I'm Sorry (YB apologizes to girl, begs her to take him back) --> Make Love (YB now has girl back and they reunite and make love). You get a story but you don't really get to know YB. This was the main reason why YB gave HOT a 60% when he was asked how he felted about. He didn't like the fact that he didn't compose anything and he didn't like the fact that it didn't really reflect who he is as a person. You can create a story with a mini-album: not really with a full album. HOT is definitely more cohesive than SOLAR.

SOLAR is YB. It's ppls introduction to who he is as a person. He co-composed 5/11 tracks. He wrote the lyrics to one. Wedding Dress and Where U At were done around the time of his depression and that's why they're a little darker than the rest of the album. However he stops being depressed in Dec and that's why all the new songs are really happy. I also think he may have a girlfriend because some of the songs are really suggestive. The songs are kind of random at places because they represent different aspects of him. Some of them even sound like a mild ode to his favorite artist but he always kept that YB flare. SOLAR makes me feel like I'm learning about YB and I'm enjoying what i hear.

Can I say which one is better. No, not really. I can however say I love both. If I'm listening to HOT I say HOT, if I'm listening to SOLAR, I say SOLAR.

TOP 10 Taeyang tracks. I didn't count intros

1. Take it Slow

2. Wedding Dress

3. Look Only At Me

4. After You Sleep

5. Just A feeling

6. Prayer

7. Sinner

8. Superstar

9. Make Love


OMG. It was really hard after track 4. I could pick those easy but the rest I'm still deciding. At this very moment those are my top 10. But I feel like Make love should be higher. But I really love all the ones on top too. This is really hard.

I feel that the biggest problem was expectations. After the massive hit that was HOT - how could Taeyang top it without redoing it.

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Of course, I think anything involving BB causes for a big hype, but that's because us fans are too excited for them. YB is talented, period. Although most of you mentioned that Solar wasn't as much as a wow factor, I still appreciate his album. I personally enjoyed I Need a Girl mv because of the cheesiness that oozed, haha call me weird but I liked that we get to see that side of him, I actually think we don't get to see enough of that side b/c he's always so sophisicated, shy and reserved. & it definitely showed that he was enjoying making the mv very much, the kid wouldn't be smiling as much, those cheesy smiles nonetheless, if he really didn't enjoy showing that side of him. & come on, the way he was dancing towards the mic stand, omgee. As much perfection one puts on oneself to have the best outcome as an entertainer/artist/performer, we as the audience/fans shouldn't always expect their perfection due to putting them on high pedestals (that made more sense to me in my mind). Anyways, we should just be grateful that we have any kind of BB music action going on. Solar may not have lived to some people's expectations, but you can't deny the hard work that he and everyone else put in the album. We wouldn't have had to wait this long if they weren't satisfied with their own work. We should just support no matter what b/c that's what VIPs do, right? Stop expecting and relax, if not to listen then watch and drool! =)

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hmmmm i actually like the album

maybe his songs the kind of songs i like hahaha

but yeah none really stand out cept Wedding Dress

as for the Mv i actually feel the same

it's somehow look cheap T_T i dont want to compare but GD's MV look much better >.<

even 2ne1 the Try to Follow me look slightly better

as for dara as the model, i think that's what they want....cute pretty girl for this song

the Mv not making me go "WOW"

but the perf def make it all up

aside the choreo, i like his chemistry with that female dancer (i think she's also the leading dancer in one of Taeyang's WD perf last year)

overall i enjoy this album tho

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i think you have to read that one naver interview to get a grasp of the album. yb said that hot was more heavy and specficially r&b/hiphop but solar is more light and he tried to keep r&b/hiphop as his baseline, but wanted to fuse in more genres. a lot of us in the US like hot, but if he were to come out with something like that, first, koreans wouldnt like it as much (just accept it, mainstream korean music doesnt like r&b/hip-hop) and two, he'd probably get critiqued for not developing as an artist.

am i surprised with solar? of course. i expected something like hot. just like wua/wedding dress. but i like solar, and am actually glad that he's trying to fuse to genres with his original passion for r&b. it shows that hes developing HIS music. he's not just a one-dimensional singer who only sings one genre..bc if he is that, then he'd be unsurprising and predictable. his fashion style is predictable (which is fine..i like that he's sticking to that..bc no one else in kpop can pull of hiphop like he does), but i want his music to be unpredictable..something that keeps me wondering and waiting..

and honestly speaking..i do think that wua/wedding dress were supposed to be the title songs for solar. but after the initial release and korea's lackluster response to it (bc its r&b/hiphop), they regrouped and chnaged up some stuff and thats why it took for today's solar to come out. at least thats what i think.

so stop complaining and just enjoy solar! fans complaining about how they want gd, yb or just bigbang to go back to their "hiphop" roots is old. and its not gonna happen. as long as these boys are mainstream korean artists. which they are. they know it. and they WANT to create music that will appeal to the masses..while doing the music they like/want. i think we just need to appreciate the fact that these boys (or at least the 3 oldest ones) actaully are artists who create their own music. i mean, there's a reason why vipz are just as curious about who wrote the song on top of what the song sounds like..no?


ps-but yea. mv is disappointing. and its not even the lack of dancing. its just...not what one would expect from a yg mv

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Guest Kushi


Personally, I find this album to be very mediocre.

