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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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I cannot stand the grandma, she is a very terrible person and does not deserve any respect as an elder member of the family. If SB is indeed the long lost daughter of Young Sook, I hope the truth will come out soon, so that grandma can no longer mistreatSB, she should be the one that give up the bedroom for SB.

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Guest piano4112000

Wow just saw the preview for 67 and who here thinks that

HS while watching grandma scold Sae Byuk will grab her hand and run out the door. Wishful thinking I know but wouldn't that be heaven.

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Guest ambidextr0us

todays episode made me AWWWWW. hose is trying really hard, but he's still engaged to soobin. finally he's not as bland because he looked like he was going to cry when saebyuk said that she loves ajumma and ajussi and doesn't want to make them sad. didn't she tell him that she likes him? i love his sad expressions cause he looks so "keee-opp-taa" :) and i was like "wow" when soobin pleaded saebyuk. this is just like the beginning of the drama when she pleaded but i think this episode she really is desperate and she really does mean it. so sad saebyuk and hose can't be together yet :( but then it just makes me want to watch it more and more! :]

in the preview, what was hose doing at grandma's house? preview looks like he gave up on her or something. hehe, but not for long.

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Guest scarecrow

I cannot stand the grandma, she is a very terrible person and does not deserve any respect as an elder member of the family. If SB is indeed the long lost daughter of Young Sook, I hope the truth will come out soon, so that grandma can no longer mistreatSB, she should be the one that give up the bedroom for SB.

If she is indeed the long lost daughter of Youngsook, that mean granda not only give up the room for Saebyuk but, ask for Saebyuk's forgiveness for the all mean things she did/said to her.

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Guest piano4112000

Episode 67 text preview, anyone mind to translate

새벽의 단칸방에 든 도둑으로 영숙과 새벽이 곤경을 치루자 풍금은 더더욱 새벽을 마음에 들어하지 않지만, 대진 가족은 오히려 새벽의 안전이 걱정되어 다시 새벽을 집 안에 머물게 한다. 소영은 처음 하는 시집살이에 좌충우돌이고, 태풍은 수빈에게 호세와 새벽의 마음을 말해준다. 한 펀 연실은 대구의 시장 출마가 자신의 경거망동 때문에 좌절될지도 모른다는 이야기를 듣는데......

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I think Chinese people have the same belief as yours. It's just like calling a double-faced/sly person a snake.

I also thought a snake dream meant somone you have to watch out for, you know like in Adam and Eve. Hose should not give up and the first step is to just end it with Soobin.

I hope no one else posts any of Soshi's subs. Let's all be fair to the othe members at Soshi who worked to get ther 50 posts and the people doing the subbing

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The situation with the Soshi subs is terribel. Hopefully, you guys get to sort it out soon.

When HS was talking to Soobin, he should have used the opportunity to dump her or more politely 'end the relationship'. Come on HS, I'm on your side here but you must disentangle yourself from the witch's evil web.

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Guest tecktonik/

Actually Yoona came out on Unstopable Marriage too....

Thats only for one episode :ph34r:


i dun liek HoSae

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Guest vballer87

Hey guys, I posted a translation of ep 66 on soshified, but i thought might as well post it here too. I dunno if i got everything right - if you find mistakes, feel free to correct them thanks!


A detailed summary of ep 66:

First Scene:

Saebyuk tells Hose that she will pretend she didn't hear what he just said and closes the door on him. Hose knocks on her door and tells her he really likes her and Taepoong overhears everything. Taepoong drags Hose to an alley and Taepoong punches Hose because HS is already engaged to his cousin, Soobin. TP tries to hit HS again, but HS stops him and asks if he's angry because of Soobin or SB. HS tells Taepoong that he can't do anything about his feelings for SB. Taepoong says he shouldn't waste his time on a guy like him. They part ways.

Second scene:

Taeyoung and his wife are scolded for lying about their honeymoon. Taeyoung's parents visit Soyoung, but she's sleeping, dressed inappropriately. TY's parent's leave in anger.

Third Scene:

Soobin's mom finds out her husband may become the next mayor and she gets really excited since his current position is a ward office director. Soobin's dad is still not sure about it and tells his wife to not tell anyone yet. Soobin's mom also was supposed to apologize to the lady she attacked, but she says really bratty things instead to her, and the lady is determined to get revenge.

