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Lead Thread

Guest ikuZE

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Guest chocramen_keita

yea akiriyo-chan!!! dat overgrown ototo of mine aka kawaii n hyper hubby of urs ish freakin kawaii like you!!! suits u perfectly!!! *pinches cheeks hard* gyahahahah XDD *runs* arigatou ne ikuze-chan for all da news!!! *huggles* lead 11th single??!!! O_O dats damn fast!!!! i got no money now =____=" blegh.... shadow of love... hmm... sounds nice ne ^^ i hope there'll be more rapping in it ^^ keifu rapping!!! XD june ne?? i hav time to collect money for it!!! yeay!!! XD keifu really loves pink lol XDD pink no keifu ^o^/ yeay!!! hiroki trading card type B ^^ kinda funny too XDD *dies laughing* lead really need to get backu to their cool hip-hopish style ne!!!! miss it very much >.< cant wait LEAD MOVIES 3!!!!! today... march 22.... leaders party 3!!! *flies to japan* anyone wanna come wimme ne?? ikuzo!!! XD

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Guest misz leedah

^why are you talking about DASH! here =___= ehh i don't like them.

i guess ryo looks the best out of them =\ haha nao has a really round face.

urmz, bcuz they're the mini version of lead, & lead's supporting them, so yeah.

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Guest ikuZE

^ may i ask which show these caps are from?? i want to watch it =(

er which show..

if you are talking about the cooking one it's from chichin-puipui

urmz, bcuz they're the mini version of lead, & lead's supporting them, so yeah.

i like nao :) he's really genki


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cred: la couleur, me, wretch.cc, other

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Guest MizerRiyo

Ikuze O_O *salutes* You came up with lots of cool pictures *Q*

Aaaaah Akira with glasses looks so nerdy and dorky XDD But kawaii of course =P

Kyaaah I dunno what to type anymore x) Those are awesome!

Thanks for sharing ^^

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Guest MisZ UccHi

whOA.. cho many people all the sudden! ^^ YEAY~!!! LEAD thread is back! sugoii ne!! Ikuze! NICE-su caps! Shinya kun look totemo kawaii ne.. as usual.. ^^ RABU RABU Shinya kun!! ^^ me cho in LOVE.. Shinya kun new hairstyle is cho kakoii ne.. kakoii kakoii ne! :wub: Lookie.. Shinya kun smile is kawaii as always.. me cho in love.. ^^ yessu!! kawaii ne! YEAY~! Lene is in love with Shinya kun for the 8,88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888.......................................... Shinya kun totemo kawaii ne.. cho in LOVE! Cho cuTE! Lookie lookie! Shinya kun smile is always cho sWEET! ^^

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Guest misz leedah

gosh, it's only been a couple of years, & they've changed so much thru physical appearance, clothing style, music styles, etc. no offense, but i miss the old lead. idk why, but i like how they used to be before. i almost cried the other day cuz i remembered how i used to be so obsessed with them... so obsessed... especially shinya... lol. kinda freaky though, i knew all of their vocies by heart, knew who sang what part in every song, knew what song would come after that song, & i knew like everything about them... haha. oh well, i still like them, but maybe the change was too big for me so i'm not used to it. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest ikuZE

^ you're weird, werent u just raving about virgin blue a few pages back?

anyways lead have been around since 2002. akira was only 13 and now they are almost 18.. of course there will be changes. that is a pretty long time and they are growing up. their music style hasn't changed as dramatically as people claim. they still have similar style in their music as from the past. just that they are more mature and have improved vocally (my opinion). i've heard a lot of people bashing the virgin blue outfits, but i will still continue to support lead no matter what they look like. it's not like they wear those clothes in their daily life. they are still the same people.

ps. they can't be little kids forever

EEP *__* Such pretty scans <333 Which magazine is the first magazine scan from?

JUNON May 2006

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Guest misz leedah

yeah, i was really into "virgin blue", but idk... i kinda faded away from lead. maybe it's cuz they got less hip hopish? i really liked "virgin blue"... but when i heard "cosmic drive"... everything was just so diff for me. lol. i still like them, but i'm less into them. i'm still stuck on their lil boi days. :( & i miss the way they dressed, but i do haveta say... they really did vocally improve.

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Guest Orange boogaloo

Thanks! I need to get my hands on that issue.

Yeah, Lead has really grown up through the years. Who woulda thought it's already been almost 4 years now? They've matured both physically and mentally (but they're still the same dorks as always!). Their vocals too have improved so much too. Their voices now have become so nice and smooth. And well, as for their style, well they'll work on it. But I'm sure whatever style they give us, they won't disappoint us!

Plus, I love their Virgin Blue outfits. Each member's outfit is similar in the style, but still unique. And I'm a sucker for anything colorful XD

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