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[drama 2009] Triple 트리플

Guest MWshin

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Guest nycstrawberri21

i loe thi drama in the first few episodes... haru was so cute and bubbly.... but now everyone is moping about something and its bringing the drama mood way down... my favorite parts was when the four friends interact and joke but now hwal and hyun tae barely speak to each other... and haru is acting like a spoiled brat... even if they are not blood related siblings it is still kind of disturbing if they develope romantic feelings for each other.. i mean he is like 30 something and she is 18...

my favorite parts are now with hae yoon and sang hee... they are so cute together...

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Guest purpledayz


I think TRIPLE is so super underrated!!

cmon, there got to be more people who enjoys + loves the drama as much as i do!! Why is the Korea viewership ratings lower than expectations?!!?!?!

its not even 10pt!


LOVEE the way the PD handles the mood of dramas.

트리플 화이팅 !

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Guest silverdreamer

I always thought what haru felt was infatuation, not love. I still do. She is wayy too young to "love" her brother, not only that but the age gap is incredible. If somehow it turns into love and Hwal loves her back... i will be really disappointed with this show. Honestly, i believe that the younger kid is really cute with haru and hwal has a wife! I was always fine with Haru's distress over Su in because normally sisters are like that, and becuase in this case haru and hwal arn't really related, haru may have the wrong impression that it is love.

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Guest yobiworld

At least Haru not entirely love sick had this been any other drama the Haru would have stopped her entire life just to be around Hwal. That one of things i like about Haru she still very passionate about skating she never skips out on practices and even after finding out her coach Su In Hwal are married. Haru still respects and listens to Su In to me that sign of maturity. Writers are doing a good job at not turning this into another melodrama Although Haru can be annoying at times lets be thankful Haru not overbearing. ^_^ ^_^

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Guest aaclove

People may disagree with me, but I cannot fathom the blossoming relationship between Hwal/Haru. It is just weird. Usually, I can empathize with the lead actress and her feelings for whomever... but having feelings for her own "brother" (regardless that they're not blood related) is FREAKING ME OUT. I'm sure their parents are rolling over in their grave from grief! I don't care if love is supposed to overcome all obstacles, this is inappropriate. The age difference between them is too vast and HER BROTHER IS ALREADY MARRIED! Not engaged, but MARRIED. That just opens up another whole can of WRONG!

For the life of me, I can't agree with Haru and her immature actions of showing attraction to Hwal. WTF is this. Similarly to the plot of the movie Clueless, the fact that Cher ends up getting together with her EX-stepbrother made me want to vomit. Blood or no blood, once a brother -- ALWAYS a brother. If Hwal really starts liking Haru back, I'm going to stop watching this drama.

Which reminds me that YKS' character is not getting likable either. Does no one believe in morals in this drama? He is blatantly hitting on his best friend's WIFE?! While he is living with his best friend, he continues to go to extreme measures to be charming and charismatic in front of Hwal's wife. At this point, they need to all sit down and talk about the situation. Hwal's wife is also being an idiot. She needs to tell YKS' character to BUG OFF in a direct, angry way. She's trying to be nice to him but she has no reason to. YKS' character is disrespecting her marriage to Hwal (even if they're having a rough marriage, an outsider shouldn't try to wedge their way in) and she has a right to be completely pissed off at him - especially since she still wants to be with Hwal. BE AGGRESSIVE WOMAN!


piano4112000, I do see your point!

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Guest piano4112000

Why is everything in life have to be labeled with a permanent marker. They were once siblings, once upon a time. They didn't grow up together, no matter how much she calls him oppa, in her mind he wasn't really her brother. She calls the other two oppa as well but that doesn't make them her brother.

I'm disappointed that so many people feel this way when in other dramas we have seen it happen before. Age is really nothing. Look at Sweet 18, she was 18 and he was much much older then her but no one felt that was anything wrong. we can also say its because they weren't siblings but I don't buy it.