Now I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this (so please don't brick me), but I personally believe that Taeyang's voice lacks the strength/tone/range that some of the songs on the album requires. His voice is really suited for songs like OLAM, WUA, Wedding dress, and etc - but then half of his album is different from those songs, and it's not the different that puts me off. I personally feel as if Taeyang can't handle the different sounds well, because he always sings in the same tone and airiness.

Seriously, if you could switch the music and the vocals of any of his songs, it'll still pretty much sound exactly the same. (Ok this was exaggerated, but I think you get my point)

In the end, this was by no means a 'bad' album, the production - the sounds and the compositions were all excellent. But for me it was like songs that sound like Wedding dress - perfect, flawless, lovely, excellent, etc. And then there were Taeyang singing different genres - bleh

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Guest Bongs

So, watched the comeback performance of INAG, and most def Shaun choreo that. :lol: I've watched a lot of Shaun's collab work; mostly girlxboy collab; that it's definitely his work. Seeing that performance and transferred to YB was just exciting; the smoothness, the elaborate expressions of the dancers; yup exhilarating!

The MV was definitely weak, but I guess like someone said here, the song isn't really telling a story like WD and LOAM did. But YG could've put some more effort into it to give that "quality" feel; instead of rushed, cheap production.

Anyways, I just like the fact that TY didn't go with the "dark concept" like everything in kpop is right now. He stayed consistent with himself; like his hair. :lol:

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Guest amesy


Be real but also keep it classy. Don't insult the artist but critique the art.

honestly when i first listened to the tracks i find the album sucky.

I didn't like it and I didn't understand why everyone was spazzing about it...

and then i listened to it for a few more times, watched the mv and performances and O.M.GEE

all i can say now is that i'm hooked...i've not seen such a happy smiley youngbae before...

I'm not sure bout how others might think, but in my opinion, songs that are catchy and nice when you listened to it the first time will turn boring and annoying...

or maybe its just me hahaahahaha...i got bored of makjima isa after a few days and i didn't like lies the first time i heard it but after two years, it still tops my playlist...

i think the songs in solar will have the same effect on me like 'lies'. i love all the tracks, can't really rank my favs but i have to admit i'm not so fond of you're my...maybe cuz of the falsetto part...other than that, the song is friggin sexy...

The new songs were like happy pills to me...can't stop smiling when i listen to em...

if what he said is true, that this album is kinda of like a definition of what he is, then i think we should all be thankful that he has grown out of his depression period...nothin beats a happy jovial youngbae (:

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Guest jiajiajiachen

what do i think about solar?

I think the album is good, but not as good as I expected. Honestly, Where u at and W.D are my fav songs from the album. From those songs, I expected a lo from this full length album. I honestly don't think this album will be successful in Korea because it is not the typical kpop. It takes the form of more of an American style (maybe because Teddy produced a lot of the songs...?) But i'm happy and proud of Tae Yang for not losing his style and produce songs that sounds like the typical kpop. If he were to produce the typical kpop-like songs, they would, no doubt, be a success. He did not give into the current kpop industry to produce songs he does not want. He would probably regret it. SOLAR is full of songs he is proud of. And its great that YG let him do whatever he wanted (well..maybe not EVERYTHING ahahaha). Also, his album really showcased his singing skills. <3

But all in all, I support him 110%. He hot and talent. ;] Ordered his deluxe!!!!

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Guest sj22



The choreography is soo flirty and sexyyyy i loves it!!! :Dblush.gif *rewatches it x10*

Taeyang's smile at around 1:42-1:44 just made me melt heheheee.

So far I love all the songs from Solar except for maybe You're My and Superstar. Most of the album have been stuck in my head for a while now. Can't wait for my deluxe package to arrive in the mail!!

Just when i thought i was getting too old to fangirl over celebrities and then came Taeyang :lol:^_^

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Guest stardaisy212


btw there are more closeup vers on mnet (http://music.mnet.com/ArtistAlbum/ArtistInfo.asp?ArtistID=132029&ArtistTab=Vod) however u cant view the whole closeup vers unless u have like a paid account or something like that

Music Core:

Solar(Intro) + I need a girl(feat.GD) + Just a feeling』

Are you ready for SOLAR?

기다리고 기다렸던 새로운 태양이 stage 위에서 눈부시게 빛난다!

- 태양『Solar(Intro) + I need a girl(feat.GD) + Just a feeling』

oh i cant wait to see how Solar sounds live :]

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Guest iloveyoutaeyang

does anyone recieve a comfirmation email from ygeshop, after you purchase.

i didn't receive any email confirmation from ygeshop but i can still log in to their site,a friend told me that she received a confirmation email when she registered years ago <too bad she cant remember her id and pw>

:lol:hopefully by monday my very own DELUXE SOLAR ALBUM <my first purchase ever since i became a fan of bae> will be laying here at my injured hands... i downloaded the album just yesterday, at first my reaction was "uhhmm okay" but as time passes by it started to grew on me and i'm loving the fact that i'm seeing/hearing a refreshed young bae,i just want him to be him and no one else.. i'm going to support him and bigbang all the way baby...

I love reading posts here..some of you are so deep, im really amazed with all the observations and love for bae..


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Guest Tekashi

[MV] TaeYang - I Need A Girl (HD)

size: 332 MB

TaeYang - 100701 Mnet M!Countdown You`re My + I Need A Girl + Just A Feeling (HD)

size: 1.3 GB

are available to download at


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