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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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TL Kang saw.....

Bum Sang and Cho Hee sitting in a tree errrrr bed:


First comes love,

then comes marriage,

then comes the baby in the golden carriage! joke only! loool.gif

..,hahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:


TL Kang saw BS holding on to CH's hand while they're having a good conversation. TL Kang paused for a minute and knock on the door, and said, "am I disturbing something"? CH immediately release her hand from BS grip, and give TL Kang a shy smile. TL Kang came to see how BS is doing and he thank BS for doing such a heroic thing for Chief Noh and especially CH's brother. CH also, said thank you to BS. TL Kang sat next to BS left side of the bed while CH is on the right side. Another, quiet moment.......

CH got up and excused herself to get something to drink for TL Kang. TL Kang said, no, it's not necessary, i'm just here to see how KBS is doing and I should head out soon, we still have Kim Sang to catch and prosecute. CH immediately ask TL Kang, "then, can i walk you out?" CH slightly look at KBS's way and give him a smile.

As TL Kang and CH walking down the hall, TL stop and grab CH's hand then said, "Cho Hee-shii,?" Do you like KBS? (dam ta ra rum!!)

anyone wanna continue? my head hurts...hahahaha

.., :lol: :lol: :lol: omo ok let me try....

As Kang and CH walking down the hall, Kang stop and grab CH's hand then said, "Cho Hee-shii," Do you like KBS? CH was shocked and blush at the same time she take her hand back and said "pangchangniem omo what are you saying, you go ahead pangchangniem ka " then Kang

just walk away looking puzzled...

CH goes back to the room of KBS but KBS was in deep sleep, she stared KBS and thinking, does she really falling in-love with KBS she was really confused she touch her heart and starting to breath heavily "omo what is happening to me i can't breath" she found some oxygen apparatus and used it, she was breathing in and out as she has some asthma or something then KBS awake because of the commotion CH is making he asked CH if she's okey, CH says yes im fine, already awake? CH said to KBS and KBS said yes i was awake because of you, CH just smiled then she asked KBS if its okey if she leaved KBS for a moment and go to CHIEF NOH for some questioning, KBS said yes but she should come back ASAP, CH promise KBS that she will be back then walks out....

(omo any one want to continue)

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Guest Aisheturu

Thanks to Kim Jo Yan for your information!

Haha~~~ you gals are real good script writers.......... Awesome

My only worry is that the ending might be open-ended again. And both KBS & CH are just too reserved in their love confessions........with the involvement of CH's father and brother.... seems a bit complicated towards the ending.

I used to think KBS represent KBS TV station.......hehe :P

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Guest kanshu
oh COOL! thanks for starting this kanshu!

note: please excuse my grammatical errors! i'm still fobbishh hahahahaha *toinks*

he looks up to see....HCH, holding onto him, looking down with tears in her eyes. Her eyes lit up when he smiles and he try to reach for her face to wipe away her tears. HCH, asked, are you okay? KBS said, never better now that you're here. HCH said, BABO! Why are you trying to be so brave to fend all the bad guys by yourself!!BABO! BABO! HCH starts hitting him, while KBS started laughing. KBS got a hold of her hand, and hold on to it gently and put it close to his heart, and started saying something, but then TL Kang started yelling, YAH! KBS! we need to get you to the hospital!

as HCH holding onto his hand, and KBS couldn't keep his eyes off her. He started feeling sleepy, his eyes slowly closing in because of the sedative they've given him. KBS manages to say something to HCH, "What took you so long to come to me?!" Don't you know that you are the last person in my mind while getting beat up!? You don't know how much you mean to me!! HCH, said, aigoo....why is that sedative not working? getting mad at me for no reason. You're the one who got yourself into this mess, trying to be so brave! aisshh!!! maybe i shouldn't come here then! We'll see how you feel!? KBS, yelled back, WHAT?! You don't want to see me?!?!? You want me to die alone?!?!?!?! You want me to go??!?!?!? You want me to go without telling you, "I LOVE YOU!" KBS then softly whisper, "I sincerely love you"..then he slips into deep sleep.

