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Is It Strange For Non-christians To Wear Cross Jewelry?

Guest すみ☆

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Guest sungae

why would it be strange for non christians to wear crosses? o_O

it's just a shape.

and if christians were only allowed to wear crosses, why should easter and christmas and whatnot be celebrated/commercialized?

i mean. unless it was one of those crosses with jesus nailed onto it (is that called a crucifix? I don't know o_o; ), it'd be kind of weird

-random thought-

it's like saying that only people of [insert ethnicity here] can have tattoos in that certain language.

alot of people get tattoos that are chinese or japanese or whatnot and some people consider that "fashion," don't they?

isn't it kind of like the same thing? ._.

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Guest iPhets

People forget that crosses are not a religious symbol but rather CRUCIFIXES are.

Pagans came up with crosses first and this belief is not a religion yet as its not been recognised as one.

^^ i agree with both of you.

to me its a shape..and it looks nice so i occasionally wear it

but it would be weird to see someone thats not christian wearing a crucifix..

and to answer the question, i dont find it strange

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Guest sayuri43

nah, look at Kim Jaejoong. It just looks fashionable on him.




I think it looks fine.

Like someone said, a cross is different from a crucifix. It'd be strange to wear a crucifix as a fashion thing.

Credits: photobucket search :\

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Guest x. suki

i dont think its strange but if i wasn't christian i wouldn't wear it :X

it's not rude.. but it just isn't right

haha i dunno. just my thought =)

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Guest ilovejaejoong

i think crosses are okay. but crucifixes..uhm i'm kind of iffy about that. i mean, it could offend people if you're an atheist and then you go parading a crucifix around as a fashion statement. but crosses are definitely okay, IMO..


when i think about it, it's only really 'wrong' if someone wears the crucifix or even the cross to intentionally disrespect its meaning. or if you totally hate christianity and then go around wearing it to show you dont care, uhm yeah it's offensive. but if you just dont believe in it, i think it's okay..

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Guest kimchee1

a lot of people actually wear crosses , just cus they liKe it even thoe theyre not christian. but we all know what it's meant for.

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a cross is just a cross ~ it means different things for different people

they sell cross necklaces labelled as ship-ja necklaces in korea (as in the number 10)

so if you want to wear it, wear it. they can't stop you just because of their religion

me and my best friend wear them sometimes and we are the most non-religious poeple you will ever meet

we have friends really into christianity but they leave us alone

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Guest Lovelight

nope. it's a trend now. pretty big one too. i'm not a christian and i occasionally wear cross earrings and such. my friend once thought i was wearing crucifixes as earrings...i was just like, :mellow: no way man. i ain't christian. @_@

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Guest intrasigence

ARGH. I was just thinking that after buying a cross shaped necklace yesterday! LOL The one that Ishida Uryuu has in BLEACH. Techinically, it has a cross shaped pattern, but there's still like... a ring shape over it. LOL

Ehh... It shouldn't be wrong... right? LOL I dunno. D: I hope not. : D

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Guest witchery

it's not that strange...

cross jewellery has sort of become like a fashion trend, not as meaningful as it should be =S

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It's not a matter of religious belief at most times.

It's just a matter of fashion statement.

All of the Cross jewelry I've seen don't have Jesus Christ himself on it, so I don't think why this should be much of an issue.

If it's just a plain cross, then it's just a cross.

But if Jesus is in it, then it's a completely different story.

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What's the difference other than one has Jesus on it? They both bear the same message... :vicx:

To you it may bear the same message but to everyone else it delivers a different message.

Crosses mean differently in different religions, cultures, beliefs, etc.

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Guest _chelle

i'm christian and i guess it's a bit funny when other people wear it since it's basically a symbol of roman torture and suffering and how jesus went through all of it for us.

whenever i wear my cross jewelry i tend to think about the meaning a lot. i dunno, that's just me.

but, i never really thought about it too much. and i dont like scream "OMG, you're wearing cross jewelry and you're not christian! how RUDE!!"

i only think it's really really weird when those weird wannabe rappers that no one even knows about rap about sex and drugs and all that fun stuff while wearing huuuge crosses and crucifixes. er crucifix symbols? crucifix jewelry. does that make sense?

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Guest busagiboo

I absolutely love crosses and am in love with them, but I feel like I'm forbidden to wear them.

I remember this one time when I wore cross stud earrings to school and my friends noticed. One isn't really Christian but goes to church because her parents force her to, and another is very open about being against Christianity. She always makes fun of Jesus and saying that Christians are stupid and Christianity is a stupid faith. But I wore them and they made fun of me for it and said that in order to wear cross earrings or jewelry with crosses, you have to be Christian. I find that that is total b.s.

I would love to wear crosses more often to school and anywhere I go, but if I do, I'll just get made fun of and discriminated because I'm not really Christian. I mean, I've just recently started to think more about Christianity and my belief in it, but I still feel as if I'm not allowed to wear cross jewelry because my friends all think I'm atheist.

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Guest j1youngxj3

yea...i mean...if you're not christian..why would you go around wearing crosses and stuff..?? but it is a very pretty symbol =]

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Guest punchmydreams

i feel weird bout it but it has become a fashion statement ...i bought a hero necklace from a soompier and it's a cross tag 1inch or so ...in order to wear it i HAVE to flip it to the plain side ...but i have no problem wearing anything thing else that shows buddaism, hinduism ...and others along those ...but if the cross is small enough i will wear it ...but overall i think it's fine for anyone to wear the cross ...it's your choice xD

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