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When People Are Racist...

Guest kawaiimagic

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Guest kawaiimagic

how do you react?
ok, im chinese and was born and live in the UK. i know racism happens and people just have to deal with it....but i was wondering how people react to it? i mean, if someone was racist to you what do you do? do you ignore this or do you speak up? my parents always say to ignore it but it's really hard >_< i sometimes just cant take it anymore and go crazy shouting at the people and make a comeback...if im with friends who arent asian, most of the time they'd stay quiet coz they dont really know what to say or do at that moment.

so how do you guys react when someone is racist to you? and what if a friend of a different race was being racially insulted....do you try help or are you not sure what to do?

please feel free to comment and remember to respect other's opinion ^.^ this is my first topic on soompi and i dont wanna start a massive arguement >_<

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Guest Kyunjae

I tend to react horribly... Not at all how I should take it, but you know, if someone insults me and any of the races I have in me I think they deserve to be hit or at least insulted back.

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Guest love!mvmt

insult them back or just ignore ignorant people like them -_-

mm thats what i do. my friend likes to make racist jokes though.

most of the times ill be like oh thats hella messed up or whatever

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Guest mizmi

i'm fuming on the inside, but i ignore them.

i know that whatever i say won't change their opinions so..

just keep letting them be ignorant, maybe one day they'll get in trouble for it

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Guest chenism

I get really agitated. Sometimes, I just ignore them, just to keep trouble away, but there are times when people have gone WAAAY past the line, and...well, I end up arguing with them. It's simply not on.

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Guest †-oh.double.kaYzz

yesterday me and my bf and his friends were on the train

then later these group of idiots came on and randomly

sat next to us, then they were like

"CHING CHONG, CHING CHONG!, how are you?? =)

ahahahs my bf and his friends KAPOW!!! that guy in the face

i was like sitting there saying


i kinda felt sorry for him because one of his tooth fell out, oh wells his fault =D

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Guest angel_cutie

i'd be really angry and keep my mouth shut.until one of my friends say something.

then i'd hit back with stuff more reasonable..but i'd be shouting it out haha

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most of the racism i've experienced, i didn't even get offended. "richard simmons" is a racist term towards chinese. i'm korean. therefore, why should i get offended? i just laugh at their ignorance.

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Guest starrysmile

i would try to ignore them because they're ignorant. but if it gets too out of hand, then i would talk back.

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Guest dbsuju_gummibear

i used to just get rly mad at the person...but now i've learned to just laugh at it....it's really sad how people can be so ignorant and full of themselves...and some of the things they say are just so ridiculous that they're actually quite funny. see you have to learn to accept the fact that people love to wallow in their ignorance ..and u rly cant change that !!! besides whats a stupid remark going to do to me? nothing...that person has absolutely no power over me....but if they cross the line then yea i'll set them straight...but if it's a stupid comment i'll just ignore it or if they didnt mean any harm by it then i'll correct them and try to educate them.....but otherwise just let them b stupid ! ;)

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Guest kongo89

Racists generally are quite stupid, so I try my best to ignore their ignorance. However, if I see someone who I could easily "destroy" in a battle of words (as quickly as possible), I do so, but with big, bold words to shut their mouths and scare them off lol.

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Guest carlavb

i try to ignore them as much as i can but sometimes when i can't take it anymore i say it very calmly in their faces "Racist" .. then walk away..

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Guest busagiboo

I try to ignore them as much as I can and just brush it off and I can't exactly tell them off about it because I find at times that I too am somewhat racist and I'm not aware of it until someone tells me.

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Guest TangalanG

i used to just get rly mad at the person...but now i've learned to just laugh at it....it's really sad how people can be so ignorant and full of themselves...and some of the things they say are just so ridiculous that they're actually quite funny. see you have to learn to accept the fact that people love to wallow in their ignorance ..and u rly cant change that !!! besides whats a stupid remark going to do to me? nothing...that person has absolutely no power over me....but if they cross the line then yea i'll set them straight...but if it's a stupid comment i'll just ignore it or if they didnt mean any harm by it then i'll correct them and try to educate them.....but otherwise just let them b stupid ! ;)

same same. but. if it was overly extreme like someone kept harrasing me then id tick and get all pissed. im chinese and from england too lol.

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Guest LiLi_xox

When strangers are being racist towards me i just give them evil stares and ignore them.

When i react to it and tell the person they are being racist they deny the fact that they are being racist. arghhh it annoys the crap out of me.

eg. the other day i called my friend racist as she was making a racist comment about asians as per usual. She got offended and said "No, I'm not its not racist when you dont mean it and when your only joking around". I contuinued to say yeh that is still racist even if your joking around, it all adds up. Then it sounded like i was the mean one and she said "You're so mean to me" arghh

normally i just laugh and let it go but she still continues to make these remarks all the time.

Maybe i haven't explained to her well enough on why i believe she is racist.

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Guest Chanellas

Ignore them. If you get mad, they won because you addressed their stupid ignorance. Your reaction FUELS their hate. You're better than that. :mellow:

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Guest twaky

i'm chinese too and i live in canada. some people think that there is less racism in such a multicultural country, but it isn't quite true. racism happens frequently (day-to-day) here... usually i don't get racist comments or anything directed towards me, but i always hear people saying racist comments which make me feel uncomfortable. i just tell the people off even if it has nothing to do with me because they are just plain rude.

it amazes me how many peopel are still racist these days.

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