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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest knucklepink

Annyeong Blackjacks! <3

Wow, been a long time since I posted here. Kekeke!

Anyways, love the girls' comeback! They totally killed it, and they are really really pwning! Dont you guys love being a Blackjack just about now? Kekeke!

Okay, so you can just skip this post since it's gonna be random and full of spazz. Kekeke! <3


On the Album:

I LOVE IT. While I didn't "love" it at first listen, but now ALL the songs are on repeat. I read a comment that the album sounded like a prelude to CL's solo album, but I would beg to differ. True, she got most of the parts in ALL the songs, but what made me love this is that Bommie really shone as well. Minzy's voice was pimped out in the best way possible, and she got mad reviews for It Hurts when the teaser came out. Dara. Wow, she raps. LOL! And she sounded really better compared to last year. I give her props for working so hard. CL's fierce rapping also was showcased very well.

Now, the argument that CLWIFE presented was that she is the leader, so it's expected that she'll have more parts. Well, honey, I respect that opinion, but it has holes I would like to poke at. There are many groups out there who have EQUAL parts in their songs for ALL members and not just for their leaders. In Cant Nobody, CL sang 8 - 12 lines of both verses, while Minzy had 4 lines for refrain, Bom had 4 lines for Chorus 1 and Dara had 4 lines for Chorus 2. But I dont have anything against this, since this song has an English version, and CL has, arguably, the best English among the girls, so I would expect her to have more parts.

I am not complaining about CL having more parts, in fact, I kind of liked how she sounded so good in the album. What I would like to say is that I would have wanted better rationalizing of the parts the next time, since I can barely hear Dara (It Hurts and Go Away has the least parts for her) and Minzy (Love is Ouch only had one Minzy verse and one Chorus 2). Because Bommie is their main vocals, I won't say anything about her parts in the song. Like DUH, of course she'll have the Choruses and some of the bridges, since again, she's the main vocals, and she totally saves some of the songs from being banned to autotune hell.


On the MVs:

Clap Your Hands - Hmm, probably my fave among the three. It was fierce and pretty at the same time. But the best part of this is that the girls had more or less, equal screen time, save for Bommie, because she had the Chorus parts, which showed all the girls most of the time. But she is at the center, and her red hair makes her hard to miss. Kekeke! The girls look like they had so much fun filming it. Though Bommie had less screen time, but every solo shot of hers showed her smiling. Dara rapping was unexpected but totally welcome. She sounded really nice by the way. And the bridge part was sexy at the same time fierce. But for me, CL still owns the rap in the group. Keke! She just amazes me when she opens her mouth and out comes the fierce rapping. Go CL! Minzy! My my my,maknae has grown up so fast! *tears* Her intro totally made the MV stand out. She was sooo pretty with her extensions too. And her dance solo was JJANGGGG!

Go Away - I'm going to be honest, I only watched it once. Not because I thought it was horrid, WHICH I DON'T (dont misunderstand me), but because I couldn't bear to watch my leader being hit like that. When I watched it, I wanted to go and scalp the dude alive.

Okay...acting...now here comes the part where most CL stans are going to come to me with lit torches. Okay. While I think that CL was good for a first timer, but while I won't say that her acting is "bad," I would say that she was awkward. In the first scene, I couldn't bring myself to believe that she was heartbroken. I just couldn't see the emotion in her eyes or in her face. However, the pain when she got slapped and beaten was very very very well expressed. Kudos to her on that part. While I think that her acting is not particularly good, in fact, I thought it was awkward, I still give props to her for being brave enough to try it. She tried something new, and gave Blackjacks something new as well, which is really good, considering that yes, she is the leader.

