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[drama 2009] Triple 트리플

Guest MWshin

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I just watch episode 12...

I really wonder what Hwal said that make SuIn caught him that he like Haru?... I not understand anything, I just manage to understand the 'like' part... Hope anyone can help me

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Guest budibudi

I just watch episode 12...

I really wonder what Hwal said that make SuIn caught him that he like Haru?... I not understand anything, I just manage to understand the 'like' part... Hope anyone can help me

I think it was because he came home late waiting for Haru to get home (and he hung around after, cooking food for her etc), but he gave her another reason why he is late. They were talking for a long time before it got to that question though, so don't really know.. Someone else can answer this for me, that was the gist that I got, I want to know too.

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I don't understand how you can feel bad for HT but not for Haru. They are in similar situation except he loves his best friends wife and she loves her ex-step brother. Is her love any less important than HT because you deem the relationship wrong. what they are both doing is wrong but that does not make their feelings any less important. How can you justify one person and condemn another for the exact same thing?

I don't like her behavior. Hyuntae likes Soo In, and he expresses his feeling in front of Soo In and Hwal. That means he wants to fight fairly. I like his straight character. But for Haru, she acts like an innocent girl, but she does something which is selfish and bad. Behind Soo In's back, she always takes Soo In's things and listens to them without permit. She even breaks Soo In's CD which was given by Hwal. Her actions are unacceptable. It can't be excused that she is young because it is the human's nature.

I blame all four (Hwal, HT, Haru, and Soo-In) for the mess they are in. Hwal for not being decisive enough with either making it a go with Soo-In and putting Haru in her place, HT for butting into a relationship that he has no business being in, Haru for the same reason as HT, and Soo-In for letting HT crowd her when she knew perfectly well she could have crushed his heart with one blow but didn't.

I think u got a good point. :P

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I agree with u. She looks very dirty and messy. I don't think that it is because of this character and the make-up, but i think it is because of this actress herself. Many young actresses have filmed many similar roles like hers, but they look very attractive and clean even they play the roles of poor kids. For example, Go Ah Ra, she is younger than this actress but she looks very clean, not mention to who is prettier.

umm... this is the first very first time i heard this kind of comment about min hyorin...

because min hyo rin is popular because she has a "luxurious nose" and she's a model and always consider in a pretty catagory

and to me, if u compare go ah ra and min hyorin version of poor kid..

i will chose min hyo rin over go ah ra anyday..

it will be a pain for me to see lee haru wore a lot of make up to bed and wearing big eyes color contact lens..

well....the beauty is in the eye of beholder..

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Guest judybootie

wait a minute...hwal likes haru now?? dat is jus...wow...lol glad i stopped watching this drama . why in the world would they couple up hwal and haru? :huh:

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Guest asadal


I just watch episode 12...

I really wonder what Hwal said that make SuIn caught him that he like Haru?... I not understand anything, I just manage to understand the 'like' part... Hope anyone can help me

I think it was because he came home late waiting for Haru to get home (and he hung around after, cooking food for her etc), but he gave her another reason why he is late. They were talking for a long time before it got to that question though, so don't really know.. Someone else can answer this for me, that was the gist that I got, I want to know too.

When Su-In confronted Hwal about not mentioning spending time with Haru, he got annoyed and said (more like yelled) that Haru had nothing to do with this. Su-In wondered why he got so defensive, then she asked if he liked Haru.

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Guest lala99

yay am really liking this show alot ..

and i just don't know why others hate Hawl to couple with Haru they are so cute..

am routing for their relationship and about Su IN with Hawl they're not matching at all Su In is cold and like

dead to me lol

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while the storyline of this drama is not my cup of tea, i'm still in it for the ppl in the cast.

what a dream-come-true it must be for a teenaged girl to be living in the same household as 3 handsome young men!

but i, too, am having trouble with Hwal's indecisiveness and i can only let Haru pass by convincing myself that she's got a lot of teenage raging hormones to deal with hence her immature & impulsive actions.

anyhow, can u imagine KJH in Hwal's role? i certainly can't and i'm glad he's not in this drama!

