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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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On going review is conducted on this album. Here is the link:


Guys, it is a good album. We just expected so much from them.

Take a listen once again and you will understand what I am saying.

I did not really like the idea how much we spazzed for this comeback and then when they are out, people started dissing them. Come on, this is what we have been waiting for. Can we give the girls a little more support now? We were like leaving them hanging, I don't really like it.

And please stop saying you are disappointed. Just keep it to yourself please. You might be saying your opinions but there are some points you are also wrong.

Do we know what hooks and refrains and bridges in a song is? I am seeing some unfair comments. Sorry I am upset.

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Guest kresten

People expected too much that the album would stick to RnB/HipHop. That's their problem. This is the same thing that's happened to 2ne1's labelmates Big Bang, Tae Yang, and Se7en. These male singers, along with 2ne1, all started out with RnB and HipHop. And then suddenly, YG makes them come back with electronic/club/techno songs. NOW THE SHIFT surprises people, and many think it is a downgrade.

But whoever said that there are genres which are better than other genres? Who's to say if RnB or Hiphop are SUPERIOR genres than house or techno? NO ONE. It's different for each person. RnB or Hiphop is NO WAY better tnan any other genre. A shift from one type of music to another is not a downgrade, but a mark of diversity.

While the mini album was RnB/HipHop, this full album is Electro-hiphop. Both are great albums. I REALLY REALLY like four songs out of six from the mini, same way that I like 4 songs out of six from this full album.

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Guest oh`retro

1. Can't Nobody - The beginning's okay, but the song gets better once you get to Bom's awesome solo. The rest is pretty good even though the chorus sounds too pop-ish. The intro in the English's version is epic.

2. Go Away - This song has potential, I'll love it once I hear it more. I love Bom's parts, her voice is so stunning. And CL's "you ain't sh-t without your crew" was awesome.

3. Clap Your Hands - This song is so catchy! CL's rap is so fierce & she sounds amazing. The song totally makes me want to dance.

4. I'm Busy - I don't really like this one that much, too pop-ish/weird sounding. Bom's voice is super good though & CL's rap is flawless.

5. It Hurts - I like how they're attempting a jazz-styled song, but I'm not really feeling the melody. I like these types of songs if it's done right, I'm just not into this one. Their voices are amazing though. Perfect song for Bom.

6. Love is Ouch - Ehh, don't really like it that much. Kind of plain sounding.

Overall, I think the album is pretty solid. I'm disappointed that most of the album is so autotuned. I know that's the trend these days & YG has totally been on the bandwagon for it. I mean, I don't mind a little bit of autotune, but YG has been using so much of it lately. I want to hear our girls sing, especially when they all have such amazing voices. Anyways, I can't wait for all the MVs & performances, they're going to be epic! Haters are gonna hate (I can already feel it), but whatever, they can gtfo. 2NE1's the best. <3

Kresten I know what you're saying, I think most fans fell in love with YG's artists because their music was different since they focused more on hiphop and R&B. So, when this shift towards more techno sounding music happened, people (myself included) were kind of disappointed because we loved their old style so much better. I'm not saying their new style is inferior to their old one, but I just prefer their old one more.

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Guest Himitsuu

So far I'm loving Go Away, Love is Ouch, It hurts and Clap your hands. I still can't say I like the rest of the songs, probably I need to listen to them more. NGL, I'm kind of disappointed with having too much autotunes on most of their songs. I know that they can do it well on live but I just want to listen to their songs on their album with less autotunes. unsure.gif But I still love our girls nonetheless. My album is yet to arrive soon. I can't wait : )

I'm very excited for the MVs to be released later. PWNING ! w00t.gif

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Guest jjang_21

OMG its out already im late haha all song is already out in yt ouch they need to buy not to DL in yt

wee space all song are so good why oh why excited for inkigayo!

do i hear it right?? the name "beyonce" on "go away" lyrics lols epic! or may not?

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Anyways my personal favorite:

Love is Ouch

It Hurts

Clap Your Hands

Go Away

I'm Busy

and the rest of the contents of the album are my favorites

all in all, a great epic album


I personally like Love is Ouch (like dara's parts) so much, I like Masta Wu's composition and I like Kush music more so I like Clap Your Hands.