Thing like this happen in real life and the PD is only trying to show us reality. If everything that made us uncomfortable we dismiss, it would be a shame because some of the most uncomfortable concepts in life are the most brilliant.

The skater boy is cute and all but I'm shock at the fact that some say he is perfect for her because they are age appropriate, does that mean my parents should not have gotten together because he is way older way older than her and if they didn't get together I would never exist (no jokes people). If she doesn't love him in that way than age really doesn't matter.

I understand what you mean but I actually enjoy the relationship of Hwal and Haru romance or not. this drama is all awkward pauses and I love it.

I don't want to get into the whole right or wrong because in all honesty nothing is mere right or wrong, there is always a gray area in life.

Sorry for the long post people :)

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Guest yobiworld

aaclove Everyone entitled to there own opinion but if it freaking you out why are Watching i can understand you not agreeing to there relationship but "FREAKING ME OUT" harsh words. Let not forget this is fiction it for our entertainment no one should feel FREAKED OUT Im not trying to be mean. ^_^

Anyway i said it before and ill say it again i dont CARE who Haru ends with as long it with one of those fine looking roommates anyone is just fine all 3 are lovable and compatible with Haru.

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I don't know if I'm all for the Hwal/Haru love thing but I"m not against it. I AM against Su In in every shape and form, I actualloy wish she didn't exist at all in this drama, even though I know she adds to the show but she just annoys me.

I don't see how people that are all for HT and Haru are so against Hwal and Haru because Hwal and HT are the same AGE they're both 34! Hwal just looks older. I know you think of the brother thing that freaks you out but in all honesty - I just think of clueless, they weren't really siblings, Hwal doesn't even see her as a sibling.

As for how Hwal might be cheating on Su In by having feelings for Haru. It is two entirely different things to be activly in a realtionship, married, taken the vows, living WITH, and supposidly loving someone and then sleep with another person. Versus being physically seperated, no thought of reconciliation, basically heading for divorce but afraid to take that last step and having feelings for another person. I don't know how many people here have been even close to Hwal's shoes, but to be honest - if I were Hwal, I'd have no qualms about looking. Other then in name and a minor legality - I"m not married to that person. Also, if they got married in Canada - that doesn't always make the marriage valid in Korea, has anyone thought of that? (sorry "The Hills" moment) Legally, unless they filed paperwork in Korea too, they aren't married and from the sound of it - they didn't even make it back to Korea together as a happy couple.

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maybe the reason why the rating is so low(really unexpecting for me)

because of controversial between main cast..

HT with his friend's wife..

haru with her step brother

i read and many of ppl reply something like...

"i will stop watching if they're really get together."

"they're freak me out."

"that's unacceptable and disgusting."

i suddenly feel sadden..

this must not be the PD attention for some of the viewers to be gross out by main lead relationship..

it suppose to be a beautiful relationship..no matter who's get pair with who at the end of the day...

as much as i love this drama and where it heading..

i can understand a lot of ppl seem to hate it because the beauty is in the eye of beholder.

i hope the rating goes up...TRIPLE FIGHTING!!!

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Guest aaclove

aaclove Everyone entitled to there own opinion but if it freaking you out why are Watching i can understand you not agreeing to there relationship but "FREAKING ME OUT" harsh words. Let not forget this is fiction it for our entertainment no one should feel FREAKED OUT Im not trying to be mean. ^_^

I am quite aware that this is a fictionalized television drama created for the audience's amusement, but it was just so random and peculiar for Haru to be attracted to her brother in that way. I was watching the drama with a bunch of my friends and we collectively gasped when we realized Haru was developing feelings for Hwal. I don't think freaking out was harsh, but like you said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Their relationship was difficult for me to digest. Also, it is natural for the audience to be absorbed with the plot of a drama - that's the entire motive of the PD and those involved in the production. They WANT people to be immersed in the drama and form their own opinions and so forth.