(Oi, administering sedative on a concussion?!?... )

... KBS comes around in the ambulance again, he's confused. Next to him sits Chief Noi snd a very worried looking HCH.

"I love you..." mutters KBS, wondering why he's in the ambulance when he's supposed to be in the hospital? But his head hurts too much to think straight, he just looks at HCH's face who's looking at him wide eyed. But she says nothing, just her eyes brim with tears and love, as her expression goes gentle and she takes his hand. Feeling safe and secure, KBS closes his eyes, but remembers -


"He's fine. You saved him," says Chief Noi. "No, you saved both of us. Thank you."

KBS smiles, then closes his eyes again. They finally arrive at the hospital, and the Chief & KBS are hurried into the ER room for examinations, leaving behind HCH, who is quite worried... and who can't stop thinking about KBS risking his life for Gyoon.

Meanwhile, TL Kang and the team are cleaning up at the crime scene, trying to find evidence. The team returns to the office, and those of the henchmen who had just minor injuries are brought in for interrogation. But they know what's good for them and keep their mouth shut, rather than evoking Kim Sang's wrath. Gyoon's report is helpful, but TL Kang soon realizes that their problem is considerably bigger than he had thought. How can he get sufficient evidence to get Kim Sang, and to bring down CEO Jang at the same time? He's at a loss. There's still no news from the hospital about KBS and Chief Noi. He wonders how HCH must feel, but figures that all he can do for her right now is to avert the danger from her and her family. As he sits and thinks, Lady Wang enters his office. She brings in a sandwhich and some hot tea, telling him that it's not good if he tries to solve problems on an empty stomach...

Back to the hospital... where KBS is still in treatment for his head injuries. The doctor explain to HCH that KBS's probably all right, that it's a heavy concussion that will need a few weeks in bed, at least. But with KBS slipping in and out of consciousness, and him insisting that he's fine and this is all just a bad dream, they want to run further tests on him, so they are going to do a brain scan to be safe.

HCH wants to see KBS, but because of the tests, she can't just yet. So she asks about Chief No, and she's told that he just has a slight concussion and needs to stay down for a couple of days, so she can see him once he has been settled in his room.

HCH calls TL Kang and informs him about what's going on, and also asks about if he made any progress in the investigation.

Thanks to Kim Jo Yan for your information!

Haha~~~ you gals are real good script writers.......... Awesome

My only worry is that the ending might be open-ended again. And both KBS & CH are just too reserved in their love confessions........with the involvement of CH's father and brother.... seems a bit complicated towards the ending.

I used to think KBS represent KBS TV station.......hehe :P

I thought that their confessions are very much in character. Also, KBS sort of "chickening out" of openly declaring his love for KBS to her fits his character perfectly. Someone like him, to say the three words, he'd want a perfect setting. He's probably coming up with the most romatic, most kitsch version of declariation ever...

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Guest mead33

not sure what it means, is ldg's concert in Japan cancelled??

이동건, 일본 콘서트 무산위기…올림픽 때문에?[스포츠서울] 2008년 08월 13일(수) 오전 10:15 가i_pls.gifi_mns.gif| 이메일| 프린트 btn_atcview1017.gif