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Guest Banana Peel

can't nobody, I have mixed feelings about this song. I feel like the chorus is the best part but it doesn't flow naturally with the rest of the song like the beginning, idk, that's just my opinion though. And the "let's rock take it to the top" part is pretty much randomly pasted into the song for my ears LOL, but oh well. I'm just disappointed that besides bom's chorus, everyone else's voice is auto tuned to the point where I can't easily tell apart who's rapping .__.; BUT I'm sure this song would get me addicted soon enough.

clap your hands, is the only song that really gives me the "2ne1" feeling. Like, a reminiscence of their fire & pretty boy days. And I feel like this is the best song to perform as well, very powerful yet catchy. LOVE the raps in this, sersiously. I'm hoping they'll promote this more than others. overall I'm very satisfied with this song, and the most song I'm anticipating to see the MV for so far. love it!

Go Away, surprised me like many of you here. I was really expecting (and hoping) that it was something really close to IDC or at least in the club, but the song's not that bad once you listen to it more than one times. But when you listen to it just few times in the beginning, it just feels like it was Bom's solo song LOL. Not that I'm complaining that she has a lot of part, but it feels like the chorus is sort of the only memorable part of the song. However when I listen to it the second time around, I'm really liking the beat. And surprisingly I don't mind the beginning, it catches my attention.

Love is ouch, such a beautiful song. everyone's vocals here are heard clearly and it's really pretty melody, I have to say, dara's fresh voice really suits this song nicely. LOVE this song fully, probably the one song that really 100% caught my heart. :D but honestly, i can see why YG didn't pick this song to promote. It's beautiful alright but it's not strong enough to perform and keep the audiences focused unlike the other 3 crazy title songs, hahahaah.

It hurts, I LOVE this song. It was the teaser that already got me addicted and the full song only made it better. their voices are sososososo pretty here. Gotta give props to bommie for this song, her voice really added a different feel to this song. I wish dara sang more in here though, unless I missed her voice, but many times I mistaken cl's voice for her's since she sang really high at first then her pitch got low again lol. LOVE THIS SONG <3

I'm busy, surprised with how much auto tune at first but I actually like it, haha. It's not as bad as people made me think it would be after reading some of the comments. I mostly REALLY love the beat, it's really catchy. I found my like for this song faster than Go away, so I think that pretty much sums up my feeling about this song. I like it! aha

Overall I'm going to give this album a 8/10. I think the only REAL part that gets me disappointed is that none of the song has a similar beat/feel that a lot of the songs in their first mini album had. I know it's great that they tried a lot of new genres, but it's just my personal disappointment. But the album is really worth waiting for, so I'm satisfied with what I hear :D now I can't wait for their MV to come out <3

@ kresten, I agree with your post, I think that's part of a problem with my tiny disappointment. but I don't think anyone could blame some of the blacjacks like me who were hoping for the similar feel of R&B/hip hop in this full album. that's the type of song that made us fall in love with 2ne1 so it can't be helped but to feel teeny tiny emptiness in the album. :)

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Guest sw8et_vietgurl

People expected too much that the album would stick to RnB/HipHop. That's their problem. This is the same thing that's happened to 2ne1's labelmates Big Bang, Tae Yang, and Se7en. These male singers, along with 2ne1, all started out with RnB and HipHop. And then suddenly, YG makes them come back with electronic/club/techno songs. NOW THE SHIFT surprises people, and many think it is a downgrade.

But whoever said that there are genres which are better than other genres? Who's to say if RnB or Hiphop are SUPERIOR genres than house or techno? NO ONE. It's different for each person. RnB or Hiphop is NO WAY better tnan any other genre. A shift from one type of music to another is not a downgrade, but a mark of diversity.

