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[drama 2009] Triple 트리플

Guest MWshin

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Guest jinnn

What Hyun Tae does for Soo In's mum, I'm so impressed.^^

Sometimes, we consider the geniuses and artists as the madmen, we saw them do many ridiculous things because we cannot figure out the reason for their thoughts and actions. BUT I bet they do have. :P

Hyuntae may appear "ridiculous" to most people cos' we are living in a practical world and trying to conform to what society expects us to do. The more creative people will strive to achieve their dreams and find true happiness ( even tho' the chance is very slim)... they are the ones who dare to dream.

In fact, Hyuntae knows that he is fighting a losing battle (even HY is against him). His love for SI is irrational just like Haru falling in love for Hwal is irrational. For Hyuntae to have initially given up on SI; then back-tracking on his decision and to pursue SI again is evident that it's no longer just love at first sight. Outwardly, Hyuntae is a funny and happy guy but inwardly, he's actually a lonely man ==> I believe it is this sensitivity in him which could sense SI's loneliness and unhappiness etc that made him fall for SI and it's pretty obvious in episode 10 that his love for her is unconditional.

Although he loves SI lots and hope with all his might that SI will love him too; he did not really expect her to reciprocate (He told SI that she shd not feel guilty cos from day1, she has never shown that she is interested in him and that all these are his doings, no fault of hers). In the meantime, he is happy just making sure that the woman he loves is happy (and that includes making her mom happy) and comfortable in her dreary hospital ward. Somewhere along the way; he had somehow also built an emotional bond with her mom (and I believe this is vice versa cos SI mom was smiling although she would be chiding at the same time) cos' he could even send those pics to her mom without SI's knowledge.

The only thing that he has not done right and which society would expect him to do; is to wait for Hwal to divorce SI before he approaches SI. But "time and tide wait for no man" and it would be a pity if HT had waited, cos' Su In's mom would have passed on without see-ing the beautiful seagulls and the wild flowers; it's heartwarming to see what HT has done for SI mom :) He is living today as if there is no tomorrow :)

I'm having such conflict time watching Hyun Tae. It's so hard to understand - may be this character weren't made to understand...lol He so "upset" of anything that related to Su In! Look at how he react when he heard the sad news...He went traveling and take some nice pictures for her mother....

I expected him to react that way..as if he's lost a close family member. He should feel sad since he and SI mom do have some form of emotional connect. It's good to see that he exercised restraint since Hwal is now back together with SI. (Based on emotional connect and grief, he would have been better qualified to take the place of Hwal beside SI at the funeral house)

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i don't understand why haru has to always look all messy and dirty.

I mean looking young and natural I understand but the hair and dark circles gets pretty distracting

can't they just put some bobby pins in her hair and concealer under her eyes?

I agree with u. She looks very dirty and messy. I don't think that it is because of this character and the make-up, but i think it is because of this actress herself. Many young actresses have filmed many similar roles like hers, but they look very attractive and clean even they play the roles of poor kids. For example, Go Ah Ra, she is younger than this actress but she looks very clean, not mention to who is prettier.

At first, i didn't want to watch this drama because looking at her i lost my interest. After considering, i force myself to watch it since i like other actors and actresses.

I am watching Episode 7 right now. I can't stand to see her, so i have to stop to give some comments to calm down. Haha... She likes her brother as a man, not a brother. I don't like this fact. Her behavior is really strange, beyond expression. She should know who she is and where she stands. After knowing the fact that her brother got married, she treats her brother and the coach coldly like they did something wrong to her. I know that she is jealous, but she must know that she has no right to do so since she intervenes their life, not they intervene her life. I really can't stand to look at her.

I hope the brother and his wife will be together, but looks like the screenwriter doesn't want to do so. :D

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Guest jinnn

There just doesn't seem to be substance in their marriage and I just think they(Hwal) should man up to a lot of things and stop running away. Everyone is trying to fight but Hwal just keeps running away and I want him to stop running and start fighting. But first he needs to figure out what he wants, because he doesn't seem to know or more likely doesn't want to admit it to us the viewers or to himself or to the people effected by him.

