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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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I'm such a lurker, but I wanted to thank everyone who puts up the episode summaries. I can't watch this with english subs right becuase I just don't have the time, so the summaries really help. I'm glad things are finally starting to stir up with the hosae saebyuk plot.

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Thkz kori65... story gets interesting now.. HoSae will focus on Saebyuk..... Poor TP!

BJ will be the cupid guardian angel for HoSae & Saebyuk. :lol:

Fyi, we are standing on same island.. tml gg to flower festival at suntec as well..

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Guest kori65

As always, thank you for the summary :)

your welcome...aug05 is busy so trying to help ....but my summary(korean) is not as good ..so pls understand..

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Guest alfredo

Thanks kori65 for that summary. I feel it's going to be Hose's thump card (the video tape provided it isn't stolen) when SB is in trouble.

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Guest kori65

Thanks kori65 for that summary. I feel it's going to be Hose's thump card (the video tape provided it isn't stolen) when SB is in trouble.

sorry my mistake it's cd..

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today' s epi....

the cleaner said it is this lady I am sure.Soobin then scolded her and argued her way through.Making the cleaner confused then the co worker suggested the cctv thing.hosae called the security and asked for the tape.Only hosae and soobin watched the tape.hosae saw soobin throwing away sb's work.he was furious and he glared at soobin.he kept the cd .soobin followed him to his office .she argued and tried to explain to hosae that it was a moment of crazyness.hosae shouted at her to " get out!" but she continued arguing and he banged at the table and asked her to stop it and left the room.He covered for her.told the others that couldn't see the culprit.

soobin went back to office and found out hosae covered for her.she was so happy.later, she thanked hosae and said she knows her mistake .hosae wants her to apologize to sb.she didn't want to and they argued.

hosae was disappointed with her.on his way home, he saw sb with tp.sb was apologizing to tp for leaving him during lunch.soobin went home drunk and exhauseted. soobin complained to her mom that sb loves hosae and about nayoung and etc...

her mummy told her don't cry i will fix sb for you.

tp mom asked if tp and sb likes each other.tp denied and sb said they are like brother and sister (oppa and tongseng).told the old folks not to misunderstand.

continue later....

Thanks Kori65!! I can't believe Soobin wants to blame SB or her problems. She's a liar, a user and a overall crazy person. What can Yeonshi do? She can't even take care of her own marriage. Can't wait for Hose to wake up!

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Guest kori65

Thkz kori65... story gets interesting now.. HoSae will focus on Saebyuk..... Poor TP!

BJ will be the cupid guardian angel for HoSae & Saebyuk. :lol:

Fyi, we are standing on same island.. tml gg to flower festival at suntec as well..

Really, little island full of crazy kdrama addicts....hahahahah

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Guest kori65

just watched the preview of epi 63.....

it was the wedding party of nuuna and ty..sb had flashbacks of soobin's mom pushing her. then nuuna threw her bridal bouquet(flowers) soobin stretch herself to catch it but it flew passed her and guess what..sb caught it. I am so happy...evil soobin is getting what she deserves..

the fortune teller is so accurate..

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just watched the preview of epi 63.....

it was the wedding party of nuuna and ty..sb had flashbacks of soobin's mom pushing her. then nuuna threw her bridal bouquet(flowers) soobin stretch herself to catch it but it flew passed her and guess what..sb caught it. I am so happy...evil soobin is getting what she deserves..

the fortune teller is so accurate..

OMG, I hought I would die laughing :w00t::w00t::w00t:

Did you see when Soobin tried to hold onto HS's arm like nothing happened how he pushed her away.

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Guest alfredo

just watched the preview of epi 63.....

it was the wedding party of nuuna and ty..sb had flashbacks of soobin's mom pushing her. then nuuna threw her bridal bouquet(flowers) soobin stretch herself to catch it but it flew passed her and guess what..sb caught it. I am so happy...evil soobin is getting what she deserves..

the fortune teller is so accurate..

What fortune teller?

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Guest Tushka

What fortune teller?

Grandma and SuBin's Mom went to a fortune teller. The fortune teller told them that Taeyoung would be surrounded by three foxes and will have great succes and that SuBin would not get married this year.

This was before anyone foundout about Noona dating Taeyoung.[/b]

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Soobin's a dummy and too prideful... which is proof that she doesn't really love hosae, she just loves herself. Hosae gave her a chance even after she was discovered as the culprit... IF she were to really love hosae and want to be with him, she would be able to put down her pride and apologize to Saebyuk (especially because Soobin's in the wrong to begin with!)