While the mini album was RnB/HipHop, this full album is Electro-hiphop. Both are great albums. I REALLY REALLY like four songs out of six from the mini, same way that I like 4 songs out of six from this full album.

all genres are good in their own way

but no doubt that if the girls sing more slow songs and less autotune-electro songs then the general publics would "respect" them more, and view them as "real artist" instead of oh they're just another idol group with full of autotune songs

blackjacks might love this album and buy it

but online charts are where it will reflects the public's opinion

and from what i see so far this year

not many auto-tune songs was abled to stay in top10 for that long

for example suju,shinee etc they only managed to win few awards even thought their physical album sold very well

and we all know that if we want the girls to win so many awards at musicbank,inkigayo etc then the songs must stay in the top10 for a very long time

anyway back to the album

i think this album is made for Bommie and CL

they shine the most in this album

but of course Dara and Minzy did well too

the chorus for Clap your hands is so addicted

i just want to sing along with Bommie

actually Bommie's parts in all the title songs are addicted

i think Go Away might get ban cuz of the word "richard simmons" @ 1:54

oh i think some people are disappointed not because this album is different to the mini album but because of the amount of autotunes in it

nonetheless i would rank this album 7/10

love 4/6 new songs but just really really hate the autotune


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My personal Review of the new tracks (out of 4 stars):

1) Can't Nobody***

Definitely a different sound. More autotune than I think was necessary--and no, I'm not someone who is bothered by autotune. It's catchy, especially the chorus. It's a good song, not ground breaking, but a good song with a nice beat.

2) Go Away***

Love the upbeat R&B feel. Catchy, and fun. CL's kills it like always. Bom/Minzy are great as always. I was really happy with Dara in here also. I think it was one of the tracks on the album where you can really here her voice without autotune, which I appreciated. I think she sounds fine without the autotune, personally, so I always want to hear her without it.

3) Clap Your Hands***1/2

The beat reminds me a lot of TOP's "Turn It Up." It's the track that we want/expect from 2NE1. It is distinctively 2NE1 in sound. It's fierce. It's in your face. It doesn't mess around. It definitely lets you know 2NE1 is back and that they are serious. This song is what KPOP has been missing since the girls left.

4) I'm Busy***

I was not feeling the beginning of the song. There just seemed to me to be too many digital effects going on. But by the time I got to the chorus, I was feeling it. I really thought it was well balanced between the upbeat/fast track, and the absolutely brilliant slow beats. Nice mix of the two. I enjoy the verses/bridge more than the chorus though. But CL's rap was SIIIIICK.

5) It Hurts****

When the teasers came out, this song was easily my favorite of the four. I played this more than any other song. And the full version did not disappoint. I think Bom's voice is really shines here, which I enjoyed because sometimes I think she doesn't always get the kind of songs that can show what she can do. Minzy's voice sounds so mature here and really suits the song. The jazzy/R&B sound of this song is definitely something to just groove to. Love it.

6) Love is Ouch****

I was really surprised by this song and surprised by the girls in this song. I think it was chance for them to show a different side of themselves. We all know how fierce they are, but with this song it showed a softer, more feminine side of them. They all sounded amazing. I love the slow/fast mix of Minzy/Bom's vocals combined with CL's rap and Dara's softness. It just has a refreshing sound that is very attractive. Been listening to this song the most.

11) I Don't Care Reggae***1/2

Confession time. 2NE1 was the group that got me into kpop--and their reggae version of "I Don't Care" on Inkigayo was THE performance that caught me hook, line, and sinker. Thus, I always have such a sense of affection for this version of IDC. The girls sound great, and I love how all of them are really able to display their voices. I just love grooving to this.

12) Can't Nobody (English)**1/2

I don't like the brand name dropping at the beginning. I think they could have done something else besides brand name dropping to demonstrate how "Bad Bad" they are. Was it laziness on behalf of the lyricist? Maybe. But you can be fierce and bad without label dropping, IMO. It seemed like such a waste of what could have been a fierce rap, which is why I'm so bothered by it. The rest of the song is fine though.