Again, we are all entitled to our own opinions. So I respect yours. :)

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I never really like Lee Ha Na, but I feel that I don't think

she is all that bad now. xD

I actually want Haru to be with either Hyuntae or Poongho.

lol. Poongho is so adorable...and cute. Keke. And Hyuntae

is hot. xD

I would really rather perfer it if Hwal and Haru will just be

brother and sister. I mean Hwal has a wife. -_-

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Guest jinnn

Which reminds me that YKS' character is not getting likable either. Does no one believe in morals in this drama? He is blatantly hitting on his best friend's WIFE?! While he is living with his best friend, he continues to go to extreme measures to be charming and charismatic in front of Hwal's wife. At this point, they need to all sit down and talk about the situation. Hwal's wife is also being an idiot. She needs to tell YKS' character to BUG OFF in a direct, angry way. She's trying to be nice to him but she has no reason to. YKS' character is disrespecting her marriage to Hwal (even if they're having a rough marriage, an outsider shouldn't try to wedge their way in) and she has a right to be completely pissed off at him - especially since she still wants to be with Hwal. BE AGGRESSIVE WOMAN!

I have only been following this on and off but I roughly get the gist of the storyline. I don't think it's HT nor Haru's faults for still haboring hopes for pursuing whom they like ==> I believe the root cause for all these heartache and confusion lies in the fact that Hwal is still indecisive on his relationship with Su-In. On the one hand; he is unable to erase the memory of Su-In's infidelity and on the other; he still has feelings for her. He should just make a stand quickly and reconcile with her if he still enjoys being with her (as evident from the fact that he could leave his surprise birthday party and hop over for a mini celebration with Su-In).

So, even though they are still a married couple, in reality they are no longer living as man and wife so I dont really blame HT and Haru for behaving the way they did (and hey!, they were smitten even before they knew these 2 were married).

The intro to Hyun Tae's character is that he is supposed to be someone who will go all out to fight for his happiness; so at this point in time, until Hwal truly reconciles with Su-In, HT will still be continuing with his pursuit. (It's just unfortunate that his tactics in getting his dream girl is overbearing (lol.. I try not to cringe cos I love YKS to bits :P )... sometimes, you need to back off in order to get the girl and just when I thought he was starting to do the right thing in episode 8 => by giving her moral support but letting her have her own private space; but alas! in preview for episode 9; he was sleeping in her yard again..tsk tsk).

Btw => Till now, it's still not really clear to me whether Hwal and Su-In are truly reconciled.

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i feel weird rooting for haru/hwal's relationship, but my heart is leaning in their direction... it probably won't end up in full fruition, but it's one of those unrequited love/angst/inner turmoil that draws me in every time...

plus, i think haru does a great job at portraying the essence of that kind of love - it's a selfish and irrational love, but it's nevertheless a very powerful feeling she can't just abandon.. you have to feel somewhat sorry for her for feeling this way yet not being able to do anything about it..

whereas Lee Hana's character....

don't get me started.. the woman had her chance with hwal, screwed it up, begs him for another chance, acts all sulky sulky and seeks out to be haru's coach just to get closer to hwal, gets her second chance b/c hwal's such an amazing guy (note sarcasm here hehee), and she's also awarded the sympathy factor due to her sick mom.

While that's all good and acceptable up to that point, here is where i have a problem w/ sunee: Yes, hyun tae is borderline stalkerish and unrealistically making advances on her that puts her in a tough position - BUT, she never entirely cuts her connection to him as she should if she's so in love with hwal. And yes, situations present itself so that she is forced to rely on hyun tae and this problem wouldn't exist if hyun tae acts more mature and doesn't like his friend's wife (c'mon hyun tae...lol), but i can't help but notice how she never puts her foot down firmly enough when she reacts to hyun tae's advances..

this is where i think she is a bit selfish and unfair towards both hwal and hyun tae. Where is the anger she's supposed to show him when hyun tae comes to sleep on her porch (throwing water is NOT enough, i'd think she should know that by now) + she sat down to drink wine w/ him... umm, i don't think that would've happened if hwal was in the hotel room waiting for her, hmmm.... we all know this is probably setting up for the moment when she feels something for both men, and that's going to make me like her less... i would love to love sunee's character b/c it's one we can all relate to, but the choices she makes and her inability to comprehend how much the other characters (haru and hyuntae especially) are suffering partly b/c of her is a big turn-off...

regardless of these drawbacks, i'm LOVING this refreshing drama and my only regret so far is Wal's passing.. that was SOOOO wrong.