By now, he should be very sure that there’s no future for SI and himself. Since SI’s mom is gone, there is no added burden to continue with the facade anymore. He should be MAN enuff to confront his issue with SI at least (the other ”headache” that he’s having with Haru is more complicated and may need more time to sort out..hehe).

Can they also give Hyun Tae a new girl? He is too sweet to be wasted on Su In! :P

:lol::lol: Too bad she doesn't have a twin sister

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Guest jinnn

Thanks for the links, semi-fly and cute girl :)

Regarding Hwal and Haru; before episode 11; I always thought it is incredible that Hwal would fall for Haru. By the looks of things happening in episodes 11 & 12; Hwal is exhibiting early traits of a straying husband (spending / loitering at the other girl's home instead of with his wife). Lucky that he is still alert enough to change from the t-shirt that he wore on his date with Haru (and both of them were wearing matching tees :huh: ) to his normal office attire upon arrival home. Incredible as it may seem; but he's behaving irrationally too ;)

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Guest jelly_pudding

oh my gosh.

lee jung jae is frickin hott. even though he's old.. he's still really hott lol.. he looks younger than his age..

anyways.. i am watching ep. 12 right now ^^

its pretty good so far~


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Guest MWshin

'One-side-crush' or 'Forbid heart to forget the love'....

wondering which one can tortune Hyun Tae the most? :mellow:


It may take only a second to love someone, but it will take a lifetime to forget someone.

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Guest piano4112000

Wow it looks like Hwal and Soo-In are over, so what's next when Hwal moves back into the house and Haru is there. We are going to get a lot of excitement next week when Hwal has to face his own feelings head on.

It also looks as though Soo-In is seeing HT as a man and not as Hwal's friend.

Hwal and Soo-In know that there relationship cannot be saved and they did the right thing ending it and still being friends. Both side has forgiven each other.

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Guest asadal


Ohmigawd ohmigawd afsjdkjdk *spazzes* *dies*

Hwal didn't deny that he liked Haru! Ahahahah all you Haru/Hwal haters can officially stop watching Triple because it's going that route whether you like it or not! NYAH NYAH~ Dude Poongho stop pestering Haru! You're getting in the way and you've indirectly murdered Wal! I seriously hope you die the same way you killed Wal! (jaykay)

Favorite scenes:

When Haru suggested kimchi fried rice for dinner and Hwal took the initiative and prepared dinner himself.

When Haru and Hwal talked and responded at the same time.

When Hwal looked at Poongho coldly when he said that he'll take good care of Haru.

Nevermind, I LOVE all the scenes with Hwal and Haru!

Today's episode didn't come with a preview, only flashbacks. *sigh* Only four more episodes left. It's kind of making me depressed knowing that this wonderful show will soon end... Damn how the hell will I get my weekly Triple fix? I REALLY wish they'd extended this to like 20 episodes or something.

*goes to rewatch episode 12*

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Guest piano4112000

I know what you mean when Hwal didn't deny that he liked Hwal. Hwal just has to admit it to himself first and than worry about what others might say.

Now we have Soo-In and HT and Hwal and Haru, it will be interesting to see what will happen next week. I hate that they didn't give us previews for next week but I guess it build anticipation.

For those who are against Haru and Hwal I hope that you can at least enjoy the story telling and the acting because the acting has been great.

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Hyuntae may appear "ridiculous" to most people cos' we are living in a practical world and trying to conform to what society expects us to do. The more creative people will strive to achieve their dreams and find true happiness ( even tho' the chance is very slim)... they are the ones who dare to dream.

