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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest itszmaeee

AWWWW! Can't believe 2NE1 TV is over ;'[

My weekly dose of 2NE1 is gone. What am I going to look forward to now? Where can I watch Bommie eating nonstop? What about CL-roo's fierce mommy-like role? Minkki's cute deep voice? Dara's 24/7 adorkable-ness? 2NE1 being themselves and doesn't care about what others think, but still continue with their awesome laughable moments parade? 2NE1 TV!!! NOO!! I hope someday the show comes back. The show that will show the girls more mature and out there. The show that will show and share us that 2NE1 lovin`. We may have me2day and all those other sources, but 2NE1 TV definitely was and will always be the reason why I am the hardcore blackjack that I am today. Seeing the girls bid their farewell, it made me cry nonstop.

I hope more blessings will come to the girls. And 2NE1 TV SEASON 3 or an extended episode, I hope, would be one of those blessings.

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so sad 2ne1 tv is over. gonna miss seeing my girls weekly. & I really wished we got to see more of the girls just hanging out at home/dance studio. bc as much as I love seeing the behind the scenes of them recording in LA & in London, and as much as I loved seeing the craziness of their comeback... what always made 2ne1 tv special for me was just seeing the girls in their most natural of environments--relaxing at home or hard at work in the studio. Where they didnt have anything else to do but sit around and talk to one another. Which is why I really enjoyed today's episode--bc it just showed the girls without a schedule. I know that they were recording for most of the year, and must have just tons of footage to try to edit down into 10 episodes--I get it. I'm not complaining, bc I still enjoyed this season--I love the girls no matter what form them come it.

& yes, that new thing they were shooting got me excited. I too, am a fan of when they all dont match each other in super designer things. As crazy as their FIRE fashion concept was, I liked it because it was just so cool and unexpected. Don't get me wrong, the girls have looked spectacular for their comeback--and definitely showed a new side to themselves which I always appreciate.

Nonetheless, it has been a great season, filled with a lot of great moments. Some silly, some sad, some difficult, others fun, but always always heartening. Can't wait to see the girls on MAMA! ^_^

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Guest tazanya

Here are some me2 translations, if there are any dupes let me know.

 10/11/16 (PM 02:59) - DARA


우리의 마지막 이야기…. 봐주실거~죠?!?!?!? ㅠㅠ 투애니원 티비 시즌 투는 끝나지만.. 우리의 이야기는 끝나지않아요 ㅠㅠ to be continued…

Our final story…. You’re going to watch, ri~ight?!?!?!? ㅠㅠ 2NE1TV season 2 may be over.. but our story hasn’t ended ㅠㅠ to be continued…

Translated by: elise@YGLadies.com

10/11/16 (PM 04:16) - DARA


오늘 투애니원 티비에서는?!? 퉤니원의 마스코트 ㅋ 다라의 생일을 맞아 멤바들이 어설프게 준비한 생일파티도 공개됩니다!!! 귀여운 아이들…크하하하할!!! 그리고 투애니원 티비 마지막 촬영날..그 아쉬움도 함께합니당..^_^ 피디님들이 선물해주신 시즌투 케

^_^ This is PD-nim’s season 2 cake that he gave to us as a gift!

On today’s 2NE1TV?!? 2NE1’s mascot ke Since it was Dara’s birthday, the members’ awkward birthday party preparations will be revealed!!! Cute kids… kehahaha!!! And the last day of 2NE1TV filming... we’ll share the sadness as well..

Translated by: elise@YGLadies.com

nav_m.gif10/11/16 (PM 05:26) - DARA


첫만남.. 벌써 촬영 시작한지 6개월이나 지났어요. 이제 피디님들과는 너무 가까운 가족같은뎅.. 어딜가나 함께였는데.. 너무 섭섭해요 ㅠㅠ 이 프로그램이 끝나도 우리의 인연은 쭉~!^.^ 좋은분들 만나서 너무 좋구 든든해요! 피디님들~! MAMA 에서봐요~!^.^

The first time we met.. Around 6 months had already passed since we started filming. Now we’re so close to the PD-nims that..we’re like a family.. Wherever we went, we were together.. It’s really sad TT_TT Even though this program has ended our relationship will continue~! ^.^ I feel good and secure having met such great people! PD-nims~! Let’s see each other at MAMA~! ^.^

Translated by: elise@YGLadies.com

10/11/16 (PM 05:54) - DARA


이제 곧 투애니원 티비 최종회가 방송됩니다~! 엠넷 고고고~!!! 우리 주책스럽게 울지맙시다!^_^ 즐겁게 보고~ 즐겁게 마무리해요! 고고고!^.^

The final episode of 2NE1TV is going to air soon~! MNet go go go~!!! Let’s not cry senselessly!^.^But watch it happily~ and finish it happily! Go go go! ^.^

Translated by: elise@YGLadies.com

10/11/16 (PM 08:08) - DARA


투애니원 티비 시즌 투의 촛불이 꺼졌습니다. 그동안 너무 수고 많았구 많이 사랑해주셔서 감사드립니당. ^_^ 뿅~!!!