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Guest gracefulmoonie

I have only been following this on and off but I roughly get the gist of the storyline. I don't think it's HT nor Haru's faults for still haboring hopes for pursuing whom they like ==> I believe the root cause for all these heartache and confusion lies in the fact that Hwal is still indecisive on his relationship with Su-In. On the one hand; he is unable to erase the memory of Su-In's infidelity and on the other; he still has feelings for her. He should just make a stand quickly and reconcile with her if he still enjoys being with her (as evident from the fact that he could leave his surprise birthday party and hop over for a mini celebration with Su-In).

So, even though they are still a married couple, in reality they are no longer living as man and wife so I dont really blame HT and Haru for behaving the way they did (and hey!, they were smitten even before they knew these 2 were married).

The intro to Hyun Tae's character is that he is supposed to be someone who will go all out to fight for his happiness; so at this point in time, until Hwal truly reconciles with Su-In, HT will still be continuing with his pursuit. (It's just unfortunate that his tactics in getting his dream girl is overbearing (lol.. I try not to cringe cos I love YKS to bits :P )... sometimes, you need to back off in order to get the girl and just when I thought he was starting to do the right thing in episode 8 => by giving her moral support but letting her have her own private space; but alas! in preview for episode 9; he was sleeping in her yard again..tsk tsk).

Btw => Till now, it's still not really clear to me whether Hwal and Su-In are truly reconciled.

You have pointed out a very good point. On one hand, I feel that he still has feelings for Soo In (evidence in the example that you've pointed out (mini BD celebration), in ep. 3 when he remembers the first time he talked to her in the movie theatre, they had a pretty good laugh on their "reconciliation date, and lets not forget also in ep. 3-- he punched HT for taking advantage of Soo In.

But on the other hand, he doesn't know how to deal with Haru now, being all anxious on the last part to ep8, when he finally was able to call her.

Hwal needs to be a man and have a serious talk with HT if he still truly wants to be with Soo In.

I admit to label HT as a stalker and as a bad friend, but as you've said--- HT is the kind of person that will fight for his happiness, so he wants to take this chance and not let SI slip away. because in reality, if he just ignores SI for a while and give her too much free space, the chance of Hwal and SI getting back together will be higher. But another problem that one person pointed out is that SI is not being aggressive enough in driving HT away IF she TRULY loves Hwal and only cares about getting back together with him. The way I see it is that in the future, SI will eventually give in to HT advances, and Hwal/ Haru will be a pair. This is something new and unexpected for me, it's really the first time, I have seen a drama deal directly with "sliblings love." well, not really and also considering the age gap. It will be interesting to see how Hwal deals with the situation next week.

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Guest purpledayz

I actually want Haru to be with either Hyuntae or Poongho.

lol. Poongho is so adorable...and cute. Keke. And Hyuntae

is hot. xD

I would really rather perfer it if Hwal and Haru will just be

brother and sister. I mean Hwal has a wife. -_-

yes yes yes!!!

I so agree with you!

I watched this drama not because of the team behind this production but also bcuz of Yoon KyeSang.

So when I started, I always hope YKS will be with HARU!!!

oh well, looking at how it is going now, it seems impossible =(

But i believe if something blossoms out of Haru and PoongHo, its gonna b super ultra swt ;p

and if the story turns into how haru accepts tht a brother will always b a brother, and her realization strenghtens the bro-sis r/s PLUS

because they have strong bro-sis r/s ,haru helps soo in n hwal get together, it would b a happily-ever-after story!!!!

and it will b nice sitting back , enjoying how things turn out with a smile.