가수 겸 탤런트 이동건(28)이 2008 베이징 올림픽 때문에 스케줄 관리에 비상이 걸렸다. 그가 출연 중인 MBC '밤이면 밤마다' 의 방영 일정이 올림픽 중계로 일주일 더 늘어났기 때문이다. 이 때문에 드라마 종영에 맞춰 일본으로 건너가 콘서트를 준비하려던 스케줄에도 문제가 생겼다. '밤이면 밤마다'는 당초 12일 16회를 끝으로 막을 내릴 예정이었다. 그러나 최종회가 올림픽 중계 때문에 결방되면서 일주일 뒤인 18일로 옮겨졌다. 문제는 대부분의 월화 드라마들이 화요일에 막을 내린다는 점이다. 결국 화요일 종영을 위해 1회 방송이 연장됐고 하루 뒤인 19일 17회로 끝을 맺게 됐다. 종영일이 일주일 뒤로 미뤄진 것은 물론 촬영 분량도 크게 늘어났다. 드라마의 열성팬들은 1회를 더 시청할 수 있게 돼 좋지만 주인공인 이동건으로서는 연장 계획이 날벼락이나 다름없다. 이동건은 오는 22일 일본에서 열리는 콘서트를 위해 14일 출국할 계획이다. 제작진과 여러 차례 상담하며 스케줄을 조율하려 노력했지만 일본 출국 계획은 도저히 미룰 수가 없었다. 콘서트를 위해 일본의 스태프들이 모든 준비 일정을 이동건의 일본 입국에 맞춰 놓았기 때문이다. 결국 14일전까지 드라마의 연장된 분량의 촬영을 끝내기로 했다. 살인적인 스케줄은 두말할 나위가 없고 종방연에도 참석하지 못하게 됐다. 드라마의 제목처럼 '밤이면 밤마다' 밤샘 촬영에만 매달리는 상황으로 다시 돌아가게 됐다. 이동건 측은 "일본에서 데뷔 첫 콘서트를 치르기 때문에 준비에 만전을 기하고 있다. 드라마도 유종의 미를 거들 수 있도록 남은 시간동안 최선을 다하겠다"면서 팬들의 걱정을 달랬다. 김도훈기자 dica@

Was reading the Chinese translation of the above. Basically saying that LDG has a very tight schedule due to his concert in Japan. The shooting would be wrapping up on Aug 14, which is also the day he is to fly to Japan. So LDG would not be able to attend the final showing conference (what is that?)

I thought that their confessions are very much in character. Also, KBS sort of "chickening out" of openly declaring his love for KBS to her fits his character perfectly. Someone like him, to say the three words, he'd want a perfect setting. He's probably coming up with the most romatic, most kitsch version of declariation ever...

wonder how he would do it?

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QUOTE (kanshu @ Aug 13 2008, 04:22 AM)

I thought that their confessions are very much in character. Also, KBS sort of "chickening out" of openly declaring his love for KBS to her fits his character perfectly. Someone like him, to say the three words, he'd want a perfect setting. He's probably coming up with the most romatic, most kitsch version of declariation ever...

wonder how he would do it?

I wonder too - not in the hospital, I think? Any guesses?????

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Guest kanshu
Was reading the Chinese translation of the above. Basically saying that LDG has a very tight schedule due to his concert in Japan. The shooting would be wrapping up on Aug 14, which is also the day he is to fly to Japan. So LDG would not be able to attend the final showing conference (what is that?)

wonder how he would do it?

Thanks for the translation. :)

How would KBS want to declare his love...

Mhm... that depends. Keep in mind that he considers himself an "expert" on women, so he "knows" what women want. Also, he's still a show-off, and he certainly wants to do better than TL Kang (I wonder how he wants to do that, I thought TL Kang really delivered a great line, all in all! Even knowing he has no chance, he at least said it, honestly and directly... which is the perfect way to approach HCH.) ...

So, KBS will probably have to think very hard about it... the usual things, like a cozy restaurant and stuff, will not work... so perhaps, he'll look out for some historical site?

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Guest fiona1111
i can't help myself, i had to write some lovey-dovey for KBS and HCH...forgot all about Gyoon, Chief Noh and the rest of the gang....

oh, you going away? still, have a good trip with your family...i hope and pray that the hotel you'll be staying at have MBC channel..hehe if not, there's always this thread to go back to....i know, it won't be the same feeling of excitement watching it with everyone here...haha!




i know! :D i'm so excited to see what happens to the HCH-KBS love story. :wub:

thanks mzpakipot! i'm praying that the hotel will have MBC... huhuhu :tears: or even just internet access...:tears: so that i can watch it live with you guys! it really won't be as fun if i don't...at least this thread will stay right here!

*hugs back* thanks mzpakipot!

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Guest jastinel
In the last ep after the confession KBS says to HCH that TL is very charming but asks what kind of place is this to confess. he then adds, when he confesses, he's going to confess someplace nice with the right mood. HCH then looks at him strange because he insinuates he's going to confess to her. KBS catches that she caught on and then adds "that's if I was going to confess".

I hope there will be a scene where he would make a confession.