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Guest danick

Irrational behavior...people that is what LOVE does to a person. Hating someone because they choose to love a person is quite sad. You know that it takes two to tango. Hwal and Haru did not get to this point because of only one person. Haru would not have continued to pursue Hwal if he really did something to stop it. Apparently, he likes the attention The same goes for Su In and Hyun Tae. She might say that she do not like the attention but she could have rejected all his advances or whatever you call it more FIRMLY. There are so many ways to do it and I do not think she is timid or shy at all not to make HT stop.

Sometimes, we consider the geniuses and artists as the madmen, we saw them do many ridiculous things because we cannot figure out the reason for their thoughts and actions. BUT I bet they do have. :P

Hyun Tae has fallen in love and that is one of the reasons for his actions but I believe that his character was never really fully explained in the past episodes. I guess lack of character development unless it will all be explained later on. I've seen plenty of dramas where in people tend to forget friendship or family when it comes to love. However, I do believe that he knows that he is in for a heartbreak but he decided to just continue to love her.

Thanks for the links, semi-fly and cute girl :)

Regarding Hwal and Haru; before episode 11; I always thought it is incredible that Hwal would fall for Haru. By the looks of things happening in episodes 11 & 12; Hwal is exhibiting early traits of a straying husband (spending / loitering at the other girl's home instead of with his wife). Lucky that he is still alert enough to change from the t-shirt that he wore on his date with Haru (and both of them were wearing matching tees :huh: ) to his normal office attire upon arrival home. Incredible as it may seem; but he's behaving irrationally too ;)

Irrational behavior, blame it to love. However, I think it would be just for a couple of episodes. Since during the interview the cast said that there would be no direct love connection; that is if you will believe them. Anyway, even if I am rooting for a Hwal and Haru ending, wow, I never expected those scenes you mentioned.Yahoo for me, too bad for the H and H haters. Whoa, that's triple H. :P

Wow it looks like Hwal and Soo-In are over, so what's next when Hwal moves back into the house and Haru is there. We are going to get a lot of excitement next week when Hwal has to face his own feelings head on.

It also looks as though Soo-In is seeing HT as a man and not as Hwal's friend.

Hwal and Soo-In know that there relationship cannot be saved and they did the right thing ending it and still being friends. Both side has forgiven each other.

I think the reason why they easily reached that decision is because they already knew beforehand that there was really nothing to save it. She pursued him because of guilt. He did it because he was running away.

Ohmigawd ohmigawd afsjdkjdk *spazzes* *dies*

Nevermind, I LOVE all the scenes with Hwal and Haru!

Today's episode didn't come with a preview, only flashbacks. *sigh* Only four more episodes left. It's kind of making me depressed knowing that this wonderful show will soon end... Damn how the hell will I get my weekly Triple fix? I REALLY wish they'd extended this to like 20 episodes or something.

Me too. Not showing any preview is really killing me. I am so gonna watch the last episode again and again. I have a feeling that the next episode will be heartbreaking. That is usually the case in these dramas.

I know what you mean when Hwal didn't deny that he liked Hwal. Hwal just has to admit it to himself first and than worry about what others might say.

For those who are against Haru and Hwal I hope that you can at least enjoy the story telling and the acting because the acting has been great.

Yeah! Focus on the story telling and the acting but it would be so annoying for them since this drama series is 80% Hwal and Haru. So I guess, if you cannot keep an open mind then save yourself for further annoyance by not watching the drama anymore but I guess there are 4 more episodes and it is not yet certain that it would H & H ending so keep watching you H&H haters you might get the ending you prefer.

Haru's behavior is like a mad girl. Looking at her really makes me angry. Her brother is so good to let her stay with him already, why does she want more and more like she is a very important person? So crazy. I want to throw her out immediately. She looks too old to be called a kid, but she tries to act as a kid in front of them. Her mind is already like adult. So angry to look at her.

Just a friendly advise, stop watching the series. As I've said a larger portion of the series is focus on her so it's better if you stop watching it unless you want to be so angry twice in a week. Hahaha...anyway, try to understand her in another perspective. The girl is 18 and we do a lot of crazy things when we are at that age especially when it comes to love. Look at the other dramas people suppposedly who are adults acts irrationally when it comes love. Also, it takes two to tango girl. Based from the last two episodes he's liking the way she's acting! :lol: Forgive me, I like Haru and Hwal.