In fact, Hyuntae knows that he is fighting a losing battle (even HY is against him). His love for SI is irrational just like Haru falling in love for Hwal is irrational. For Hyuntae to have initially given up on SI; then back-tracking on his decision and to pursue SI again is evident that it's no longer just love at first sight. Outwardly, Hyuntae is a funny and happy guy but inwardly, he's actually a lonely man ==> I believe it is this sensitivity in him which could sense SI's loneliness and unhappiness etc that made him fall for SI and it's pretty obvious in episode 10 that his love for her is unconditional.

Although he loves SI lots and hope with all his might that SI will love him too; he did not really expect her to reciprocate (He told SI that she shd not feel guilty cos from day1, she has never shown that she is interested in him and that all these are his doings, no fault of hers). In the meantime, he is happy just making sure that the woman he loves is happy (and that includes making her mom happy) and comfortable in her dreary hospital ward. Somewhere along the way; he had somehow also built an emotional bond with her mom (and I believe this is vice versa cos SI mom was smiling although she would be chiding at the same time) cos' he could even send those pics to her mom without SI's knowledge.

The only thing that he has not done right and which society would expect him to do; is to wait for Hwal to divorce SI before he approaches SI. But "time and tide wait for no man" and it would be a pity if HT had waited, cos' Su In's mom would have passed on without see-ing the beautiful seagulls and the wild flowers; it's heartwarming to see what HT has done for SI mom :) He is living today as if there is no tomorrow :)

I expected him to react that way..as if he's lost a close family member. He should feel sad since he and SI mom do have some form of emotional connect. It's good to see that he exercised restraint since Hwal is now back together with SI. (Based on emotional connect and grief, he would have been better qualified to take the place of Hwal beside SI at the funeral house)

I'm trying to come to term with ur defense of HT, but I'm still....It's just there was no physical or emotional connections between the two...what were the emotional connection u were talking about?...but I guess that's rational thinking

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I feel bad for Hyuntae because he loves his friend's wife. But i don't like the way he acts. He already knows that Su In is his friend's wife and Hwal also told him to stop, why does he still bother them like that?

If Su In and Hwal no more love each other, then he can pursue Su In with any way he wants. But they still love each other and want to reunite. If Hyuntae is the best friend, he should help Su In and Hwal to reunite because one is his best friend and another is his loved one. He should help them to gain their happiness.

Hyuntae and Haru are troublemakers, but i hate Haru more than Hyuntae. I feel bad for Hyuntae, but i have never felt bad for Haru. I really don't like the brother-sister relationship. :angry:

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Haru's behavior is like a mad girl. Looking at her really makes me angry. Her brother is so good to let her stay with him already, why does she want more and more like she is a very important person? So crazy. I want to throw her out immediately. She looks too old to be called a kid, but she tries to act as a kid in front of them. Her mind is already like adult. So angry to look at her.

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Guest love.peace.happiness.

Haru's behavior is like a mad girl. Looking at her really makes me angry. Her brother is so good to let her stay with him already, why does she want more and more like she is a very important person? So crazy. I want to throw her out immediately. She looks too old to be called a kid, but she tries to act as a kid in front of them. Her mind is already like adult. So angry to look at her.

you can't hate her because she is in love with her ex step brother...i know that concept is hard to take in and not many viewers like that idea either, but you can't help who you fall in love with..the heart wants what it wants...she never considers herself to be an important person, yes she moved in with her ex step brother, but that's about it she earned her keep in that house too..she's not a kid she's an adult because she's 18 in the drama..she's at the stage where she is graduating from teenagehood to adulthood and at this stage it can be confusing for a person...haven't you been there?? i'm assuming you're older than Haru? if you're older than you would get it, if not well than you'll get it once you're there..but don't hate her because she is acting like any other 18 years old..adults sometimes can regress back to child like behaviors too...i personally like the actress and how she is portraying Haru...i can understand where she is coming from when you're in love you can't help the way you act like Hyun Tae..he's a fool but a fool that's in love and that can be a bad combo hahah..i know huh this drama is ending soon and i'll have mad 'Triple' withdrawal...i'm glad i'm dling this drama than i can re-watch it anytime i want hahhaha ^_^

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Guest piano4112000

I feel bad for Hyuntae because he loves his friend's wife. But i don't like the way he acts. He already knows that Su In is his friend's wife and Hwal also told him to stop, why does he still bother them like that?