I imagine KBS will invite CH for a diner date in a romantic place, he will send her a gift, a dress and a lovely shoes, plus a note that she should wear that on that night.

CH would appear very stunning on that night, that KBS would just keep staring at her all night.

KBS would asked CH to dance while an orchestra is playing a love song.

Then, while dancing KBS would wispher the word I love you to CH and on his pocket,

he got a ring, he will bend his knees, put the ring on CH`s finger and ask her to marry him.

CH will ask KBS to get up and she will kiss him, after that she will say...Yes...I will marry you!

Guy`s I had so much fun reading you`re script, please continue up to the 17 episode.

I hope the writers of WIAN will make us happy. I hope LDG can finished all his part in episode 16-17,

the last part would mean so much, if it was made in good taste. So it means, today is the last day of shooting?

fiona1111, have fun with your family, when you go back, were still here and we will have lots of discussion.

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Thanks to Kim Jo Yan for your information!

Haha~~~ you gals are real good script writers.......... Awesome

My only worry is that the ending might be open-ended again. And both KBS & CH are just too reserved in their love confessions........with the involvement of CH's father and brother.... seems a bit complicated towards the ending.

I used to think KBS represent KBS TV station.......hehe :P

..,your welcome Aisheturu :D :D :D

..,just hope they won't do that kind of ending..

..,pls BamBam writers don't do an open-ending finale pls..pls..pls.. :tears: :tears: :tears:

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Guest fiona1111
wonder how he would do it?

i hope KBS would find the perfect time to do it in the midst of the Kim Sang and CEO Jang conflict, so that KBS and HCH can face the problems together... :D

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(Oi, administering sedative on a concussion?!?... )

... KBS comes around in the ambulance again, he's confused. Next to him sits Chief Noi snd a very worried looking HCH.

"I love you..." mutters KBS, wondering why he's in the ambulance when he's supposed to be in the hospital? But his head hurts too much to think straight, he just looks at HCH's face who's looking at him wide eyed. But she says nothing, just her eyes brim with tears and love, as her expression goes gentle and she takes his hand. Feeling safe and secure, KBS closes his eyes, but remembers -


"He's fine. You saved him," says Chief Noi. "No, you saved both of us. Thank you."

KBS smiles, then closes his eyes again. They finally arrive at the hospital, and the Chief & KBS are hurried into the ER room for examinations, leaving behind HCH, who is quite worried... and who can't stop thinking about KBS risking his life for Gyoon.

Meanwhile, TL Kang and the team are cleaning up at the crime scene, trying to find evidence. The team returns to the office, and those of the henchmen who had just minor injuries are brought in for interrogation. But they know what's good for them and keep their mouth shut, rather than evoking Kim Sang's wrath. Gyoon's report is helpful, but TL Kang soon realizes that their problem is considerably bigger than he had thought. How can he get sufficient evidence to get Kim Sang, and to bring down CEO Jang at the same time? He's at a loss. There's still no news from the hospital about KBS and Chief Noi. He wonders how HCH must feel, but figures that all he can do for her right now is to avert the danger from her and her family. As he sits and thinks, Lady Wang enters his office. She brings in a sandwhich and some hot tea, telling him that it's not good if he tries to solve problems on an empty stomach...

Back to the hospital... where KBS is still in treatment for his head injuries. The doctor explain to HCH that KBS's probably all right, that it's a heavy concussion that will need a few weeks in bed, at least. But with KBS slipping in and out of consciousness, and him insisting that he's fine and this is all just a bad dream, they want to run further tests on him, so they are going to do a brain scan to be safe.

HCH wants to see KBS, but because of the tests, she can't just yet. So she asks about Chief No, and she's told that he just has a slight concussion and needs to stay down for a couple of days, so she can see him once he has been settled in his room.

HCH calls TL Kang and informs him about what's going on, and also asks about if he made any progress in the investigation.

..,you are really a writer huh kanshu i think this one is really good....

Thanks for the translation. :)

How would KBS want to declare his love...

Mhm... that depends. Keep in mind that he considers himself an "expert" on women, so he "knows" what women want. Also, he's still a show-off, and he certainly wants to do better than TL Kang (I wonder how he wants to do that, I thought TL Kang really delivered a great line, all in all! Even knowing he has no chance, he at least said it, honestly and directly... which is the perfect way to approach HCH.) ...