For some people who say that Dara should have acted in this, well, though she does have the acting experience, but this kind of MV would make people revolt with the violence against a fragile girl. CL has always been shown as this fierce, badass chick, while Dara is this fragile dork. What I wanted to say was that CL can take the hits and hit back, which she did because she blew the guy to smithereens. While Dara, if she got hit as hard as CL got hit, I dont think her body can take it. And seriously, would you hit someone as fragile-looking as her? It would be like the difference in kicking a puppy and kicking a grown German Shepherd. Dara being the puppy, CL being the German Shepherd (who bites back). What I loved about this is that it shows a different side of CL. It showed that while some girls are badass and fierce, it doesn't save them from domestic abuse, which is a true situation. I think it did great in bringing the issue out in public, and force people to think about what to do about it. Besides, this is CL leader's chance at acting. Maybe Bommie and Minzy would be main lead the next time. I sure hope so. :)

Can't Nobody - Another CL-biased MV, but dang, the moment Minzy came out for her part, my eyes stuck with her and she left me being amazed once again. It may have showed more CL, but I think that CN is a Minzy MV. She totally totally killed it! Is she really a minor? Because I swear, those moves were soooo sexy they should be outlawed. LOL! Minzy pwned this MV sooo hard! I loved the fact that CL's dad helped with this MV. It showed how supportive he is, and CL is so lucky to have a dad like him. Bommie doing meditation after the fierce CL scenes, was refreshing. She looked like a doll in that scene. And might I just say that her voice is amazing! Dara goddess, well, what more can we expect. Pretty Dara, loved the cloth bit, and the last head bonk bit. LOL!


Live Performances:

CL just gives this aura when she is performing. She gives this really confident vibe that draws people in. And she showed me that in their perfs. She was wonderful and she looked so good with her blonde hair. But I LOLled when that gold shimmer thingie went back to her instead of to the guy. And they censored her badass cursing. LOL!

Bommie! She isn't as breathless as before, even with the choreography. She nailed every note, and mad props for her for her stage presence being a huge improvement. I love her soooo much. *bias*

Minzy maknae shone. Like really. What else can I say? She makes dancing look so sexy yet badass and fierce at the same time. And she totally rocks her black hair with the extensions. And oh, anyone else noticed how pretty she is? :)

Dara showed something fresh. Which is her rapping. And also, in Go Away, wow, the girl nailed them high notes. Her voice in live performances totally blew me away because she has improved so darn much. And for those who said that her parts were autotuned so that she would sound well, then the performances totally made you look stupid for even saying that, eh? Her CYH perf was great and though she got the most parts for that one song, she didn't sound breathless.


On Blackjacks:

To be honest, the way some people here in Sooompi act make it almost a shame to be a Blackjack. Sorry. I expected us to be united. But, LOL, I don't think we ever could. I don't think there's anything wrong with bias, per se. What is wrong is when that bias makes us blind to the faults and shortcomings of that member we are biased for. What makes it even MORE wrong is when that bias makes us pull down the other members.

Everyone, backread Memen's post. Janrione, Memen wasn't bashing. Read her post in entirety. Although I would not say that Memen is lily white innocent either, since I've seen her posts in the past too. Sorry everyone for the mention, but, T___________T I just cant take this anymore. CLWIFE, hun, Memen didn't say that CL's acting was "horrible." You said that actually, not her.

People need to seriously take a CHILL PILL here. And please, honey, I've been lurking here since forever, and you know what, sometimes, your comments are blatantly biased too. You say that you don't want to "stoop down" to their level, but actually, you already did.

We crossed paths before. I remember when Dara's KISS came out, and you were so blatantly vocal in saying that people would only listen to it because of CL's rap. Remember that? That drove MOST of the Dara fans out of the main thread, and into Dara's solo thread here in Soompi. Only a few Dara fans post now because of that incident. And you complained about Dara being everywhere when they were in hiatus. Well, in Cass, the Cass people wanted to hire her and they can't for the rest of the girls since they were minors at that time, save for Bommie. In Win Win, she got there because GHS is her friend because of acting training, and the other three aren't as close to her because the didn't get to train with her before. For Etude, IDK why they are Dara biased in their CFs, but in print ads, the girls are more or less, equal.

I am Bom biased, though I don't show it much. However, you won't see me spazzing about Bommie and disregarding the other three. Which is what most Dara and CL stans are doing.

Everyone, let's not be hypocrites. Siggies are siggies. You complain about one sig, but don't complain about that other siggie where CL, Bom, and Minzy were there and Dara was excluded. That's hypocrisy. Complain against one, complain against all.

