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[drama 2008] War Of Flowers / Tazza 타짜

Guest huangsy

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Hi there,

Here is a summary of Ep 14 (especially for fivemagic, ;) )

Goni and the scarylooking guy were playing games. Goni was perplexed by the guy's gut to bet that much money with the low ranking cards. He suspected if he dealt a wrong set of cards to him. Goni turned out lost in the psychological war with the guy. The guy teased Goni by saying how easily he could be beaten up.(he meant Goni is so transparent for his opponent to look into his mind.) He even knew Goni is a student of Pyung Gyung Jang. Goni asked him who he is. The King of Ants told Goni if he wins in a game of baduk (while and black) stones against his underling (called viper), he will let him know. (I am not quite sure about the game, but it looks like that a person who can take the last stone becomes a winner) Goni lost in that game too. He had no idea of the secret of the game. (That became the first test the King of Ants gave to him.) This is the first lesson he told him: "hogus (gambling victims) are those who plunge into gambling without knowing the rules. You were sent to hell because you did not know Agui's rules."

It took a day for Goni to solve the rule, which records the shortest time. When Goni showed his solution, King of Ants invited Goni to the second test by saying if Goni passed the test he will help Goni take revenge to Agui . Goni played a hwatoo game with the guy Viper and kept losing. It looks as if the guy knew what cards Goni was holding.

Goni's inmates told Goni why the guy is nicknamed King of Ants. He, also called Master of Gambling, has been in prison for 15 years. Countless inmates went under his wing. When they got discharged from prison, they joined his huge network outside.

Goni tried to find out the reason why he kept losing. He used a mirror through which to reflect himself to figure out what's wrong with him. The quiet guy Goni once saved from a gang seemed to know the reason. He asked if Goni can play games as the same way as he did with Viper. He said Goni has a habit when he holds low ranking cards, but did not tell Goni what it is. He said Goni should figure it out by himself otherwise Goni won't correct it. The captain helped Goni figure it out through meditation. His habit was, his small intestine moves when he is in disadvantage situation. Goni beat the guy Viper by using his habit. Declaring Goni passed the second test, King of Ants alluded about the third test, but did not specify it.

Here is the second lesson King of Ants gave to Goni: weakness can be the strongest weapon.

NS became a member of Agui's team again - this time, as a more independent partner. She secretively inquired about the Bulgom murder case. She met a police officer, who was in charge of the case, in the guise of a reporter. She learned the critical evidence proving Goni's conviction was a CCTV tape. (Later the officer reported it to YM.) On the other side, NS's brother inquired about M Jung, and found her sister with M Jung in the pictures. In his accusing her on that, NS told him about Goni. She told him not to take revenge because she will do it to Agui and M Jung.

Agui's team started off the project of DaeKwang Group's succession. An Se Hoon introduced YM to his brother, the successor first in order. In a meeting, NS explained why she should take the project, not M Jung, which furied her. Agui granted a responsibility to YM and NS.

After the meeting, YM asked a ride to NS. When they were about to leave the exit, Go Kwang Reol approached her in a car to let her know that Goni is expecting her to visit him in prison. Goni asked Go Kwang Reol to go to NS to see what's going on with her. But because YM was sitting in a car, NS had to reject coldly what he asked her to.

YM was drinking with M Jung. He asked her what he could do to get NS. Then, NS's brother came and arose a brawl. M Jung told him to be away from the eyes of NS's brother. She will take care of him.

One of his inmates was being discharged from prison. They celebrated his dismissal and promised to help each other when needed at the outside. That day, Goni found the King of Ants was also discharged from prison. The guy Viper passed a note to Goni: "This is the final test. Get ouf of the jail, and then I will give you everything." Goni was wondering what he meant by that.

Go kwang Reol' told Goni that NS is working for Agui along with YM. He continued to add she seemed to use him for business. Goni got furious about Go Kwang Reol's words, and still couldn't believe it.

Goni decided to get out of the jail, which concerned his inmates. looking for the way out, he recalled what King of Ants once said to the jailer. He suggested a deal to the jailer, if he allows Goni to take a day out, he(goni) will pay back his (jailer's) debts.

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Sorry guys, I came so abruptly and ask if anyone has posted or knows where I can get the lyrics in Korean for the 2 songs in Tazza Ost.

