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[drama 2009] Triple 트리플

Guest MWshin

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Guest jinnn

. Its like when you had that first real crush and all you wanted was to be next to that person, because it feels better being at their side. That is how I see Hyun Tae...but at the same time it makes me mad that he cannot/will not step aside fully when this woman is his close friends wife.

I mean that is just where I get mad at him, but then again wouldn't some of us choose to follow our hearts even if it ends friendships.

Yes, I would most likely follow my heart too (esp if it's someone who meant a lot to me)

I could empathize with Hyuntae’s behaviour cos’ I believe that in his mind, he does not see Su-In and Hwal as a married couple at all. I myself view estranged couples as individuals living their own lives cos’ first and foremost; the likelihood of estranged couples reconciling is very slim. Also, I will cut HT some slack since in this case, Hwal has never disclosed his marriage with his “supposedly close” buddies.

The thought that it’s wrong to woo a married woman did hit Hyuntae initially ; which was why he tried his darnest to buzz off; first by saying farewell and keeping away (physically) from her. Then his resistance weakens; he needs to know what she’s up to etc and he started to track her daily routine ==> I don’t think he was stalking her then. He was merely trying to capture her daily routine so that he can at least be with her mentally (just by looking at the time on his watch => I think this is his “creative” way of being with her without being physically near her).

Another scene where the PD was trying to show us the creative side of Hyuntae was the one (episode 3) whereby Sang Hee decorated the outside of the house with the word meaning 007; and after all have left, HT plucked a leaf and decorated the words with it (I can't think of why else the PD would spend some takes on this minor action which most viewers would gloss over and also why pick Hyuntae ?)

Hwal tends to ignore what makes him uncomfortable until he can't. This drama is really good.

You’re spot on. First, he was avoiding his marriage issue by keeping Su-In at a distance until HT came into the picture (now, that makes him uncomfortable).

Now; in order to avoid Haru ; he’s moved in with Su-In.

Ps. Bamidele , your post on the PD and symbolism => I love it :)

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Guest Bamidele

Thanks Jinnn I am really liking the way this drama is turning out, it makes us think, question, relate, get angry and frustrated..etc kind of like life and the experiences we all have.

I like what you said in regard to him not necessarily stalking her but having no other means he choose this small part of watching what she does as it is the only way he gets an inking of what Su In is like.

I kind of want to learn more about Hyun Tae's past..they keep mentioning his father so I am guessing there is an element of importance there.

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Guest darling138

I don't understand WHY at lot of people seem to have problem with Haru's love for the older guy Hwal???! I don't see anything wrong with it? Don't u know age is just a number???When u love someone, u just love him or her. Who cares if he or she is 10, 20, 30 yrs older or if he or she is rich or poor, ugly or cute. U just love him or her, right?!! That's how love is, people:):)

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Guest asadal

So cute!





Haha cute.



This scene was so heartbreaking. Notice how Haru didn't look seductive when grabbing Hwal's hand, but very vulnerable, almost a pleading look. And when she got rejected (again), oh my gawwd. Just put her out of her misery why don't you...



So sad. I wanted to give Haru a big hug...


Hwaru (jaykay) moments





Eeeewww Poongho!


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Guest yobiworld

I love that part in episode 10 were Hwal gets jealous seeing Haru with Poong ho because the jealousy wasn't obvious. Their wasn't t any cheesy music in the background or over the top facial expression to indicate Hwal jealousy it was subtle. One things im dying to know about is what did Hwal say to Haru at the end of epiosdes 10 can tell me please when he put his hand on Haru forehead???

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Guest sana000

I love that part in episode 10 were Hwal gets jealous seeing Haru with Poong ho because the jealousy wasn't obvious. Their wasn't t any cheesy music in the background or over the top facial expression to indicate Hwal jealousy it was subtle. One things im dying to know about is what did Hwal say to Haru at the end of epiosdes 10 can tell me please when he put his hand on Haru forehead???

When Hwal went into Haru room at the end of episode 10, he said "WHAT ARE YOU".