2NE1 = 4. Not one, not two, not three. 2NE1 won't be 2NE1 without all of Bom, Minzy, CL, and Dara.

Do you think CL would be as great as she is now without the great support of the other three members?

Do you guys think that Dara would be as popular now without 2ne1?

Do you think Bom would be given this chance to really shine if she went on solo?

Do you think Minzy would be as loved without her unnies to help her guide the way?

NO. I don't think so. A leader is only as great as the members who choose to follow her. And a group can only be as great as their combined strengths can get them and not their individual ones.

When I say, "I am a BlackJack." I want to say that with PRIDE. Right now, saying that makes me cringe. Not because the group isn't great, but because some of the fans are really something else. Something not good.

Anyways, I'll continue to support ALL the girls.

And here's to hoping that someday, all this hate would vanish, and the love for the girls will shine through.

Peace, love, and respect.


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I am so happy Bom is doing better i was so worried because i am sure if she cant perform then 2ne1 will cancel their performances

Edit : everyone is free to express their opinions but once u cross the line and use hurtful words to express what u want to say it just shows that u are looking for trouble and u r gonna get what ur looking for :rolleyes: , and i thought we already moved on but some people they just want to add fuel to fire :lol: , anyways after a second thought its just an individual opinion it doesnt really matter and it wont affect on anyone :w00t:

and CL did a GREAT JOB and she is not even an actress, who can pull off that car racer suit other than her? :wub:


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Guest blabennetta

@knucklepink - I didn't skip your post :). I think you are very articulate. I enjoyed reading the entire post albeit long LOL. Good job for voicing out your thoughts.

Yey! 2NE1TV is back. Love that SE7EN, Taeyang and TOP were shown as well.

Bom - Funny, pretty, amazing. That voice is one of a kind.

Dara - Still pretty with little to no makeup. Still flawless as ever. You are a vampire indeed.

CL - I laughed hard seeing how disappointed you were with Minji's gift. Ah leader there is always time to get even with maknae.

Minji - I missed hearing you laugh like a kid. You're adorable as ever.

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Guest blackjackVip


Do 2NE1 live in YG building? :unsure:

or is their apartment located somewhere else?

coz when i saw this part on 2NE1 TV season 2, After they're done with practice and all they went outside and rode the van and it seemed like they're going home? so does that mean their apartment in not in YG's new building?

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Since we are being honest, specially regarding the post that sort of got some feathers ruffled, I'll say my two cents.

I love 2ne1, I'm not hardcore fan but I am a fan. When I saw them in lollipop I knew I would like them and specially CL and Bom. There was something about them that just made me go, wow. I lurked here for about four months after their debut and to be honest I didn't ever want to comment because this thread was full of Dara biases. I love Dara she's dorky and gives off a very humble aura, but she wasn't my favorite at the time. It was a turnoff for me when I started noticing that people were posting more about a specific girl in the group, instead of all of them as a whole. They complete each other, without one the group wouldn't be the same. I then didn't care and decided that even with those shipping Dara, they would not ruin it for me. I refused to let that happened and continued to look for news on their events and music.

When I listened and watched the new MVs I did agree that CL *though one of my fav* did get lots more lines this time around. I enjoyed it immensely anyways. I was surprised with Dara this time around and felt that this was Teddy's way of telling critics that Dara can sing and can do it well. Bom was amazing and Minji...Goodness I wish I was as great at dancing and singing as she is.

The whole acting with CL, well first and foremost she is a newbie and did quite well. Someone on the last page said that they didn't find her acting "heartbroken" believable because she didn't show it. Honestly, the way CL was portrayed in the beginning was not of someone hearth broken, but of someone who couldn't believe what she just heard. It showed that she had not processed the heartbreaking news just yet, but perhaps was stuck in how she should be feeling. She did well enough that I believe most people who watched the MV will go and say "wow didn't she realize she just got dumped?".

I also agree that Dara looked great in the white hoodie and red lipstick. Can't deny that she's a beautiful woman and I forget that she's only a year or two younger than me.

