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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest bluishme


땀 삐질~ㅋ응원하느라 땀나서 다시 곱슬머리가 되가고있는 다롱이ㅋ울 강아지인형 하치와 함게ㅋ울집에 강아지인형은 참 많아요ㅋ인형은 안무서워서~^^ 암튼 대한민국 홧팅! 붉은악마 홧팅!!!야야야!!! 44분전

cr: oh dara; dara's me2day

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Guest scarletletter


that was taken in Garden 5 a week ago ..... that was already posted way back .. :)


땀 삐질~ㅋ응원하느라 땀나서 다시 곱슬머리가 되가고있는 다롱이ㅋ울 강아지인형 하치와 함게ㅋ울집에 강아지인형은 참 많아요ㅋ인형은 안무서워서~^^ 암튼 대한민국 홧팅! 붉은악마 홧팅!!!야야야!!!

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Guest evilgary

yea dara does looks as though she gained a little bit of weight. i guess its probably they are not doing any promotions and thus she is free to eat whatever she wants

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땀 삐질~ㅋ응원하느라 땀나서 다시 곱슬머리가 되가고있는 다롱이ㅋ울 강아지인형 하치와 함게ㅋ울집에 강아지인형은 참 많아요ㅋ인형은 안무서워서~^^ 암튼 대한민국 홧팅! 붉은악마 홧팅!!!야야야!!! 44분전

cr: oh dara; dara's me2day

Looks like she got her hair strengthened and a hair cut. She has side bangs instead of her hair being long all the way down. I can't wait to see it styled.

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Guest elavip

ooh dara got a hair dye and lost the perm. dang she looks even younger now o_o i wonder if the other members got new hair. dara is quite the soccer/football supporter, where are the other girls?

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Guest jeninamazing

Ooooh, it looks really good! I can't wait to see it styled, either. It looks really soft and natural right now.

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Guest sryche


Vampiric in both their physical attributes, grace and personalities, is there ever a chance that both Lord T.O.P and Lady Dara could be seen in a Korean version of the movie “Twilight”?

Are we ready to lurk at the darker side of the Earth?

The possibilities are endless considering Hye Sun stated that he wanted T.O.P to be included in the cast of her next film. In the KBS Win Win tv guesting that Dara had recently with Hye Sun, she was also asked if she is willing to work with the talented actress, now turned director.

“Get a lead actor”, she convinced her friend and reasoned out that it is for the quality of the movie in her usual dorky way that made the hosts laughing at her cute personality. “Get Kang Dong Won-sshi”, she told Hye Sun, but later on said that she is willing to work with whomever as long as she could learn from him.

If ever a romantic vampire movie would be made, it will surely become a hit since both idols have their own followings of fans not only in Korea but we might as well add all over Asia, and even around the world.

Both of their charisma are oozing and they have their own unique personal styles that would make the movie even spectacular. Dara has been rumored to have that vampire attributes that preserved her youthfulness and TOP have this beastly persona fit to be a vampire.

Source: blackVIPs

Writer: VIP

Please credit when reposting ^^

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Guest tomorrow13


땀 삐질~ㅋ응원하느라 땀나서 다시 곱슬머리가 되가고있는 다롱이ㅋ울 강아지인형 하치와 함게ㅋ울집에 강아지인형은 참 많아요ㅋ인형은 안무서워서~^^ 암튼 대한민국 홧팅! 붉은악마 홧팅!!!야야야!!! 44분전

cr: oh dara; dara's me2day

Translation: Sweatdrop~ㅋ Darong started to sweat while cheering so her hair got frizzyㅋ I’m with my stuffed dog Hachiㅋ In my house there are a lot of stuffed dogsㅋ It’s because stuffed animals aren’t scary~^^ Anyways, Korea fighting! Red devils fighting!!! Yayaya!!!

Credit: elise @ YGL

@a_thao4ever: same here. Could anyone give me the link please?

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박봄양 허벅지 폴라로이드 사진 이벤트를 어떤식으로 해야할지 생각중입니다 글구 이번엔 짱매를 연락을받으실 준비가된분께!ㅋ 아님 그사진 개굴형부한테 줘버릴거에요~ㅋ형부~ㅋ 개구리 좋아하세요?ㅋㅋ

translated by me [in my own words]:

i was thinking Park Bom's thigh polaroid pic event should be done anyhow..so this time, will u guyz be ready to be in touch with JJangme! ㅋ or that picture will be given away to frog brother inlaw~ㅋbrother in law~ㅋdo u like frog?ㅋㅋ

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Guest scarletletter












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Guest Pinkoreos89

that picture is definitely Dara. I think it's a 2NE1TV screencap...I don't remember which episode but it's her during one of those sit down interviews they did on the show.

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Guest sryche

Behind the scenes in the Into the Fire premiere is found here

CL could be seen in the video waving at the camera.

I forgot to state that Seungri and Minji also had a short appearance.

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아우 생각보다 트로피가 많아서^^;유리가 막 휘네요 깨지면안되는뎅ㅠ무거운것들은~다~젤밑에넣었어용!우리가 작년에 열심히했구나..싶기두하구^^당쉰들한테두 넘 고맙구 앞으로도 열심히할게용!^^계속 응원해줄꺼죵?♥

Wow there's a lot more trophies than I thought^^; The glass is shaking, but we'll be in trouble if it breaksㅠ We put~all~the heavy ones at the very bottom! Seems we worked really hard last year..I'd like to think so^^ We're really thankful to you guys, too, and I'll work hard in the future as well!^^ Will you keep on supporting us?♥


트로피를 넣는데말이죠..ㅋ상들이 생각보다 크고 무겁더라구요^^; 특히나 뮤직뱅크 트로피는 너무 높아서 안들어가서 그냥 저위로 올렷어요ㅋ 또 깨트릴까봐 완전 조심했어요^.^V

Of course we put in our trophies..ke our awards were bigger and heavier than I thought^^; Especially since our Music Bank trophy was so tall, it wouldn't fit so we just put it on the top ke I was scared I'd break it again so I was super careful^.^V


선물받은 거대한 진열장을 안전히 숙소거실까지 가져다준 매니져분들 수고하셧어요~!^^ 근데 그와중에 짱매는 띵가띵가~ 한거같기두하구ㅋ 슬슬 한번 진열장을 파헤쳐볼까욧~!?!

Our managers worked hard in bringing our great big display case that we received as a gift to our apartment's living room~!^^ But while they were doing it, Jjangoo manager seemed like~ he was slacking off ke Shall I secretly, reveal our display case once~!?!

translationcr: Gee@ygladies

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