I'm not sure what he mean by that.

I hope Haru and Hwal will be together at the end!!!

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Guest piano4112000

yobiworld, you are absolutely correct, the jealousy was not oblivious but very subtle. LJJ does such a great job of conveying that message to us through little or no expression on his face. Watching him I could feel the jealousy in him and that is what makes him such a great actor. You can also see on his face that he feels things inside of him that he wants to release but can't and we can also see him fight back his feelings as well. I won't be surprise if episode 11 and 12 is about him suppressing those feelings.

Great drama in and out :)

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Guest danick

After watching episodes 9 and 10, I'm rooting for a Hwal and Haru ending! The PD spent so many moments in capturing the emotions and the way they interact with each other and I don't want them to be wasted.. You can see from the last two episodes how both of them try to deal with their new found feelings for each other. Pretty sure that its romantic with Haru while still thinking if romantic or not for Hwal but one thing is for sure, he is one confused man.

The ending of Episode 10 he said: What are you? could probably mean, what am I going to do with you? The answer is pretty simple if he does not feel anything to her other than brotherly affection. I think the reason why he was having problems in how to deal with Haru's emotions was because he is quite not sure how he really feels about it.

That is also maybe the reason why he went to Su In --- to escape! I am sorry guys, even if morally the right thing to do is for those two to reconcile, I just cannot feel any chemistry between the two. As in ZERO so I am not rooting for them.

I hope the next episodes will tell us of Hwal and Haru's history together. Were they friendly in the past before the accident? I am dying to know Hwal's impression of her when they were younger.

I agree with Bamidele when she said that whenever its uncomfortable to Hwal he tries to ignore it until he can't. Yeah, if it is getting too close for comfort, he tends to keep a distance.

Yes, I also believe that Poong Ho and Haru makes a cute couple but I don't know why I like it better if Haru ended up with Hwal, probably because it makes the story more interesting that way.

As for Hyun Tae, I understand where he is coming from but then sometimes we really need to exert much self control. Maybe, just maybe if he really feels or see Hwal doing something extra to cement his relationship with Su In, he will stop. Maybe he knew him better than all of us that he feels that Hwal is not really serious in reconciling with Su In. I also think that if Su In really wants him to stop she can but I think she also understands where he is coming from.

To those who are still uncomfortable with the age difference, there are so many ways to make the story much acceptable, there is the time leap people.

Edit: Props to LJJ and MHR! I love their performance here in Triple!

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Guest jelly_pudding

i am watching this drama right now .. and its pretty good so far..

but... min hyo rin's voice sometimes annoys me .. but i guess thats the character she has to play..

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Guest yobiworld

sana000 Thank you i think what Hwal meant when he said "WHAT ARE YOU" is that he meant "WHAT ARE YOU TO ME" basically trying to figure out his feeling toward Haru. Seeing Poong ho with Haru made Hwal realize what close friends they are it it very interesting i myself like there friendship. Not crazy about Haru Poong ho ending up together for simple fact that it kinda boring to see them to together nothing about them sticks out besides them being CUTE. TO be honest cute dont last long for me in dramas but all in all it makes me like Haru just a little bit more it great to see her spend time with other people besides her 3 roommate that means she has a life.

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Guest Caroline :)

hyun tae i can understand because his emotions started way before he found out about hwal and the coach

however haru is being ridiculous and if these two end up together this is going to be a typical korean drama

first he's married, he's her step brother, and to top that off he's in his mid thirties whereas haru hasn't even graduated high school, she's never been in a relationship, and plus this is the son of the man that took his wife away from him.

haru only thinks about herself. she doesn't even think about her father or her coach which is so highly disrespectful.

why does she go digging through people's bags and personal items in their homes?

if she hadn't been so rude she would have never hurt her knee (i'm on ep 8) like that.

did no one teach her that married men are hands off?

i love ji poong though he's SOOOOO cute <3

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Guest kodoque

No matter how much I like Hwal..

I still like Haru to end up with Poong Ho !!!