Fourth Scene:

Taeyoung and Soyoung come to Taeyoung's house to beg for forgiveness. Soyoung feels so bad that she decides to cook breakfast for the entire family. But since Soyoung has her story deadline coming up, Taeyoung offers to cook on behalf of his wife.

Fifth Scene:

HS gets a call from Soobin. She asks him how come he didn't pick up his phone and that she wants to come over and talk to him. He responds very coldly and says he's tired and will talk to her at the office tomorrow, and hangs up on her. Soobin is freaking out and begins to think SB is meeting with Hose again, so she calls SB to meet. Soobin pleads with SB to please leave Hose alone because she's madly in love with him. She explains that all of her cruel behavior toward SB was because she couldn't stand the fact that her man was being taken by someone else. She begs SB to please fulfill her wish, and SB is stunned. When SB comes home, she finds Taepoong drunk by her door. SB asked why he didn't go home, and Taepoong yelled why can't he come by. He tells her his heart doesn't feel good because she left the house. SB says I'm sorry. Taepoong says if she really knew other people's hearts, things wouldn't have turned out this way (I think he was referring to how she doesn't know his heart) and SB is clueless. Taepoong tells her that Nayoung's room is always open so come by and he leaves.

Sixth Scene:

The grandma has a dream about a snake slithering into the house and thinks that something bad will happen that day. While the family is eating breakfast, the entire family is really pleased with the cooking and praise Soyoung, but they don't know that Taeyoung actually cooked it. Also, the grandma tells the family about her dream and warns all of her family members to watch out and be extra careful. But Soyoung mutters to herself that a dream where a snake appears actually means a precious guest will arrive soon (I think this is referring to YoonA hehe)

Seventh Scene:

SB was supposed to meet with Hose to go to the event together, but he sees SB carrying bags and walking alone in the streets. He asks her why she didn't meet with him, and offers to drive her. SB tells Hose that if people saw them together, they would get the wrong idea and would think HS is being a playboy while engaged. Hose tries to convince her that he's going to break off the engagement. SB says that all of the adults (aka HS parents and Soobin's parents) will not approve and it'll be chaotic. HS says he'll take care of everything. Then SB says that she loves her family too much and if she were to get together with HS, she might lose her family. Then she said she doesn't want to lose her family, and if Hose really truly loves her, he would let her be happy with her family. Hose lets her go and tears up =(

Eighth Scene:

Soobin's mom brags to Hose's mom and dad that her husband may become the next mayor, and Hose's mom gets annoyed.

Last Scene:

Nayoung's Mom goes to visit SB's room to give her food, but she runs into a burglar and that's where it ends.

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Guest piano4112000

Thank you for the detail summary. There were parts I didn't understand and your cleared it up but maybe you might want to put them in spoilers because some people might not want to be spoiled, not me I like to be spoiled.


Thanks again

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I cannot stand the grandma, she is a very terrible person and does not deserve any respect as an elder member of the family. If SB is indeed the long lost daughter of Young Sook, I hope the truth will come out soon, so that grandma can no longer mistreatSB, she should be the one that give up the bedroom for SB.

If she is indeed the long lost daughter of Youngsook, that mean granda not only give up the room for Saebyuk but, ask for Saebyuk's forgiveness for the all mean things she did/said to her.

I'm lost & going :wacko::w00t: ... how can SB be Youngsook's daughter? Why did she grow up in an orphanage? If she is Young Sook's lost child, who is the father? Daejin? That will make her a true & blood sister of TY, TP & Nayoung. Please enlighten me ... maybe I missed the early episodes when these were taken up ... :sweatingbullets:

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Actually Yoona came out on Unstopable Marriage too....

She only came out for one episode. It was a SNSD special where all the members came out. But Yuri and SooYoung were permanent cast members in Unstoppable Marriage.

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Guest piano4112000

Oh Man! Does anyone get the feeling that Saebyuk will end up with Taeyoung? I really like Saebyuk to end up with Hoo Sae, but every episo 66 T-T..

Thanks you vballer87 for the translation!

Nah, she doesn't love TP, she loves HS even if at the moment she can't be with him but to me I don't think HS will competely give up yet. He knows she likes him and if not for the family she would be with him. In the preview he sees her get yelled at, I want him to come to realize that at the moment she is still treated badly by the grandma and others. I want him to protect her even when she doesn't want protection from him. I can't stand Soo Bin and her reason for treating Sae Byuk badly. If you know he loves someone else let him go because getting his physical body but without the heart is useless in the end.

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