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Anything that makes you wanna CRY in your HEART

Guest fallen*angel*

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doesn't it suck when the guy you like is liked bye 9325702937 other girls and takes no interest in them, and their so much prettier, smarter, funnier then you and if they can't get him you know you have no chance?

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My school's having a "read to succeed" week, where we all have to read a book for 15 minutes every morning.

I brought my manga (Japanese comic book) and people kept on dissing it and insulting me for reading it.

Some guys took my manga from me, even though I told him they couldn't have it, then he said things like this to me:


Other things like "WHAT IS THIS ASIAN SH--?" and they'd mock the Japanese characters inside the book.

Then they'd flip through each page and make fun of everything on it.

Yeah, so I like anime. I wish people could just leave it alone, and stop insulting me because I like it.

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Guest sarahsoar__us
that jerk.

i seriously regretted telling him.


hes getting cocky

the thing is i dont like him anymore but

he doesnt know that...

hes a jerk

i like this other person

he helped me through everything

its just that every time he looks at me

i think i blush :blush:

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since this is a tell the truth thingy

i'm going to spill it but i'm not going

to cry :blush: jux not me but n e ways

i hate 2 going to family reunions or family parties etc...

becuz 99.9% of the time it's not my family

reunions/parties that i'm going to it's

other ppls...and i hate the fact that

i have no family at all

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Our one year anniversary was actually one of the worst days in our relationship. It started off bad and only goten worse as the day progresses. We ate dinner with his parents on our anniversary.

I guess although I tried not to have any expectations for a romantic day, I still hoped quite a bit that he would surprise me out of the blue with something special (ie, an event.. go to the beach, watch the sunset, a picnic, etc..), but I got nothing. I had really wanted us to do something special so I can look back and remember it as an unforgettable day, and it was, but in a bad way.

I wanted to spend time with him, to talk and just enjoy the moment, but it was so difficult. We got into an argument because he really wanted to go clubbing and I didn't. I would have been mad if he had gone without me, so he tried convincing me to go, but I abhored his request. Then he walked out on me.

I felt really betrayed because it was our anniversary and clubbing (having fun with other people) was how he wanted to spend that day. I guess even on a day like anniversaries or whatnot, I'm still not his priority. I broke up with him once he walked out of the door.

He came back an hour later and apologized.

I don't know why I'm not happy about that. I kept thinking that if having fun with other people was how he planned on enjoying our anni, it meant that spending alone time with me wasn't good enough. I'm still so disappointed.

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Guest Popsickles

blaaaaaaaaaaaaah he ignored me monday night so then i decided to ignore him on tuesday. and i didn't see him today. and i ignored him tonight.

T___T i messed everything up...... i think he hates me now.

it's been... 48 hours. blah. i miss him so much. but i can't back down! we are settling this fight the PROPER way. what kinda fight is this anyways? i dont even know why he ignored me and was pissy that night. eff.

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i spilled my guts, and opened my heart to you in the most raw way possible. and you take it, and read it, and ignore it.

strangers we were, friends, lovers, strangers again.

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I hate that you turn away without saying bye; I hate the way you act.

I hate the way you make me feel; I hate the way I'm left like this, on the edge, by you.

And you know it, too.

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he likes me. i like him.

we had a thing. we lost the thing.

he still likes me. i still like him.

we're friends. he wants to move on. but actions speak louder than words. he said it hurt too much to like me because he didn't want to get hurt again. but then. why keep giving me mixed signals.

i just want him to stop changing in front of my eyes. it's a turn off whenever he changes in front of his friends. i want you to be just you. no one else. just you and me. once again.


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Guest Xiaoness

i broke up with my boyfriend because i felt like he didnt care about me anymore. What hurts even more is actually realizing that the doesnt care about me at all. So now we broke up and i miss him a lot.but i guess its best to find out that he doesnt care about me anymore and break it off than stay together .

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i keep failing and failing, always disappointing my parents. i can't overcome whatever that's keeping me from thinking positively. i worry a lot about many things my mother would never thought i would be worried about....but i do and she thinks i don't...so i seem uncaring to her.

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Guest kellyalster

^ I feel the exact same way. I feel like I'm just failing at life and I have no idea where my life is going to go. I always think I'm going to disappoint my parents. They think I don't appreciate everything they do for me, when all I want to do is make them proud. I need to get over being a lazy b****.

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