If Su In and Hwal no more love each other, then he can pursue Su In with any way he wants. But they still love each other and want to reunite. If Hyuntae is the best friend, he should help Su In and Hwal to reunite because one is his best friend and another is his loved one. He should help them to gain their happiness.

Hyuntae and Haru are troublemakers, but i hate Haru more than Hyuntae. I feel bad for Hyuntae, but i have never felt bad for Haru. I really don't like the brother-sister relationship. :angry:

I don't understand how you can feel bad for HT but not for Haru. They are in similar situation except he loves his best friends wife and she loves her ex-step brother. Is her love any less important than HT because you deem the relationship wrong. what they are both doing is wrong but that does not make their feelings any less important. How can you justify one person and condemn another for the exact same thing?

I blame all four (Hwal, HT, Haru, and Soo-In) for the mess they are in. Hwal for not being decisive enough with either making it a go with Soo-In and putting Haru in her place, HT for butting into a relationship that he has no business being in, Haru for the same reason as HT, and Soo-In for letting HT crowd her when she knew perfectly well she could have crushed his heart with one blow but didn't.

I can't change your mind on who you like or hate I was just wondering why.

No one is blameless :)

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I agree with u. She looks very dirty and messy. I don't think that it is because of this character and the make-up, but i think it is because of this actress herself. Many young actresses have filmed many similar roles like hers, but they look very attractive and clean even they play the roles of poor kids. For example, Go Ah Ra, she is younger than this actress but she looks very clean, not mention to who is prettier.

At first, i didn't want to watch this drama because looking at her i lost my interest. After considering, i force myself to watch it since i like other actors and actresses.

Really? This is the first time I've heard about people having problems with the LOOKS of the actress. I'm curious. What is it exactly that you don't like about her? Because, as a teen around Haru's age, I know that teenage girls like Haru are nothing like Go Ah Ra or Yoona in looks. They do not all have milky white complexions, silky frizz-less hair, and a perfect manicured appearance. We sweat like Haru does when she runs. We have bad hair days with frizzy hair. We certainly don't look like we can drop everything and hop into a fashion shoot any time of the day.

I like the way the director portrays Haru in a realistic down-to-earth appearance, unlike so many other dramas in which the young actresses wake up and act with already-made beautiful faces. Being natural is so much better, don't you think?

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Guest mochi_chan

Really? This is the first time I've heard about people having problems with the LOOKS of the actress. I'm curious. What is it exactly that you don't like about her? Because, as a teen around Haru's age, I know that teenage girls like Haru are nothing like Go Ah Ra or Yoona in looks. They do not all have milky white complexions, silky frizz-less hair, and a perfect manicured appearance. We sweat like Haru does when she runs. We have bad hair days with frizzy hair. We certainly don't look like we can drop everything and hop into a fashion shoot any time of the day.

I like the way the director portrays Haru in a realistic down-to-earth appearance, unlike so many other dramas in which the young actresses wake up and act with already-made beautiful faces. Being natural is so much better, don't you think?

Yah, I am agree with you... HaRu is a simple and not from a rich family girl. You can find this kind of looks from peoples (teenager girls, women) around you, there's a lot of girls and women who have this simple and natural daily looks (not a luxury looks)

I like how Min Hyo Rin portray this character. The only thing I dislike from HaRu's character was when she's acted so unbelievable to talk back to her brother "Hwal" and her coach (sister inlaw)

But anyhow, this drama is OK and entertained so far... keep waiting for the rest... TRIPLE, Hwaiting !!!!

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