1) Love really hurts by yesung

2) Reason by Bobby Kim

Both have wonderful voice. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Hi ixora, welcome back. I think noone has posted the lyrics yet. Let me have some time to search them on Korean websites. Hope to see you more often here. ;)

True!! :blush:

It's early here in the US for most election results, so I think I will kill time and :wub: watch Ep. 15... I'll do that shortly! :lol:

wils, I really look forward to the translated articles...the quotes sound interesting...10 hours a week? hmmm... sad-021.gif I'm not really sure that's possible, but I guess he's busy...filming of Tazza is over, right? So...what's keeping him so busy? Baby? Or ??? :rolleyes:


Unfortuntely, filming of Tazza is far from over. The reason of no preview at the ending of tuesday episodes seems the following episode is not ready for the preview. <_<

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Guest fivemagic

Hi there,

Here is a summary of Ep 14 (especially for fivemagic, ;) )


Super duper and heap thanks as always for your awesome and fantastic summaries once again. I am touched and truly enjoyed reading all your wonderful summaries. Please keep up the good work!


I truly loved reading your 'witty' comments once again... you really make me laughed with your funny and hilarious emicons... please do keep this Tazza thread lively with your witty and bright emicons.

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Super duper and heap thanks as always for your awesome and fantastic summaries once again. I am touched and truly enjoyed reading all your wonderful summaries. Please keep up the good work!

You're welcome, fivemagic. Your words encourage me to keep working on this. hehe...

Here is a summary of ep 15.

To get a day out in return for helping the jailer pay his gambling debts to King of Ants, Goni plotted a plan to defeat Viper with 'tan' (a pre-aligned set of cards). The plan succeeded, but at the expense of the cell captain's blood. The captain had to be sent to hospital and Goni accompnied him. The jailer gave Goni a hour off and warned him to come back without causing any problem. Not liking tazzas like Goni, he started bludgeoning him. Goni was rescued by the people he asked Go Kwang Reol to prepare for the escape plan.

NS and YM got off the DaeKwang Group project. NS approached Ahn Se Chang (Ahn Se Hoon's stepbrother) in the guise of an art appraiser. Since Ahn Se Chang, a doubting Thomas, knows art well, NS persuaded him by pinpointing her speciality is not to estimate how much a work is worth, but rather to identify if the art work is genuine or not. Acknoledging NS's ability, Ahn Se Chang said he would buy the artwork if his art dealer gives a positive comment on that. That the art dealer was M Jung surprised NS and YM.

Goni, escaping from the hospital, went to the place NS was supposed to be. When he was looking for NS at the hotel, YM and M Jung were surprised to find him at the lobby. (Interestingly, YM spotted Goni first all the time. :phew: ) Goni asked them where NS was. Catching her up at the elevator, Goni asked her why she kept working for Agui. NS replied to him she couldn't wait until Goni will be released. She had to do something for him. They reconciled, but they were interrupted by the police who just arrived there to arrest him after M Jung's reporting. At the parking lot, Goni was besieged by the armed police. Then a van ran fast toward Goni. Goni was rescued. Goni became a prisonbreaker.

Goni was sent to the guy called King of Ants. He said to Goni, "well-done. You passed the third test." His words made Goni furious about what's happening. He told Goni that he had to sort out the best qualified person to fight against Agui. He asked Goni to choose between going back to jail as a convicted murderer and staying outside under the title of a convicted murderer and prisonbreaker. Goni replied back, he did not care, but wanted to make sure if he cooperates with him he surely can succeed in taking revenge to Agui. The guy warned Goni, they just work together for the same goal, but shouldn't trust each other.

After being briefed about Goni, Agui said to them Goni's case should be resolved promptly. Agui sensed somebody helped Goni with the jail-breaking and runaway. He assigned Goni's case to Kye Dong Choon, not to YM. YM was told to concentrate on the DaeKwang Group project. YM wondered why. M Jung advised Kye Dong Choon to keep eyes on NS to resolve the case.

King of Ants took Goni to the place where his fraud identification card was produced. Goni met his inmate there. Now Goni would pretend to be a Japanese Korean. On the way back, Goni saw King of Ants' demolished left ear, which made him sure the guy is the legendary tazza, JjackGui (meaning an ear is missing).

Concerned about Goni, NS wanted her brother to meet Goni for her as she knew lots of eyes stayed on her. NS's brother met Goni. He delivered her message to Goni; she wants him to go back to jail cause he will be in more trouble if he stays outside. Goni said he can't. If he goes back to jail NS has to continue to stay with them. He wants to find out, by himself, who was the real murderer of Bulgom and who made him falsely convicted. Feeling responsible for the misfortunes of NS, himself, and Goni, NS's brother wanted to help Goni with his plan.

At the casino, YM asked Agui why he did not assign the Goni case to him. If he is concerned about his (YM's) guilty feeling, he shouldn't worry about it. YM said he won't try to remove blood on his hands as it seemed not possible for him to clear it off. Agui accepted YM's resolution, adding he shouldn't underestimate Goni.

JjackGui taught Goni various gambles and how to hide his mind in gambling.

