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Anything that makes you wanna CRY in your HEART

Guest fallen*angel*

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I like this guy a lot and he also likes me because his best friend told me that my crush likes me but today I just found out by one of my friend. SHe told me that she saw his picture on myspace seeing my crush was kissing another girl. I just can't believe that he would do that to me knowing that he was just messing with my feelings. I really don't understand that if he likes me then why would he do this to me? But watever he's a jerk

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Guest comicboyz4eva

I still haven't let go.

Tears still form when I think of you.

If you took me by the hand,

and asked me to come back - what would I say?

I'm curious, oh so curious.

How have you changed?

I want to know.

Do you even have a bit of love left for me from before?

Or did you throw it away, so you can play with another doll on the wall?

Today she is my "friend".

I wish she weren't and I wish you were still here next to me.

I want to know how you have been.

Or do you simply have nothing to say about yourself?

Where have all these masks been thrown?

Mine is still here, it's just hidden.

Hidden, so no one knows how I'm still hurting from the incident 3 years ago.

I want to get out of here.

If only I could ask you what I wanted to ask.

But all I can do right now is run.

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Guest Amethist

Even though I kinda got over all of them, it kinda sucks my heart got disappointed so many times this year, every guy I liked seemed either not interested in me, taken, or gay =/..

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my boyfriend works at a bank and I found he got robbed today.... my ex also texted me asking if he could come over and hang out for a bit.

I told my bf I'd drop by to go see him, if he's alright and everything and I'll tell my ex I'll hang out with him another time. He response sounded like if he didn't want to see me at all.

I can't stop talking to my ex because he made me really happy when we were going out, even though he broke my heart tooo many times. There's something about him that makes me really happy.

my boyfriend makes me happy too.. but i feel extremely bad at the fact that he has to be a little drunk to say the meaningful things to me. I wished he had more guys to say it to me when he's sober.

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Guest ichigobunnie

i love a guy who already has a gf.

he clearly loves me..its just way too obvious, and of course I respect that he isnt "allowed" to love me since he's already in a relationship.

It bugs me that he doesnt admit to himself this. he already told his gf about me, so he isnt lying to her or trying to hide crap like that. But it bugs me that he didnt tell her that he was the one who loved me on his own. All i ever did was ask him to tutor me in accounting, so now his gf thinks im a manipulative b****..for....what...asking accounting questions? really?? being who i am? just chatting about my day and gaming with him?

and what crushed me, was when he said "if i ever loved you, right now it's over." ouch...

its time to move on to find someone who will actually love me and admit it. Such a shame though. This guy is really good to me..just..not in one area that id want him to be. And we completely click.

He's just blindly in love with his gf who treats him very poorly. Even he admits to that..yet he just cant get out of the relationship.

love hurts....

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It hurts to know that he "treats me as a friend only", the exact words that he texted to my best friend...I feel like such a fool for thinking I could have a chance with him. Of course he only sees me as a friend...what can I do now, nothing, I can't do anything except for moving on...yeah I should move on, these last few weeks were the best, I was so happy hanging out with him. Hmm well I'll still see him, hopefully I will be able to control my feelings and not letting things go awkward...still ouch though, I didn't know he was that open to everyone, giving piggyback ride, hugging, touching everyone like that...I should've known that he was being nice and friendly, stupid me...I'm such a naive traditionnal, conservative stuck-up girl who doesn't know a thing about guys...urghh...I feel ike an idiot for thinking that he could like me...urghhhhhhhhh

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Guest azngurl0206

it just hurts everyday to know that we aren't what we used to be;

everyday i look back and remember the sweetest thing that he said to me:

"your my angel,

my best friend,

my adorable puppy [nickname],

your my everything..."

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Guest bubblepeach

everyone i know seems to be having really great lives. good job and/or partner. great future ahead.

it seems that i'm the only one stuck in this difficult situation. i can't move forward knowing the huge mistakes i've made. i've disappointed my family plenty of times and yet i can't seem to learn from it, repeating another mistakes time after time. and what's worse is i can't stop thinking about him and regretting every single day i have "ignored" him. now it's too late. he doesn't "see" me anymore and yet i can't get over him. how can i move on with all these burdens i'm carrying? i've got no future. i don't know what's happening to me, really...

sometimes i think maybe it's better if i just don't exist...

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Guest cubyrop

Got rejected by someone that I've like for a year now for about a year now and still have feelings left for him..... not to mention..... low self esteem issues.... how my friend is more prettier, and skinner then me, not to mention lots of people like her. I feel like i'm stuck in the shadow. How come I'm not noticed? Guys treat her a different way then me..... when she has a boyfriend.... why is that? Am I beyond ugly? I'm I a fat richard simmons? I know society is superficial and life is unfair, but how come I just can't take this? I feel like shutting myself from society sometimes because of my appearance......

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it hurts when you dont reply you know? so i try to distract myself by listening to happy songs. but then they remind me of when we used to be happy arguing about my music. and look at us now. we barely talk to each other anymore. we used to talk for 4 hours+ a day. and now we only have a few lines.

where did all our happiness go? oh thats right. you replaced me. with someone else. so i'm going to stop talking to you now. stop thinking about you.

because it's not worth it anymore. and if you can't be bothered talking back to me then fine. i won't start the convo ever again out of hope that you will reply. because it's bloody useless.

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