I really feel that Soobin's infatuation w/ Hosae is based on her pride. She feels that a woman of her status, talent, and appearance would MATCH that of Hose's background, so she can't lose him to Saebyuk who has virtually nothing. Soobin does not really love Hosae, she's just a self centered spoiled social climber.

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Dear kori65, thank you, thank you, thank you for the summaries! I know it can't be easy for you to do this as you're probably very busy with your own responsibilities, so I thank you for whatever you can post to let us know the latest happenings.

Right now, after reading your posts, I'm feeling real good about how things are progressing and I can't wait for Hosae to end things with Soobin--she's arrogant, evil, and incompatible with him. I'm happy to read that the fortune teller already predicted no marriage this year for Soobin.

And I agree with everyone regarding Soobin's personality, pride, and infatuation with Hosae. I think she wants Hosae for what he represents, i.e., wealth, position in a prestigious company, and a higher place among her circle of friends, etc. And of course it hurts her pride that he isn't fawning all over her... :rolleyes:

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Guest elainecruz63

thanks a lot kori65.... :D

i think that is the end of Soobin. No man can forgive a girl for doing that unless he is truly in love with you. Trust which is an important ingredient in any relationship was definitely lost.

i am so glad that TY and SY finally got married in the next episode and Saebyuk catching the bridal bouquet. If i was in the shoes of Soobin i am really going to go crazy, but I guess this time in one's life self-respect and dignity should emerge. She has stoop so low, so she has to pick up herself. I guess it is in the genes, like mother like daughter.... She do not even have to look far to see what a relationship can do if it is one sided and full of insecurities. Any guy with the right sense of mind, will run to the first exit.. :lol: or they will get crazy themselves....

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Soobin's a dummy and too prideful... which is proof that she doesn't really love hosae, she just loves herself. Hosae gave her a chance even after she was discovered as the culprit... IF she were to really love hosae and want to be with him, she would be able to put down her pride and apologize to Saebyuk (especially because Soobin's in the wrong to begin with!)

I really feel that Soobin's infatuation w/ Hosae is based on her pride. She feels that a woman of her status, talent, and appearance would MATCH that of Hose's background, so she can't lose him to Saebyuk who has virtually nothing. Soobin does not really love Hosae, she's just a self centered spoiled social climber.

Dear kori65, thank you, thank you, thank you for the summaries! I know it can't be easy for you to do this as you're probably very busy with your own responsibilities, so I thank you for whatever you can post to let us know the latest happenings.

Right now, after reading your posts, I'm feeling real good about how things are progressing and I can't wait for Hosae to end things with Soobin--she's arrogant, evil, and incompatible with him. I'm happy to read that the fortune teller already predicted no marriage this year for Soobin.

And I agree with everyone regarding Soobin's personality, pride, and infatuation with Hosae. I think she wants Hosae for what he represents, i.e., wealth, position in a prestigious company, and a higher place among her circle of friends, etc. And of course it hurts her pride that he isn't fawning all over her... :rolleyes:

Now, I'm not a Subin fan by any stretch of the imagination however I think we need to be a bit more objective when we're looking at the characters. I disagree with both assesments of Subin's feelings for Hosae. Completely and utterly disagree with them. I will say however that your assesment of some aspects of her personality is correct. She is self-centered, I wouldn't say evil but manipulative and arrogant.

The other reason one can't say she's evil is the episodes early on when she basically did a lot of things for Saebyeok. First off she was willing to be Saebyeok's witness about the pearl necklace and the second thing was the money/purse issue. I was actually surprised by how kind Subin was and how much leeway she gave Saebyeok. So, I really refrain from calling her evil.

That doesn't mean she's incompatible with him. What it means is that she's spoiled and likes to have things go her own way. I won't deny that.

Let's go back to eps 4, I believe when Subin first met Hosae in the airplane or any other scenes before of her and Hosae before she knew he was the heir to Rohas. Clearly you can see that Subin had extremely sincere feelings for Hosae. Her feelings and attachment for him is no joke, even if he was a crappy security guard in a company she would have fell for him.

This was clearly established in the show. If she CARED so much about status, money, and propriety she would NEVER have had Saebyeok pretend to be her. She would have wanted to marry the rich and famous heir, not the guy she didn't know his name who she found attractive. That would just not make sense and it would be wholly illogical.

Clearly, as manipulative and mean as she can be she is only this way for Hosae and what she feels for him. I'm not in agreement with her methods and she does extremely spoiled things. Realistically though, I do understand where she's coming from and I won't marginalize her feelings for Hosae since the show established what her feelings for him are, and how far they go before she even knew what his name was.