I wonder what will happen in the next episodes. I have a feeling that complications will arise as is always the case in this dramas and Hwal will realize that even if he feels something for Haru he will give in to what society dictates and give enough time to Haru to realized her dreams.

It could have an open ended final episode.

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Guest jinnn

I feel bad for Hyuntae because he loves his friend's wife. But i don't like the way he acts. He already knows that Su In is his friend's wife and Hwal also told him to stop, why does he still bother them like that?

If Su In and Hwal no more love each other, then he can pursue Su In with any way he wants. But they still love each other and want to reunite. If Hyuntae is the best friend, he should help Su In and Hwal to reunite because one is his best friend and another is his loved one. He should help them to gain their happiness.

Hyuntae and Haru are troublemakers, but i hate Haru more than Hyuntae. I feel bad for Hyuntae, but i have never felt bad for Haru. I really don't like the brother-sister relationship. :angry:

I would be absolutely angry with Hyuntae/Haru if they have known upfront that Hwal and Su-In were a married couple. Problem is that they only knew AFTER they have developed feelings for Hwal / Su-In and they just could not retract (control) their feelings. You cannot just turn on and off your feelings in the same manner that you turned off the lights cos’ emotion is a complex monster.

In fact, HT knows in his head that it’s wrong ; in episode 11; HT did tell SI that it was a real struggle for him to like someone’s wife; so he is suffering too => he feels pain when he sees Hwal and he also feels sad when he sees SI. Yeah, I can understand why many people are put off by HT’s persistence in pursuing SI but love needs no reason and it makes some people vulnerable and I guess we all just have to accept that HT and Haru (and I think SI too) fall under this category. The more pragmatic person (like HY) would most probably let his mind rules over his heart.

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Guest jinnn

I blame all four (Hwal, HT, Haru, and Soo-In) for the mess they are in. Hwal for not being decisive enough with either making it a go with Soo-In and putting Haru in her place, HT for butting into a relationship that he has no business being in, Haru for the same reason as HT, and Soo-In for letting HT crowd her when she knew perfectly well she could have crushed his heart with one blow but didn't.

No one is blameless :)

I absolutely agree with piano4112000 that all 4 are not blame-less; 2 for being fools in love (I would think that Haru is more forgiveable than HT since she is younger and may not be able to control her feelings better); SI for not rejecting HT outrightly and Hwal is guilty on 2 counts (1 for being indecisive and the other one is for not rejecting Haru outrightly if he feels that sibling love is not right).

I find it strange that there are so much outrage against Haru and so few on Hwal. I’m puzzled cos’ I think Hwal is just as guilty cos’ he did not put Haru firmly in her place and was encouraging it by going on the date etc with her. I mean , he may not be the one who planted the seed; but he played some part in watering and nourishing the seed.

However, I do believe that he knows that he is in for a heartbreak but he decided to just continue to love her.

She pursued him because of guilt. He did it because he was running away.

I like your analyses. These 2 characters are sad characters.. the one I empathize with more is Hyuntae (for some obvious reasons too ;) ) cos' outwardly he projected a lively and happy-go-lucky guy (despite his pain and sorrow) whereas SI always looked sad & lost

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I feel really bad during the argument of SI and Hwal.... and i think it's even more effective because there's no background music.

There is a small tinge of pain during those conversations. I agree with SI that Hwal have indeed drifted apart from her.

Can i say i'm not really feeling HT and Haru, both of them?

Well, HT stepped out of their relationship so i'm okay towards him for now but i don't really like Haru's action in these few episodes.

Some may say it's because out of love, someone could become irrational but i'm just annoyed at some of her selfish actions.

Yes, she may be young but it's not an excuse especially if the person is someone married. I like her character in the first few episodes and i felt bad for her when she found out that her oppa is married but it's still not good to kiss someone who is married and the person may not be in love with her.

And Hwal for being indecisive and SI for not totally rejecting HT. Nobody is totally right or wrong but just some of their actions annoyed me.

