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Is It Strange For Non-christians To Wear Cross Jewelry?

Guest すみ☆

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Guest onhotwires

I was raised in a Roman Catholic family, but I am not at all devout.

Personally, I don't find it offensive if a non-Christian wears a cross, but I do find it kind of weird. The cross carries a very strong meaning in Christianity (obviously) and many Christians wear it as a means to show their faith/feel like they have God with them even more strongly. So to see someone reduce it to a mere fashion statement is just..... Plus, the cross isn't even anything that attractive, a t-shape, whoooo.

I like the cross design

Why should we feel strange wearing a design?

The cross is also prevalent in other religions.

Well, first, I wish you could elaborate which religions. Also, if the cross is prevalent in other religions, it only makes me believe more that the majority of the non-devout (rather, the ones who don't even bother to understand/appreciate the significance of crosses) who wear crosses should not wear them. because honestly, how many of these people actually wear the cross for any other reason but an aesthetic one?I mean, if it's just the symbol of one religion that you're so callously treating as a fashion statement, that's one thing, but several?

By the way, I don't wear crosses.

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Guest Modoki

well the cross is based on a pagan symbolism anyway o_O so shouldn't the pagans feel offended lol. having a religion that persecuted them use their symbol.

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Guest GiRlli3

i really want to wear cuz some of them are adorable!~ but then i don't want to cuz I'm not christian

not that anyone say I can't I just think it's wrong for me to

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Guest DovesFlock

well the cross is based on a pagan symbolism anyway o_O so shouldn't the pagans feel offended lol. having a religion that persecuted them use their symbol.

Yeah, I am Christian and its not a big deal to me like that because of the very reason its connected to paganism.

If your wearing crucifixes for a fashion statement then that may be odd. Then again I've seen peopl who aren't even Hindu wearing necklaces or caring totes that have Hindu gods of them.

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Guest stickearth

I think it should be okay. I always wanted the cross earing jaejoong has but then I felt bad cause I'm not christian.

But then its not like they attack us if we do. Its all good as long as you look good.

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Guest EchoOff

yeah. i feel like we're forbidden to.

and it's not like i want to anyways.. cause i'm not christian or anything.

i let good jewelry pass by because they had crosses on them :(

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Guest lalaleidy

I'm Christian and I wore cross necklace. ^^

I've never heard that the church forbids them not to.

So, technically, I really don't know.

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Guest A.lee

Personally.. i think it's more funny.. if you're atheist or believe in another religion...

why would you go around with the most meaningful and powerful physical representation of Christianity

hung around your neck or dangling from your ears?

kind of ironic : P but people still do it.

yeah, i agree with that lol

im christian and i think that people who arent christian shouldnt wear it because if you arent then why are you wearing something that symbolizes christianity. its offensive cause we take it seriously but others are wearing it for fashion etc.

i hope people dont bash on me and stuff just cause i said that. you asked for my opinion, there you have it.

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Guest zomgitschu

i think it's pretty weird.

lol this reminds me of one time, i bought a notebook that looked like a deathnote and it included a chain necklace with a cross pendant thingy. my mom saw it and was like "why did you get that? we're not christian!"

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Guest Muij<3

I think it's alright since it's really a fashion statement and not religously offensive.

Plus its probabaly because i think they're really cool eventhough im not a christian. My mum found it strange when i bought some cross earrings she was like 'right?...your not christian though'

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Guest crescendoll

i'm an atheist and i wear cross earrings.

i'd wear a cross necklace too if i had one. :)

besides, it's not like i'm wearing it to say anything bad about christianity.

i feel like i'm kind of promoting it?

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Guest _dax_

I wear cross jewelry and I'm not religious.

I think of the 'cross' more as a symbol of luck;

similar to a four-leaf clover charm or a rabbit foot.

Its more of fashion statement of the designed 'cross.'

A similar discussion could be why wear 'skull' jewelry,

if it can be associated with the devil or something evil.

My answer to that is the same.

Symbols can be powerful, but it shouldn't be taken 'too' seriously.

Don't judge a person because of 'symbols' they choose to wear;

It could be a simple reason- "because they thought it looked cool,"

unaware of the real meaning, or not intending to be offensive.


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Guest xjuiiccy

To me, it's so weird--

my friend wore cross earrings today

& her friends would ask her,

"Oh, you're Christian now ?"

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Guest comcis

I don't think it's strange at all, I amnot christian and I have lots of cross jewelry, they just look nice :D, and they become a fashion statement nowadays :D

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Guest poipoi098

i'm fine with people wearing cross jewelry. but if people wear something like a crucifix, like you know, extra long at the down part, instead of just a normal cross, it's kinda offensive for some christians.

like if someone who supports another religion wears the most obvious symbol of christianity just for fashion, is kinda disrespecting the religion.

i think that fashion and religion should never be mixed up.

but that's just me :)

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Guest moshimo

i voted i'd rather not / not christian.

why would non-christians want to wear it?

it's obvious that the symbol actually means something to religious people

so i would feel bad or offensive towards them.

it wouldn't feel right putting such jewelry on anyway.

i would NEVER do that. period.

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