NS's brother came to know it was YM who shot the 'tan' to him. He told NS about YM including he also made Goni falsely convicted of murder. NS couldn't believe it. She wanted to make sure it was really him. NS arranged a meeting with YM at a gallery. She took him in front of Gogh's Sunflowers, telling the story about Gogh and Gauguin. From his reactions, NS became confident about what her brother said to her. YM asked her not to meet Goni if he contacts her. Cause she will be in trouble. NS replied to him, do not worry about her any more.

Goni hadn't yet told Pyung Gyung Jang about his working with JjackGui. He thought the counterfeit CCTV tape provided as evidence in court may have a clue. He also thought Agui may have the original CCTV tape. First, he planed to take the counterfeit CCTV tape stored at the national prosecution office. Go Kwang Reol went to the archives, asking for the bogus CCTV to replace it with the prepared fake tape. But to his surprise, the tape was missing.

M Jung and YM also heard the tape was missing. They wondered who took the tape out. M Jung thought it might be with Goni. But she comforted YM by saying the tape can't prove Goni's innocence. YM said he did not worry because he also considered the last resort. M Jung advised him not to remove Goni right now. Without Goni, YM might be in trouble with the Bulgom case. YM said that won't happen. He had to go through so many dirty things to reach his current status. He can't get defeated by Goni. M Jung asked him to prove that he could do whatever to maintain the status quo, by kissing her. Although his heart is somewhere, she can take his body first. YM replied, no problem unless she gets hurt by that. They kissed. (Sad. :tears: ) Their dialogue was eavesdroped by NS's brother.

Goni's mom opened a potridge house with the money Goni sent to her long ago. Since Goni couldn't come to the opening, he sent a flower pot instead. He secretively watched her outside the restaurant.

NS's brother called Goni to say that he abtained critical evidence to prove his innocence. They set a time to meet each other. NS's brother went to YM to strike a deal with the recorded dialogue. He asked a billion won for the record. YM called NS to have a dinner together. When they were having a dinner, NS received a call from his brother saying he obtained critical evidence to prove Goni's innocence. But he couldn't continue as being kidnapped by a gang of thugs.

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Guest Jill4675

Hi there,

Here is a summary of Ep 14 (especially for fivemagic, )

Here is a summary of ep 15.

wils, you have surpassed angel status and achieved sainthood. saint.jpg Thanks so much for these fantastic summaries. I know from personal experience how much work it is to write these...and these two episodes were complicated, with so much happening. The two summaries I did were pretty straightforward (but it still took a lot of time! :o). So I am really, really grateful...(I know these summaries have helped other as well!) thankyou.gif

The King of Ants seems to be an expert at any game! :blink: I like to play Mah Jong and I saw that in Episode 15 when he and Goni play Mah Jong, the K of A wins with a Mah Jong hand with 3 dragon kongs...this would be almost unheard of in a Mah Jong game! As to the game with the stones, yes, I noticed how the game went (some kind of strategy game)...I had never seen that game before! :huh:

Thanks especially for explaining the kiss scene...I wasn't clear on how that began. Now it makes sense. As you say, "sad." worried.gif

Here's question I've often wondered about: it is not specific to Tazza. Why is it in Kdramas that the garages always have very, very clean floors??! Sometimes they are so clean, it's amazing. Really clean and shiny. Even in Tazza, they were very clean. I certainly cannot believe that all garages in Korea have clean floors. Do you think they clean them up for the shows??? I often think about this... (crazy question, I know). :wacko:

I hope that in fact at the end of Ep. 15 NS's brother is only kidnapped and not worse... :unsure: There was YM daintily eating his food like such an innocent... Why does KMJ always have to play a role that loses out to someone or play a character who dies (ref. Damo)?? Anyone who can look so good on a golf course love-smiley-007.gif deserves better!!! angry8.gif

Thanks, also, wils, for confirming that Tazza filming continues. Actually I thought it might be still going knowing how dramas work (and that one must be a LOT of work), but I wasn't sure...Needed Agent wils to give me the facts!!! :) Poor JH...no wonder he's so tired! sad-smiley-066.gif Now I understand why there is sometimes a preview of pics from the next episode and sometimes there is not!

fivemagic, thanks for sticking with us (even though Tazza has become more popular, very few people posting here! I waited until late [it's close to 1 am Thursday] to post because no one was around! Earlier I had to pick up a friend from the airport. She flew in from Paris and leaves tomorrow to go home to Florida. She was tired from jet lag and went to bed, so I'm free to respond here!! :lol:

I found that Episode 15 was quite exciting...I liked the chases. The scene in the garage was amazing. I couldn't believe he got away. The stabbing in the prison was scary. Yeah, overall I'm quite satisfied with these two episodes. Note to hjkomo: well, except for the facial hair!!! BTW, do you guys think that in the Drama Festival photos, he is wearing the SAME scarf he was wearing in Ep. 15...when he was in the car outside the porridge restaurant??? Looked the same to me! :rolleyes:

Edit: A cute scene w/Goni was the game in the prison when they get the snacks from the guard who also gives them the other hwatu deck. Typical hilarious JH when he is getting the cards under the table and eating the snacks. Really cute! :)

Now I'm getting tired, so I'll close this off...5 episodes to go! I hope Tazza will be one I look back on and say, that was good...I'm trusting JH (and KMJ! :wub:) not to let me down!! thumbs-up.gif

See you later, guys! sLo_grouphug3.gif


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Guest fivemagic

You're welcome, fivemagic. Your words encourage me to keep working on this. hehe...