Overall: I applaud the girls for the risks they took with this album. They had a lot of pressure riding on them from their success in 2009 and with the delays, there was a lot riding on this album. I think they took a lot of chances. They didn't play it safe in order to have commercial success. I'm glad they played with different sounds and feels. Everyone was expecting something big and different from them, and I think they delivered. A lot of the songs grew on me. Multiple plays allowed me to get a better impression of their new sound. Maybe too much digital-ness than I would like, but overall I thought it was a strong effort by the girls. 8/10

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Guest tomorrow13

Go away is the 1st I wanna hear but I pushed pause after 1min listening to it. wuayyyy, too much autotune. :wacko: Now after the 3rd try, I think it's ok but still not my style. Hope this song'll grow on me more once 2NE1 perform it live.

I'm busy: I was like :blink: at the beginning and then :lol: I don't know why but I find this song funny.

Love is Ouch although I love this song at the 1st try, I think YG made a wise decision not choosing it as a title song. it's a amazing song but doesn't have the factor of being a hit.

Can't nobody I love Minzy's bad but good part and Bom's chorus. It's on repeat mode now.

It hurts My most favorite song in TO ANYONE. :wub:

Clap your hands I don't know how to say. It's good, catchy, amazing. But somehow I don't think I'll replay it as many times as I did with the songs in their 1st mini album.

Anw, like some of you said, this is what we are waiting for after over 1 year. We need to support the girls all the way.

Right now I'm proud to say that I'm ready for their comeback performances and 2NE1 TSUNAMI.


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Guest pyrolicious

Its out!!!

alright, so it has a techno feel. I like the fact that they have a different sound (its not THAT different tho). I know many people wanted them to stick to their old sound, but it's good to change the genre, its refreshing....well at least to me.

Def "Clap Your Hands" is the best. Overall, good job girls!!!! I really like it =]]]

eh eh eh eh eh =]

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I actually really like Go Away.

I can totally see them play in a band for the chorus part. Feels like a song that will feel good to listen to in the rain.

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hey great review

i agree with a lot of ur points except that i actually liked the brand name dropping ^^

i think Clap Your Hands wouldve been better released internationally, if they plan that. but best of luck to the girls ^^

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Guest toozdae08

This is what I wrote on AKP 2NE1's comeback thread when I first heard the album.

This is my reaction as I listen to the song and I wrote it while listening. It's bound to change cause I just wrote what my brain said through the song.

REVIEW: as I listen

Can't Nobody:

Really liking the beginning, the Bad and Good thing is like copy of Miss A's GGBG (sorry but ppl will bring this out). I'm actually liking this a lot. Surprisingly. Very fun song. Love the bad assness of it "right now I don't give a huh". This is actually my jam right now. Haters are going to hate but can't nobody hold them down .... ok they just got to the Let's Rock part and the song loses focus. Ok now I'm wondering what's going on. Two songs put together but maybe that was the climax. Dame it Teddy, it seems like you had something going on and then left and came back with something else on your mind.

Go Away

Liking the beat. Umm not sure if I like the beginning. Seems autotuned too, but it's a slow song. Umm, what. I'm not feeling this much. CL and Minzy are two ppl that don't need autotune. Oh that line hits it "you're not mini cooper w/o you're crew". Badassness is still here. But not loving this but I didn't love IDC at first either. I just don't think this song needed the autotune - girls have lovely voices. Dara sounds so good on this track that I thought she was Minji - she's improved a lot :D .Well I don't love this song but I'm not sure how I feel. Still loving that "you're not mini cooper line" though.

Clap Your Hands

Loving the beginning. Amazing loving this so much. Dara is really good here too, girl is on a roll. Loving this so much. This is my new Pretty Boy. Go KUSH!! Love the Reggae feel. This is really good - "I wanna rock your body, I wanna make some noise", loving it.

I'm Busy

Ummm is this a Narsha song (can't remember the name)? What the hell is this. Narsha's didn't do that well digitally so I'm not sure why they're copying her song. Ohhhhh CL just came on and it's fire. Big Tone hasn't lost me yet...but still not loving the Narsha feel. But I kinda like this too. And loving the badassness on this loving. And CL is fire on this track. And Bom is killing it too. Loving this too ....until it turns into Narsha's song (aka the Chorus). But then I like it. I don't know how to feel. I'm so confuse on this song. I like and I don't. But I like it again. Dame it can't say how I feel. But it's so different from what 2NE1 is usually about. Say what you want but this doesn't sound at all like Teddy and Kush but a whole new song (cause it's PK and Big Tone). Final verdict is IDEK :wacko: ?