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Guest danick

There are so many types of relationships but I would not call Hwal and Haru as weird if ever it developed to a romantic relationship. They are NOT BLOOD RELATED! Whatever Haru is feeling for Hwal may it be just an infatuation or real love, it cannot be considered weird since there is no reason for them not to. Haru should be the first to know if it is not right at all. She thinks there is nothing wrong with it. There is a reason why we all use the word stepsibling: stepbrother or stepsister.

However, there is a great possibility that whatever she's feeling is infatuation since she has been longing for him since the day they were separated. She could have confused her feelings although if it continues I do not see anything wrong with it, emotionally but legally, that is another matter. Hwal is married and from the looks of it, he still feels something for his wife. The jealousy that we see from Haru could be that she waited so long to be with Hwal and here's her chance now only to find out that he belonged to someone else. It could turn out into two ways. They end up together as the best stepsiblings team or we get a time leap and he waits for her

to grow up.

The beauty of this series is the unpredictability of where the story is going. There is really no clear cut path. We can see hints every now and then but nothing straightforward. I wonder in what episode we will all see clearly where it is heading or who gets who.

I do not blame Hyun Tae for doing what he has been doing. He was hooked line and sinker the first time he met her. The guy is just trying. I will put the blame on her for not really stopping him and partly to Hwal for not really aggressively telling his friend to leave her alone. But who knows his attitude might help Hwal to realized how much he still loves his wife. Hyun Tae will stop bothering her if she really wants him to stop. Maybe she thinks it could help her cause in warming Hwal's heart.

EDIT: I just remember something in the earlier episode, Hwal told Haru's father that he never treated her or regard her like a little sister. This may have been spoken out of annoyance to the father but it may also be somewhat true if the PD is going for a Haru and Hwal ending. Just pondering...

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Guest jinnn

There are so many types of relationships but I would not call Hwal and Haru as weird if ever it developed to a romantic relationship. They are NOT BLOOD RELATED! Whatever Haru is feeling for Hwal may it be just an infatuation or real love, it cannot be considered weird since there is no reason for them not to. Haru should be the first to know if it is not right at all.

My exact sentiments. There is nothing wrong if they should fall for each other cos' not only are they not blood-related; there will also not be any awkwardness since both their parents are already dead.

What we do not know for sure is whether what Haru is feeling for Hwal is just puppy love / infatuation (girls do get affected if some guys treat them nice ; eg. Hwal getting her the skates and Wal etc) or true love.

side-track ==> for my life, I could also never understand why everyone was frowning upon the love of SSH and SHG in "Autumn Love" (no blood relations at all, and not even step siblings). I remembered being purplexed by the big hoo-ha that these 2 "siblings" have fallen in love.

Hyun Tae will stop bothering her if she really wants him to stop.

Yeah, I believe HT will stop bugging her if she is AGRESSIVE enough (like what gracefulmoonie / aaclove said) . Just as yellow and green mentioned, sitting down and having wine (under the stars) with him is a definite NO-NO (one would have thought that she should have learnt her lesson from the mistake that she made with her ex-bf). She is just giving HT false hopes (albeit unintentionally)

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Guest sorini

I think some of you feel uncomfortable or "freak out" at the possible romantic relationship between Hwal and Haru.

I would agree and feel the same way if the PD in the TV series the "Brady Bunch" developed a romantic relationship between a step brother and sister in that show. Though they are not blood related but they became a family when the kids were really young. these kids live under one roof and accept the other's mother/ father as their own. Overtime they do feel that they are brothers and sisters. Thus a romantic relationsip among these kids is absolute not socially acceptable

But in many cases nowaday, the couple get remarried late in life when their own children either grown up or already moved out, most of the time these children don't consider themselves brothers/ sisters at all. I know many cases, they refer to their step bro-sis as " my dad's wife's daughter" . I think that Hwal and Haru falls into this category. That's why he never feel related to her nor does he feel any sense of responsibility toward her either.

btw, ep 8 with sub is avail on viikii already . Yahoo!

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