Here is a summary of ep 15.


Super thanks once again for another awesome and fantastic summaries... thank you! thank you! thank you!

fivemagic, thanks for sticking with us (even though Tazza has become more popular, very few people posting here! I waited until late [it's close to 1 am Thursday] to post because no one was around! Earlier I had to pick up a friend from the airport. She flew in from Paris and leaves tomorrow to go home to Florida. She was tired from jet lag and went to bed, so I'm free to respond here!! :lol:


Not a problem... I enjoyed coming here and reading all the lively comments, ramblings, thoughts, funny and hilarious comments and emicons... so sad that I can't watch any episodes, but with the awesome summaries done by WILS, I am very grateful to be here and just make my comments when needed.

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wils, you have surpassed angel status and achieved sainthood. saint.jpg Thanks so much for these fantastic summaries. I know from personal experience how much work it is to write these...and these two episodes were complicated, with so much happening. The two summaries I did were pretty straightforward (but it still took a lot of time! :o). So I am really, really grateful...(I know these summaries have helped other as well!) thankyou.gif

The King of Ants seems to be an expert at any game! :blink: I like to play Mah Jong and I saw that in Episode 15 when he and Goni play Mah Jong, the K of A wins with a Mah Jong hand with 3 dragon kongs...this would be almost unheard of in a Mah Jong game! As to the game with the stones, yes, I noticed how the game went (some kind of strategy game)...I had never seen that game before! :huh:

Thanks especially for explaining the kiss scene...I wasn't clear on how that began. Now it makes sense. As you say, "sad." worried.gif

Here's question I've often wondered about: it is not specific to Tazza. Why is it in Kdramas that the garages always have very, very clean floors??! Sometimes they are so clean, it's amazing. Really clean and shiny. Even in Tazza, they were very clean. I certainly cannot believe that all garages in Korea have clean floors. Do you think they clean them up for the shows??? I often think about this... (crazy question, I know). :wacko:

I hope that in fact at the end of Ep. 15 NS's brother is only kidnapped and not worse... :unsure: There was YM daintily eating his food like such an innocent... Why does KMJ always have to play a role that loses out to someone or play a character who dies (ref. Damo)?? Anyone who can look so good on a golf course love-smiley-007.gif deserves better!!! angry8.gif

Thanks, also, wils, for confirming that Tazza filming continues. Actually I thought it might be still going knowing how dramas work (and that one must be a LOT of work), but I wasn't sure...Needed Agent wils to give me the facts!!! :) Poor JH...no wonder he's so tired! sad-smiley-066.gif Now I understand why there is sometimes a preview of pics from the next episode and sometimes there is not!

fivemagic, thanks for sticking with us (even though Tazza has become more popular, very few people posting here! I waited until late [it's close to 1 am Thursday] to post because no one was around! Earlier I had to pick up a friend from the airport. She flew in from Paris and leaves tomorrow to go home to Florida. She was tired from jet lag and went to bed, so I'm free to respond here!!

I found that Episode 15 was quite exciting...I liked the chases. The scene in the garage was amazing. I couldn't believe he got away. The stabbing in the prison was scary. Yeah, overall I'm quite satisfied with these two episodes. Note to hjkomo: well, except for the facial hair!!! BTW, do you guys think that in the Drama Festival photos, he is wearing the SAME scarf he was wearing in Ep. 15...when he was in the car outside the porridge restaurant??? Looked the same to me!

Edit: A cute scene w/Goni was the game in the prison when they get the snacks from the guard who also gives them the other hwatu deck. Typical hilarious JH when he is getting the cards under the table and eating the snacks. Really cute! :)

Now I'm getting tired, so I'll close this off...5 episodes to go! I hope Tazza will be one I look back on and say, that was good...I'm trusting JH (and KMJ! :wub:) not to let me down!! thumbs-up.gif

See you later, guys! sLo_grouphug3.gif


You're welcome, Jill and fivemagic. I am glad to find my summaries help you better understand the drama since you are the jewels of the Tazza thread. ;):) And thanks Jill for raising me to status of sainthood!!!! :lol:

Yeah...the King of Ants said he could master all kinds of gambles thanks to serving 15 years in prison. Oh..so you know Mah Jong? There are many games in Tazza for which I have no idea about the rules. Thus I understand it contextually only!