Bom *first I hope she feels better*...She really brings all of the songs together with her vocals. It hurts is perhaps one of the best songs to date that Miss Bom has sung in. She is so suited for Jazzy/R&B songs and I wish Teddy would have more songs like that next time around.

I wish I could say more but I am on my way to work. I just wanted to share some thoughts. Also I am not a black jack I am just merely a fan who made this account just to keep up with 2ne1 and another girl group that I enjoy. But I have to admit that some Blackjacks sometimes ruin the experience for me. However, I am old enough to understand that the internet is full of young people who have yet to grasp that the WORLD WIDE WEB means just that, the WORLD. And we must all respect each other. I guess it might be because I am older than most of you here or...no it's not that. I respect everyone's opinion not because of age, but because that is how I was raised in the real world. And although this is not really the real world, I still behave as a functioning member of society and with that comes the norms. Lets all just enjoy 2ne1 and stop ruffling people's feathers. Enjoy everyone.

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Do 2NE1 live in YG building? :unsure:

or is their apartment located somewhere else?

coz when i saw this part on 2NE1 TV season 2, After they're done with practice and all they went outside and rode the van and it seemed like they're going home? so does that mean their apartment in not in YG's new building?

they live 20 minutes away from the YG building ^_^

knucklepink 100% agree! but let's move past this now. on to new things...

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may i also share my thoughts on that ^^

most of us have our biases, mine is Dara. if someone puts Dara's photos only, i am fine. If someone put's Bom's or Minzy's or CL's only, fine too. for me, everyone is free to do that, and why cant we just all be fine with that? this is 2NE1's thread. 2NE1 is a group, with individuals who have something we can relate to or admire, that's why having biases is inevitable coz they have personalities and talents that we can identify with or just cant help falling into.

so as long as ur not breaking the rules, then go ahead.

and though i would want all fans to love everyone, i realize not all of us are like that so all i can hope is that please dont bash whoever that 2NE1 member, and dont ever belittle her, because everyone really has something to offer, whick makes 2NE1 the 2NE1 that we enjoy and love. i dont really go around soompi forums a lot but i have been to some threads and i never did see fans complaining this and that. so it really bothers me to see it happening here. please let's all mind what we post. we cant just say, "no offense, but " and then u write something offensive. know what i mean? even though Dara is my bias, i do get hurt when that happens to the rest of the girls.

as for CL's acting, i was actually impressed with it. i agree with Harunacamelia. CL portrayed a strong woman, not ur typical weakling who clings on men. she's someone who has got a lot going for her, so imagine her surprise when this guy dumps her like that. of course she'd be stunned, dazed, like what the eff. u know. maybe prior to that the guy has been telling her but she's just thinking "oh, you dont know what ur talking about. how could u not want me." but then finally this, he tells her to stop or else she's dead. and how embarrassing, he dumped her in public. it's like her world just shook right there. she did really great, i think. even with the way she grabbed her shades and just wanted to be out of there... so she's out and gets a drink while thinking it over... but she's still in denial with the whole situation, so she goes back to him, and it's only after she got beaten up that she realizes that this is too much, u know. not anymore. that's how i saw it. CL acting, when she was lying and tears flowed from her eyes was really convincing to me. real life like's that. women dont go around crying and looking desperate after being dumped or when heartbroken. we dont go wailing. we put up a face, that's why acting her part was difficult because she had to act as if she's all fine, but deep inside she's hurting, if not for love, for her pride, at least.

anway, cant we just not get jealous when someone has more this and that? like the lines in the song. it's the producer's choice. if they see it fit that Bom sings these lines, and CL these lines, and so forth... why do we automatically think that this producer is bias to... ive read something like that in YT, and it irks me. like Dara had really few lines in It Hurts but if u listen closely she sounded beautiful as Bom's second voice. as for the MVs, i also do wish Bom had more solos but i quite understand why that didnt happen coz she mostly sings the chorus in these 3 songs.

let's just think that one member's success is 2NE1's success. the way we think, it's like 2NE1 is gonna be breaking up and pursuing solo careers, that's why we dont like it when one outshines the others. no! 2NE1 has a long way to go as a group, so, please, let's just enjoy them!

