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Are You An 'english' Person Or A 'maths' Person?

Guest AppleLove

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does science count?

i can tell u the whole periodic table and knowledge of organic chem(organic chem is really hard!!!!!!!!!!!! i think im failing that portion lol ) any of u in pre med know what im talking about but i have to take it as part of my AP chem

english ehhh

math ehhh i hate it so much

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What Ethnicity are you?

Filipino Chinese

Are you a maths or an English person?

I hate hate hate MATH ! makes me soo mad >< i just hate solving stuff. but my grades are pretty good. still hate it though.

english on the other hand is so much easier for me, i grew up speaking it.

i can speak it better than my own language.

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Guest -inspire

I'm Chinese and I'm DEFENITELY an 'English' person lol.

Maths can be fun at times (only when you don't have any difficulties understanding it).. but I'm not good at it. XD

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  • 3 months later...
Guest pinkproposal

I'm Japanese-Filipino.

I dislike both (because they're part of school and I dread school). I used to be good at math, too, but then it got hard. T_T

I'd pick English over Math. I like the days when we write stories and whatever, but I feel like ripping the textbooks in half if we're assigned essays and long, ugly, dumb projects like the one I should be doing right now. Pft.


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Guest connie333

Neither, I'm not all that good at any of these. But...I know plenty of people who are killer at English but not so interested in math.

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Guest ilikeyammyfoods

im chinese.

i like math more because my teacher teaches well and is kind of a pushover lol.

and in english there's always a bunch of reading or essays or projects. -_____-


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Guest sojulitic

oh my gosh me too...

im viet and i just suck at maths.

i loved english in high school, i did standard english and came 1st in both year 11 and 12!!

i dropped maths right before the hsc exams...man was my teacher pissed hahaha

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Guest whatleftforme

Uh, how I hate people like to stereotype Asians as a "math wiz." Yeah, I got "Aren't Asians very good at math?" a lot from my friends, too. I hate both subjects equally, and they're the top 2 on my blacklist. Coz I'm not a native speaker (there are times I wish I don't have to write any essay ever), and the numbers just make my head spin :wacko: I LOVE science the best :wub: . I can remember all the difficult names of bacteria, bones, muscles... but can't remember much of math formulas or grammar rules lol. Ironically, I need both Eng & Math for my major, what a bummer :( . The only good thing is that I had taken easy courses (Statistics & Eng 1&2) so I did fairly well, otherwise I'd probably fail miserably with Calculus & other hard Eng courses.

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Guest alicee

Yeah, I've always had that stereotype plagued onto me until I got to high school. I found out I was a lot better with words than with numbers. I guess you could say I was still "above average" than most people in math, but I struggled so much to get the grades that I got.

With English, I could just breeze by. It just comes to me naturally even though I BS a lot of stuff. I have never actually put my full potential into writing in the past even though I always did really well, but I've decided that I want to become a writer of some sort for my future career and intend to put my all into it :]

For all the math stuff, I'll just ask my brother or my future hubby haha.

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Guest sai_k

im Hmong

english is WAAYY easier for me. i hate math.

i cant really seem to understand it. sometimes i do sometimes i dont

people say that to me too...-.- its annoying

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Guest asianascanbe

ahh, alot of Filipinos are choosing English over Math! lol


i HATE math. I have a freaking 53, which went down to a 51, and is now a 71.

20 points-yay? Gosh, I've always been struggling with it, but I go ahead and choose to be in an upper level class in Math..

so, yeah. Obviously, I would choose English over Math. lol I'm slacking off now, since I only have 8 days of school left..

so right now, I have an 89 in Language Arts, and a 71 in Algebra. -__- FAILING. Darn it. Which I usually always have an A in L.A. and a B in Algebra. Man, I need to hurry up and raise that grade..

Oh, and I'm Filipino, btw (: aha,


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