Haha...I am sometimes amused by your comments like, this time on the clean, shiny garage! From my experience, almost all garages in Korea are clean and shiny. You know korean people are crazy about cleaness.

Again I am amused by this comment "Anyone who can look so good on a golf course love-smiley-007.gif deserves better!!! angry8.gif " keke... But what about InSoon is pretty? I haven't watched it yet, but it seems he does not lose out to someone!

[edit] sorry I cut off some lines here because I did not feel comfortable after writing that lines.

And..oh..you have sharp eyes! I bet the scarf is the same one, which makes sense to me. When I was translating the articles on JH last night, the first line of the article says he ran to the Festival during filming of Tazza. I thought the reporter exaggerated the situation. B)

I love the chase scene at the garage too, but feel sad about Goni's becoming a prisonbreaker. He had too many bad titles. :wacko:<_<

How about Agui's new hair style??? :lol:

I loved the scene when the guys come to his rescue when the horrible guard has him up against the wall...and afterward they all rush up and ask him if he's okay... awwww... :)

It's true that we see more from NS...interesting!

Okay, now I MUST go to bed...but I'm too excited after that episode...maybe I will have to count sheep to get to sleep sFun_countsheep.gif I need to calm down... I'll finish my 599.gif (but it's not helping!!!)

Haha..this may be a belated reaction, but I wonder how many sheep you had to count before falling asleep.

Frankly, Agui's new hair style looks weird to me. At first I wondered if he came directly after filming of Worlds Within. But the one thing I am sure is Agui is quite conscious of styling. :w00t: So is Kye Dong Choon. Did you notice his colorful neck-ties? :w00t:

I also love the rescue scene. It was touching. It's good to see a strong tie between cellmates althought it is not very possible in reality. hehe..

YAH! Patience...it takes time to catch up and make these caps. :lol: But, yeah, I AM watching too many dramas. :wacko: :blush:

Was anyone else weirded out by this character? I was alternating between getting the chills at his sinister mannerisms :crazy: ...and laughing-out-loud at the ridiculous way he tried to act creepy, especially the tongue bit. :lol:

But I really enjoyed the prison scenes. IMO, Goni is in his best element when he's playing hwatu, and JH's acting shines here.

These pics were hilarious. :lol:

http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/4380/ta...03hdtvxvel7.jpg http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/3236/ta...03hdtvxvwg8.jpg[/img

Now, for the Young Min caps. :D

KMJ really can pull off any suit. :sweatingbullets:

I like that YM is not full-blown evil. Although he's crossed over to the dark side (with his head), the brief instances that we get to see into his heart every now and again (the moments of regret and unchecked emotion, as Jill so nicely put it) is what makes his character so interesting - the glimmer of hope that all is not yet lost... :tears:

Thanks hjkomo for the wonderful caps again. BTW, what else are you watching besides Tazza? I are currently watching Tazza and Painters of the Wind. Oh..I almost forgot..I watched first two episodes of Worlds Within too. It's good to have many good dramas available for watching.

Haha..the King of Ants' creepy act with tonge! For a second I felt sorry for JH (not for Goni). keke.. And I almost fell off the seat at the scene of ep 15 where Goni did the same thing to the guy called Viper after he won! It was hilarious!!!! :w00t::w00t:

I do think YM is not full-blown evil. Hope you were not offended by what I had described about YM in the previous posting. There i wanted to explain my emotions toward YM as he all of sudden turned into a hard-to-understand figure (just to me) on ep 9. But soon i became to accept him as he is now. I can see his turmoils in trying to sort out his fate.

I also do love the prison scenes a lot. The close ties with cellmates is so family-like. Their scenes are hilarious and heart-warming.

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Hi guys~

Good news! We have six more episodes to go, not five. :w00t:

SBS drama 'Tazza' gets one more episode with its finale scheduled on 25th.

By My Daily

A source at the SBS drama department said the extension of one more episode has been decided to make its finale on Tuesday (25th of November) as it started off on Tuesday (16th of September) due to Chusok holidays. Extension agreements with actors and staff have been reached and there will be no influence of the extension on the story development.



Tazza has seen ratings growth as it passed the half way of the race. Attention is given to what point it would reach for its maximum ratings. From 27th of Oct to 4th of Nov, the ratings continued to increase from 14.2 %, 16.0%, 16.6% to 17.5% (TNS). The difference with East of Eden narrows to one digit number. It is interesting to see if higher ratings will follow as its story heats up. Its main character Goni (Jang Hyuk) escaped from prison, along with JjackGui (Jo Sang Gu), will wage a full out war against Agui (Kim Gap Su).