So, KBS will probably have to think very hard about it... the usual things, like a cozy restaurant and stuff, will not work... so perhaps, he'll look out for some historical site?

..,maybe KBS will do it in some memorable place or KBS will give HCH something that would always remind of the confession of KBS,

lets say their "artifacts of love"....

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Guest fiona1111
fiona1111, have fun with your family, when you go back, were still here and we will have lots of discussion.

thanks jastinel! i'm looking forward to having lots of good discussions with you guys! that's why i love being part of this thread. :D

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i know! :D i'm so excited to see what happens to the HCH-KBS love story. :wub:

thanks mzpakipot! i'm praying that the hotel will have MBC... huhuhu :tears: or even just internet access...:tears: so that i can watch it live with you guys! it really won't be as fun if i don't...at least this thread will stay right here!

*hugs back* thanks mzpakipot!

..,i hope and pray that the hotel your gonna stay has a MBC channel...hehehe

hope you had a good day on your trip... B):D

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Guest fiona1111

..,maybe KBS will do it in some memorable place or KBS will give HCH something that would always remind of the confession of KBS,

lets say their "artifacts of love"....

:lol: that's a really nice way to put it! "artifacts of love" really applies to them both. :D

maybe KBS should do it under a starry night sky? :D that would be so romantic. :D

..,i hope and pray that the hotel your gonna stay has a MBC channel...hehehe

hope you had a good day on your trip... B):D

thank you kim jo yan! wouldn't it be nice if i can watch WIAN on a flat screen TV? wahh i hope the hotel has MBC :tears:

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I hope there will be a scene where he would make a confession.

I imagine KBS will invite CH for a diner date in a romantic place, he will send her a gift, a dress and a lovely shoes, plus a note that she should wear that on that night.

CH would appear very stunning on that night, that KBS would just keep staring at her all night.

KBS would asked CH to dance while an orchestra is playing a love song.

Then, while dancing KBS would wispher the word I love you to CH and on his pocket,

he got a ring, he will bend his knees, put the ring on CH`s finger and ask her to marry him.

CH will ask KBS to get up and she will kiss him, after that she will say...Yes...I will marry you!

Guy`s I had so much fun reading you`re script, please continue up to the 17 episode.

I hope the writers of WIAN will make us happy. I hope LDG can finished all his part in episode 16-17,

the last part would mean so much, if it was made in good taste. So it means, today is the last day of shooting?

..,omo sis that was really sweet :rolleyes: :rolleyes: kakakilig if that would happen omo i think im gonna fall in my chair

because of giggling omo omo.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Guest mead33

I hope there will be a scene where he would make a confession.

I imagine KBS will invite CH for a diner date in a romantic place, he will send her a gift, a dress and a lovely shoes, plus a note that she should wear that on that night.

CH would appear very stunning on that night, that KBS would just keep staring at her all night.

KBS would asked CH to dance while an orchestra is playing a love song.

Then, while dancing KBS would wispher the word I love you to CH and on his pocket,

he got a ring, he will bend his knees, put the ring on CH`s finger and ask her to marry him.

CH will ask KBS to get up and she will kiss him, after that she will say...Yes...I will marry you!

Did KBS say that he would buy HCH shoes when he knew that HCH borrowed Lady Wang's? Ha ha, marriage would be too fast right? ;p maybe he would whisk her off to Japan where they first met? ha ha, then they can continue filming in Japan while LDG prepares for his concert at the same time!

Kanshu you are a good writer... he he, you should continue on till Ep 17...

fiona111 have fun and good luck with your internet access! :lol:

BTW, there are new photos being released by MBC http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=464820398

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Guest kanshu

:lol: that's a really nice way to put it! "artifacts of love" really applies to them both. :D

maybe KBS should do it under a starry night sky? :D that would be so romantic. :D

Or how about his grandparent's place, while putting more wood into the oven, he could come up with some ultra-cheesy lines, like "This fire is no match for the fire that burns in my heart for you... without you, I'm shivering in the cold..."

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