Gosh he is too adorable for words?

Can someone let us know what PoongHo said to Haru at the end of Ep. 10 ?

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Guest piano4112000

Adorableness can only get you so far in life. Adorableness should not be the mere fact that Haru should like him. I don't see sparks when Haru and Poong Ho are together, if anything they seem more like silibings than Haru and Hwal does.

Again age should not be a factor in this at all. She is legal and so is he. When we first meet a guy the first thing we think of is not age, we don't go up to him and ask him his age and when he is considered to old for us we stop in our tracks, no we don't do that.

Love causes us to do stupid immature things. Sometimes we regret them as Haru did when she confess to Soo-In that she was the one that threw the CD away. Haru does not set out to cause others harm because she is evil, she is 18 and has just discovered a whole new set of feeling she has never felt before its only normal that she react like this. We all don't act mature when it comes to love and believe me people in their 50 can act way more like 10 year old when it comes to love.

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The more I watch this drama the more I root for a Poong Ho and Haru relationship and less for Hwal and Haru.

I love Haru, I love Hwal, but the more I watch the two of them together, I just like Poong Ho more. He just seems...right.

As for SI, seriously, can we send her back to Canada or something - because the whinny has got to go. I don't see her not crying in ANY episode. I just really dislike her character. Maybe it's the cheating thing that makes me greatly dislike her, but the poor me thing is driving me nuts.

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Guest x shinhwa lova x

are there any other LQ version links for the episodes, besides the ones already posted on the first page?

i searched through every single page, but couldn't find any :(

hope someone is willing to continue posting the LQ versions :)

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Guest asadal

It may seem like Poongho is right for Haru (if Hwal was out of the equation they'll probably hit it off well), but sorry, that's such a stupid reason for them to end up together. Haru loves Hwal, not Poongho. Compatibility be damned.

I'm contemplating whether Hwal has actually fallen for Haru's adorable antics or if it's just jealousy aroused by Poongho kissing Haru. A similar dynamic with Haru's crush intensifying after she learned that Hwal had a wife. In the episode 11 preview, Haru asked for one date with Hwal and swore that she'll let go of him. But the funny thing about humans is that they'll come around to you once you ignore them for a little while. I'm going to predict that it'll be Hwal that'll be chasing Haru this time (yay). Hwal♥Haru shipper forever!


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Guest piano4112000

In all honestly I think Haru asking for one date and letting him go is a smart choice. She can have one last happy moment with him as just a woman and a man. If Hwal does not feel anything after this than it really is time for her to let him go.

Your right asadal it could be that once she gives up he will realize that she is someone very special to him and special not in a little sister sort of way.

There is this saying, "when you have someone close to you, you don't treasure them but when their gone you realize what you have lost and regret."

I'm actually excited for this date because after it is done we will know as clear as day what Hwal's feelings are if there is any.

Haru is a smart girl she knows that fighting for something that doesn't want to be fought for is useless.

Having this one date with Hwal can at least give her some loving memories for her to treasure. She won the battle even if she lost the war. :)

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Guest miraigal

After watching episode 9 and 10, I bet most people will be turned off by the love affection growing between Haru and Hwal. I think otherwise. I always detest dramas with plots of step-siblings falling in love as to me it is like incest but somehow I don't feel the same way for this couple. First of all, they did not grow up together. Secondly Hwal has never actually feel Haru is his younger sister until she moved it and the responsiblity of being her oppa fell upon him.

If we set aside the fact they are step-siblings, we should see simply 2 people falling in love. Not a 18 year old girl falling in love with her much older oppa or a 35 year old man having feelings for a high school girl, but just 2 people falling in love. I love watching Triple. The director has done a good job in showing us love. One thing for sure, Im not watching the drama because of the tight butt of Hwal; nor the cuteness of Poong Ho; nor the cherubic Haru; nor the lovelorn puppy-like Hyun Tae; nor the fun couple Sang Hee and Hae Yoon; I'm falling in love with Triple simply because I feel love in it.

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