(안효은 기자 pandol@mydaily.co.kr)

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Guest Jill4675

Hi guys~

Good news! We have six more episodes to go, not five. :w00t:

SBS drama 'Tazza' gets one more episode with its finale scheduled on 25th.

By My Daily

A source at the SBS drama department said the extension of one more episode has been decided to make its finale on Tuesday (25th of November) as it started off on Tuesday (16th of September) due to Chusok holidays. Extension agreements with actors and staff have been reached and there will be no influence of the extension on the story development.


wils, this is good news...I was wondering whether this might happen! Wonderful! And great about the ratings too...


Thanks for your additional comments and especially with regard to the YM character...Of course, we all express our own opinions, which is what makes the thread enjoyable. Nothing you write is offensive! ;) As to YM, up to now I felt he was ambivalent in some circumstances and sometimes mainly doing Agui's bidding, but with this action against NS's oppa, there are no two ways about it. He did that on his own to protect himself. In a way, I guess he had no choice. I just hope that the victim is not dead. But, what you say about KMJ is something I can agree with. I think I'm responding to comments that are no longer posted following your edit. I'll just say that I still hope to see him have a real Lead Role with a really good script that lets him show all the talent I believe he has... love-smiley-056.gif With JH and KMJ in this drama, it is hard for me to get involved in another, although I have downloaded another to watch. No other drama is interesting me when I compare it to watching my two guys here!!! :wub:

The 1142.gif scenes were EWWWW! :tongue2: But it seemed to me that when the King of Ants did it, he really wiped JH's face; whereas when Goni did it, it seemed he didn't really touch the K of A's face... at least I didn't think so... <_<

:( Where is hjkomo?...I would have expected some comments from her by now... :huh: hjkomo, come back! We're having a party! Food and drinks! 1947_eating_popcorn_and_drinking_be.gif

I'm really missing o-cha as well! :( ...I hope she can catch up with Tazza! All JH fans should absolutely be watching Tazza! 292.gif


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Haha...still here...I'm actually watching ep.15 in 720p right now.

Good news about the extension....but even if it doesn't affect the story's development, won't it affect the delivery of the story's development? :huh: Stretching scenes out isn't always a good thing. :unsure:

Don't worry wils, I wasn't offended by your YM comments. :) Everyone has their own reactions to the characters. Just like I hope others aren't offended by my NS comments. :unsure:Not only can I not watch her with Goni...but now I can't watch her with YM, either. ;)

If you want to see KMJ actually get the girl, as well as not die, then watch Insoon Is Pretty. He's got some great smiles in there as well. :wub: I miss sweet Sang Woo! :(

I don't know what's going on with Kim Gap Su's hair. :blink: He looks perfectly normal in Worlds Within thus far.

What else am I watching? Too many dramas!!! WW, Beethoven Virus, POTW & KOTW (I'm way behind on both), and a couple weekend dramas. :wacko::P

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Guest Jill4675

Haha...still here...I'm actually watching ep.15 in 720p right now.

Good news about the extension....but even if it doesn't affect the story's development, won't it affect the delivery of the story's development? :huh: Stretching scenes out isn't always a good thing. :unsure:

Don't worry wils, I wasn't offended by your YM comments. :) Everyone has their own reactions to the characters. Just like I hope others aren't offended by my NS comments. :unsure: Not only can I not watch her with Goni...but now I can't watch her with YM, either. ;)

If you want to see KMJ actually get the girl, as well as not die, then watch Insoon Is Pretty. He's got some great smiles in there as well. :wub: I miss sweet Sang Woo! :(

I don't know what's going on with Kim Gap Su's hair. :blink: He looks perfectly normal in Worlds Within thus far.

What else am I watching? Too many dramas!!! WW, Beethoven Virus, POTW & KOTW (I'm way behind on both), and a couple weekend dramas. :wacko::P

LOL, hjkomo, you managed to get the 720p files...! ;) I want to believe that because there are a lot of loose ends to wrap up, 21 episodes will not be a disaster... crossfingers.gif

I guess I'll watch Insoon after Tazza is over... maybe that will help me get over my withdrawal syndrome, which I fully expect to hit me when Ep. 21 of Tazza is done...sad0137.gif I've been so tired all day. I was too wired up when my friend was visiting briefly! Good night, all! sLo_grouphug3.gif

PS, I saw screen caps that showed a "normal" KGS over on WW. So why the red hair with funny bangs? :wacko:

PPS to wils, forgot to say, yes, I have been seeing the colorful ties on KDC and others! The wardrobe folks are having a lot of fun on Tazza! Content_4.gif


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Thanks Jill and hjkomo for the thoughtful words on sharing our reactions to characters. You are absolutely right on the way the thread should exist: sharing the same thoughts as well as listening to(or embracing) different voices and perspectives on the drama. :P

As for the extension, I agree stretching scenes out could be not a good thing in general. But in a different sense it depends on what type of drama it is. From my experience, the plot-driven Kdramas tend to be rushed to wrap up. DaeMang, one of my favorites, also ended up with that fate. So I hope this extension helps writers wrap up the ending more smoothly and logically. B)

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BTW, do you guys think that in the Drama Festival photos, he is wearing the SAME scarf he was wearing in Ep. 15...when he was in the car outside the porridge restaurant??? Looked the same to me! :rolleyes:

Yup, it definitely looked the same to me. What a busy man!