Secondly I don't think she's upset over the fact he's not fawning. She's upset with the fact that he clearly has feelings for Saebyeok when she has deep feelings for him, which is NOT infatuation. There's nothing about pride here. Actually I think Subin has shown she has no pride left in regards to Hosae because of how far she has gone to defame a friend and win his heart.

A woman with pride would never lower herself like that, take for instance Saebyeok and the drama that hapened between her and Hosae. She apologized but was also quick at times to give up any relation with him. Subin won't and by allowing herself to do the things she does where she is even under "suspicion" says that pride is out the window.

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Guest ^Rainbow_Dreams5

i love this drama <3

but it has so much episodes O_O

i'm still at ep 9, woaahh!

gonna watch it sooon! =)

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Guest jbigdog123

Evil is a broad term used to indicate a negative moral or ethical judgment, often used to describe intentional acts that are cruel, unjust, or selfish. Evil is usually contrasted with good, which describes intentional acts that are kind, just, or unselfish.

Subin = Evil

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Now, I'm not a Subin fan by any stretch of the imagination however I think we need to be a bit more objective when we're looking at the characters. I disagree with both assesments of Subin's feelings for Hosae. Completely and utterly disagree with them. I will say however that your assesment of some aspects of her personality is correct. She is self-centered, I wouldn't say evil but manipulative and arrogant.

The other reason one can't say she's evil is the episodes early on when she basically did a lot of things for Saebyeok. First off she was willing to be Saebyeok's witness about the pearl necklace and the second thing was the money/purse issue. I was actually surprised by how kind Subin was and how much leeway she gave Saebyeok. So, I really refrain from calling her evil.

That doesn't mean she's incompatible with him. What it means is that she's spoiled and likes to have things go her own way. I won't deny that.

Let's go back to eps 4, I believe when Subin first met Hosae in the airplane or any other scenes before of her and Hosae before she knew he was the heir to Rohas. Clearly you can see that Subin had extremely sincere feelings for Hosae. Her feelings and attachment for him is no joke, even if he was a crappy security guard in a company she would have fell for him.

This was clearly established in the show. If she CARED so much about status, money, and propriety she would NEVER have had Saebyeok pretend to be her. She would have wanted to marry the rich and famous heir, not the guy she didn't know his name who she found attractive. That would just not make sense and it would be wholly illogical.

Clearly, as manipulative and mean as she can be she is only this way for Hosae and what she feels for him. I'm not in agreement with her methods and she does extremely spoiled things. Realistically though, I do understand where she's coming from and I won't marginalize her feelings for Hosae since the show established what her feelings for him are, and how far they go before she even knew what his name was.

Secondly I don't think she's upset over the fact he's not fawning. She's upset with the fact that he clearly has feelings for Saebyeok when she has deep feelings for him, which is NOT infatuation. There's nothing about pride here. Actually I think Subin has shown she has no pride left in regards to Hosae because of how far she has gone to defame a friend and win his heart.

A woman with pride would never lower herself like that, take for instance Saebyeok and the drama that hapened between her and Hosae. She apologized but was also quick at times to give up any relation with him. Subin won't and by allowing herself to do the things she does where she is even under "suspicion" says that pride is out the window.

I'm sorry, I have to disagree with you on a number of points. This is all about pride and status on Soobin's part and she is definitely a user. When she first met HS coming back from Japan, she latched onto him because her pride was hurt. He former boyfriend who was also at the terminal was there to meet her. He'd had an affair while dating her and she used HS as an attempt to make him jealous and shw that she was with someone well off. Soobin already knew from HS's mannerisms and dress that he ws well off having been brought in that environment herself.

She does not feel love for HS. She is possessive of him and basically threw herself at him even though he initially resisted. Right now her keeping HS is about pride not love. It is her's and her mother's pride. Now that they know what his family's background is it's let's hurry up get you engaged and married before someone else come along and takes him. Any decent womanwould want to take their time tomake sure they are even compatible, which it's ovious they are not.

She also used SB regarding the whole purse issue. SB did not purposely take her purse nor did she steal it. In her effort to make things right Soobin used SB and her deep gratitude towards Nayoung's family. Her problem is that it backfired. It's not her loss of pride that prevents her from apologizing to SB, it's becaus she has too much pride. She feels that someon like SB is not worthy enough for her to apologize to. That's why she is constantly making references to SB's lack of parents and family and, her lack of education. She wants to put her down at every opportunity.

I truly hope SB comes to her senses and ets HS know her true feelings. In my book, she is the stronger and better person and finds her pride in herself and how she treats others. :)

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