and last, let's be strong! there are others who see 2NE1's success as a threat and would want to put them down, so we all need to be there for our girls :)

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on the first episode of 21tv, part 7 on newevo. at 0:42 BossYG says something to Dara, then CL pretends to cry lol does anybody know what that was about???

or i guess i could just wait for subs ^_^, but i really wanna know ^_^

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Guest juang_bb

Can't people just get along in this thread? The girls are in the middle of their much awaited comeback and these arguments are coming up AGAIN. You guys are just preventing other fans like me to enjoy this thread. It's a turn off when fans within the fandom just keeps on fighting over baseless and petty issues. The girls haven't even really ventured into solo activities and there's already jealousy issues between biased fans. Stop pointing fingers at one another too. Please... Let's all enjoy the comeback and stop being such party poopers. Sigh.

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Guest blackjackVip

we all have our biases, lets all just respect each others opinions and preferences.

not everyone likes the same thing.

Lets leave it at that.

If u don't like what ur reading, just don't reply to it at all. ^_^

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Guest cristina0422

Very well said knucklepink. I hope you knock some sense on some BlackJacks.

Tami_92, it's good to have a discussion as long as it's healthy but from the look of it we're just making this supposed to be home of the BlackJacks an unhealthy environment. Just remember this is a public forum and non-blackjacks are lurking on here and some possible 2NE1 fans in the future are now turned off not because of 2NE1 but because of US. There's some place to discuss about the disagreement or you can just PM the person yourself. We're just making it worst because coz some people are jumping on the issue and making it a big deal when there's really nothing to it. Seriously, where in memen's post you guys become agitated? Why don't you guys just PM her? And let's not drag the whole fandom down into this mess.

Aigoo...You know what?! There's a lot of things we have to spazz on now so stop arguing.

100,000 album sales in 5 Days?!

that's AMAZING! and how much more in the coming days....

Some were somewhat disappointed on their sales based on Hanteo Chart in previous page but I forgot that it's not only Hanteo Chart who is doing album ranking. They do have Shinnara Media and Hotttracks too. I guess KBlackJacks buy their album copy offline like in Hottracks.

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juang_bb those are exactly my thoughts. People have to understand that 2NE1 is the four of them, and we have to be supportive of all of them as a group because if that doesn't happen then what kind of fans are we? Fighting at each other because some member got more lines this time than another? It's ridiculous and selfish.


2ne1tv season 2!! I loved every second of it, I love how playful they are and the Minji presents are hilarious. haha.

Anyway, I thought they were going to show way more old videos like they showed on the first promo, I wanted to know what they did while they were without activities.

When did we started seing the 2ne1tv camera guy? Around the Jeremy Scott event right? That was around june maybe? I thought they were going to show things in order and not like this because sometimes we see the girls with the actual hair and then we see them with the old hair. haha.

Anyway, maybe they will use it for the pirate clips, but it gets kind of messy sometimes.

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cristina0422 >> got it ^_^

soo , is there any fancams of the girls in the recording of kje chocolate

and is it true that the girls will appear on win win ?!!! I can't believe it :w00t:

edit :

I saw 2ne1tv , really missed the girls and their dorky-ness , mc dara is back ohhh and it's like she's not the only mc anymore because bom has her own mic too

and I think minzy and cl grow closer than before << I always thought that they had an awkward relationship but in this ep they were hilarious

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Guest Banana Peel

OMG so HAPPY that 2ne1 TV is BACK! :D heheheh, I loved every scene in there! It feels weird having different speech bubbles and effects in the show, but I think I could get used to that. But did anyone else feel like each scenes were cut so short? o______o like, in 2ne1 TV season 1, each scenes took up at least one out of the total parts in a episode but it seems like they kept skimming through each scenes after like a minute of watching it, haha. tbh, I felt kind of dizzy from all those switching scenes...but I guess that might be just me since I'm the only one complaining x_x heh.