Ep. 15 comments -

On make-up...

Now, I'm wondering if the make-up artist usually works with theatre actors.....because in the last two episodes, Goni's make-up has looked like JH is supposed to be on a theatrical stage doing a play rather than a TV drama. :huh: Just take a look.




On fashion...

This was Goni's episode of shades and trench/peacoats.

The first pair of sunglasses he wore gave me mixed feelings of -

1) Hey, that's pretty funny looking... :lol:

2) But wait.....it also looks pretty cool on him. B)







^ And, yes, the facial hair is a little less offensive...now that he's dressed better. :sweatingbullets::lol:

Red and black are a really good color combination on KMJ. :sweatingbullets:







I'm pretty sure I used to have a suit in this print (back sometime in the early 90's). :w00t:


What struck me about this scene, when A-Gui touched his face, was how stoic YM was. :mellow:


YM seems to have traded in his thumb ring for this piece of shiny goodness. I want one! :wub:



Extra goodies. :D






Grey and black are also an excellent color combination. :D






I have a feeling that these are the same hands that were used for YM's card tricks skills. :phew:


I do also hope that NS's brother isn't dead. However, I can't help but be annoyed at his character's stupidity and greed. Did he really think he could outsmart the people who conned him out of his money and set up an innocent man (Goni) to go to prison for murder? Did he learn nothing those three years in prison? :rolleyes:

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Guest Jill4675

Ohhhhh.......I just had a spell after looking at some screen caps...imoksmiley.gif Probably shouldn't visit Soompi before breakfast... ;)

I'm inserting my comments into the quote because otherwise I get a lecture from the forum software about too many quotes, yadayada, and hjkomo's posts and caps always call for my response... guys, what will I do when this is over? I hope we find another mutual thread (aside from the JH thread); this is too much fun!! sign0020.gif

Yup, it definitely looked the same to me. What a busy man!

Ep. 15 comments -

On make-up...

Now, I'm wondering if the make-up artist usually works with theatre actors.....because in the last two episodes, Goni's make-up has looked like JH is supposed to be on a theatrical stage doing a play rather than a TV drama. :huh: Just take a look.

Jill: 'cause he's tired and they have to do something about it!!! :) He does have a kind of Iago thing going there...!!!

On fashion...

This was Goni's episode of shades and trench/peacoats.

Jill: I thought the same thing; but he's worn a lot of shades in Tazza... he looks good in glasses, Cool_cool31.gif which you point out below...I think he wore the scarf and the "adorable" glasses at the drama festival... :lol: Hey, maybe they are his own actual glasses?!

The first pair of sunglasses he wore gave me mixed feelings of -

1) Hey, that's pretty funny looking... :lol:

2) But wait.....it also looks pretty cool on him. B)

^ And, yes, the facial hair is a little less offensive...now that he's dressed better. :sweatingbullets::lol:

Jill: oh, good...now you won't complain anymore!!! :rolleyes::P

Red and black are a really good color combination on KMJ. :sweatingbullets:sweatingbullets:

Jill: hjkomo, this might be the best collection of caps yet...:wub: I won't wait until 2008 is over; I'll just award you your Oscar now: oscar.jpg and thank you from your grateful audience! :lol:

I'm pretty sure I used to have a suit in this print (back sometime in the early 90's). :w00t:

What struck me about this scene, when A-Gui touched his face, was how stoic YM was. :mellow:

Oh, same here! :o KMJ as YM is the master of stoic...

YM seems to have traded in his thumb ring for this piece of shiny goodness. I want one! :wub:

Your reference to this necklace is what REALLY cracked me up...btw, I certainly noticed it, too! I do miss the thumb ring... I hope he didn't flip it one too many times and watch it fly off the set... :huh:

Extra goodies. :D

Indeed! :sweatingbullets:

Grey and black are also an excellent color combination. :D:sweatingbullets:

I have a feeling that these are the same hands that were used for YM's card tricks. :phew:

I do also hope that NS's brother isn't dead. However, I can't help but be annoyed at his character's stupidity and greed. Did he really think he could outsmart the people who conned him out of his money and set up an innocent man (Goni) to go to prison for murder? Did he learn nothing those three years in prison? :rolleyes:

Exactly! His character makes no sense...way too cartoony; also...actually the actor portraying him doesn't really even look right for the part (IMHO, of course)...this is certainly nonsense, but I understand why he's there, for purposes of the story, et cetera...