It Hurts (slow)

Loving this song, slow reggae feel to it. Kush is balling on this album. Is Sunwoo Jungah the same guy who produced YB's INAG cause I like him. He's a good producer. MINJI - why so awesome? DAME IT GIRL BE KILLING THIS SONG!!! Bom, Minji and CL are so dame awesome!!!! (where the hell is Dara, barely hear my girl on this). Hey Dara had some short solo part. This song is 10 kinds of awesome. BOM IS KILLING IT AGAIN. This song is love :wub: BOM = power vocals and Minji = smooth vocals.


= :wub:

nuff said.

Should have replaced GO AWAY or CAN'T NOBODY as a title song. YG has been picking really bad title songs lately. OK, CHOICE NEEDS TO PRODUCE MORE WORK LIKE NOW. He helped produced YB's After You Fall Asleep and SOLAR INTRO which were 10 kinds of awesome. I'M SO UPSET THAT THIS WASN'T A TITLE SONG I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY :( . STOP GIVING ALL THE TITLE SONGS TO TEDDY JUST CAUSE HE'S TEDDY. Big Tone and Master Wu deserve credit too. Best song so far for me.

Can't Nobody - eng

Loving the lyrics. Loving this so much. This is so badass :wub: . Still not liking the Miss A influence. I'm not sure when Teddy wrote this but haters will jump all over that. CL = AWESOME!!! But umm this sound like it was just CL and BOM. Have to hear it again to really say but Dara and Minji don't seem to have made an appearance.

And this is my first reaction to TO ANYONE

Overall = a good album.

Can't say it's better or worse then the minialbum cause they are going for a completely different feel with this album which I think is great. If they did an album that sounded just like the mini ppl would complain that it's too similar, go on a different path and ppl complain that they changed their sound. That's the problem of rising too fast too soon. And the truth is that the sophomore album is NEVER as good as the 1st album (if you're a big hit) even if it really is. Sophomore albums pleases no one.

*with only 6-7 news songs this is technically a minialbum (disappointed YG).

I may do a more in depth review later to reveal my real reactions once the songs have marinated in my brain.

However, I'm really upset about the song and the album being leaked early. This will hurt sales somewhat but what can you do.

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Guest rainbow88

These are tracks that I love

Can't Nobody

Clap Your Hands(can't wait for the MV later)

I'm Busy(techno/hip hop mix and on repeat)

It Hurts(Minzy sound so GOOD and Bom too)

I like the diversity in the album. 2NE1 can be in more then just the Hip Hop/R&B genre. Try different things. I hope the album will be available on iTunes.

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Guest MidnightByul

It Hurts, Love is Ouch, and Go Away seems to be the majority of a crowd favorite.

Whereas: Can't Nobody, I'm Busy and Clap your hands. People either can't stand, or just dislike it because of the auto tune.

Comparing it to their mini-album of course, there is a big difference. It's nothing close to it.

Just like, what someone said already; same thing happened with Big Bang. They switched to techno-ish stuff, and a good portion of people get thrown off.

I remember when the majority were saying how they hate it, can't stand it, too much of this, too much of that.

Tsk. You can never really please anyone, can you? I don't know why people are so surprised.

Just from the damn teasers of Clap your hands and Can't Nobody..

wasn't it clear that autotune was in it?

And, since when was autotune a bad thing, generally?

I admit, Can't Nobody...at first is kind of all over the place, with bits and pieces of certain things here and there.

Clap Your Hands...it's not bad at all. It has a....2NE1-ish vibe to it.

I'm Busy...same with Can't Nobody. But, I like it.

Also, the performances, the live performances, can also have an effect on how the song is portrayed.

Some may hate it now, but when seen live, you get in to it.

I'm not surprised one bit, and all the sudden rushes of

"WTF is this? Such a disappointment 2NE1. And, I was looking forward to this album.."type comments.

There is nothing wrong with a little change-up. The experimented. So what.

KPOP is love/hate. I give this album, a 7-8/10...

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