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Shopping Ban Support Group Thread- Its O. F. F. I. C. I. A. L

Guest sushiwhore

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Guest sushiwhore

Gargh. Today's my birthday <_<! I really am fighting really hard for the urge to NOT buy stuff, but I really want to. I'm stressed out (exams, and break-up :(), and shopping makes me much happier :X!

However, I am REALLY bad with saving up money. (My parents gave me $500 each, and now its all gone <_<!!!!). Must fight urge.

allready? O_O damn woman you spend liek a mad lady o-o

but i totally knwo how you feel =_=

there are so many sales and i got my pay today T.T WHY!!! but i must stick to the ban until june 13!!! i hate my life

i know elana you missed the nordstrom half yearly sale !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O_O i think ts going on now you should go !!! :ph34r: hohoh *tempts elena with 50$ juicy couture swimwear*

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Guest Juliang

Does makeup count? Lol...

July i'll be going on a 1 month vacation from work and i'm only getting paid 1 1/2 weeks of vacation time. Which means almost 3 weeks of no pay and my bills each month reaches over a thousand. I need to save but... it's hard and i'm seriously trying my best. My boyfriend even offered to take me on a shopping spree at the end of July if i make it that far without spending money on makeup and clothes.

But... all these collections from MAC just came out and.. and.. i just need to get my hands on them! Sadly i can blow hundreds easily on cosmetics even though i hardly use them. I need to stop and slap myself sometimes.

PS. Friggin memorial day sales this monday.. *sigh*

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Guest meilove

^^ i know, good thing we can trade on soompi or else i'd never be able to make it through my ban XD

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Guest ohhreallynow

I am officially joining this group. My dad gave me $300 and I spent it all and I has $500 bucks in my checkings account and I spent it all in the span of 2 weeks. Not that I am opposed to spending money but I have absolutely no idea what I spent it on. I went on 2 or 3 shopping trips ... but the merchandise I bring how hardly looks like $700's worth. Now I am absolutely broke and my dad is not going to be happy when I see him later today.

I am an absolute shopaholic and it's a time to end this, but seriously sometimes you can't not buy something when you see it, sometimes that this is just like calling you to you like 'buy me, buy me'

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Guest PunchNine

I'm not the shopaholic in the traditional sense. (I'm not big on buying clothes and shoes...)

But I AM a spendaholic, I pick up little useless things in random stores that I don't need (makeup, stationary, and what nots )

and it does add up.

So yes, I'm joining this group.

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I went around the night market today and spent about 3 bucks...the biggest thing i bought was food and then the rest was getting rid of change out of my wallet spotting my friends.

its so hard to resist all those voo doo dolls and all those 3 for 10 jewelery/ flat socks >____<"

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Guest Intrigued

So.. it's Memorial Day... and everyone know's what that's all about... MEMORIAL DAY SALES! And... I did some window shopping... and decided to go into Victoria's Secret... and there were HUGE sale signs everywhere... same with Nordstroms...and Macy's...and I kind of purchasedsomestuff and... yeah... I failed.

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Guest Melanie

OMG. So... purchases for other people count right!?!?

Sigh. I mean all things considered, I didn't really buy a whole lot. But yet I STILL manage to spend my parent's money.

Dinner with boyfriend: 17ish bucks?

Game for boyfriend: 21 bucks...


Nothing for me, yet I still spent 38 dollars.

I STARTED MY JOB THOUGH. I'm glad I'll be getting my own paycheck soon.

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Guest blisskiss

Ok, so I decided that pre-wedding ban is completely and morally impossible. There are things that I really are required to buy and I feel guilty over it because of the ban. Obviously this wasn't the ban's intention, so I am going off the ban.

SORRY I'VE FAILED YOU!!! But this is a special time and I have a lot to prepare for. Good luck everyone! :D

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I got off my ban, finally. But strangely, there's nothing I really, really want to buy. I think it finally broke me of my habit of buying useless little things (that always add up). I still spent money on food though (which is stupid since I live at home, and don't need to). I think I'm going to go on my ban again, this time make it more strict and no spending, period. x_x

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Guest sushiwhore

I find it odd how the government sends me money when i need money the most o_o;

and i find it weird how i lost my tweezers, when i need them the most.

i find it odd that i neeed your money from you more than you need it o_o

so hand it over :ph34r:

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I'm going good with my ban!!

I decided that I would stop my ban when I got a job for at least two weeks.

So far, no job yet. But I have been buying food.

I bought a bus ticket, but my mother paid me back. Uh, I need to get a birthday present for a couple of friends...

Maybe they'll understand if I tell them I'll get it for them later? o_____0

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Guest Juliang

I forgot to post this but i actually survived the Memorial Day sales. Let's just say I decided to go to the mall with mom and dad *wink*.

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Guest sushiwhore

^haha congrats...

Lol, sure if you can cash the cheque from the canadian gov't :ph34r:

I hate the feeling of window shopping.

i'll find my ways ;)

paypal ya?

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Guest emc123

T.T so still on the ban. just two more weeks to go!!!

i was going to buy my brother a mixer which was around 300 but he wants knives and their ~600??!! wtf?

i hope i'll still have some money to go shopping with after my ban

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i'll find my ways ;)

paypal ya?

hahaha naah. Its gonna take forever to do so xD

Okay, so i went window shopping and i had to get a pair of tweezers *waits for the ban breaker thingy*...and a bus pass to get to school.

My friend felt bad and bought me a pair of tuttis. i wonder how freaky i look.

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