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Sony PSP Thread

Guest Dah_jOkA

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Guest Dah_jOkA
all you PSPers!
ey wessup? i no the old forum had wun but it kinda died, so i though i might as well create another wun n see wah happens. neway what have u guys been doin wid ur psps? ive been usin mind to listen to soompi radio wenever im not next to mah computer, watch movies n listen to music during skoo, n jes play random games n crap. aite aite mang ive been talkin to much. how do u guys feel bout YOUR psps?
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Guest IMAJynXed1

what firmware are you using? im just wondering how your able to listen to soompi radio...r u using firmware 2.0 (or 2.1)??

right now mine is still firmware 1.5 only becuz i like to be able to use all the homebrew stuff...right now i just been using the UMD Emulator to play psp games...yea yea its illegal but Id be pretty damn pissed and feel ripped off if Im paying $40-$50 for these PSP games...cuz majority of them are average to just straight up sucking...GTA:LCS is prolly the only game ill end up purchasing for now...its the only killer app coming out...but im hoping they release Suikoden I & II here...

every once in awhile ill put music on and prolly a music video...i usually have time to play it at work but its like i can play got 5 mins then gotta go do something another 5min then do something etc etc...i havent purchased any UMD movies becuz I think its a total rip off on Sony's part for making us pay the same for UMD as a DVD is...buuuttt ill prolly end up getting Ong Bak this weekend...:(:lol:

oh yea btw if your using 2.0 and thinking of downgrading to 1.5 you need to be careful, there is a trojan out there now...its a PSP Downgrader by PSP team which will just brick your PSP...a safe downgrader is by MPH...

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Guest Dah_jOkA

neway as foh tha radio iono, i jes downloaded sum program called PSP Radio wun day n it allowed meh to listen to streaming files.

gyea Sony is wack for making UMDs, i dont even bother buyin them, i can jes rip mah DVDs n convert dem onto mah PSP, but neway EY! ur and ong-bak fan 2? haah dats wun good movie, story line kinda suck bah DAMN the action scenes are tight.

neway mang sumtimes i think back n think dat i should of gotten a MP3 player instead, bah eh, iono

u no dat dey got a 4G HDD for the PSP coming out soon? dat would be koo cept mad expensive, its like $250, pshh, i can jes buy other PSP dat way

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Guest untoldsorrow

Yup, PSP sucks. I'm not what people call "new gamer". That term refers to grapic richard simmons. I'm old (22, lol) so I grew up when games were made for the reason games were made, to be fun. PSP looks great but wihtout gaes, its crap. I love my DS, play it everyday while I gave my PSP to my girlfriend to use but I got her a DS so she doesn't touch it anymore too, lol.

I only own 2 PSP games since I got it, on launch (brought 4 in total but played all the games that came out to this day) while I picked up My DS a month ago and have 7 games and planningto pick up more, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow IS THE i can't read!

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^ Of course, I think that would make me a PSP fanboy.. err.. fangirl. The only DS game that looks interesting to me is that one Kirby game.. Oh well, I don't play games that much.. More into music. Yay iPod nano! <333 my nano.

My boyfriend used to use his PSP (got it when it first came out) to play anime on it. It was cool.. Too bad I don't really like Naruto that much, and I don't care for Bleach. :P As for games.. he bought a few. It kind of died out. Now he's waiting for his XBOX 360.

PSP => Lumines = awesomest game ever.

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Guest kookis2

has anyone DOWNGRADED their PSP?


I think Sony has teamed up with Symantec to stop people from downgrading...><

so gay *muAhahz* some "PSP Brick" trojan appears now when "ppl" (:P) try 2 downgrade...


PSP gets boring after a while...my DS seems to be more fun.. :D If only...PSP had a touch screen...

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Guest nara jjang

i have a psp and i barely play it...when i get bored i play madden and some fifa...but yea i can't wait until gta comes out...it looks good

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Guest untoldsorrow

^ hMm...nintendo fanboy, dont hate

I don't think I would quaifly as one especiailly since I got a PSP and a PS2. I buy systems for guess what?? GAMES! The only reason my PS2 gets love is RPGs. I love my PS2 for RPGs but if they didn't have it then I would have sold my PS2 since there's no games I want to play. I don't like Xbox and its for the same reason, no games I want to play thats not out for another system. Only game for xbox i want is Ninja Gaiden but I'm not going to buy a system for one game then let it collect dust until another game I want comes out. Xbox has been out for years but I only see Nonja Gaiden as the only game I want out of 100s.

I do love Nintendo, and its because of software. Just spent 6 hours playing Mario Kart and Tennis with my buddies a few days ago. I can't see myself doing that with any other game. To me, software sells, not graphics.

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  • 2 months later...

Wow okay. I had to go back a lot of pages just to find a thread on PSPs :P. What are a list of some good PSP games? I want to buy my friend some games :)

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Honestly for now all games for PSP arent that good. GTA: Liberty City is good Sims2 andSocom is also. But really for now PSP games arent that good but from looking at the EBgames psp list a lot of good titles ( SF:3 Guilty Gear, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy:Crisis Core basically the stuff we loved for PS2 ) is coming so i suggest you wait to buy your friend some games.

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not that much PSP love around here... when it comes to games, PSP fails miserably when compared to the DS... I dont think people are really using PSP for gaming though... I've noticed that people usually watch movies or listen to music with their PSP's... I never hear talk about any cool games for the system either...

the only game for the PSP im looking forward to is the Valkyrie Profile remake...

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Guest Seipher

I've had my PSP for about a month now, and I'm already thinking about selling it. For all the things that it is the capable of, not one thing really stands out to me. The only game I really play is Madden. I don't use the PSP for music since I already have an mp3 player. As for movies, I could put 'em on the memory stick, but it's not like I'm away from home so often I can't watch it on my computer. Maybe a downgrade to 1.5 firmware might help, so I can play some roms, but then I didn't pay over $250 just to play old games. I'm hoping Sony releases Gran Turismo for the PSP soon, because that's the only game I'm really looking forward to.

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I've had my PSP for about of month also, but I've been all over it.

I know that there's solutions to the PSP's capabilities, such as the MP3 Player.

But seriously, when I look at it, I don't really need to listen to 20 GB of music.

I have about 200 songs on my PSP, along 20 Episodes of Bleach and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

The movies are in high quality, and I pull my PSP out alot even when I'm at home.

I mean, yes there's a pretty hefty investment involved in the PSP.

But there are some good games out there for it also, such as PoPoloCrois, Legend of Heroes, Lumines, Burnout Legends, Wipeout Pure, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, and Mega Man X: Maverick Hunter

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Guest AnonymouSouL

psp is totally awsome :D

it's so slick and beautiful

true there arnt many good games, but in the future then we'll see

it's too big to carry around as a mp3 anyways

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