Now, if you'll all excuse me, I've got some caps to save... Amour_7.gif



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Your reference to this necklace is what REALLY cracked me up...btw, I certainly noticed it, too! I do miss the thumb ring... I hope he didn't flip it one too many times and watch it fly off the set...

Hahaha....now, YOU're crackin' me up! :lol: Before I've even had my morning coffee... :wacko:

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Dialogues of Jill and hjkomo brighten up the thread, indeed! :P

Thank you guys!

While waiting for the following episodes, let me do some ramblings on ep 14 and 15.


The washing of hands:

When YM accidently had blood on his hands, I expected the next scene to have him wash off his hands just as Goni did. But I haven't seen it until he washed his hands after NS's brother made a brawl in M Jung's house. Then it occurred to me the director(s) possibly did not insert the scene with YM's cleasing the blooded hands intentionally. What a symblic contrast! The director may want to highlight his blooded hands, which exisit in his mind but are unseen to the eyes of the world. In contrast, Goni's blooded hands were witnessed by people, and he was sent to prison. The script continues to hold the metaphor, washing of hands. I wonder how YM will eventually get to wash off his hands.


Gogh's Sunflowers:

I thought it is a nice try to bring up the relationship of Gogh and Gauguin to make an analogy to Gon-YM-NS, although the real story about Gogh-Gauguin is much more complicated than said in the drama.






How to ask your friend a favor in a demanding but not offensive way:

Say you are the only one I have left. Keke...

Look at Goni's attitude. Is that really of the person who asks a favor to a friend??? Poor Kwang Reol :D:w00t:

Their dialogue is nothing special, but heart-warming and hilarious.

I guess it's because Go-Go show a good chemistry in reactions to each other as always.

Do you really intend to take the tape out? Who? How?

Do your really want to know? Who? You. How? Well.

You are insane.

I realize you are the only one I have left.

Aw man, don't do this to me. Goni? :lol:

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Guest Jill4675

Dialogues of Jill and hjkomo brighten up the thread, indeed! :P

Thank you guys!

While waiting for the following episodes, let me do some ramblings on ep 14 and 15.

The washing of hands:

When YM accidently had blood on his hands, I expected the next scene to have him wash off his hands just as Goni did. But I haven't seen it until he washed his hands after NS's brother made a brawl in M Jung's house. Then it occurred to me the director(s) possibly did not insert the scene with YM's cleasing the blooded hands intentionally. What a symblic contrast! The director may want to highlight his blooded hands, which exisit in his mind but are unseen to the eyes of the world. In contrast, Goni's blooded hands were witnessed by people, and he was sent to prison. The script continues to hold the metaphor, washing of hands. I wonder how YM will eventually get to wash off his hands.

Gogh's Sunflowers:

I thought it is a nice try to bring up the relationship of Gogh and Gauguin to make an analogy to Gon-YM-NS, although the real story about Gogh-Gauguin is much more complicated than said in the drama.

How to ask your friend a favor in a demanding but not offensive way:

Say you are the only one I have left. Keke...

Look at Goni's attitude. Is that really of the person who asks a favor to a friend??? Poor Kwang Reol :D:w00t:

Their dialogue is nothing special, but heart-warming and hilarious.

I guess it's because Go-Go show a good chemistry in reactions to each other as always.

Do you really intend to take the tape out? Who? How?

Do you really want to know? Who? You. How? Well.

You are insane.

I realize you are the only one I have left.

Aw man, don't do this to me. Goni? :lol:

wavesmile.gif Hi, wils! Excellent observation of the contrasting hands scenes...You may have a future as a PD... action.gif

We commented early in the drama on the good interaction of GoGo...it has truly been an asset to Tazza. In the scene you capped, another typical JH face (as we have been discussing on the JH thread) appears ~ ;)

This one: th_wbchu0.jpg < he often does this by pulling his lip down! heartbeat.gif


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wavesmile.gif Hi, wils! Excellent observation of the contrasting hands scenes...You may have a future as a PD... action.gif

This one: he often does this by pulling his lip down! heartbeat.gif


Oh..dang...If I were to be a PD, I would always work with JH heartbeat.gif (excuse me, I borrowed your icon. ;) )

Haha..I knew you would pick up that pic! I have more caps with that typical faces from ep 15. Please check out the JH thread later (late) tonight!

BTW, thanks cococrust for sharing the links to c-subbed ep 14 and 15. You guys are so fast!!

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