I guess this is why i feel this drama is real and made me feel uncomfortable.

I'm glad that SI and Hwal are not together even though i was rooting for them at first. There's too much conflicts and Hwal is swayed by Haru which makes him look bad...

Now, if HT starts to woo SI again, i've no problem with it.

I think Hwal is starting to like Haru or "care" about her but he's just denying it and acting defensively when it's about Haru.

I have no problem with the age gap but it's because they're brother and sister in name which makes me feel not right about this relationship.

But somehow, i've a feeling they won't end up together...

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Guest jinnn

I'm glad that SI and Hwal are not together even though i was rooting for them at first. There's too much conflicts and Hwal is swayed by Haru which makes him look bad...

Now, if HT starts to woo SI again, i've no problem with it.

I think Hwal is starting to like Haru or "care" about her but he's just denying it and acting defensively when it's about Haru.

I have no problem with the age gap but it's because they're brother and sister in name which makes me feel not right about this relationship.

But somehow, i've a feeling they won't end up together...

It's good that you can change your perception of the characters with the change in the dynamics of the drama. That speaks volumes for the scriptwriters :)

In a drama where there are more than 4 keyplayers; it's a pity that there's not enough time to dwell in depth into all characters eg. I don't think we will ever know why Su-In was unfaithful etc

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Guest miraigal

After watching episode 11, I wonder if Hwal is swayed by Haru or allured by the wonders of youth?

I really really really like Poong Ho in epi 12. Aigoo..I just want to pinch his cheeks! He is such a sweet, considerate and creative boy!!!

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Guest pookmonster

this drama is going really interestingly... i'm kind of rooting for hwal and haru, but then again, 17 year olds aren't too mature. plus if she's 17 korean age... that means she's 16 u.s. age! which is really young... i'm just trying to ignore the age difference right now haha

ALSO this is really random, but i just noticed that hwal has a badunkadunk! haha, he actually has a butt. it's really funny/cute. i think it's just really noticeable because he's so skinny...

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Guest asadal


Did anyone catch Hae-yoon checking out Haru in episode 11?









this drama is going really interestingly... i'm kind of rooting for hwal and haru, but then again, 17 year olds aren't too mature. plus if she's 17 korean age... that means she's 16 u.s. age! which is really young... i'm just trying to ignore the age difference right now haha

Haru is 18 in Korea, so she's more like 17 in the US. Not much of a difference though.

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Guest joicy

About Haru's apperance: if we want to have some examples of an ordinary girl wih a poor apperance: besides Go Ara (whose beauty is very exceptional) and Yoona, I have examples like Eun Chan (Yoon Eun Hye- Coffee Pricne), Eun Sung (Han Hyo Jyo- Brilliant Legacy) and even Lee Yo Won in Queen Seo Dok now who has very dark complexion and no much make up- just like Haru. The difference between Haru and all of them are: Haru's hair is very messy ( I wonder how she can survive in the hot summer of Korea), , and she does not look much special, not very much intelligent - if I have to say frankly. Maybe only my opinion, but what I see in her. You should like some character if she looks any how special to you. Yes, beauty is in the eys of beholders, well, but how many people see Haru's special besides that she looks very natural and ordinary? I think that's why the show is not very receptive in Korea, because Haru has no thing special. For example, Eun Chan in Coffee Pricne captured my interest right away, she has a shining smile and the vibe. So even she looks like a cute boy people still like her a lot.

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Guest yobiworld

At least Haru looks her age most K dramas have these actress with perfect looking hair flawless make expensive outfits. What normal high school girls looks like that Haru looks like someone you might see on the street. The reason This show inset receptive in korea is B/C it doesn't have all those evil stepmothers or rich hansom men running around or fancy outfits that would take us 6 paycheck s afford. Basically this show is about REAL life unlike Brilliant Legacy or Temptation of wife which was a huge hit. These characters go to work handle there problems well most like adults

no one plotting evil deeds just get someone else attention. Know dont get me wrong this show has it flaws but it not something to go crazy over just fast forward that what i do ESPECIALLY THOSE SU IN PARTS .

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