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Is It Strange For Non-christians To Wear Cross Jewelry?

Guest すみ☆

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Guest Soulever

It's kinda like when celebs were wearing Buddhist mala prayer beads as bracelets. If you know what's up with the religion and the meaning behind it, you seem really cool/cultured/knowledgeable.

But if someone asks you about the seemingly religious accessory and you giggle and say, "Oh I dunno, it's for fashion!" You might look a little silly.

To those who do not practice in the religion, sure, it's just a symbol or a fashion accessory. But please, remember these things mean something profound to certain people who hold these symbols VERY close to their heart.

Really, it depends on how culturally sensitive you are to how other people will feel about it. Some people might think you are trivializing something that has been around for thousands of years that people take very seriously.

Wear it with respect for the people who hold these things sacred. With that, I wouldn't wear a cross with saaay, something anti-Christian, you know?

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Guest illumine*

I actually think it's offensive when someone who's not Christian wears the crucifix/cross (even if the two are different, it means the same thing to a Christian) just for the sake of fashion and being with the "in" crowd. -_-

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↓ Last time I checked, "in" and fashion give the same connotation.

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Guest understanding_fiction

^ a lot of people don't wear it to be "in," they just like the shape

i think it's pretty stupid that people start bible bashing just because they're wearing crosses

and that's the reason that although i love how crosses look, i avoid them

It is not known when the first cross image was made; after circles, crosses are one of the first symbols drawn by children of all cultures. There are many cross-shaped incisions in European cult caves, dating back to the earliest stages of human cultural development in the stone age. Like other symbols from this period, their use continued in the Celtic cultures in Europe. For example, celtic coins minted many centuries before the Christian era may have an entire side showing this type of cross, sometimes with the five cardinal points marked by concave depressions in the same style as in stoneage carvings.

it's not like crosses originated from Christianity, but because of the symbolism, it's now apparently "wrong" for any non-Christian to wear them

i feel like we're forbidden to haha

I've always wondered that! I'm not Christian, but I find a lot of cross jewelry to be really pretty. I wanted to buy this pair of cross earrings once, but then in the end, I decided not to. :mellow:

I have a few crosses but I'm not Christian.

I had someone actually hiss at me as a joke when I wore one.

my mom told me religion isn't and shouldn't be mixed in with fashion so she doesn't want me to wear any. o_o i woudl love to wear some but i guess she does have a point

i'm so afraid that someone i know will get offended, so i steer clear

i guess it's ok to wear them around people who don't know you though? i mean it's not like strangers will go up to you and ask about it.

I like the cross necklace ppl wear so i bought myself one, when i went schhool to wear it..my friend who's christian says ''why are you wearing that you're not a christian''

haha so that puts me off wearing it now :tears:

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Guest JunRi<3

Okay in my opinion, I don't necessarily favor people who wear cross jewelry just to be "in." The cross does mean a lot to me as a Christian so it's weird when I see people with cross earrings, necklaces, etc when they're not really Christian. You guys are right though, it's just a symbol and is different from a crucifix. But still. I wouldn't wear like earrings with Buddha on them or like a necklace with Buddha on it if I weren't Buddhist. Makes people wonder you know? But I'm not really gonna notice if I just see people with cross jewelry or whatever. If it looks nice, then it's alright with me.

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Guest konayuki28

uh no?

why would it be weird? lol i dont find it weird and im a Christian

i see nonchristians wear it all the time~

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Crosses are for everyone.

Now if a non-Christian wore a crucifix, even I would be a bit weirded out...

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Guest angel_cutie


i feel kinda akward when i wear them cuz my parents are =\ when they see me wear them..i

mean my earrings,but i love them

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I also heard the Swastika sign backwards is the Buddhist sign.

More like vise versa.

The Buddhist sign backwards is the Swastika. -_-

Blah. I mean, what if you going around wearing a Buddhist

sign and someone accuses you of being a Nazi. O_O

it's happened to me on more than one occasion.

i also think i should be allowed to wear the star of david.

which i do. although i'm not jewish.

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i have quite a few cross necklaces, i never knew it was such a big deal, i mean probably for really religion bound people. but i always thought of it as a fashion statement, i'vent offended anyone yet either.


as much as most of you soompiers are going to say it's ashame that a religion symbol has turned into a fashion statement, we all know a majority of you guys still love the idea of the cross being used for fashion purposes, the whole hype started only because the Korean celebrities *cough DBSK/SUJU** started sporting those cross earrings, and yes...they probably are christians, but lets be real here, you can't stop a trend.

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Guest soojinnnn

Nowadays, crosses seem to be more of a style thing than a religious symbol.

Even some christians who wear the cross don't really acknowledge it for its religious value.

Seems more of a punkish thing now ahaha.

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Guest lovejyk

catholics wear crosses.... but no i don't think anything is wrong with it.

What the heck? You never seen their rosemaries before? Catholics sport crosses too -_-

YES. as much as I think the Nazi symbol looks cool, I wouldn't sport it.

A clockwise Swastika is a part of Sanskrit. The Nazis used it as their symbol but they flipped it over and used the counter-clockwise Swastika. But there is a taboo over the symbol (clockwise and counterclockwise) in western countries because of its linkage with Nazis. But supposedly the Swastika was a spiritual/religious symbol as well as a good luck charm in the west before the Nazis came into being in Europe.

But with my opinion on this, I don't think its a problem that you wear whatever symbol because you think the symbol looks cool. As long as you know the origins of that symbol, what it means, and what it stands for, its fine with me. I don't think non-Christians should talk against Christianity but sport crosses on themselves however and that goes with any other religious symbol.

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