I wonder why Dara was crying, it looked like a serious scene too, not her dorky self. And CL looks worried too, hmmmm curious curious! I guess we have to wait another week(?) for the next episode ;_________;

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Guest knucklepink


First Episode of 2NE1 TV season 2 is aired; The night before comeback revealed

The first episode of 2NE1TV Season 2, featuring 2NE1 has been broadcasted. On this episode, they revealed themselves practising for their comeback.

Aside from that, we were also able to see 2NE1 shopping for presents to give to their manager for his birthday. In addition several others made an appearance starting with their president, Yang Hyunsuk, in addition to producer Teddy, and Big Bang’s members Taeyang and Seungri.

The charm of 2NE1 TV that allows the 2NE1 members’ characters to shine through is still as ever. Park Bom lifted a large-sized Tam-Tam doll and carried it on her back saying , “He’s my substitute boyfriend”, showing her over-expressiveness. Sandara Park put on headphones and used them like a headband, displaying her cute charm.

On this episode, the view of 2NE1 practising up till even 12 hours before the time of the come back performance, with beads of sweat running down was depicted.

Sandara Park stated that since the ‘Go Away’ choreography was made the night before, she was worried, and that “It’s the easiest and the song doesn’t have many moves to it but it’s the most confusing song.” and appeared to be concerned.

Subsequently, 2NE1 did the dance choreography in front of president Yang for a final inspection. Viewers were even able to see him pick out the tiniest details with the choreography.

After finishing practice, CL, Minji, and Sandara Park returned to the apartment, and communicated in front of the camera that they’re set for the first performance. Park Bom, who’s voice wasn’t feeling that well, returned home on this day, and prepared for the performance for the day after.

CL said, “Tomorrow is finally the first performance”, “We’ll do well, please anticipate it!”

Following, after singing and dancing in front of the camera, Minji gave her greeting, “Ggong Mingki’s karaoke will end here.”

Lastly, Sandara Park and CL “Tomorrow is the day that we’re going to flip the world inside out and backwards! (T/N: Lyrics from Can’t Nobody)” showing their burning willpower for tomorrow’s comeback performance.

Yang Hyunsuk’s daughter, Yang Yoojin, is revealed for the first time. The innocent image of his wife, Lee Eunjoo is also shown.

Meanwhile, ’2NE1TV Season 2′ will have a total of 10 episodes. Last year, ’2NE1 TV’ received an extraordinarily high rating, being a cable program, reaching over 3% and received much love.

Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20100914n22862

Translated by GEE @ ygladies.com

WEEEEE! I loved Episode 1! I have a feeling that Episode 2 would be for the maknaes, seeing that the first one had more of my BOMMIE and Dara. Kekekke! <3

And wow, they only practiced Go Away for like, 2 nights before the perf?! AMAZING! Our girls are soooo jjang! And don't wory Dara, you guys killed the choreo, though I think that your fanboys would so love to kill the dancer who hugged you. Dude, if you value your life, stay away from Dara next time.

And I noticed that in that perf, Bommie was strangling a GIRL. O____O Why a girl? Minzy's partner was a girl too. Kekekek! :D And CL in Cant Nobody intro. Waaahhh! So sexy!

And yes, yes, YG's baby is too cute for words! I love the whole ep! And Bommie with the big Tamtam for substitute boyfriend was made of winnn! I love that part! And her red mic! I want one too! T___T CL sounded so disappointed with maknae's gift. LOLOL! I loved how she acted to pissed and put the poor thing in her locker. Haha! Poor Minzy maknae, she tried so hard to pick the greatest toy for her unnies, good thing that they enjoyed her other gifts (the little toy things). And maknae soooo thoughtful and great and full of jjang. Dara so random and hyper. I really envy her skin. How does she do that?! LOL!

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Guest lucy_monostone

ok i found this MR version of girls during their live at Inki

[MR Removed] 091210 2NE1 Comeback

I swear the girls sounded great live...and really can say now that Dara has improved!

and finished 2netv last night gosh~ i missed them so much, i can't help but to laugh at every silly things they do...i was laughing so hard about when Minji gave CL a gift animal figurine :lol: and the Park sisters MCing is fun to watch too..looking forward for the next ep. it really bothers me i saw Dara crying at the end good thing there's CL to comfort her... :tears:

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