^_^ Bbyong~!!!

The candles of 2NE1 season 2 have been blown out. During that time everyone worked hard and gave us a lot of love so I’m thankful.

Translated by: elise@YGLadies.com

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Guest lanladay

someone in YT said that the MV is for their cf in Thailand..i'm not sure..

Dara mentioned CF and it's in the caption..

for a moment, i want to be a korean..lol!

i also don't like the matching outfits..hopefully it will change when Japan promotion starts..

Yes, You right. I think it's motorcycle Cf since there're 4 motorcycles on their set. I also noticed the brand on it. ^^ It's the brand which always use Korean presenters.

It's time for Thai fans to see them here.

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Guest shinhdeplol

2010 Style Icon Awards is on Star World ^^ The guy MC was like "Lets watch the MV for Clap You Hands by 2NE1" but they show Cant Nobody :lol:

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^^ seriously.. WOW...

who else walks in the red carpet in Korea with their famous international designer... :D

the girls are beaming... specially Dara, she looks gorgeous :wub:


^^look at the slit on CL dress



credit as tagged

Jeremy Scott is tweeting while at the event :)


MY GIRLS !!! 2NE1 !!!





credit JS twitter

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CL's dress is seriously cool. It was probably really annoying having to hold the hanger up though. I love their dresses and outfits tonight! Wasn't it just yesterday or so that we were discussing how their style wasn't as out there. I guess this proves that it's still them.

I really like Dara's hair! How would you do that!?

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Guest kresten

Why do I have the feeling that only CL got the all-effort-drop-dead-gorgeous-dress? I'm sorry. It's just that... her dress was out of theme among the four.

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Guest Badmoonrising

Thank you, stylists, for putting Minzy in a dress that FITS her perfectly! She looks awesome! I love her look. All four of them look exceptionally great! This is the prettiest I've seen CL, and I'm so glad they didn't put her (and Minzy) in pants and spiky jackets again just like they did in last year's awards show. Bom looks fantastic in the catsuit, and her shrug is really neat! Dara's dress is so cool too--so simple yet so full of spunk. They do Jeremy Scott proud.

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Guest mbjn1234

CL looks gorgeous! Love the dress as it looks unique and good on CL.

Another thing that I love about their clothes this time is that they don't wear the clothes that they usually wear.

Like CL who always wear spiky leather jacket with pants wear an awesome dress.

And Bom that always wear a dress wears a catsuit that looks really awesome on her.

And Dara who rarely wears a dress where a beautiful dress that finally shows her beautiful legs.

And Minji just look awesome in that short dress.

They all look really good there.

Btw, did anyone find that the way Jeremy Scott is holding CL and other members are quite weird. I mean, he looks freaky with the way he's touching them. But maybe it's just me being all protective over these girls. :D

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Guest pumcake

I just love how close 2NE1 is with Jeremy Scott. Knowing that the other idol groups are fans of Jeremy Scott's clothing. I think they are wishing right now that they know Jeremy Scott personally, too. ^^

I love that dress on CL! With the hanger effect. That is so freaking cool! :D I wanna have one.

Dara, Dara, Dara.. gorgeous as ever even if she is wearing such a simple black dress with some cross embellishments. :)

Bom and Minzy.. I want their clothes!! So pretty. Especially Minzy's. ^^

I think that they are the highlight of the whole award show. Hahahaha. Who would have thought that a world-renowned designer was going to walk the red carpet with the fiercest girl group ever!! THE GIRLS ROCK.

Jeremy Scott should do a collection inspired with K-Pop and the models for the collection is 2NE1. Wouldn't be that cool? So that the girls will be known all around the world (even though they are popular in so many countries already). ^^ I want that to happen. So for the ladies' clothes, 2NE1 will be the models.. while for the men.. BIG BANG!! Huuuuuh. YG Entertainment should hire Jeremy Scott as their stylist! Hahahaha. Even though I know that that would be impossible.. but who knows. :P

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Guest songbird86

Omg, I'm just eating up all these pictures of 2ne1 and Jeremy Scott. I love them especially when CL is posing next to him and he has his arm around her hip. Those two are like prom king and queen of the event, I just love how they bring out the fierce in each other. Girls look flawless. Jeremy Scott should dress them, he knows what works for each of their body, and keeps them all unique.

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