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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest cristina0422

^oh! you beat me. kekeke.

Dara's Me2Day 100529


세상에서 가장 아름답고 귀여운 마이크를 가진 그녀!!! 씨엘ㅋ 그래서 그녀의 퍼포먼스가 더 빛나는거같다! 복받은줄알아라 너 씨에루!ㅋㅋㅋ

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Guest stephy1030

omg i feel soo proud of CL-ROO right now! I mean i know we have always heard that she can speak 4 languages but she just blew me away with this interview!!!

Her English and Japanese skills are soo good and she sounds soo fluent in both of them. She def. deserves to be leader and she has proven it over and over again despite her young age! : )

2NE1 looked soo cute in the interview and while presenting the awards.

I think the girls have a bright future ahead of them in Japan and I can def. see them getting big over there!

But for now i want our girls to comeback with A KICKASS album in korea!!

I'm having 2ne1 withdrawal symptoms lol i keep rewatching 2ne1 TV.

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Guest ejjapay2ne1BOMtori


WOW CL!!!!!kekeke...MINJI is just holding the mic she did not say anything!....

WAIT CL!!!!! did you say HIS OR THIS?>>>>>if you say HIS WHY DID YOU SAY HIS HAIR IS CALLED PALM TREE HAIR!!!!!to DARA why......!!!!!!!!! DARA IS NOT A BOY!!!..OK .CHAERA strikes again


i'am not really sure if CL said HIS OR THIS>>> but in my opinion I heard..CL said HIS........


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Guest sw8et_vietgurl

wow CL's english is amazing

and minzy is looking cuter and prettier, loving her new hairstyle

please stylist stop cutting her hair, i want it to be long

oh CL with "his hair"... lol she's joker

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Guest dbldown

CL's English is so good, I know I have seen @aimeeleelucas post that she's fluent, but that was the most I think I have ever heard her say at one time. So cool! I think she said "this hair.." but whatever. It was fun to see them and really exciting that they performed. I like Minji's hair like this too... what other surprises are in store for us I wonder?

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Guest maxim16

the girls are mighty fine on their Fire concept..nostalgic.. but i wish they wear something different during the red carpet. their performance was absolutely amazing and when GD introduced the girls, goosebumps all over me, lol.

im proud of CL, she handled the interview very well and i wish Minji would speak too..i anticipated for it.

Dara's palm tree is IT again...her style is the most unconventional but i bet the Japanese fans love it.

YG is promoting the girls in Japanese market.

surely another career move for the girls since Japan has a huge music industry. for me it is pretty awesome but hope 2ne1 will come back as soon as possible. i dont want to question YG timetable but should YG strikes while the iron is hot? 2ne1's comeback is long overdue, of course i love BB, i could not even think how excited i am right now because of YG statement but my impatience is growing and growing, who wouldnt love seeing the girls onstage? :lol:

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Guest vip_gd


WOW CL!!!!!kekeke...MINJI is just holding the mic she did not say anything!....

WAIT CL!!!!! did you say HIS OR THIS?>>>>>if you say HIS WHY DID YOU SAY HIS HAIR IS CALLED PALM TREE HAIR!!!!!to DARA why......!!!!!!!!! DARA IS NOT A BOY!!!..OK .CHAERA strikes again


i'am not really sure if CL said HIS OR THIS>>> but in my opinion I heard..CL said HIS........


she didn't say his

she said this.

the 't' was just slightly inaudible

she spoke very well in the interview

&& she said fun quite a few times lol

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Guest ejjapay2ne1BOMtori

she didn't say his

she said this.

the 't' was just slightly inaudible

she spoke very well in the interview

&& she said fun quite a few times lol

SORRY MY BAD........BUT CL speaks very well in english......i wish I can hear MINJI talk TOO....

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Guest fiyfly

Talk about a surprise! I went to bed thinking I'd seen their red carpet walk already and would see a video of them presenting in the morning, but instead, I wake up to find out they actually performed at the awards?! That's freaking awesome! Totally explains the outfits (which I really do like cause I actually miss the Fire clothes...:D).

The girls did great, but of course they would - they're 2NE1, who always bring it. As others have said, I knew CL could speak English and Japanese, but to listen to her actually speak was a whole separate thing. Her English was really good for someone who hasn't really been practicing it much, and while I can't undersand Japanese, I'm guessing she was great as well, from other comments I've read. Our little linguistically talented girls made us proud. :)

I'm not even going to go speculating what this means for them and their entry into Japan/return to kpop as it's pretty much useless to speculate with YGE - better to just sit back, enjoy when the girls perform unexpectedly and keep on following Ms. Dara's Me2Days. :D Thanks to everyone as usual for the videos and the pictures! You guys are awesome. ;)

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Guest jadeal_17



^Wassup we 2ne1!


^Bom is in her own world again. Lmao. XD


^Epic shoes. What's your fave?


^I find it funny that after they showed 2ne1's outfit, they zoomed in to this :lol:


^Proud owner of the palm tree hair


^CL is wearing 3 gigantic rings (white flower, a plane and a wheel?)

not to mention the metal-spiked watch-->eeek! watch out!


^I know shipping is not allowed in here but c'mon...this is the couple to beat~


^Bom & Minji >>spaced out :lol: while Dara is busy admiring her wifey speaking in English


^Gorgeous unnie and maknae


Everybody laughing after CL says something in Japanese.

Actually they can all understand Japanese because you can see them reacting the same way

as the interviewer is speaking

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Guest blackjackVip


thanks for 2NE1 GOODIES!! :D

---Minzy looks really pretty with that hair! she's getting prettier each day, i'm quite jealous. lol

---CL's english language speaking skill is AMAZING!, wow, she can speak korean,english and japanese fluently! i'm not even that fluent in English yet, though i live here in the U.S for 3 years now. sad...T_____T (i still have to improve!)

can't wait for a better quality youtube video of their performance! coz the ones on youtube were kinda blurry...i wonder if anyone would be uploading a high quality one? hehe :)

P.S i also really like CL's hair! she looks wayy better with that long hair/messy style. she looks feminine YET edgy. :)

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Guest averyl^^

hi there^^....

my sister wants to know what is the international fan site of 2ne1...??

she's been bugging me hehe...

since she saw this thread

she's a Dara fan...

oohh...pm it to me please...

thanks you=]

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Guest doublehh03

it's great to see how BB always introduces/paves the way for 2NE1. u can see how tight they are. and yes, this is a tactic YG is using to introduce 2NE1 to the japanese market, since BB already has given YG entertainment a place in the japanese industry

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Guest fragmented

^^ indeed. : ) I love how Big Bang takes care of them <3 Omygad just listen on how they introduced our girls :">



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